1,433 research outputs found

    ECG Signal Reconstruction on the IoT-Gateway and Efficacy of Compressive Sensing Under Real-time Constraints

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    Remote health monitoring is becoming indispensable, though, Internet of Things (IoTs)-based solutions have many implementation challenges, including energy consumption at the sensing node, and delay and instability due to cloud computing. Compressive sensing (CS) has been explored as a method to extend the battery lifetime of medical wearable devices. However, it is usually associated with computational complexity at the decoding end, increasing the latency of the system. Meanwhile, mobile processors are becoming computationally stronger and more efficient. Heterogeneous multicore platforms (HMPs) offer a local processing solution that can alleviate the limitations of remote signal processing. This paper demonstrates the real-time performance of compressed ECG reconstruction on ARM's big.LITTLE HMP and the advantages they provide as the primary processing unit of the IoT architecture. It also investigates the efficacy of CS in minimizing power consumption of a wearable device under real-time and hardware constraints. Results show that both the orthogonal matching pursuit and subspace pursuit reconstruction algorithms can be executed on the platform in real time and yield optimum performance on a single A15 core at minimum frequency. The CS extends the battery life of wearable medical devices up to 15.4% considering ECGs suitable for wellness applications and up to 6.6% for clinical grade ECGs. Energy consumption at the gateway is largely due to an active internet connection; hence, processing the signals locally both mitigates system's latency and improves gateway's battery life. Many remote health solutions can benefit from an architecture centered around the use of HMPs, a step toward better remote health monitoring systems.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Design and evaluation of a person-centric heart monitoring system over fog computing infrastructure

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    Heart disease and stroke are becoming the leading cause of death worldwide. Electrocardiography monitoring devices (ECG) are the only tool that helps physicians diagnose cardiac abnormalities. Although the design of ECGs has followed closely the electronics miniaturization evolution over the years, existing wearable ECG have limited accuracy and rely on external resources to analyze the signal and evaluate heart activity. In this paper, we work towards empowering the wearable device with processing capabilities to locally analyze the signal and identify abnormal behavior. The ability to differentiate between normal and abnormal heart activity significantly reduces (a) the need to store the signals, (b) the data transmitted to the cloud and (c) the overall power consumption. Based on this concept, the HEART platform is presented that combines wearable embedded devices, mobile edge devices, and cloud services to provide on-the-spot, reliable, accurate and instant monitoring of the heart. The performance of the system is evaluated concerning the accuracy of detecting abnormal events and the power consumption of the wearable device. Results indicate that a very high percentage of success can be achieved in terms of event detection ratio and the device being operative up to a several days without the need for a recharge

    On the Deployment of Healthcare Applications over Fog Computing Infrastructure

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    Fog computing is considered as the most promising enhancement of the traditional cloud computing paradigm in order to handle potential issues introduced by the emerging Interned of Things (IoT) framework at the network edge. The heterogeneous nature, the extensive distribution and the hefty number of deployed IoT nodes will disrupt existing functional models, creating confusion. However, IoT will facilitate the rise of new applications, with automated healthcare monitoring platforms being amongst them. This paper presents the pillars of design for such applications, along with the evaluation of a working prototype that collects ECG traces from a tailor-made device and utilizes the patient's smartphone as a Fog gateway for securely sharing them to other authorized entities. This prototype will allow patients to share information to their physicians, monitor their health status independently and notify the authorities rapidly in emergency situations. Historical data will also be available for further analysis, towards identifying patterns that may improve medical diagnoses in the foreseeable future

    Design for energy-efficient and reliable fog-assisted healthcare IoT systems

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    Cardiovascular disease and diabetes are two of the most dangerous diseases as they are the leading causes of death in all ages. Unfortunately, they cannot be completely cured with the current knowledge and existing technologies. However, they can be effectively managed by applying methods of continuous health monitoring. Nonetheless, it is difficult to achieve a high quality of healthcare with the current health monitoring systems which often have several limitations such as non-mobility support, energy inefficiency, and an insufficiency of advanced services. Therefore, this thesis presents a Fog computing approach focusing on four main tracks, and proposes it as a solution to the existing limitations. In the first track, the main goal is to introduce Fog computing and Fog services into remote health monitoring systems in order to enhance the quality of healthcare. In the second track, a Fog approach providing mobility support in a real-time health monitoring IoT system is proposed. The handover mechanism run by Fog-assisted smart gateways helps to maintain the connection between sensor nodes and the gateways with a minimized latency. Results show that the handover latency of the proposed Fog approach is 10%-50% less than other state-of-the-art mobility support approaches. In the third track, the designs of four energy-efficient health monitoring IoT systems are discussed and developed. Each energy-efficient system and its sensor nodes are designed to serve a specific purpose such as glucose monitoring, ECG monitoring, or fall detection; with the exception of the fourth system which is an advanced and combined system for simultaneously monitoring many diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Results show that these sensor nodes can continuously work, depending on the application, up to 70-155 hours when using a 1000 mAh lithium battery. The fourth track mentioned above, provides a Fog-assisted remote health monitoring IoT system for diabetic patients with cardiovascular disease. Via several proposed algorithms such as QT interval extraction, activity status categorization, and fall detection algorithms, the system can process data and detect abnormalities in real-time. Results show that the proposed system using Fog services is a promising approach for improving the treatment of diabetic patients with cardiovascular disease

    Resource Management for Edge Computing in Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Die große Anzahl an Geräten im Internet der Dinge (IoT) und deren kontinuierliche Datensammlungen führen zu einem rapiden Wachstum der gesammelten Datenmenge. Die Daten komplett mittels zentraler Cloud Server zu verarbeiten ist ineffizient und zum Teil sogar unmöglich oder unnötig. Darum wird die Datenverarbeitung an den Rand des Netzwerks verschoben, was zu den Konzepten des Edge Computings geführt hat. Informationsverarbeitung nahe an der Datenquelle (z.B. auf Gateways und Edge Geräten) reduziert nicht nur die hohe Arbeitslast zentraler Server und Netzwerke, sondern verringer auch die Latenz für Echtzeitanwendungen, da die potentiell unzuverlässige Kommunikation zu Cloud Servern mit ihrer unvorhersehbaren Netzwerklatenz vermieden wird. Aktuelle IoT Architekturen verwenden Gateways, um anwendungsspezifische Verbindungen zu IoT Geräten herzustellen. In typischen Konfigurationen teilen sich mehrere IoT Edge Geräte ein IoT Gateway. Wegen der begrenzten verfügbaren Bandbreite und Rechenkapazität eines IoT Gateways muss die Servicequalität (SQ) der verbundenen IoT Edge Geräte über die Zeit angepasst werden. Nicht nur um die Anforderungen der einzelnen Nutzer der IoT Geräte zu erfüllen, sondern auch um die SQBedürfnisse der anderen IoT Edge Geräte desselben Gateways zu tolerieren. Diese Arbeit untersucht zuerst essentielle Technologien für IoT und existierende Trends. Dabei werden charakteristische Eigenschaften von IoT für die Embedded Domäne, sowie eine umfassende IoT Perspektive für Eingebettete Systeme vorgestellt. Mehrere Anwendungen aus dem Gesundheitsbereich werden untersucht und implementiert, um ein Model für deren Datenverarbeitungssoftware abzuleiten. Dieses Anwendungsmodell hilft bei der Identifikation verschiedener Betriebsmodi. IoT Systeme erwarten von den Edge Geräten, dass sie mehrere Betriebsmodi unterstützen, um sich während des Betriebs an wechselnde Szenarien anpassen zu können. Z.B. Energiesparmodi bei geringen Batteriereserven trotz gleichzeitiger Aufrechterhaltung der kritischen Funktionalität oder einen Modus, um die Servicequalität auf Wunsch des Nutzers zu erhöhen etc. Diese Modi verwenden entweder verschiedene Auslagerungsschemata (z.B. die übertragung von Rohdaten, von partiell bearbeiteten Daten, oder nur des finalen Ergebnisses) oder verschiedene Servicequalitäten. Betriebsmodi unterscheiden sich in ihren Ressourcenanforderungen sowohl auf dem Gerät (z.B. Energieverbrauch), wie auch auf dem Gateway (z.B. Kommunikationsbandbreite, Rechenleistung, Speicher etc.). Die Auswahl des besten Betriebsmodus für Edge Geräte ist eine Herausforderung in Anbetracht der begrenzten Ressourcen am Rand des Netzwerks (z.B. Bandbreite und Rechenleistung des gemeinsamen Gateways), diverser Randbedingungen der IoT Edge Geräte (z.B. Batterielaufzeit, Servicequalität etc.) und der Laufzeitvariabilität am Rand der IoT Infrastruktur. In dieser Arbeit werden schnelle und effiziente Auswahltechniken für Betriebsmodi entwickelt und präsentiert. Wenn sich IoT Geräte in der Reichweite mehrerer Gateways befinden, ist die Verwaltung der gemeinsamen Ressourcen und die Auswahl der Betriebsmodi für die IoT Geräte sogar noch komplexer. In dieser Arbeit wird ein verteilter handelsorientierter Geräteverwaltungsmechanismus für IoT Systeme mit mehreren Gateways präsentiert. Dieser Mechanismus zielt auf das kombinierte Problem des Bindens (d.h. ein Gateway für jedes IoT Gerät bestimmen) und der Allokation (d.h. die zugewiesenen Ressourcen für jedes Gerät bestimmen) ab. Beginnend mit einer initialen Konfiguration verhandeln und kommunizieren die Gateways miteinander und migrieren IoT Geräte zwischen den Gateways, wenn es den Nutzen für das Gesamtsystem erhöht. In dieser Arbeit werden auch anwendungsspezifische Optimierungen für IoT Geräte vorgestellt. Drei Anwendungen für den Gesundheitsbereich wurden realisiert und für tragbare IoT Geräte untersucht. Es wird auch eine neuartige Kompressionsmethode vorgestellt, die speziell für IoT Anwendungen geeignet ist, die Bio-Signale für Gesundheitsüberwachungen verarbeiten. Diese Technik reduziert die zu übertragende Datenmenge des IoT Gerätes, wodurch die Ressourcenauslastung auf dem Gerät und dem gemeinsamen Gateway reduziert wird. Um die vorgeschlagenen Techniken und Mechanismen zu evaluieren, wurden einige Anwendungen auf IoT Plattformen untersucht, um ihre Parameter, wie die Ausführungszeit und Ressourcennutzung, zu bestimmen. Diese Parameter wurden dann in einem Rahmenwerk verwendet, welches das IoT Netzwerk modelliert, die Interaktion zwischen Geräten und Gateway erfasst und den Kommunikationsoverhead sowie die erreichte Batterielebenszeit und Servicequalität der Geräte misst. Die Algorithmen zur Auswahl der Betriebsmodi wurden zusätzlich auf IoT Plattformen implementiert, um ihre Overheads bzgl. Ausführungszeit und Speicherverbrauch zu messen

    Towards end-to-end security in internet of things based healthcare

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    Healthcare IoT systems are distinguished in that they are designed to serve human beings, which primarily raises the requirements of security, privacy, and reliability. Such systems have to provide real-time notifications and responses concerning the status of patients. Physicians, patients, and other caregivers demand a reliable system in which the results are accurate and timely, and the service is reliable and secure. To guarantee these requirements, the smart components in the system require a secure and efficient end-to-end communication method between the end-points (e.g., patients, caregivers, and medical sensors) of a healthcare IoT system. The main challenge faced by the existing security solutions is a lack of secure end-to-end communication. This thesis addresses this challenge by presenting a novel end-to-end security solution enabling end-points to securely and efficiently communicate with each other. The proposed solution meets the security requirements of a wide range of healthcare IoT systems while minimizing the overall hardware overhead of end-to-end communication. End-to-end communication is enabled by the holistic integration of the following contributions. The first contribution is the implementation of two architectures for remote monitoring of bio-signals. The first architecture is based on a low power IEEE 802.15.4 protocol known as ZigBee. It consists of a set of sensor nodes to read data from various medical sensors, process the data, and send them wirelessly over ZigBee to a server node. The second architecture implements on an IP-based wireless sensor network, using IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). The system consists of a IEEE 802.11 based sensor module to access bio-signals from patients and send them over to a remote server. In both architectures, the server node collects the health data from several client nodes and updates a remote database. The remote webserver accesses the database and updates the webpage in real-time, which can be accessed remotely. The second contribution is a novel secure mutual authentication scheme for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) implant systems. The proposed scheme relies on the elliptic curve cryptography and the D-Quark lightweight hash design. The scheme consists of three main phases: (1) reader authentication and verification, (2) tag identification, and (3) tag verification. We show that among the existing public-key crypto-systems, elliptic curve is the optimal choice due to its small key size as well as its efficiency in computations. The D-Quark lightweight hash design has been tailored for resource-constrained devices. The third contribution is proposing a low-latency and secure cryptographic keys generation approach based on Electrocardiogram (ECG) features. This is performed by taking advantage of the uniqueness and randomness properties of ECG's main features comprising of PR, RR, PP, QT, and ST intervals. This approach achieves low latency due to its reliance on reference-free ECG's main features that can be acquired in a short time. The approach is called Several ECG Features (SEF)-based cryptographic key generation. The fourth contribution is devising a novel secure and efficient end-to-end security scheme for mobility enabled healthcare IoT. The proposed scheme consists of: (1) a secure and efficient end-user authentication and authorization architecture based on the certificate based Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) handshake protocol, (2) a secure end-to-end communication method based on DTLS session resumption, and (3) support for robust mobility based on interconnected smart gateways in the fog layer. Finally, the fifth and the last contribution is the analysis of the performance of the state-of-the-art end-to-end security solutions in healthcare IoT systems including our end-to-end security solution. In this regard, we first identify and present the essential requirements of robust security solutions for healthcare IoT systems. We then analyze the performance of the state-of-the-art end-to-end security solutions (including our scheme) by developing a prototype healthcare IoT system

    Innovative IoT Solutions and Wearable Sensing Systems for Monitoring Human Biophysical Parameters: A Review

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    none3noDigital and information technologies are heavily pervading several aspects of human activities, improving our life quality. Health systems are undergoing a real technological revolution, radically changing how medical services are provided, thanks to the wide employment of the Internet of Things (IoT) platforms supporting advanced monitoring services and intelligent inferring systems. This paper reports, at first, a comprehensive overview of innovative sensing systems for monitoring biophysical and psychophysical parameters, all suitable for integration with wearable or portable accessories. Wearable devices represent a headstone on which the IoT-based healthcare platforms are based, providing capillary and real-time monitoring of patient’s conditions. Besides, a survey of modern architectures and supported services by IoT platforms for health monitoring is presented, providing useful insights for developing future healthcare systems. All considered architectures employ wearable devices to gather patient parameters and share them with a cloud platform where they are processed to provide real-time feedback. The reported discussion highlights the structural differences between the discussed frameworks, from the point of view of network configuration, data management strategy, feedback modality, etc.Article Number: 1660openRoberto De Fazio; Massimo De Vittorio; Paolo ViscontiDE FAZIO, Roberto; DE VITTORIO, Massimo; Visconti, Paol

    A BLE-based multi-gateway network infrastructure with handover support for mobile BLE peripherals

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    Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a popular technology within the Internet of Things. It allows low-power, star networks to be set up between a BLE gateway and multiple, power-constrained BLE devices. However, these networks tend to be static, not supporting BLE devices that can freely move around in an environment of multiple interconnected BLE gateways and perform handovers whenever necessary. This work proposes two alternative network architectures for mobile BLE peripherals. One leverages on IPv6 over BLE, whereas the other combines default BLE mechanisms with an additional custom controller. On top, we study in detail the handover mechanism that must be present in both architectures and compare the performance of both a passive and active handover approach. The passive handover approach can be set up without any extra implementation, but an active handover approach offers more proactive handover decisions and can provide a much lower handover latency. All proposed solutions have been implemented and validated on real hardware, showing the feasibility of having future infrastructures with support for mobile BLE devices
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