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    This reseach has title the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure to firm value with management ownership as the moderating variable. The reseach purpose to know the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure to firm value and to know management ownership would be get strong relations Corporate Sosial Responsibility disclosure with firm value. Hipotesis of this reseach though Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure can be influence to firm value and management ownership would be get strong relations between Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure with firm value. Sample of this reseach is the high profile company with natural resources of Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) listing in 2008. There are 34 company of 68 population fulfilling criterian by using purposive sampling methode. The methode analysis of this research used multiple regression analysis. The result of study show that nothing influence of Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure to firm value. And management ownership wouldn’t be get strong relations between Corporate Socioal Responsibility disclosure with firm value

    Whose Turf? Public Relations and Marketing in Social Media

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    Organizations have found Twitter and Facebook to be the most effective way to converse with audiences. Current positions now require new skills to understand, shape, and engage with social networks and online communities. This study examines how organizations structure the management of social media. As the field develops, it is crucial to understand the current trends. By surveying the perception of social media management, one can better understand how organizations will handle digital communication in the future. Professionals were categorized into six professional specialties: Public Relations Agency, Marketing Agency, Corporate Public Relations, Corporate Marketing, Non-Profit Public Relations, and Non-Profit Marketing. In the survey, participants were asked how social media is used in marketing and/or public relations. By bringing the co-orientation model of communication into the research analysis (a comparison of perceptions vs. actual usage to determine gap), the study compared responses from public relations and marketing professionals to represent their specialty. The results indicate there is a division of labor in social media usage for each profession. Public relations professionals utilize social media as a dialogic approach (two-way communication) and marketing professionals do less environmental monitoring and utilize primarily an asymmetrical approach (one-way communication)

    Extending Honneth’s Shift in Focus for Critical Theory

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    Axel Honneth has called for a change of focus in Critical Theory "from the self-generated independence of systems to the damage and distortion of social relations of recognition." I argue that Honneth does not shift his methodological focus sufficiently to succeed in his goal of illuminating the social relations of recognition. Despite Honneth's shift to relations of recognition, he considers these relations in terms of the macrosocial Hegelian triad of social spheres of recognition. A deeper analysis of recognition behaviors shows they cannot be mapped exactly to these spheres. I conclude that the Hegelian triad of social spheres is an insufficient basis for an exploration of misrecognition behaviors. To understand misrecognition, we need to seek a picture of misrecognition that reflects the complex diversity of individuals' lived experiences and practices, gives sufficient attention to interpersonal recognition and misrecognition, and offers potential reasons for why individuals might engage in misrecognition behaviors

    Public Relations Professional Practice And The Institutionalisation of CSR

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    Purpose This paper presents the findings of a longitudinal case study into the professionalisation of public relations practices and the institutionalisation of corporate social responsibility as a legitimate social and business arrangement. In doing so, there are implications for the dynamic relationship between practices and the professionalisation of public relations. Methodology A qualitative longitudinal study is used to examine the social construction of social responsibility in the Australian banking industry from 1999-2004 across two levels of analysis – societal expectations as institution, and practices of banking and public relations as action. Findings The study shows that the case organisations shifted their public relations and communication practices during the period of the study. In response to the demands of publics, there was a central shift from a one-way perspective where organisations sought to influence and persuade publics of the appropriateness of thier actions towards a two-way perspective where organisations needed to consult, negotiate and engage with publics. In doing so, this study suggests that there was a shift in the profession of how public relations was practiced, but also highlighted the changes to institutional arrangements about the legitimacy of social responsibilities of large organisations

    Public Relations strategies in Social Media: Campaigning for social change in the education sector

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    In this paper we will discuss the use of social media when campaigning for social change in the education sector, thought the analysis of the PR strategy in use: the collection of real testimonials and the development of storytelling, as contents that enhance affinity and engagement towards social change. In order to do this analysis, we developed two case studies that discuss the social campaigns of two NGOs in the educational sector, developed via social media: «#LeonorDejaLaEscuela» by Fundación Secretariado Gitano in Spain, from 2015, and «#Amigo-Bagos-Douro» by Bagos de Ouro in Portugal, from 2017. The first one was implemented mainly on Twitter, one of the most well-known social network in use today, and the other one used WhatsApp, the most popular mobile messenger, as means for campaigning to broaden education access. This study looked to answer the following research question: what is the role of social media in nonprofit organizations PR strategies? This equation expressed two scientific objectives: (1st) to deepen the knowledge on the ability of social media to produce communicative interaction; and (2sd) to (re)frame Public Relations within communication for development strategies. The analysis demonstrates that social media have greatly contributed to the way Public Relations strategies within the third sector are conducted. Social media can have a key role in nonprofit communication: to lobby for social causes, to create alliances, to raised money, to mobilized volunteers, to engaged traditional media and community relations, or to advocated for policy reform.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Desistance, reflexivity and relationality : a case study

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    This paper presents the analysis of a single life-story drawn from a larger study examining theindividual, relational and structural contributions to the desistance process. The emphasis here is on the contributions of key social relations in ‘Evan’s’ narrative of change. How people relate to one another, and what these relationships mean to them both as individuals and together, are critical aspects of understanding the role of social relations in desistance. This paper concludes by considering how penal practices might generate and sustain the kinds of social capital and reflexive, relational networks relevant to desistance

    Social Media Best Practices in Academic Libraries (2016)

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    In order to understand current trends and use of social media in libraries, VCU Libraries created and conducted an online survey using SurveyMonkey. Our approach was informed by the study of social media and public relations practice conducted by Wright and Hinson (Wright, Donald K. and Michelle Drifka Hinson. 2015. “Examining Social and Emerging Media Use in Public Relations Practice: A Ten-Year Longitudinal Analysis.” Public Relations Journal 9). The VCU Libraries survey consisted of 22 multiple-choice, multiple-answer, and open ended questions. The survey was distributed to email discussion lists frequented by library professionals involved in management or communications. The data presented here in summary form includes responses from all 198 respondent

    Ethnic and Confessional Relations in Cross-Border Regions: A Comparative Analysis Based on Sociological Research

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    The study deals with the issues of confessional issues (religiosity), freedom of conscience, state-church relations, interethnic relations, cultural identity, and language use in cross-border regions of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to find common features in the relations between different nationalities and representatives of the multi-confessional environment of the two cross-border regions of Ukraine and to identify the specifics of each of them in solving the most important life problems of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional relations. The method of sociological research is a survey that contains 44 questions of mixed type. The research was carried out by the Center for Sociological Research of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. The principle of research is random selection of respondents according to social-age groups. About 1,500 respondents were interviewed. The data analysis method is SPSS electronic system (Statistical Package for the Social Science). The results of the comparative analysis were obtained

    Social Network Analysis on Food Web and Dispute Data

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    Several social science disciplines, especially anthropology and sociology, have long engaged in social network analyses. Social Network Analysis (SNA) uses network theory to analyse social networks – a network that often involves individual social actors (people) and relations between them. Social network analysis aims at understanding the network structure by description, visualization, and statistical modeling. In this research, the illustration of the use of SNA is done on two different datasets: food web data and militarized interstate dispute data