697 research outputs found

    Analysis of product-separable 2-D IIR discrete filters with feedbacks for variable characteristics

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    In order to design 2-D digital systems with variable characteristics, product-separable IIR filters with feedbacks in each dimension are studied. The stability and response of such systems with different situations are analyzed and discussed. Belonging to one of the methods of generation of VSHP in z-domain, product-separable IIR filters with dimensional feedbacks offer variable characteristics. The variable feedback gain in one-dimension is analyzed with all the other coefficients based on Schussler's Theorem. The stable conditions for the feedback in terms of other coefficients are obtained and hence a stable range of the feedback gain is determined. Within the stable range of feedback in each dimension, different filters' 2-D frequency responses have been studied and observed with different situations. Significant variable characteristics and different 2-D symmetries are shown with stable responses. Relations between the feedback and response are discussed. Furthermore, to extend this analysis to higher order systems, a computerized analysis method and algorithm is proposed and implemented. This approximation method can work with any order of IIR or FIR filters and has low computation complexity. More complex systems with variable characteristics can be composed and examples of Image Processing with these filters are simulated as space-domain applications

    Virtual Retina : a biological retina model and simulator, with contrast gain control

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    A detailed retina model is proposed, that transforms a video sequence into a set of spike trains, as those emitted by retinal ganglion cells. It includes a linear model of filtering in the Outer Plexiform Layer (OPL), a contrast gain control mechanism modeling the non-linear feedback of some amacrine cells on bipolar cells, and a spike generation process modeling ganglion cells. A strength of the model is that each of its features can be associated to a precise physiological signification and location. The resulting retina model can simulate physiological recordings on mammalian retinas, including such non-linearities as cat Y cells, or contrast gain control. Furthermore, the model has been implemented on a large-scale simulator that can emulate the spikes of up to 100,000 neurons

    Application of active controls technology to aircraft bide smoothing systems

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    A critical review of past efforts in the design and testing of ride smoothing and gust alleviation systems is presented. Design trade offs involving sensor types, choice of feedback loops, human comfort, and aircraft handling-qualities criteria are discussed. Synthesis of a system designed to employ direct-lift and side-force producing surfaces is reported. Two STOL aircraft and an executive transport are considered. Theoretically predicted system performance is compared with hybrid simulation and flight test data. Pilot opinion rating, pilot workload, and passenger comfort rating data for the basic and augmented aircraft are included

    Navigation and estimation of separative labelling curves

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    openIn questo lavoro si investiga la possibilità di un agente di navigare ed identificare una curva sconosciuta, lineare o non lineare, la quale divide due regioni dello spazio bidimensionale in cui i punti sono dotati di un'etichetta (e.g. +1 o -1) che identifica unicamente la regione di appartenenza. L'agente considerato è un integratore a tempo discreto che campiona periodicamente solo i punti in cui transita, misurandone l'etichetta, e in base a tale informazione aggiorna la sua strategia di controllo per muoversi attorno alla curva. Nelle misurazioni, dapprima si è considerato il caso ideale senza errori, poi si è inserito un modello di errore. Sono stati sviluppati e testati degli algoritmi che mirano alla convergenza o alla navigazione della curva, per poi usare dei classici metodi di stima per identificare la curva di separazione.In this work, we investigate the possibility of the navigation and idenitification of an unknown linear or non linear curve by an agent. Such a curve separates two regions of the two-dimensional space whose points have a label (e.g. +1 or -1) depending on which region they belong to. The considered agent is a discrete time integrator that periodically samples only the points where it transits, measuring the label, and with such information it updates its control strategy to move around the curve. In the measurements, we first consider the ideal case without errors and then we adopt a noise error model. Some algorithms that aim to the convergence or to the navigation around the curve have been developed and tested, and classical estimation methods have been used to finally identify the separative curve

    Kinetic studies on the University of London nuclear reactor

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    Imperial Users onl

    Traffic Scene Perception for Automated Driving with Top-View Grid Maps

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    Ein automatisiertes Fahrzeug muss sichere, sinnvolle und schnelle Entscheidungen auf Basis seiner Umgebung treffen. Dies benötigt ein genaues und recheneffizientes Modell der Verkehrsumgebung. Mit diesem Umfeldmodell sollen Messungen verschiedener Sensoren fusioniert, gefiltert und nachfolgenden Teilsysteme als kompakte, aber aussagekräftige Information bereitgestellt werden. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Modellierung der Verkehrsszene auf Basis von Top-View Grid Maps. Im Vergleich zu anderen Umfeldmodellen ermöglichen sie eine frühe Fusion von Distanzmessungen aus verschiedenen Quellen mit geringem Rechenaufwand sowie eine explizite Modellierung von Freiraum. Nach der Vorstellung eines Verfahrens zur Bodenoberflächenschätzung, das die Grundlage der Top-View Modellierung darstellt, werden Methoden zur Belegungs- und Elevationskartierung für Grid Maps auf Basis von mehreren, verrauschten, teilweise widersprüchlichen oder fehlenden Distanzmessungen behandelt. Auf der resultierenden, sensorunabhängigen Repräsentation werden anschließend Modelle zur Detektion von Verkehrsteilnehmern sowie zur Schätzung von Szenenfluss, Odometrie und Tracking-Merkmalen untersucht. Untersuchungen auf öffentlich verfügbaren Datensätzen und einem Realfahrzeug zeigen, dass Top-View Grid Maps durch on-board LiDAR Sensorik geschätzt und verlässlich sicherheitskritische Umgebungsinformationen wie Beobachtbarkeit und Befahrbarkeit abgeleitet werden können. Schließlich werden Verkehrsteilnehmer als orientierte Bounding Boxen mit semantischen Klassen, Geschwindigkeiten und Tracking-Merkmalen aus einem gemeinsamen Modell zur Objektdetektion und Flussschätzung auf Basis der Top-View Grid Maps bestimmt

    Modèle et simulateur à grande échelle d'une rétine biologique, avec contrôle de gain

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    The retina is a complex neural structure. The characteristics of retinal processing are reviewed extensively in Part I of this work: It is a very ordered structure, which proceeds to band-pass spatio-temporal enhancements of the incoming light, along different parallel output pathways with distinct spatio-temporal properties. The spike trains emitted by the retina have a complex statistical structure, such that precise spike timings may play a role in the code conveyed by the retina. Several mechanisms of gain control provide a constant adaptation of the retina to luminosity and contrast. The retina model that we have defined and implemented in Part II can account for a good part of this complexity. It can model spatio-temporal band-pass behavior with adjustable filtering scales, with the inclusion of plausible mechanisms of contrast gain control and spike generation. The gain control mechanism proposed in the model provides a good fit to experimental data, and it can induce interesting effects of local renormalization in the output retinal image. Furthermore, a mathematical analysis confirms that the gain control behaves well under simple sinusoidal stimulation. Finally, the simulator /Virtual Retina/ implements the model on a large-scale, so that it can emulate up to around 100,000 cells with a processing speed of about 1/100 real time. It is ready for use in various applications, while including a number of advanced retinal functionalities which are too often overlooked.La rétine est une structure neuronale complexe, qui non seulement capte la lumière incidente au fond de l'oeil, mais procède également à des transformations importantes du signal lumineux. Dans la Partie I de ce travail, nous résumons en détail les caractéristiques fonctionnelles de la rétine des vertébrés: Il s'agit d'une structure très ordonnée, qui réalise un filtrage passe-bande du stimulus visuel, selon différents canaux parallèles d'information aux propriétés spatio-temporelles distinctes. Les trains de potentiels d'action émis par la rétine ont également une structure statistique complexe, susceptible de véhiculer une information importante. De nombreux mécanismes de contrôle de gain permettent une adaptation constante à la luminosité et au contraste. Le modèle de rétine défini et implémenté dans la Partie II de ce travail prend en compte une part importante de cette complexité. Il reproduit le comportement passe-bande, à l'aide de filtres linéaires spatio-temporels appropriés. Des mécanismes non-linéaires d'adaptation au contraste et de génération de potentiels d'action sont également inclus. Le mécanisme de contrôle du gain au contraste proposé permet une bonne reproduction des données expérimentales, et peut également véhiculer d'importants effets d'égalisation spatiale des contrastes en sortie de rétine. De plus, une analyse mathématique confirme que notre mécanisme a le comportement escompté en réponse à une stimulation sinusoïdale. Enfin, le simulateur /Virtual Retina/ implémente le modèle à grande échelle, permettant la simulation d'environ 100 000 cellules en un temps raisonnable (100 fois le temps réel)