3,183 research outputs found

    Using shape entropy as a feature to lesion boundary segmentation with level sets

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    Accurate lesion segmentation in retinal imagery is an area of vast research. Of the many segmentation methods available very few are insensitive to topological changes on noisy surfaces. This paper presents an extension to earlier work on a novel stopping mechanism for level sets. The elementary features scheme (ELS) in [5] is extended to include shape entropy as a feature used to ’look back in time’ and find the point at which the curve best fits the real object. We compare the proposed extension against the original algorithm for timing and accuracy using 50 randomly selected images of exudates with a database of clinician demarcated boundaries as ground truth. While this work is presented applied to medical imagery, it can be used for any application involving the segmentation of bright or dark blobs on noisy images

    2D Face Recognition System Based on Selected Gabor Filters and Linear Discriminant Analysis LDA

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    We present a new approach for face recognition system. The method is based on 2D face image features using subset of non-correlated and Orthogonal Gabor Filters instead of using the whole Gabor Filter Bank, then compressing the output feature vector using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). The face image has been enhanced using multi stage image processing technique to normalize it and compensate for illumination variation. Experimental results show that the proposed system is effective for both dimension reduction and good recognition performance when compared to the complete Gabor filter bank. The system has been tested using CASIA, ORL and Cropped YaleB 2D face images Databases and achieved average recognition rate of 98.9 %

    Fast, scalable, Bayesian spike identification for multi-electrode arrays

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    We present an algorithm to identify individual neural spikes observed on high-density multi-electrode arrays (MEAs). Our method can distinguish large numbers of distinct neural units, even when spikes overlap, and accounts for intrinsic variability of spikes from each unit. As MEAs grow larger, it is important to find spike-identification methods that are scalable, that is, the computational cost of spike fitting should scale well with the number of units observed. Our algorithm accomplishes this goal, and is fast, because it exploits the spatial locality of each unit and the basic biophysics of extracellular signal propagation. Human intervention is minimized and streamlined via a graphical interface. We illustrate our method on data from a mammalian retina preparation and document its performance on simulated data consisting of spikes added to experimentally measured background noise. The algorithm is highly accurate

    On orthogonal projections for dimension reduction and applications in augmented target loss functions for learning problems

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    The use of orthogonal projections on high-dimensional input and target data in learning frameworks is studied. First, we investigate the relations between two standard objectives in dimension reduction, preservation of variance and of pairwise relative distances. Investigations of their asymptotic correlation as well as numerical experiments show that a projection does usually not satisfy both objectives at once. In a standard classification problem we determine projections on the input data that balance the objectives and compare subsequent results. Next, we extend our application of orthogonal projections to deep learning tasks and introduce a general framework of augmented target loss functions. These loss functions integrate additional information via transformations and projections of the target data. In two supervised learning problems, clinical image segmentation and music information classification, the application of our proposed augmented target loss functions increase the accuracy

    Relative entropy minimizing noisy non-linear neural network to approximate stochastic processes

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    A method is provided for designing and training noise-driven recurrent neural networks as models of stochastic processes. The method unifies and generalizes two known separate modeling approaches, Echo State Networks (ESN) and Linear Inverse Modeling (LIM), under the common principle of relative entropy minimization. The power of the new method is demonstrated on a stochastic approximation of the El Nino phenomenon studied in climate research

    Blindfold learning of an accurate neural metric

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    The brain has no direct access to physical stimuli, but only to the spiking activity evoked in sensory organs. It is unclear how the brain can structure its representation of the world based on differences between those noisy, correlated responses alone. Here we show how to build a distance map of responses from the structure of the population activity of retinal ganglion cells, allowing for the accurate discrimination of distinct visual stimuli from the retinal response. We introduce the Temporal Restricted Boltzmann Machine to learn the spatiotemporal structure of the population activity, and use this model to define a distance between spike trains. We show that this metric outperforms existing neural distances at discriminating pairs of stimuli that are barely distinguishable. The proposed method provides a generic and biologically plausible way to learn to associate similar stimuli based on their spiking responses, without any other knowledge of these stimuli