1,615 research outputs found

    Modelling, Simulation Methods for Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    Effective transportation systems lead to the efficient movement of goods and people, which significantly contribute to the quality of life in every society. In the heart of every economic and social development, there is always a transportation system. Meanwhile, traffic congestion has been increasing worldwide because of increased motorization, urbanization, population growth, and changes in population density. This threatens the social and economic prosperity of communities all over the world. Congestion reduces utilization of the transportation infrastructure and increases travel time, air pollution, and fuel consumption. Therefore, managing and controlling transportation systems becomes a high priority task for every community, as it constitutes a matter of survival and prosperity for humanity

    Modeliranje i simulacija transportnih sustava: pristup planiranja scenarija

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    It is increasingly realized that building more roads does not solve the traffic congestion problem but actually makes it worse. Instead of adding capacity to our roads there should be an effort to find ways in order to enhance the level of service of the public transport mode especially with the use of technology, such as applying computer and information technology to transportation systems. Advanced technologies such as Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) provide a big opportunity for alleviating the traffic congestion problem. On the other hand, ITS technologies require though rigorous testing and evaluation, which can only be achieved with computer simulation modeling. This paper presents an overview on traffic simulation as well as the development process of a microscopic simulation model of a highly congested traffic network in Nicosia, Cyprus. The validated simulation model gives transportation planners and traffic managers the capability to test various Bus Rapid Transit scenario solutions involving the use of intelligent transportation systems prior to their implementation.Postaje sve razvidnije da se izgradnjom novih cesta ne može riješiti problem prometne zagušenosti, već se čak može i povećati. Dakle, umjesto proširenja mreže cesta trebalo bi uložiti energiju u povećanje razine usluga javnog transporta, poglavito primjenom novih tehnologija kao što su računalna i informacijska tehnologija. Napredne tehnologije uključene u tzv. Inteligentne transportne sustave (ITS) pružaju velike mogućnosti za ublažavanje problema prometne zagušenosti. S druge strane, ITS tehnologije zahtijevaju rigorozne provjere i vrednovanja koja se jedino mogu provesti pomoću računalnih simulacija. U radu se daje pregled načina simulacije prometa te proces razvoja mikroskopskog simulacijskog modela jako zagušene prometne mreže u Nikoziji na Cipru. Vrednovani simulacijski model pruža planerima transporta i upraviteljima prometa mogućnost provjeravanja raznih rješenja scenarija brzog autobusnog prometa, uključujući primjenu inteligentnih prometnih sustava prije njihove implementacije

    On the spatial feasibility of crowdshipping services in university communities

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    Abstract Crowdshipping, i.e. delivering goods via the crowd, aims at combining passenger with freight trips. This concept is particularly useful, especially in urban contexts, since it allows using the spare capacity of vehicles and reducing the negative impacts of urban freight transport. While attractive in principle, a crowdshipping service needs to be appropriately conceived to be effective. In this respect, matching passenger with freight transport demand is one of the main issues to consider. Besides, it is important to promote a sustainable crowdshipping, i.e. perfomed via sustainable transport modes. This paper presents a GIS-based approach to evaluate the spatial feasibility of crowdshipping services using public transport or active modes in the context of a University community. The case study analyzed focuses on e-commerce deliveries and takes into account a campus with venues located in different zones in the city of Catania (Italy). The methodology is designed according to spatial considerations related to the proximity of delivery points and home addresses, students' flows between origins and destinations and main mode of transport used. Results are useful to design the service in a well-established community, which could be considered more inclined to be involved

    Towards Sustainable Transport and Mobility

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    Small island states are one of the most affected areas by sea-level rise, and sustainable transport development is crucial to their transition towards resiliency. However, their special spatial situations, insularity, geographic remoteness, small populations, and small economies resulted in high transport costs and car dependencies. The book moves away from the conventional focus on urban areas in the Global North and tourism. It gives a different perspective on sustainable transport, travelling, and commuting in the Caribbean and Europe. The authors provide research-based insights and show the state-of-the-art and future approaches for policy-makers, academics, and practitioners. Even beyond small island state research, the book offers an innovative outlook

    Monitoring fatigue and drowsiness in motor vehicle occupants using electrocardiogram and heart rate - A systematic review

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    Introdução: A fadiga é um estado complexo que pode resultar em diminuição da vigilância, frequentemente acompanhada de sonolência. A fadiga durante a condução contribui significativamente para acidentes de trânsito em todo o mundo, destacando-se a necessidade de técnicas de monitorização eficazes. Existem várias tecnologias para aumentar a segurança do condutor e reduzir os riscos de acidentes, como sistemas de deteção de fadiga que podem alertar os condutores à medida que a sonolência se instala. Em particular, a análise dos padrões de frequência cardíaca pode oferecer informações valiosas sobre a condição fisiológica e o nível de vigilância do condutor, permitindo-lhe compreender os seus níveis de fadiga. Esta revisão tem como objetivo estabelecer o estado atual das estratégias de monitorização para ocupantes de veículos, com foco específico na avaliação da fadiga pela frequência cardíaca e variabilidade da frequência cardíaca. Métodos: Realizamos uma pesquisa sistemática da literatura nas bases de dados Web of Science, SCOPUS e Pubmed, utilizando os termos veículo, condutor, monitoração fisiológica, fadiga, sono, eletrocardiograma, frequência cardíaca e variabilidade da frequência cardíaca. Examinamos artigos publicados entre 1 de janeiro de 2018 e 31 de janeiro de 2023. Resultados: Um total de 371 artigos foram identificados, dos quais 71 foram incluídos neste estudo. Entre os artigos incluídos, 57 utilizam o eletrocardiograma (ECG) como sinal adquirido para medir a frequência cardíaca, sendo que a maioria das leituras de ECG foi obtida através de sensores de contacto (n=41), seguidos por sensores vestíveis não invasivos (n=11). Relativamente à validação, 23 artigos não mencionam qualquer tipo de validação, enquanto a maioria se baseia em avaliações subjetivas de fadiga relatadas pelos próprios participantes (n=27) e avaliações feitas por observadores com base em vídeos (n=11). Dos artigos incluídos, apenas 14 englobam um sistema de estimativa de fadiga e sonolência. Alguns relatam um desempenho satisfatórios, no entanto, o tamanho reduzido da amostra limita a abrangência de quaisquer conclusões. Conclusão: Esta revisão destaca o potencial da análise da frequência cardíaca e da instrumentação não invasiva para a monitorização contínua do estado do condutor e deteção de sonolência. Uma das principais questões é a falta de métodos suficientes de validação e estimativa para a fadiga, o que contribui para a insuficiência dos métodos na criação de sistemas de alarme proativos. Esta área apresenta grandes perspetivas, mas ainda está longe de ser implementada de forma fiável.Background: Fatigue is a complex state that can result in decreased alertness, often accompanied by drowsiness. Driving fatigue has become a significant contributor to traffic accidents globally, highlighting the need for effective monitoring techniques. Various technologies exist to enhance driver safety and minimize accident risks, such as fatigue detection systems that can alert drivers as drowsiness sets in. In particular, measuring heart rate patterns may offer valuable insights into the occupant's physiological condition and level of alertness, and may allow them to understand their fatigue levels. This review aims to establish the current state of the art of monitoring strategies for vehicle occupants, specifically focusing on fatigue assessed by heart rate and heart rate variability. Methods: We performed a systematic literature search in the databases of Web Of Science, SCOPUS and Pubmed, using the terms vehicle, driver, physiologic monitoring, fatigue, sleep, electrocardiogram, heart rate and heart rate variability. We examine articles published between 1st of january 2018 and 31st of January 2023. Results: A total of 371 papers were identified from which 71 articles were included in this study. Among the included papers, 57 utilized electrocardiogram (ECG) as the acquired signal for heart rate (HR) measures, with most ECG readings obtained through contact sensors (n=41), followed by non-intrusive wearable sensors (n=11). Regarding validation, 23 papers do not report validation, while the majority rely on subjective self-reported fatigue ratings (n=27) and video-based observer ratings(n=11). From the included papers, only 14 comprise a fatigue and drowsiness estimation system. Some report acceptable performances, but reduced sample size limits the reach of any conclusions. Conclusions: This review highlights the potential of HR analysis and non-intrusive instrumentation for continuous monitoring of driver's status and detecting sleepiness. One major issue is the lack of sufficient validation and estimation methods for fatigue, contributing to the insufficiency of methods in providing proactive alarm systems. This area shows great promise but is still far from being reliably implemented

    Planning and operation of transport systems in Mediterranean Mid-Size Metropolitan Areas: Lisbon and Homs as a case studies

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    Urban sustainability, economic performance and tourist attractiveness require a comprehensive and efficient functioning multimodal transport system. In recent centuries, the importance role of urban transport and its means were not a result of urban growth, since the inception of cities; it has been a major junction of the city. More efficient urban transport would allow cities to ensure better accessibility to the various services. At the same time, they should help reducing the transport externalities such as traffic congestion, road crashes and environmental pollution. In the 1995’s Barcelona Conference, where transport was identified as a priority issue, a broad consensus points out that transport reform should be an integral part of economic adjustment at the national level as well as intergovernmental cooperation at the regional level. The idea of this dissertation inspired by me as a student. Portugal is my first abroad country, I felt it as my second country, as it is a Mediterranean country as well as Syria. At the same time, I felt that my responsibility is to contribute to its development and improvement in all aspects, to have an organized and sustainable transport services, that ensures mobility and basic access to meet the needs of development without affecting the quality of life for subsequent generations. So, it must be safe, healthy, inexpensive and with less impacts regarding pollution and the use of renewable and non-renewable resources, it should meet the needs of the present without affecting or damaging the environmental harmony and the need to achieve a long-term sustainable economy and convenience for society. The objective of this research is to identify some specificities of cities in the Mediterranean region that can somehow explain the existing difficulties they show regarding the efficiency of their transport systems, the growing predominance of car use, the delay to improve active modes of transport, as well as the transport policy reforms, they are trying to implement. The similarities between Lisbon and Homs in this regard were used to better understand the problems that those cities face and what are the strategies to explore in order to reach a more efficient and sustainable transport system. In most of the southern Mediterranean countries transport reforms are now underway but does not have an identity yet comparing with the northern countries. However, I am taking Lisbon’s transport policies and urban mobility management as a case-study, to identify the policies and measures that can be applied in Homs, helping this city to plan more efficiently its transport system. As a result, an interaction exists between transport system and its use, as they influence each other. I’m focused in this dissertation on the user perspective. Methods were used that focus on the people and reveal his thoughts, knowledge, experience and feelings and how the world is going forward.A sustentabilidade urbana, o desempenho económico e a atratividade turística exigem um sistema de transportes multimodal, abrangente e eficiente. Nos últimos séculos a importância do papel do transporte urbano e dos seus meios não foram apenas o resultado do crescimento urbano, antes o influenciaram desde o início das cidades. Um transporte urbano mais eficiente permitirá às cidades garantir uma melhor acessibilidade aos vários serviços. Ao mesmo tempo, deve ajudar a reduzir as externalidades dos transportes, como congestionamentos, acidentes rodoviários e poluição ambiental. Na Conferência de Barcelona de 1995, onde o transporte foi identificado como uma questão prioritária, um amplo consenso apontou para que a reforma do transporte fosse parte integrante do desenvolvimento económico ao nível nacional, bem como exemplo da cooperação intergovernamental ao nível regional. A ideia desta dissertação inspirou-me como estudante. Portugal é o primeiro país estrangeiro em que vivi, senti-o como o meu segundo país, pois é um país mediterrâneo tal como a Síria. Simultaneamente, senti que a minha responsabilidade é contribuir para o seu desenvolvimento e melhoria em todos os aspetos, para ter um serviço de transporte organizado e sustentável, que garanta a mobilidade e o acesso básico para atender às necessidades de desenvolvimento, sem afetar a qualidade de vida das gerações futuras. Para isso tem de ser seguro, saudável, barato e com menor impacte em termos de poluição e no uso de recursos renováveis e não renováveis, atender às necessidades do presente sem afetar ou prejudicar a harmonia ambiental e a necessidade de alcançar uma economia sustentável a longo prazo e conveniência para a sociedade. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar algumas especificidades das cidades da região do Mediterrâneo que possam de alguma forma explicar as dificuldades existentes quanto à eficiência dos seus sistemas de transportes, o crescente predomínio do uso de automóveis, o atraso na melhoria dos meios de transporte ativos, como bem como as reformas da política de transportes que estão a tentar implementar. As semelhanças entre Lisboa e Homs neste aspeto, foram utilizadas para melhor compreender os problemas que essas cidades enfrentam e quais as estratégias a explorar para se chegar a um sistema de transportes mais eficiente e sustentável. Na maioria dos países do sul do Mediterrâneo, as reformas dos transportes estão agora em andamento, mas ainda não apresentam uma boa eficiência quando comparadas com os países do Norte. No entanto, considero as políticas de transporte e gestão da mobilidade urbana de Lisboa como um estudo de caso, para identificar as políticas e medidas que podem ser aplicadas em Homs, ajudando esta cidade a planear de forma mais eficiente o seu sistema de transportes. Como resultado, existe uma interação entre o sistema de transportes e o seu utilizador, dado que estes se influenciam mutuamente. Nesta dissertação centro-me na perspetiva do utilizador. Foram utilizados métodos que se focalizam nas pessoas e revelam os seus pensamentos, conhecimentos, experiências e sentimentos e como o mundo progride

    Sensor Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    Modern society faces serious problems with transportation systems, including but not limited to traffic congestion, safety, and pollution. Information communication technologies have gained increasing attention and importance in modern transportation systems. Automotive manufacturers are developing in-vehicle sensors and their applications in different areas including safety, traffic management, and infotainment. Government institutions are implementing roadside infrastructures such as cameras and sensors to collect data about environmental and traffic conditions. By seamlessly integrating vehicles and sensing devices, their sensing and communication capabilities can be leveraged to achieve smart and intelligent transportation systems. We discuss how sensor technology can be integrated with the transportation infrastructure to achieve a sustainable Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and how safety, traffic control and infotainment applications can benefit from multiple sensors deployed in different elements of an ITS. Finally, we discuss some of the challenges that need to be addressed to enable a fully operational and cooperative ITS environment

    Measures towards a more sustainable and resilient city: the case of Limassol

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Sustainable Built EnvironmentThe impact of greenhouse gases has been on the rise for decades. It is now the time to act. This study proposes different measures to be taken in urban context, in order to help create a greener and more liveable future. The study is based on the city of Limassol, Cyprus. The realisation of the increasing investments in Limassol aids in propose measures and developments in order to aid in creating a more sustainable and resilient city with a balance in al l three dimens ions of sustainability; environmental, economic, social. The study focuses on three main topics that appear to have a large impact on the overall sustainability of the city; active transport, urban nature and parks, and renewable energy sources (RES). Active transport will focus on promoting alternative methods of transportation to private motor vehicles, as it is a necessity considering the number of private owned vehicles in Limassol. Further on, the study will focus on integrating nature within the specified area under study in Limassol. By identifying the ‘free land’ and existing nature within the town, the need for urban nature becomes more clear and dominant. Moreover, a closer study on individual buildings with the use of RES was conducted, focusing on the economic and environmental benefits of producing solar energy on site based on the weather conditions of Limassol. Overall, the measures proposed aim to make Limassol a more resilient and sustainable city