1,065 research outputs found

    Design and Analysis of Forward Error Control Coding and Signaling for Guaranteeing QoS in Wireless Broadcast Systems

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    Broadcasting systems are networks where the transmission is received by several terminals. Generally broadcast receivers are passive devices in the network, meaning that they do not interact with the transmitter. Providing a certain Quality of Service (QoS) for the receivers in heterogeneous reception environment with no feedback is not an easy task. Forward error control coding can be used for protection against transmission errors to enhance the QoS for broadcast services. For good performance in terrestrial wireless networks, diversity should be utilized. The diversity is utilized by application of interleaving together with the forward error correction codes. In this dissertation the design and analysis of forward error control and control signalling for providing QoS in wireless broadcasting systems are studied. Control signaling is used in broadcasting networks to give the receiver necessary information on how to connect to the network itself and how to receive the services that are being transmitted. Usually control signalling is considered to be transmitted through a dedicated path in the systems. Therefore, the relationship of the signaling and service data paths should be considered early in the design phase. Modeling and simulations are used in the case studies of this dissertation to study this relationship. This dissertation begins with a survey on the broadcasting environment and mechanisms for providing QoS therein. Then case studies present analysis and design of such mechanisms in real systems. The mechanisms for providing QoS considering signaling and service data paths and their relationship at the DVB-H link layer are analyzed as the first case study. In particular the performance of different service data decoding mechanisms and optimal signaling transmission parameter selection are presented. The second case study investigates the design of signaling and service data paths for the more modern DVB-T2 physical layer. Furthermore, by comparing the performances of the signaling and service data paths by simulations, configuration guidelines for the DVB-T2 physical layer signaling are given. The presented guidelines can prove useful when configuring DVB-T2 transmission networks. Finally, recommendations for the design of data and signalling paths are given based on findings from the case studies. The requirements for the signaling design should be derived from the requirements for the main services. Generally, these requirements for signaling should be more demanding as the signaling is the enabler for service reception.Siirretty Doriast

    Preamble design using embedded signalling for OFDM broadcast systems based on reduced-complexity distance detection

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    The second generation digital terrestrial television broadcasting standard (DVB-T2) adopts the so-called P1 symbol as the preamble for initial synchronization. The P1 symbol also carries a number of basic transmission parameters, including the fast Fourier transform size and the single-input/single-output as well as multiple-input/single-output mode, in order to appropriately configure the receiver for carrying out the subsequent processing. In this contribution, an improved preamble design is proposed, where a pair of training sequences is inserted in the frequency domain and their distance is used for transmission parameter signalling. At the receiver, only a low-complexity correlator is required for the detection of the signalling. Both the coarse carrier frequency offset and the signalling can be simultaneously estimated by detecting the above-mentioned correlation. Compared to the standardised P1 symbol, the proposed preamble design significantly reduces the complexity of the receiver while retaining high robustness in frequency-selective fading channels. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the proposed preamble design achieves a better signalling performance than the standardised P1 symbol, despite reducing the numbers of multiplications and additions by about 40% and 20%, respectively

    Mobile Communication Networks and Digital Television Broadcasting Systems in the Same Frequency Bands – Advanced Co-Existence Scenarios

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    The increasing demand for wireless multimedia services provided by modern communication systems with stable services is a key feature of advanced markets. On the other hand, these systems can many times operate in a neighboring or in the same frequency bands. Therefore, numerous unwanted co-existence scenarios can occur. The aim of this paper is to summarize our results which were achieved during exploration and measurement of the co-existences between still used and upcoming mobile networks (from GSM to LTE) and digital terrestrial television broadcasting (DVB) systems. For all of these measurements and their evaluation universal measurement testbed has been proposed and used. Results presented in this paper are a significant part of our activities in work package WP5 in the ENIAC JU project “Agile RF Transceivers and Front-Ends for Future Smart Multi-Standard Communications Applications (ARTEMOS)”

    DVB-NGH: the Next Generation of Digital Broadcast Services to Handheld Devices

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    This paper reviews the main technical solutions adopted by the next-generation mobile broadcasting standard DVB-NGH, the handheld evolution of the second-generation digital terrestrial TV standard DVB-T2. The main new technical elements introduced with respect to DVB-T2 are: layered video coding with multiple physical layer pipes, time-frequency slicing, full support of an IP transport layer with a dedicated protocol stack, header compression mechanisms for both IP and MPEG-2 TS packets, new low-density parity check coding rates for the data path (down to 1/5), nonuniform constellations for 64 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) and 256QAM, 4-D rotated constellations for Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), improved time interleaving in terms of zapping time, end-to-end latency and memory consumption, improved physical layer signaling in terms of robustness, capacity and overhead, a novel distributed multiple input single output transmit diversity scheme for single-frequency networks (SFNs), and efficient provisioning of local content in SFNs. All these technological solutions, together with the high performance of DVB-T2, make DVB-NGH a real next-generation mobile multimedia broadcasting technology. In fact, DVB-NGH can be regarded the first third-generation broadcasting system because it allows for the possibility of using multiple input multiple output antenna schemes to overcome the Shannon limit of single antenna wireless communications. Furthermore, DVB-NGH also allows the deployment of an optional satellite component forming a hybrid terrestrial-satellite network topology to improve the coverage in rural areas where the installation of terrestrial networks could be uneconomical.Gómez Barquero, D.; Douillard, C.; Moss, P.; Mignone, V. (2014). DVB-NGH: the Next Generation of Digital Broadcast Services to Handheld Devices. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 60(2):246-257. doi:10.1109/TBC.2014.2313073S24625760

    Design and Validation of a Software Defined Radio Testbed for DVB-T Transmission

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    This paper describes the design and validation of a Software Defined Radio (SDR) testbed, which can be used for Digital Television transmission using the Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial (DVB-T) standard. In order to generate a DVB-T-compliant signal with low computational complexity, we design an SDR architecture that uses the C/C++ language and exploits multithreading and vectorized instructions. Then, we transmit the generated DVB-T signal in real time, using a common PC equipped with multicore central processing units (CPUs) and a commercially available SDR modem board. The proposed SDR architecture has been validated using fixed TV sets, and portable receivers. Our results show that the proposed SDR architecture for DVB-T transmission is a low-cost low-complexity solution that, in the worst case, only requires less than 22% of CPU load and less than 170 MB of memory usage, on a 3.0 GHz Core i7 processor. In addition, using the same SDR modem board, we design an off-line software receiver that also performs time synchronization and carrier frequency offset estimation and compensation

    Carrier Aggregation in Multi-Beam High Throughput Satellite Systems

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    Carrier Aggregation (CA) is an integral part of current terrestrial networks. Its ability to enhance the peak data rate, to efficiently utilize the limited available spectrum resources and to satisfy the demand for data-hungry applications has drawn large attention from different wireless network communities. Given the benefits of CA in the terrestrial wireless environment, it is of great interest to analyze and evaluate the potential impact of CA in the satellite domain. In this paper, we study CA in multibeam high throughput satellite systems. We consider both inter-transponder and intra-transponder CA at the satellite payload level of the communication stack, and we address the problem of carrier-user assignment assuming that multiple users can be multiplexed in each carrier. The transmission parameters of different carriers are generated considering the transmission characteristics of carriers in different transponders. In particular, we propose a flexible carrier allocation approach for a CA-enabled multibeam satellite system targeting a proportionally fair user demand satisfaction. Simulation results and analysis shed some light on this rather unexplored scenario and demonstrate the feasibility of the CA in satellite communication systems

    DVB-T2: The Second Generation of Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting System

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    This paper provides a review of the second generation of terrestrial digital video broadcasting standard (DVB-T2). DVB-T2 is the evolution of DVB-T and, together with DVB-S2 and DVB-C2, inaugurated a new transition from the firstgeneration digital broadcasting systems, similar to the transition from analog-to-digital systems. In this paper, the most relevant features of DVB-T2 are explained in detail, along with their benefits and trade-offs. This paper also presents a comprehensive review of the laboratory and field trial results available so far. Especial emphasis is placed in the results of the measurements carried out to test the mobile reception and the novel technologies as multiple input single output and time frequency slicing.This work was supported in part by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU under Grant UFI 11/30, in part by the Basque Government under Grants IT-683-13 and SAIOTEK, and in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Project HEDYT-GBB under Grant TEC2012-33302.Eizmendi, I.; Velez, M.; Gómez Barquero, D.; Morgade, J.; Baena Lecuyer, V.; Slimani, M.; Zoellner, J. (2014). DVB-T2: The Second Generation of Terrestrial Digital Video Broadcasting System. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 60(2):258-271. https://doi.org/10.1109/TBC.2014.2312811S25827160

    Physical Layer Time Interleaving for the ATSC 3.0 System

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    "(c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.")This paper presents optimized time interleaving which has been adopted for the Advanced Television System Committee 3.0 system as a physical layer tool to mitigate the effects of burst errors. The adopted time interleaver (TI) is very flexible and can have different configurations according to the number of physical layer pipes (PLPs) and service type, i.e., fixed, portable, and mobile. Notably, for single-PLP mode a sheer convolutional TI (CTI) is used, whereas for the multiple-PLP mode a hybrid TI (HTI) composed of cell interleaver, twisted block interleaver, and a convolutional delay-line is used. Optionally, the CTI and the HTI can be used in conjunction with extended time interleaving and a cell interleaver (only for HTI) to further improve robustness over long burst error lengths at the expense of latency.Klenner, P.; Baek, J.; Loghin, NS.; Gómez Barquero, D.; Ko, W. (2016). Physical Layer Time Interleaving for the ATSC 3.0 System. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 62(1):253-262. doi:10.1109/TBC.2015.2505410S25326262

    Reception performance studies for the evaluation and improvement of the new generation terrestrial television systems

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    270 p.La industria de la TV ha experimentado grandes cambios en las últimas décadas. Las expectativas cada vez mayores de los espectadores y la reducción del espectro disponible para los servicios de TV han provocado la necesidad de sistemas más robustos de Televisión Digital Terrestre (TDT).El primer intento de cumplir estos requisitos es el estándar europeo DVB-T2 (2009). La publicación de un nuevo estándar significa el inicio de un proceso de evaluación del rendimiento del mismo mediante, por ejemplo, estudios de cobertura u obtención de valores de umbral de relación señal / ruido (SNR). Al inicio de esta tesis, este proceso estaba casi terminado para recepción fija y móvil. Sin embargo, la recepción en interiores no se había estudiado en detalle. Por esta razón, esta tesis completa la evaluación de DVB-T2 en interiores y define una nueva metodología de evaluación optimizada para este escenario.A pesar de que DVB-T2 emplea tecnologías muy avanzadas, el sistema se definió hace casi diez años y desde entonces han aparecido nuevas técnicas avanzadas, como por ejemplo nuevos códigos de corrección de errores o la nueva técnica de multiplexación por división en capas (LDM). Estas nuevas técnicas tampoco han sido evaluadas en entornos de interior, por lo que esta tesis incluye el análisis de las mismas evaluando su idoneidad para mejorar el rendimiento de DVB-T2. Además, se ha comprobado que los algoritmos tradicionales de los receptores TDT no están optimizados para los nuevos escenarios en los que se consideran las señales multicapa y recepción móvil. Por esta razón, se han propuesto nuevos algoritmos para mejorar la recepción en este tipo de situaciones.El último intento de hacer frente a los altos requisitos actuales de TDT es el estándar americano ATSC 3.0 (2016). Al igual que con DVB-T2, se necesita proceso completo de evaluación del sistema. Por ello, en esta tesis se han realizado simulaciones y pruebas de laboratorio para completar el estudio de rendimiento de ATSC 3.0 en diferentes escenarios

    Single-Frequency Network Terrestrial Broadcasting with 5GNR Numerology

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