275,714 research outputs found

    Rigorously assessing software reliability and safety

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    This paper summarises the state of the art in the assessment of software reliability and safety ("dependability"), and describes some promising developments. A sound demonstration of very high dependability is still impossible before operation of the software; but research is finding ways to make rigorous assessment increasingly feasible. While refined mathematical techniques cannot take the place of factual knowledge, they can allow the decision-maker to draw more accurate conclusions from the knowledge that is available

    Reliability of Mobile Agents for Reliable Service Discovery Protocol in MANET

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    Recently mobile agents are used to discover services in mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) where agents travel through the network, collecting and sometimes spreading the dynamically changing service information. But it is important to investigate how reliable the agents are for this application as the dependability issues(reliability and availability) of MANET are highly affected by its dynamic nature.The complexity of underlying MANET makes it hard to obtain the route reliability of the mobile agent systems (MAS); instead we estimate it using Monte Carlo simulation. Thus an algorithm for estimating the task route reliability of MAS (deployed for discovering services) is proposed, that takes into account the effect of node mobility in MANET. That mobility pattern of the nodes affects the MAS performance is also shown by considering different mobility models. Multipath propagation effect of radio signal is considered to decide link existence. Transient link errors are also considered. Finally we propose a metric to calculate the reliability of service discovery protocol and see how MAS performance affects the protocol reliability. The experimental results show the robustness of the proposed algorithm. Here the optimum value of network bandwidth (needed to support the agents) is calculated for our application. However the reliability of MAS is highly dependent on link failure probability

    Estimation of internal reliability

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    Software cost estimation

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    The paper gives an overview of the state of the art of software cost estimation (SCE). The main questions to be answered in the paper are: (1) What are the reasons for overruns of budgets and planned durations? (2) What are the prerequisites for estimating? (3) How can software development effort be estimated? (4) What can software project management expect from SCE models, how accurate are estimations which are made using these kind of models, and what are the pros and cons of cost estimation models

    Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in quantitative pest risk assessments : practical rules for risk assessors

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    Quantitative models have several advantages compared to qualitative methods for pest risk assessments (PRA). Quantitative models do not require the definition of categorical ratings and can be used to compute numerical probabilities of entry and establishment, and to quantify spread and impact. These models are powerful tools, but they include several sources of uncertainty that need to be taken into account by risk assessors and communicated to decision makers. Uncertainty analysis (UA) and sensitivity analysis (SA) are useful for analyzing uncertainty in models used in PRA, and are becoming more popular. However, these techniques should be applied with caution because several factors may influence their results. In this paper, a brief overview of methods of UA and SA are given. As well, a series of practical rules are defined that can be followed by risk assessors to improve the reliability of UA and SA results. These rules are illustrated in a case study based on the infection model of Magarey et al. (2005) where the results of UA and SA are shown to be highly dependent on the assumptions made on the probability distribution of the model inputs

    Marker effects and examination reliability: a comparative exploration from the perspectives of generalizability theory, Rasch modelling and multilevel modelling

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    This study looked at how three different analysis methods could help us to understand rater effects on exam reliability. The techniques we looked at were: generalizability theory (G-theory) item response theory (IRT): in particular the Many-Facets Partial Credit Rasch Model (MFRM) multilevel modelling (MLM) We used data from AS component papers in geography and psychology for 2009, 2010 and 2011 from Edexcel.</p

    Acceptance Criteria for Critical Software Based on Testability Estimates and Test Results

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    Testability is defined as the probability that a program will fail a test, conditional on the program containing some fault. In this paper, we show that statements about the testability of a program can be more simply described in terms of assumptions on the probability distribution of the failure intensity of the program. We can thus state general acceptance conditions in clear mathematical terms using Bayesian inference. We develop two scenarios, one for software for which the reliability requirements are that the software must be completely fault-free, and another for requirements stated as an upper bound on the acceptable failure probability
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