198 research outputs found

    Orbital Angular Momentum Waves: Generation, Detection and Emerging Applications

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    Orbital angular momentum (OAM) has aroused a widespread interest in many fields, especially in telecommunications due to its potential for unleashing new capacity in the severely congested spectrum of commercial communication systems. Beams carrying OAM have a helical phase front and a field strength with a singularity along the axial center, which can be used for information transmission, imaging and particle manipulation. The number of orthogonal OAM modes in a single beam is theoretically infinite and each mode is an element of a complete orthogonal basis that can be employed for multiplexing different signals, thus greatly improving the spectrum efficiency. In this paper, we comprehensively summarize and compare the methods for generation and detection of optical OAM, radio OAM and acoustic OAM. Then, we represent the applications and technical challenges of OAM in communications, including free-space optical communications, optical fiber communications, radio communications and acoustic communications. To complete our survey, we also discuss the state of art of particle manipulation and target imaging with OAM beams

    Geometry Modification Assessment and Design Optimization of Miniaturized Wideband Antennas

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    Maintaining small physical dimensions of antenna structures is an important consideration for contemporary wireless communication systems. Typically, antenna miniaturization is achieved through various topological modifications of the basic antenna geometries. The modifications can be applied to the ground plane, the feed line, and/or antenna radiator. Unfortunately, various topology alteration options are normally reported on a case-to-case basis. The literature is lacking systematic investigations or comparisons of different modification methods and their effects on antenna miniaturization rate as well as electrical performance. Another critical issue—apart from setting up the antenna topology—is a proper adjustment of geometry parameters of the structure so that the optimum design can be identified. Majority of researchers utilize experience-driven parameter sweeping which typically yields designs that are acceptable, but definitely not optimal. Furthermore, in many of the cases, the authors provide a cooperative progression before and after topological modifications that generally lead to a certain reduction of the antenna size, however, with appropriate parameter adjustment missing. Consequently, suitability of particular modifications in the miniaturization context is not conclusively assessed. In order to carry out such an assessment in a reliable manner, identification of the truly optimum design is necessary. This requires rigorous numerical optimization of all antenna parameters (especially in the case of complex antenna topologies) with the primary objective being size reduction, and supplementary constraints imposed on selected electrical or field characteristics. This thesis is an attempt to carry out systematic investigations concerning the relevance of geometry modifications in the context of wideband antenna miniaturization. The studies are carried out based on selected benchmark sets of wideband antennas. In order to ensure a fair comparison, all geometry parameters are rigorously tuned through EM-driven optimization to obtain the minimum footprint while maintaining acceptable electrical performance. The results demonstrate that it is possible to conclusively distinguish certain classes of topology alterations that are generally advantageous in the context of size reduction, as well as quantify the benefits of modifications applied to various parts of the antenna structure, e.g., with feed line modifications being more efficient than the ground plane and radiator ones. Several counterexamples have been discussed as well, indicating that certain modifications can be counterproductive when introduced ad hoc and without proper parameter tuning. The results of these investigations have been utilized to design several instances of novel compact wideband antennas with the focus on isolation improvement and overall antenna size reduction in multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) systems. Experimental validations confirming the numerical findings are also provided. To the best of the author’s knowledge, the presented study is the first systematic investigation of this kind in the literature and can be considered a step towards the development of better, low-cost, and more compact antennas for wireless communication systems.Fyrir þráðlaus fjarskiptakerfi er mikilvægt að tryggja að loftnet séu lítil að umfangi. Yfirleitt er smækkun loftneta náð með ýmis konar formbreytingum á grunngerðum þeirra. Formbreytingarnar geta verið á jarðtengingu, fæðilínu og / eða geislagjafa. Því miður er venjulega einungis sagt frá slíkum formbreytingum fyrir einstaka tilvik. Skortur er á kerfisbundnu mati og samanburði á mismunandi formbreytingum og hvaða áhrif þær hafa á smækkun og raffræðilega eiginleika loftneta. Annað mikilvægt atriði, fyrir utan að ákveða gerð formbreytingarinnar, er að velja stika sem lýsa nákvæmri lögun svo að bestuð hönnun geti átt sér stað. Flestir hönnuðir notast við þá aðferð að notast við stikaskimun sem byggir á reynslugögnum, en sú aðferð skilar almennt ásættanlegri hönnun, þó ekki bestaðri. Einnig er í mörgum tilvikum sagt frá samhliða þróun fyrir og eftir formbreytingu sem leiðir til smækkunar án þess að tilgreina breytingar á stikum. Fyrir vikið er erfitt að meta til hlítar ávinning af mismunandi formbreytingum. Til þess að framkvæma slíkt mat með áreiðanlegum hætti er nauðsynlegt að geta metið bestu hönnunarútfærslu nákvæmlega. Þetta kallar á ítarlega tölulega bestun allra stika sem lýsa loftnetinu (einkum fyrir loftnet flókinnar lögunnar) þar sem aðalmarkmkið bestunar er smækkun en skorður eru settar af raffræðilegum eiginleikum. Í þessari ritgerð er leitast við að kerfisbundna rannsókn á mikilvægi formbreytingna í tengslum við smækkun bandbreiðra loftneta. Rannsóknin byggir á völdum söfnum viðmiðunarloftneta. Til að tryggja rétt mat eru allir stikar er varða lögun stilltir með rafsegulfræðilegri hermun til að tryggja minnst rúmtak með ásættanlegum raffræðilegum eiginleikum. Niðurstöðurnar sýna að unnt er að greina, án vafa, ákveðna flokka formbreytinga sem eru að jafnaði til þess fallnir að smækka loftnet. Auk þessa er hægt að reikna ávinning af formbreytingum mismunandi hluta loftnetsins, t.d. að breytingar á fæðilínu eru almennt hagkvæmari en breytingar á geislagjafa eða jarðtengingu. Þá er greint frá nokkrum tilvikum þar sem tilfallandi formbreytingar geta verið til tjóns ef ekki stikaval er ekki gert með réttum hætti. Niðurstöður þessara rannsóknar hafa verið notaðar til að hanna nokkur nýstárleg breiðbandsloftnet með áherslu á smækkun og bættan aðskilnað fjölgátta (MIMO) loftneta. Töluleg hermun er sannreynd með tilraunum. Að bestu vitund höfundar er hér um fyrstu kerfisbundnu rannsókn þessarar gerðar að ræða og má reikna með að hún leiði til þróunar betri, ódýrari og smærri loftneta fyrir þráðlaus fjarskiptakerfi.The Ph.D. project was supported by the Icelandic Research Center (RANNIS) Grant 16329905

    Theory and Applications of Aperiodic (Random) Phased Arrays

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    A need for network centric topologies using mobile wireless communications makes it important to investigate new distributed beamforming techniques. Platforms such as micro air vehicles (MAVs), unattended ground sensors (UGSs), and unpiloted aerial vehicles (UAVs) can all benefit from advances in this area utilizing advantages in stealth, enhanced survivability and maximum maneuverability. Moreover, in this dissertation, electromagnetic radiation is investigated such that the signal power of each element is coherently added in the far-field region of a specified target direction with net destructive interference occurring in all other regions to suppress sidelobe behavior. This provides superior range and resolution characteristics for a variety of applications including; early warning radar, ballistic missile defense and search and rescue efforts. A wide variety of topologies can be used to confine geometrically these mobile random arrays for analysis. The distribution function for these topologies must be able to generalize the randomness within the geometry. By this means it is feasible to assume the random element distribution of a very large volumetric space will yield either a normal or Gaussian distribution. Therefore the underlying assumption stands that the statistically averaged beam pattern develops from an arrangement of uniformly or Gaussian distrusted elements; both confined to a variety of geometry of radius A and is further generalized using a simple theory based upon the Fourier Transform. Hence, this theory will be derived and serve as the foundation for advanced performance characteristics of these arrays such as its ability for sidelobe tapering, adaptive nulling and multi beam control. In addition it will be shown that for the most ideal of conditions a steerable beam pattern free of sidelobe behavior (better known as a Gaussian distribution) is quite possible. As well these random array structures will be shown to provide superior bandwidth capability over tradiational array structures since they are frequency independent. Last of all a summary of the random array analysis and its results concludes this dissertation

    On the modelization of optical devices: from dielectric cavities to radiating structures

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    Premièrement, nous allons explorer la modélisation des cavités diélectriques bidimensionnelles. Plus spécifiquement, nous allons développer différentes méthodes de modélisation valides pour des cavités diélectriques à géométrie et profil d’indice de réfraction arbitraires. Ce degré de liberté supplémentaire pourra être utilisé dans le design de microcavités pour des applications spécifiques. Un formalisme de diffusion permettra de définir les modes caractéristiques de ce type de structure et d’en calculer les résonances. Une analyse numérique des équations résultantes montrera que les méthodes intégrales sont possiblement meilleures que les méthodes différentielles. Deuxièmement, nous discuterons de la modélisation de structures radiatives. Nous utiliserons les méthodes développées dans la section précédente pour modéliser les propriétés lasers des microcavités bidimensionnelles prédites par la théorie SALT. Nous aborderons aussi la modélisation de fibres-antennes RF, plus particulièrement les câbles coaxiaux à perte radiative, dans le but d’intégrer des fonctionnalités radio dans un textile de manière transparente à l’utilisateur.In this essay, we will develop different modelization techniques valid for bidimensional dielectric cavities having arbitrary geometries and refractive index profiles and provide a way to accurately compute the resonances of such structures. The refractive index thus becomes an additional design variable for dielectric cavities. A numerical analysis of of the underlying equations of the theory will reveal that perhaps it is best to forego differential equations in favour of integral ones for the scattering problem. In the second part, we will discuss the modelization of radiating structures. Using the formalism developed in the previous section, we will study the lasing properties of bidimensional cavities using the newly developed self-consistent ab initio laser theory (SALT). We will also touch on the modelization of the class of antenna known as leaky coa

    Aeronautical Engineering: A special bibliography with indexes, supplement 72, July 1976

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    This bibliography lists 184 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in June 1976