149 research outputs found

    Combined trellis coding and feedforward processing for MSS applications

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    The idea of using a multiple (more than two) symbol observation interval to improve error probability performance is applied to differential detection of trellis coded MPSK over a mobile satellite (fading) channel. Results are obtained via computer simulation. It is shown that only a slight increase (e.g., one symbol) in the length of the observation interval will provide a significant improvement in bit error probability performance both in AWGN and fading environments

    Trellis-coded MPSK modulation techniques for MSAT-X(sup)1

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    Various trellis-coded modulated phase shift keying (MPSK) modulation techniques for transmitting 4.8 kbps over a 5 kHz RF channel are considered. The tradeoffs between coherent versus differentially coherent types of demodulation, and interleaving are discussed as well as optimum trellis-codes designed for fading channels. Simulation results are presented

    Multiple symbol differential detection of uncoded and trellis coded MPSK

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    A differential detection for MPSK, which uses a multiple symbol observation interval, is presented and its performance analyzed and simulated. The technique makes use of maximum-likelihood sequence estimation of the transmitted phases rather than symbol-by-symbol detection as in conventional differential detection. As such the performance of this multiple symbol detection scheme fills the gap between conventional (two-symbol observation) differentially coherent detection of MPSK and ideal coherent of MPSK with differential encoding. The amount of improvement gained over conventional differential detection depends on the number of phases, M, and the number of additional symbol intervals added to the observation. What is particularly interesting is that substantial performance improvement can be obtained for only one or two additional symbol intervals of observation. The analysis and simulation results presented are for uncoded and trellis coded MPSK

    The performance of trellis coded multilevel DPSK on a fading mobile satellite channel

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    The performance of trellis coded multilevel differential phase-shift-keying (MDPSK) over Rician and Rayleigh fading channels is discussed. For operation at L-Band, this signalling technique leads to a more robust system than the coherent system with dual pilot tone calibration previously proposed for UHF. The results are obtained using a combination of analysis and simulation. The analysis shows that the design criterion for trellis codes to be operated on fading channels with interleaving/deinterleaving is no longer free Euclidean distance. The correct design criterion for optimizing bit error probability of trellis coded MDPSK over fading channels will be presented along with examples illustrating its application

    Telemetering and telecommunications research

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    The New Mexico State University (NMSU) Center for Space Telemetering and Telecommunications systems is engaged in advanced communications systems research. Four areas of study that are being sponsored concern investigations into the use of trellis-coded modulation (TCM). In particular, two areas concentrate on carrier synchronization research in TCM M-ary phase shift key (MPSK) systems. A third research topic is the study of interference effects on TCM, while the fourth research area is in the field of concatenated TCM systems

    Robust Reed Solomon Coded MPSK Modulation

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    In this paper, construction of partitioned Reed Solomon coded modulation (RSCM), which is robust for the additive white Gaussian noise channel and a Rayleigh fading channel, is investigated. By matching configuration of component codes with the channel characteristics, it is shown that this system is robust for the Gaussian and a Rayleigh fading channel. This approach is compared with non-partitioned RSCM, a Reed Solomon code combined with an MPSK signal set using Gray mapping; and block coded MPSK modulation using binary codes, Reed Muller codes. All codes use hard decision decoding algorithm. Simulation results for these schemes show that RSCM based on set partitioning performs better than those that are not based on set partitioning and Reed Muller Coded Modulation across a wide range of conditions. The novel idea here is that in the receiver, we use a rotated 2^(m+1)-PSK detector if the transmitter uses a 2^m-PSK modulator

    The investigation of bandwidth efficient coding and modulation techniques

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    The New Mexico State University Center for Space Telemetering and Telecommunications systems has been, and is currently, engaged in the investigation of trellis-coded modulation (TCM) communication systems. In particular, TCM utilizing M-ary phase shift keying is being studied. The study of carrier synchronization in a TCM environment, or in MPSK systems in general, has been one of the two main thrusts of this grant. This study has involved both theoretical modelling and software simulation of the carrier synchronization problem

    Some fundamental issues in receiver design and performance analysis for wireless communication

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    COSSAP simulation model of DS-CDMA indoor microwave ATM LAN

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    This thesis presents an original work in the area of designing and implementing a simulation testbed for modelling a high speed spread spectrum Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Local Area Network (LAN). The spread spectrum technique used in this LAN model is Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA). The simulation model includes at least a physical layer of such a LAN, embedded into the COSSAP1 simulation environment, and has been fully tested. All the newly developed building blocks are comprised of standard blocks from the COSSAP libraries or compatible user-built primitive blocks (only where it is absolutely necessary), and are flexible enough to allow the modification of simulation or model parameters; such as the number of signal channels, modulation method used, different spreading code sequences and so on. All these changes can be made with minimal effort. Another significant contribution made in this thesis is the extended research into evaluating the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance of different spread spectrum COMA coding schemes for an indoor microwave A1M LAN [8]. Different spread spectrum CDMA coding schemes are compared for their transmission error rate in Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel with varying transmitted signal power and at different channel Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) levels. Since a wireless microwave channel is very prone to transmission errors, a major contribution of the simulation testbed developed in this thesis is its use in the finding of an optimal physical layer transmission scheme with the best Bit Error Rate (BER) performance in an indoor environment

    Trellis coded modulation techniques

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    The subject of this thesis is an investigation of various trellis coded modulation (TCM) techniques that have potential for out-performing conventional methods. The primary advantage of TCM over modulation schemes employing traditional error-correction coding is the ability to achieve increased power efficiency without the normal expansion of bandwidth introduced by the coding process. Thus, channels that are power limited and bandwidth limited are an ideal application for TCM. In this thesis, four areas of interest are investigated. These include: signal constellation design, multilevel convolutional coding, adaptive TCM and finally low-complexity implementation of TCM. An investigation of the effect of signal constellation design on probability of error has led to the optimisation of constellation angles for a given channel signal to noise ratio and a given code. The use of multilevel convolutional codes based on rings of integers and multi-dimensional modulation is presented. The potential benefits of incorporating several modulation schemes with adaptive TCM which require a single decoder are also investigated. The final area of investigation has been the development of an algorithm for decoding of convolutional codes with a low complexity decoder. The research described in this thesis investigated the use of trellis coded modulation to develop various techniques applicable to digital data transmission systems. Throughout this work, emphasis has been placed on enhancing the performance or complexity of conventional communication systems by simple modifications to the existing structures