135,495 research outputs found

    Avoiding unseen obstacles : Subcortical vision is not sufficient to maintain normal obstacle avoidance behaviour during reaching

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    Acknowledgement This work was funded by the RS MacDonald Charitable Trust (awarded to C. Hesse in June 2013). T. Schenk was supported by a grant from the German Research Council (DFG – SCHE 735/3-1). The authors would like to thank Dr Stefanie Biehl for her valuable advice on lesion localisation based on the CT and MRI scans of the patients. We would also like to thank all the patients for taking part in our experiments and for giving up so much of their free time.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Surrogate in-vehicle information systems and driver behaviour: Effects of visual and cognitive load in simulated rural driving

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    The underlying aim of HASTE, an EU FP5 project, is the development of a valid, cost-effective and reliable assessment protocol to evaluate the potential distraction of an in-vehicle information system on driving performance. As part of this development, the current study was performed to examine the systematic relationship between primary and secondary task complexity for a specific task modality in a particular driving environment. Two fundamentally distinct secondary tasks (or surrogate in-vehicle information systems, sIVIS) were developed: a visual search task, designed such that it only required visual processing/demand and an auditory continuous memory task, intended to cognitively load drivers without any visual stimulus. A high fidelity, fixed-base driving simulator was used to test 48 participants on a car following task. Virtual traffic scenarios varied in driving demand. Drivers compensated for both types of sIVIS by reducing their speed (this result was more prominent during interaction with the visual task). However, they seemed incapable of fully prioritising the primary driving task over either the visual or cognitive secondary tasks as an increase in sIVIS demand was associated with a reduction in driving performance: drivers showed reduced anticipation of braking requirements and shorter time-to-collision. These results are of potential interest to designers of in-vehicle systems

    HARP/ACSIS: A submillimetre spectral imaging system on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope

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    This paper describes a new Heterodyne Array Receiver Programme (HARP) and Auto-Correlation Spectral Imaging System (ACSIS) that have recently been installed and commissioned on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). The 16-element focal-plane array receiver, operating in the submillimetre from 325 to 375 GHz, offers high (three-dimensional) mapping speeds, along with significant improvements over single-detector counterparts in calibration and image quality. Receiver temperatures are \sim120 K across the whole band and system temperatures of \sim300K are reached routinely under good weather conditions. The system includes a single-sideband filter so these are SSB figures. Used in conjunction with ACSIS, the system can produce large-scale maps rapidly, in one or more frequency settings, at high spatial and spectral resolution. Fully-sampled maps of size 1 square degree can be observed in under 1 hour. The scientific need for array receivers arises from the requirement for programmes to study samples of objects of statistically significant size, in large-scale unbiased surveys of galactic and extra-galactic regions. Along with morphological information, the new spectral imaging system can be used to study the physical and chemical properties of regions of interest. Its three-dimensional imaging capabilities are critical for research into turbulence and dynamics. In addition, HARP/ACSIS will provide highly complementary science programmes to wide-field continuum studies, and produce the essential preparatory work for submillimetre interferometers such as the SMA and ALMA.Comment: MNRAS Accepted 2009 July 2. 18 pages, 25 figures and 6 table

    Delayed action does not always require the ventral stream : A study on a patient with visual form agnosia

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    Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank D.F. for participating in all our experiments with great patience. We also would like to thank Dr David Carey for his very helpful and insightful comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript. This work was partly funded by a post-doctoral research fellowship awarded to Constanze Hesse by the German Research Council (DFG/HE 6011/1-1).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Effects of Impedance Reduction of a Robot for Wrist Rehabilitation on Human Motor Strategies in Healthy Subjects during Pointing Tasks

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    Studies on human motor control demonstrated the existence of simplifying strategies (namely `Donders' law') adopted to deal with kinematically redundant motor tasks. In recent research we showed that Donders' law also holds for human wrist during pointing tasks, and that it is heavily perturbed when interacting with a highly back-drivable state-of-the-art rehabilitation robot. We hypothesized that this depends on the excessive mechanical impedance of the Pronation/Supination (PS) joint of the robot and in this work we analyzed the effects of its reduction. To this end we deployed a basic force control scheme, which minimizes human-robot interaction force. This resulted in a 70% reduction of the inertia in PS joint and in decrease of 81% and 78% of the interaction torques during 1-DOF and 3-DOFs tasks. To assess the effects on human motor strategies, pointing tasks were performed by three subjects with a lightweight handheld device, interacting with the robot using its standard PD control (setting impedance to zero) and with the force-controlled robot. We quantified Donders' law as 2-dimensional surfaces in the 3-dimensional configuration space of rotations. Results revealed that the subject-specific features of Donders' surfaces reappeared after the reduction of robot impedance obtained via the force control

    3DTouch: A wearable 3D input device with an optical sensor and a 9-DOF inertial measurement unit

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    We present 3DTouch, a novel 3D wearable input device worn on the fingertip for 3D manipulation tasks. 3DTouch is designed to fill the missing gap of a 3D input device that is self-contained, mobile, and universally working across various 3D platforms. This paper presents a low-cost solution to designing and implementing such a device. Our approach relies on relative positioning technique using an optical laser sensor and a 9-DOF inertial measurement unit. 3DTouch is self-contained, and designed to universally work on various 3D platforms. The device employs touch input for the benefits of passive haptic feedback, and movement stability. On the other hand, with touch interaction, 3DTouch is conceptually less fatiguing to use over many hours than 3D spatial input devices. We propose a set of 3D interaction techniques including selection, translation, and rotation using 3DTouch. An evaluation also demonstrates the device's tracking accuracy of 1.10 mm and 2.33 degrees for subtle touch interaction in 3D space. Modular solutions like 3DTouch opens up a whole new design space for interaction techniques to further develop on.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Differential recruitment of brain networks following route and cartographic map learning of spatial environments.

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    An extensive neuroimaging literature has helped characterize the brain regions involved in navigating a spatial environment. Far less is known, however, about the brain networks involved when learning a spatial layout from a cartographic map. To compare the two means of acquiring a spatial representation, participants learned spatial environments either by directly navigating them or learning them from an aerial-view map. While undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), participants then performed two different tasks to assess knowledge of the spatial environment: a scene and orientation dependent perceptual (SOP) pointing task and a judgment of relative direction (JRD) of landmarks pointing task. We found three brain regions showing significant effects of route vs. map learning during the two tasks. Parahippocampal and retrosplenial cortex showed greater activation following route compared to map learning during the JRD but not SOP task while inferior frontal gyrus showed greater activation following map compared to route learning during the SOP but not JRD task. We interpret our results to suggest that parahippocampal and retrosplenial cortex were involved in translating scene and orientation dependent coordinate information acquired during route learning to a landmark-referenced representation while inferior frontal gyrus played a role in converting primarily landmark-referenced coordinates acquired during map learning to a scene and orientation dependent coordinate system. Together, our results provide novel insight into the different brain networks underlying spatial representations formed during navigation vs. cartographic map learning and provide additional constraints on theoretical models of the neural basis of human spatial representation

    Training verbal working memory in children with mild intellectual disabilities: effects on problem-solving

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    This multiple case study explores the effects of a cognitive training program in children with mild to borderline intellectual disability. Experimental training effects were evaluated comparing pre-post-test changes after (a) a baseline phase versus a training phase in the same participant, (b) an experimental training versus either a no intervention phase or a control training in two pairs of children matched for cognitive profile. Key elements of the training program included (1) exercises and card games targeting inhibition, switching, and verbal working memory, (2) guided practice emphasizing concrete strategies to engage in exercises, and (3) a variable amount of adult support. The results show that both verbal working memory analyzed with the listening span test and problem-solving tested with the Raven’s matrices were significantly enhanced after the experimental trainin

    Beyond statistical testing: individual differences and the contentand accuracy of mental representations of space

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    The article uses data from two experiments on the content and accuracy of mentalrepresentations of space by the blind and visually impaired in order expose some of theshortcomings of typical statistical testing and propose an individual differences approach to theanalysis of data. It begins with a discussion of some of the problems associated with the strictclassification and eventual comparison of individuals between groups. The individual differencesapproach is then presented and the concepts of ability and present competence are explored alongwith the importance of detailed participant description. Examples from the two experiments areused to demonstrate how null hypothesis significance testing can be complemented with effect sizeestimates, box-plots and ranking techniques. Throughout the article we are reminded of the need toadopt mutually supportive techniques to account for the heterogeneity of experience and skillsbetween participants. The article uses data from two experiments on the content and accuracy of mentalrepresentations of space by the blind and visually impaired in order expose some of theshortcomings of typical statistical testing and propose an individual differences approach to theanalysis of data. It begins with a discussion of some of the problems associated with the strictclassification and eventual comparison of individuals between groups. The individual differencesapproach is then presented and the concepts of ability and present competence are explored alongwith the importance of detailed participant description. Examples from the two experiments areused to demonstrate how null hypothesis significance testing can be complemented with effect sizeestimates, box-plots and ranking techniques. Throughout the article we are reminded of the need toadopt mutually supportive techniques to account for the heterogeneity of experience and skillsbetween participants