6 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Mayoritas jenis usaha di indonesia adalah dari golongan usaha mikro yang terlihat dari persentase perkembangan pada tahun 2012 yang mencapai 98,79% dari 99,99% atau 55,9 juta usaha mikro dari 56,5 juta Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) yang ada di Indonesia. Namun, minimnya dukungan teknologi mobile atau yang dikenal dengan mobile commerce akan menyulitkan perkembangan micro enterprise. Mengingat pentingnya penerapan teknologi mobile commerce pada micro enterprise, maka perlu membuat acuan, panduan dan rencana yang jelas bagi pengembangan aplikasi mobile commerce secara keseluruhan untuk micro enterprise. Pemodelan arsitektur mobile commerce dipetakan menjadi arsitektur data, arsitektur aplikasi dan arsitektur teknologi. Pengujian model arsitektur dilakukan oleh enam responden dengan menggunakan Enterprise Architecture Score Card (EA Score Card) dengan hasil perhitungan 57,56% yang berarti arsitektur tersebut dinyatakan layak.Kata kunci: mobile commerce, arsitektur, micro enterprise, EA Score Car


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    O advento da computação móvel, em particular a popularidade dos dispositivos móveis, vem modificando a maneira como os sistemas de informação são acessados e trazendo novas oportunidades de uso da computação em diversas áreas. Neste artigo relataremos o estudo de caso do desenvolvimento da aplicação do SIGAA para dispositivos móveis. Particularmente, focaremos no módulo de Turma Virtual, enfatizando a importância do mesmo para os docentes, discentes e para a própria instituição. Por fim, serão discutidos os resultados desta iniciativa, com base em dados e indicadores coletados a partir da instalação e uso do aplicativo

    Data Driven Network Design for Cloud Services Based on Historic Utilization

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    In recent years we have seen a shift from traditional networking in enterprises with Data Center centric architectures moving to cloud services. Companies are moving away from private networking technologies like MPLS as they migrate their application workloads to the cloud. With these migrations, network architects must struggle with how to design and build new network infrastructure to support the cloud for all their end users including office workers, remote workers, and home office workers. The main goal for network design is to maximize availability and performance and minimize cost. However, network architects and network engineers tend to over provision networks by sizing the bandwidth for worst case scenarios wasting millions of dollars per year. This thesis will analyze traditional network utilization data from twenty-five of the Fortune 500 companies in the United States and determine the most efficient bandwidth to support cloud services from providers like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and others. The analysis of real-world data and the resulting proposed scaling factor is an original contribution from this study

    A Mobile Holistic Enterprise Transformation Framework

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    Mobile phones and tablets shipments are surpassing those of the PC category, as well as in relation to Internet usage as of 2016; all details which have made mobile adoption a priority for many enterprises and a challenge for them as well. Many enterprises have fallen into a paradox of spending on creating and updating mobile services, and gaining less than expected in return. Reasons for this include the lack of vision, and the lack of a clearly defined, well communicated mobile strategy. Enterprise Architecture ‘EA’ facilitates a successful transformation by controlling and managing the transitions in order to arrive at a clearly defined future state. It is regarded as the science of change to many. However, EA frameworks are very comprehensive and require weeks of training and resources, and are often too generic for mobile transformation. Therefore, an EA-based mobile holistic enterprise framework has been developed to support enterprises in making mobile initiatives a priority. The proposed framework ensures a clearly defined, well-communicated, holistic future state that is continually evaluated, as opposed to many of the existing frameworks. The proposed Mobile Holistic Enterprise Architecture Framework - ‘MHETF’ - is based on the realisation of the capabilities of smartphones that are aimed at individual average consumers (the backbone of the current mobile trend). The capabilities are categorised and translated into four sets of services categories for business use. They are linked to another two components of the framework which are: (i) the categorisation of goals and objectives that are incorporated into the Balanced Scorecard for evaluation at a later stage in planning, and continually referred to during transitions and (ii) the categorisation of the implementation forms (categorisation of end solutions’ functionalities). The framework is supported by EA inter-operability and maturity models to ensure continuity and alignment with the existing initiatives, the enterprise’s strategic objectives, and the change required in the scope of transformation. An evaluation for the available enterprise architecture frameworks was carried out and resulted in the selection of The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF). The decision was also commended by the participants in the case study evaluation due to their familiarity with this framework, which is being adopted as the Saudi E Government Standard in contrast to the other major frameworks of Zachman and Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA). MHETF has been applied to three case studies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; two applications for a leading national outsourcing company, and the third for the outpatient clinics in a large hospital in the capital city of Riyadh. The results have shown major improvements in the four goal areas of mobile transformation; productivity, processes, satisfaction improvement and facilitating new opportunities. Eventually, the final evolution has shown that the participants are satisfied with the framework overall, and indicates that the framework changed their perspective of the power of mobile applications significantly, is relatively easy to understand, and that they are planning to adopt it for future mobile initiatives

    A Mobile Holistic Enterprise Transformation Framework

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    Mobile phones and tablets shipments are surpassing those of the PC category, as well as in relation to Internet usage as of 2016; all details which have made mobile adoption a priority for many enterprises and a challenge for them as well. Many enterprises have fallen into a paradox of spending on creating and updating mobile services, and gaining less than expected in return. Reasons for this include the lack of vision, and the lack of a clearly defined, well communicated mobile strategy. Enterprise Architecture ‘EA’ facilitates a successful transformation by controlling and managing the transitions in order to arrive at a clearly defined future state. It is regarded as the science of change to many. However, EA frameworks are very comprehensive and require weeks of training and resources, and are often too generic for mobile transformation. Therefore, an EA-based mobile holistic enterprise framework has been developed to support enterprises in making mobile initiatives a priority. The proposed framework ensures a clearly defined, well-communicated, holistic future state that is continually evaluated, as opposed to many of the existing frameworks. The proposed Mobile Holistic Enterprise Architecture Framework - ‘MHETF’ - is based on the realisation of the capabilities of smartphones that are aimed at individual average consumers (the backbone of the current mobile trend). The capabilities are categorised and translated into four sets of services categories for business use. They are linked to another two components of the framework which are: (i) the categorisation of goals and objectives that are incorporated into the Balanced Scorecard for evaluation at a later stage in planning, and continually referred to during transitions and (ii) the categorisation of the implementation forms (categorisation of end solutions’ functionalities). The framework is supported by EA inter-operability and maturity models to ensure continuity and alignment with the existing initiatives, the enterprise’s strategic objectives, and the change required in the scope of transformation. An evaluation for the available enterprise architecture frameworks was carried out and resulted in the selection of The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF). The decision was also commended by the participants in the case study evaluation due to their familiarity with this framework, which is being adopted as the Saudi E Government Standard in contrast to the other major frameworks of Zachman and Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA). MHETF has been applied to three case studies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; two applications for a leading national outsourcing company, and the third for the outpatient clinics in a large hospital in the capital city of Riyadh. The results have shown major improvements in the four goal areas of mobile transformation; productivity, processes, satisfaction improvement and facilitating new opportunities. Eventually, the final evolution has shown that the participants are satisfied with the framework overall, and indicates that the framework changed their perspective of the power of mobile applications significantly, is relatively easy to understand, and that they are planning to adopt it for future mobile initiatives