8 research outputs found

    Analysis and Design of Tuned Turbo Codes

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    It has been widely observed that there exists a fundamental trade-off between the minimum (Hamming) distance properties and the iterative decoding convergence behavior of turbo-like codes. While capacity achieving code ensembles typically are asymptotically bad in the sense that their minimum distance does not grow linearly with block length, and they therefore exhibit an error floor at moderate-to-high signal to noise ratios, asymptotically good codes usually converge further away from channel capacity. In this paper, we introduce the concept of tuned turbo codes, a family of asymptotically good hybrid concatenated code ensembles, where asymptotic minimum distance growth rates, convergence thresholds, and code rates can be traded-off using two tuning parameters, {\lambda} and {\mu}. By decreasing {\lambda}, the asymptotic minimum distance growth rate is reduced in exchange for improved iterative decoding convergence behavior, while increasing {\lambda} raises the asymptotic minimum distance growth rate at the expense of worse convergence behavior, and thus the code performance can be tuned to fit the desired application. By decreasing {\mu}, a similar tuning behavior can be achieved for higher rate code ensembles.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Minimum Pseudoweight Analysis of 3-Dimensional Turbo Codes

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    In this work, we consider pseudocodewords of (relaxed) linear programming (LP) decoding of 3-dimensional turbo codes (3D-TCs). We present a relaxed LP decoder for 3D-TCs, adapting the relaxed LP decoder for conventional turbo codes proposed by Feldman in his thesis. We show that the 3D-TC polytope is proper and CC-symmetric, and make a connection to finite graph covers of the 3D-TC factor graph. This connection is used to show that the support set of any pseudocodeword is a stopping set of iterative decoding of 3D-TCs using maximum a posteriori constituent decoders on the binary erasure channel. Furthermore, we compute ensemble-average pseudoweight enumerators of 3D-TCs and perform a finite-length minimum pseudoweight analysis for small cover degrees. Also, an explicit description of the fundamental cone of the 3D-TC polytope is given. Finally, we present an extensive numerical study of small-to-medium block length 3D-TCs, which shows that 1) typically (i.e., in most cases) when the minimum distance dmind_{\rm min} and/or the stopping distance hminh_{\rm min} is high, the minimum pseudoweight (on the additive white Gaussian noise channel) is strictly smaller than both the dmind_{\rm min} and the hminh_{\rm min}, and 2) the minimum pseudoweight grows with the block length, at least for small-to-medium block lengths.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Recent Results on the Implementation of a Burst Error and Burst Erasure Channel Emulator Using an FPGA Architecture

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    The behaviour of a transmission channel may be simulated using the performance abilities of current generation multiprocessing hardware, namely, a multicore Central Processing Unit (CPU), a general purpose Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), or a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). These were investigated by Cullinan et al. in a recent paper (published in 2012) where these three devices capabilities were compared to determine which device would be best suited towards which specific task. In particular, it was shown that, for the application which is objective of our work (i.e., for a transmission channel simulation), the FPGA is 26.67 times faster than the GPU and 10.76 times faster than the CPU. Motivated by these results, in this paper we propose and present a direct hardware emulation. In particular, a Cyclone II FPGA architecture is implemented to simulate a burst error channel behaviour, in which errors are clustered together, and a burst erasure channel behaviour, in which the erasures are clustered together. The results presented in the paper are valid for any FPGA architecture that may be considered for this scope

    Low Complexity Rate Compatible Puncturing Patterns Design for LDPC Codes

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    In contemporary digital communications design, two major challenges should be addressed: adaptability and flexibility. The system should be capable of flexible and efficient use of all available spectrums and should be adaptable to provide efficient support for the diverse set of service characteristics. These needs imply the necessity of limit-achieving and flexible channel coding techniques, to improve system reliability. Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes fit such requirements well, since they are capacity-achieving. Moreover, through puncturing, allowing the adaption of the coding rate to different channel conditions with a single encoder/decoder pair, adaptability and flexibility can be obtained at a low computational cost.In this paper, the design of rate-compatible puncturing patterns for LDPCs is addressed. We use a previously defined formal analysis of a class of punctured LDPC codes through their equivalent parity check matrices. We address a new design criterion for the puncturing patterns using a simplified analysis of the decoding belief propagation algorithm, i.e., considering a Gaussian approximation for message densities under density evolution, and a simple algorithmic method, recently defined by the Authors, to estimate the threshold for regular and irregular LDPC codes on memoryless binary-input continuous-output Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channels

    On the error statistics of turbo decoding for hybrid concatenated codes design

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    In this paper we propose a model for the generation of error patterns at the output of a turbo decoder using a Context Tree based modelling technique. This model can be used not only to generate the decoder error pattern behaviour with little effort, avoiding simulations, but also to investigate \u2013 with no need of performing neither a turbo code distance spectrum analysis, nor the probabilistic characterization of log-likelihood ratios or of the extrinsic information at a turbo decoder output \u2013 the performance of hybrid concatenated coding (HCC) schemes having a turbo code as component code. These coding schemes combine the features of parallel and serially concatenated codes and thus offer more freedom in code design. It has been demonstrated, in fact, that HCCs can perform closer to capacity than serially concatenated codes while still maintaining a minimum distance that grows linearly with block length

    On the Error Statistics of Turbo Decoding for Hybrid Concatenated Codes Design

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    In this paper we propose a model for the generation of error patterns at the output of a turbo decoder. One of the advantages of this model is that it can be used to generate the error sequence with little effort. Thus, it provides a basis for designing hybrid concatenated codes (HCCs) employing the turbo code as inner code. These coding schemes combine the features of parallel and serially concatenated codes and thus offer more freedom in code design. It has been demonstrated, in fact, that HCCs can perform closer to capacity than serially concatenated codes while still maintaining a minimum distance that grows linearly with block length. In particular, small memory-one component encoders are sufficient to yield asymptotically good code ensembles for such schemes. The resulting codes provide low complexity encoding and decoding and, in many cases, can be decoded using relatively few iterations

    Spatially Coupled Turbo-Like Codes

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    The focus of this thesis is on proposing and analyzing a powerful class of codes on graphs---with trellis constraints---that can simultaneously approach capacity and achieve very low error floor. In particular, we propose the concept of spatial coupling for turbo-like code (SC-TC) ensembles and investigate the impact of coupling on the performance of these codes. The main elements of this study can be summarized by the following four major topics. First, we considered the spatial coupling of parallel concatenated codes (PCCs), serially concatenated codes (SCCs), and hybrid concatenated codes (HCCs).We also proposed two extensions of braided convolutional codes (BCCs) to higher coupling memories. Second, we investigated the impact of coupling on the asymptotic behavior of the proposed ensembles in term of the decoding thresholds. For that, we derived the exact density evolution (DE) equations of the proposed SC-TC ensembles over the binary erasure channel. Using the DE equations, we found the thresholds of the coupled and uncoupled ensembles under belief propagation (BP) decoding for a wide range of rates. We also computed the maximum a-posteriori (MAP) thresholds of the underlying uncoupled ensembles. Our numerical results confirm that TCs have excellent MAP thresholds, and for a large enough coupling memory, the BP threshold of an SC-TC ensemble improves to the MAP threshold of the underlying TC ensemble. This phenomenon is called threshold saturation and we proved its occurrence for SC-TCs by use of a proof technique based on the potential function of the ensembles.Third, we investigated and discussed the performance of SC-TCs in the finite length regime. We proved that under certain conditions the minimum distance of an SC-TCs is either larger or equal to that of its underlying uncoupled ensemble. Based on this fact, we performed a weight enumerator (WE) analysis for the underlying uncoupled ensembles to investigate the error floor performance of the SC-TC ensembles. We computed bounds on the error rate performance and minimum distance of the TC ensembles. These bounds indicate very low error floor for SCC, HCC, and BCC ensembles, and show that for HCC, and BCC ensembles, the minimum distance grows linearly with the input block length.The results from the DE and WE analysis demonstrate that the performance of TCs benefits from spatial coupling in both waterfall and error floor regions. While uncoupled TC ensembles with close-to-capacity performance exhibit a high error floor, our results show that SC-TCs can simultaneously approach capacity and achieve very low error floor.Fourth, we proposed a unified ensemble of TCs that includes all the considered TC classes. We showed that for each of the original classes of TCs, it is possible to find an equivalent ensemble by proper selection of the design parameters in the unified ensemble. This unified ensemble not only helps us to understand the connections and trade-offs between the TC ensembles but also can be considered as a bridge between TCs and generalized low-density parity check codes

    Transceiver Design with Iterative Decoding of Capacity-Approaching codes over Fading channels

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