10 research outputs found

    Output Remapping Technique for Soft-Error Rate Reduction in Critical Paths

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    It is expected that the soft error rate (SER) of combinational logic will increase significantly. Previous solutions to mitigate soft errors in combinational logic suffer from delay penalty or area/power overhead. In this paper, we proposed an output remapping technique to reduce SER of critical paths. Experimental results show up to about 20X increase in Qcritical. So the SER is reduced significantly. This method does not introduce any delay penalty. The area/power overhead is limited as well. The output remapping method is based on our novel glitch width model. The analysis shows that output remapping technique works well along with technology scaling

    Design of Asynchronous Circuits for High Soft Error Tolerance in Deep Submicron CMOS Circuits

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    As the devices are scaling down, the combinational logic will become susceptible to soft errors. The conventional soft error tolerant methods for soft errors on combinational logic do not provide enough high soft error tolerant capability with reasonably small performance penalty. This paper investigates the feasibility of designing quasi-delay insensitive (QDI) asynchronous circuits for high soft error tolerance. We analyze the behavior of null convention logic (NCL) circuits in the presence of particle strikes, and propose an asynchronous pipeline for soft-error correction and a novel technique to improve the robustness of threshold gates, which are basic components in NCL, against particle strikes by using Schmitt trigger circuit and resizing the feedback transistor. Experimental results show that the proposed threshold gates do not generate soft errors under the strike of a particle within a certain energy range if a proper transistor size is applied. The penalties, such as delay and power consumption, are also presented

    Asynchronous designs on FPGA with soft error tolerance for security algorithms

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    Asynchronous methodologies, such as Null Convention Logic (NCL), have tremendous potential in implementing digital logic. It is essential to design complex asynchronous circuits using commercial Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools. The main focus of this thesis is to design NCL circuits using VHDL and implementing them on FPGAs. The major contributions of this thesis include: 1) Developing a methodology of designing NCL circuits with VHDL and applying it successfully to all practical designs in this thesis. 2) As an example, the NCL circuit for DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm has been designed and simulated using VHDL and the implementation issues on various FPGAs (Xilinx and Altera) have been investigated. Modification of the design has been done to minimize the amount of logic used. 3) An effective soft error tolerant scheme for asynchronous circuits on FPGAs is proposed, and successfully verified through software simulation and hardware implementation by introducing it into a DES round. This thesis provides a starting point for further investigation of NCL circuits, in terms of VHDL modeling, FPGA implementations, and soft error tolerance


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    Microelectronic devices and systems have been extensively utilized in a variety of radiation environments, ranging from the low-earth orbit to the ground level. A high-energy particle from such an environment may cause voltage/current transients, thereby inducing Single Event Effect (SEE) errors in an Integrated Circuit (IC). Ever since the first SEE error was reported in 1975, this community has made tremendous progress in investigating the mechanisms of SEE and exploring radiation tolerant techniques. However, as the IC technology advances, the existing hardening techniques have been rendered less effective because of the reduced spacing and charge sharing between devices. The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) roadmap has identified radiation-induced soft errors as the major threat to the reliable operation of electronic systems in the future. In digital systems, hardening techniques of their core components, such as latches, logic, and clock network, need to be addressed. Two single event tolerant latch designs taking advantage of feedback transistors are presented and evaluated in both single event resilience and overhead. These feedback transistors are turned OFF in the hold mode, thereby yielding a very large resistance. This, in turn, results in a larger feedback delay and higher single event tolerance. On the other hand, these extra transistors are turned ON when the cell is in the write mode. As a result, no significant write delay is introduced. Both designs demonstrate higher upset threshold and lower cross-section when compared to the reference cells. Dynamic logic circuits have intrinsic single event issues in each stage of the operations. The worst case occurs when the output is evaluated logic high, where the pull-up networks are turned OFF. In this case, the circuit fails to recover the output by pulling the output up to the supply rail. A capacitor added to the feedback path increases the node capacitance of the output and the feedback delay, thereby increasing the single event critical charge. Another differential structure that has two differential inputs and outputs eliminates single event upset issues at the expense of an increased number of transistors. Clock networks in advanced technology nodes may cause significant errors in an IC as the devices are more sensitive to single event strikes. Clock mesh is a widely used clocking scheme in a digital system. It was fabricated in a 28nm technology and evaluated through the use of heavy ions and laser irradiation experiments. Superior resistance to radiation strikes was demonstrated during these tests. In addition to mitigating single event issues by using hardened designs, built-in current sensors can be used to detect single event induced currents in the n-well and, if implemented, subsequently execute fault correction actions. These sensors were simulated and fabricated in a 28nm CMOS process. Simulation, as well as, experimental results, substantiates the validity of this sensor design. This manifests itself as an alternative to existing hardening techniques. In conclusion, this work investigates single event effects in digital systems, especially those in deep-submicron or advanced technology nodes. New hardened latch, dynamic logic, clock, and current sensor designs have been presented and evaluated. Through the use of these designs, the single event tolerance of a digital system can be achieved at the expense of varying overhead in terms of area, power, and delay


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    An advanced Framework for efficient IC optimization based on analytical models engine

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    En base als reptes sorgits a conseqüència de l'escalat de la tecnologia, la present tesis desenvolupa i analitza un conjunt d'eines orientades a avaluar la sensibilitat a la propagació d'esdeveniments SET en circuits microelectrònics. S'han proposant varies mètriques de propagació de SETs considerant l'impacto dels emmascaraments lògic, elèctric i combinat lògic-elèctric. Aquestes mètriques proporcionen una via d'anàlisi per quantificar tant les regions més susceptibles a propagar SETs com les sortides més susceptibles de rebre'ls. S'ha desenvolupat un conjunt d'algorismes de cerca de camins sensibilitzables altament adaptables a múltiples aplicacions, un sistema lògic especific i diverses tècniques de simplificació de circuits. S'ha demostrat que el retard d'un camí donat depèn dels vectors de sensibilització aplicats a les portes que formen part del mateix, essent aquesta variació de retard comparable a la atribuïble a les variacions paramètriques del proces.En base a los desafíos surgidos a consecuencia del escalado de la tecnología, la presente tesis desarrolla y analiza un conjunto de herramientas orientadas a evaluar la sensibilidad a la propagación de eventos SET en circuitos microelectrónicos. Se han propuesto varias métricas de propagación de SETs considerando el impacto de los enmascaramientos lógico, eléctrico y combinado lógico-eléctrico. Estas métricas proporcionan una vía de análisis para cuantificar tanto las regiones más susceptibles a propagar eventos SET como las salidas más susceptibles a recibirlos. Ha sido desarrollado un conjunto de algoritmos de búsqueda de caminos sensibilizables altamente adaptables a múltiples aplicaciones, un sistema lógico especifico y diversas técnicas de simplificación de circuitos. Se ha demostrado que el retardo de un camino dado depende de los vectores de sensibilización aplicados a las puertas que forman parte del mismo, siendo esta variación de retardo comparable a la atribuible a las variaciones paramétricas del proceso.Based on the challenges arising as a result of technology scaling, this thesis develops and evaluates a complete framework for SET propagation sensitivity. The framework comprises a number of processing tools capable of handling circuits with high complexity in an efficient way. Various SET propagation metrics have been proposed considering the impact of logic, electric and combined logic-electric masking. Such metrics provide a valuable vehicle to grade either in-circuit regions being more susceptible of propagating SETs toward the circuit outputs or circuit outputs more susceptible to produce SET. A quite efficient and customizable true path finding algorithm with a specific logic system has been constructed and its efficacy demonstrated on large benchmark circuits. It has been shown that the delay of a path depends on the sensitization vectors applied to the gates within the path. In some cases, this variation is comparable to the one caused by process parameters variation

    Design and Analysis of Metastable-Hardened, High-Performance, Low-Power Flip-Flops

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    With rapid technology scaling, flip-flops are becoming more susceptible to metastability due to tighter timing budgets and the more prominent effects of process, temperature, and voltage variation that can result in frequent setup and hold time violations. This thesis presents a detailed methodology and analysis on the design of metastable-hardened, high-performance, and low-power flip-flops. The design of metastable-hardened flip-flops is focused on optimizing the value of τ mainly due to its exponential relationship with the metastability window δ and the mean-time-between-failure (MTBF). Through small-signal modeling, τ is determined to be a function of the load capacitance and the transconductance in the cross-coupled inverter pair for a given flip-flop architecture. In most cases, the reduction of τ comes at the expense of increased delay and power. Hence, two new design metrics, the metastability-delay-product (MDP) and the metastability-power-delay-product (MPDP), are proposed to analyze the tradeoffs between delay, power and τ. Post-layout simulation results have shown that the proposed optimum MPDP design can reduce the metastability window δ by at least an order of magnitude depending on the value of the settling time and the flip-flop architecture. In this work, we have proposed two new flip-flop designs: the pre-discharge flip-flop (PDFF) and the sense-amplifier-transmission-gate (SATG) based flip-flop. Both flip-flop architectures facilitate the usage in both single and dual-supply systems as reduced clock-swing flip-flop and level-converting flip-flop. With a cross-coupled inverter in the master-stage that increases the overall transconductance and a small load transistor associated with the critical node, the architecture of both the PDFF and the SATG is very attractive for the design of metastable-hardened, high-performance, and low-power flip-flops. The amount of overhead in delay, power, and area is all less than 10% under the optimum MPDP design scheme when compared to the traditional optimum PDP design. In designing for metastable-hardened and soft-error tolerant flip-flops, the main methodology is to improve the metastability performance in the master-stage while applying the soft-error tolerant cell in the slave-stage for protection against soft-error. The proposed flip-flops, PDFF-SE and SATG-SE, both utilize a cross-coupled inverter on the critical path in the master-stage and generate the required differential signals to facilitate the usage of the Quatro soft-error tolerant cell in the slave-stage

    Soft Error Analysis and Mitigation at High Abstraction Levels

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    Radiation-induced soft errors, as one of the major reliability challenges in future technology nodes, have to be carefully taken into consideration in the design space exploration. This thesis presents several novel and efficient techniques for soft error evaluation and mitigation at high abstract levels, i.e. from register transfer level up to behavioral algorithmic level. The effectiveness of proposed techniques is demonstrated with extensive synthesis experiments