337 research outputs found

    Programming Dense Linear Algebra Kernels on Vectorized Architectures

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    The high performance computing (HPC) community is obsessed over the general matrix-matrix multiply (GEMM) routine. This obsession is not without reason. Most, if not all, Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS) can be written in terms of GEMM, and many of the higher level linear algebra solvers\u27 (i.e., LU, Cholesky) performance depend on GEMM\u27s performance. Getting high performance on GEMM is highly architecture dependent, and so for each new architecture that comes out, GEMM has to be programmed and tested to achieve maximal performance. Also, with emergent computer architectures featuring more vector-based and multi to many-core processors, GEMM performance becomes hinged to the utilization of these technologies. In this research, three Intel processor architectures are explored, including the new Intel MIC Architecture. Each architecture has different vector lengths and number of cores. The effort given to create three Level 3 BLAS routines (GEMM, TRSM, SYRK) is examined with respect to the architectural features as well as some parallel algorithmic nuances. This thorough examination culminates in a Cholesky (POTRF) routine which offers a legitimate test application. Lastly, four shared memory, parallel languages are explored for these routines to explore single-node supercomputing performance. These languages are OpenMP, Pthreads, Cilk and TBB. Each routine is developed in each language offering up information about which language is superior. A clear picture develops showing how these and similar routines should be written in OpenMP and exactly what architectural features chiefly impact performance

    Extensions of Task-based Runtime for High Performance Dense Linear Algebra Applications

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    On the road to exascale computing, the gap between hardware peak performance and application performance is increasing as system scale, chip density and inherent complexity of modern supercomputers are expanding. Even if we put aside the difficulty to express algorithmic parallelism and to efficiently execute applications at large scale, other open questions remain. The ever-growing scale of modern supercomputers induces a fast decline of the Mean Time To Failure. A generic, low-overhead, resilient extension becomes a desired aptitude for any programming paradigm. This dissertation addresses these two critical issues, designing an efficient unified linear algebra development environment using a task-based runtime, and extending a task-based runtime with fault tolerant capabilities to build a generic framework providing both soft and hard error resilience to task-based programming paradigm. To bridge the gap between hardware peak performance and application perfor- mance, a unified programming model is designed to take advantage of a lightweight task-based runtime to manage the resource-specific workload, and to control the data ow and parallel execution of tasks. Under this unified development, linear algebra tasks are abstracted across different underlying heterogeneous resources, including multicore CPUs, GPUs and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. Performance portability is guaranteed and this programming model is adapted to a wide range of accelerators, supporting both shared and distributed-memory environments. To solve the resilient challenges on large scale systems, fault tolerant mechanisms are designed for a task-based runtime to protect applications against both soft and hard errors. For soft errors, three additions to a task-based runtime are explored. The first recovers the application by re-executing minimum number of tasks, the second logs intermediary data between tasks to minimize the necessary re-execution, while the last one takes advantage of algorithmic properties to recover the data without re- execution. For hard errors, we propose two generic approaches, which augment the data logging mechanism for soft errors. The first utilizes non-volatile storage device to save logged data, while the second saves local logged data on a remote node to protect against node failure. Experimental results have confirmed that our soft and hard error fault tolerant mechanisms exhibit the expected correctness and efficiency

    Ara: A 1 GHz+ Scalable and Energy-Efficient RISC-V Vector Processor with Multi-Precision Floating Point Support in 22 nm FD-SOI

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    In this paper, we present Ara, a 64-bit vector processor based on the version 0.5 draft of RISC-V's vector extension, implemented in GlobalFoundries 22FDX FD-SOI technology. Ara's microarchitecture is scalable, as it is composed of a set of identical lanes, each containing part of the processor's vector register file and functional units. It achieves up to 97% FPU utilization when running a 256 x 256 double precision matrix multiplication on sixteen lanes. Ara runs at more than 1 GHz in the typical corner (TT/0.80V/25 oC) achieving a performance up to 33 DP-GFLOPS. In terms of energy efficiency, Ara achieves up to 41 DP-GFLOPS/W under the same conditions, which is slightly superior to similar vector processors found in literature. An analysis on several vectorizable linear algebra computation kernels for a range of different matrix and vector sizes gives insight into performance limitations and bottlenecks for vector processors and outlines directions to maintain high energy efficiency even for small matrix sizes where the vector architecture achieves suboptimal utilization of the available FPUs.Comment: 13 pages. Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration System

    Dynamic Task Execution on Shared and Distributed Memory Architectures

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    Multicore architectures with high core counts have come to dominate the world of high performance computing, from shared memory machines to the largest distributed memory clusters. The multicore route to increased performance has a simpler design and better power efficiency than the traditional approach of increasing processor frequencies. But, standard programming techniques are not well adapted to this change in computer architecture design. In this work, we study the use of dynamic runtime environments executing data driven applications as a solution to programming multicore architectures. The goals of our runtime environments are productivity, scalability and performance. We demonstrate productivity by defining a simple programming interface to express code. Our runtime environments are experimentally shown to be scalable and give competitive performance on large multicore and distributed memory machines. This work is driven by linear algebra algorithms, where state-of-the-art libraries (e.g., LAPACK and ScaLAPACK) using a fork-join or block-synchronous execution style do not use the available resources in the most efficient manner. Research work in linear algebra has reformulated these algorithms as tasks acting on tiles of data, with data dependency relationships between the tasks. This results in a task-based DAG for the reformulated algorithms, which can be executed via asynchronous data-driven execution paths analogous to dataflow execution. We study an API and runtime environment for shared memory architectures that efficiently executes serially presented tile based algorithms. This runtime is used to enable linear algebra applications and is shown to deliver performance competitive with state-of- the-art commercial and research libraries. We develop a runtime environment for distributed memory multicore architectures extended from our shared memory implementation. The runtime takes serially presented algorithms designed for the shared memory environment, and schedules and executes them on distributed memory architectures in a scalable and high performance manner. We design a distributed data coherency protocol and a distributed task scheduling mechanism which avoid global coordination. Experimental results with linear algebra applications show the scalability and performance of our runtime environment

    Fast and Accurate Simulation of Multithreaded Sparse Linear Algebra Solvers

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    International audienceThe ever growing complexity and scale of parallel architectures imposes to rewrite classical monolithic HPC scientific applications and libraries as their portability and performance optimization only comes at a prohibitive cost. There is thus a recent and general trend in using instead a modular approach where numerical algorithms are written at a high level independently of the hardware architecture as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) of tasks. A task-based runtime system then dynamically schedules the resulting DAG on the different computing resources, automatically taking care of data movement and taking into account the possible speed heterogeneity and variability. Evaluating the performance of such complex and dynamic systems is extremely challenging especially for irregular codes. In this article, we explain how we crafted a faithful simulation, both in terms of performance and memory usage, of the behavior of qr_mumps, a fully-featured sparse linear algebra library, on multi-core architectures. In our approach, the target high-end machines are calibrated only once to derive sound performance models. These models can then be used at will to quickly predict and study in a reproducible way the performance of such irregular and resource-demanding applications using solely a commodity laptop

    HPC Programming on Intel Many-Integrated-Core Hardware with MAGMA Port to Xeon Phi

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of several fundamental dense linear algebra (DLA) algorithms for multicore with Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. In particular, we consider algorithms for solving linear systems. Further, we give an overview of the MAGMA MIC library, an open source, high performance library, that incorporates the developments presented here and, more broadly, provides the DLA functionality equivalent to that of the popular LAPACK library while targeting heterogeneous architectures that feature a mix of multicore CPUs and coprocessors. The LAPACK-compliance simplifies the use of the MAGMA MIC library in applications, while providing them with portably performant DLA. High performance is obtained through the use of the high-performance BLAS, hardware-specific tuning, and a hybridization methodology whereby we split the algorithm into computational tasks of various granularities. Execution of those tasks is properly scheduled over the heterogeneous hardware by minimizing data movements and mapping algorithmic requirements to the architectural strengths of the various heterogeneous hardware components. Our methodology and programming techniques are incorporated into the MAGMA MIC API, which abstracts the application developer from the specifics of the Xeon Phi architecture and is therefore applicable to algorithms beyond the scope of DLA
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