8 research outputs found

    Value Co-creation by Compulsory Facebook-Community in Corporate Culture: A Case Study Malaysian Logistic Company

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    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the value co-creation process using Facebook as compulsory by a company. A new value co-creation model was developed showing how Facebook could be successfully executed as a platform for the value co-creation process with the aim of providing the best possible service to the recipients. This research employed an explanatory case study due to its uniqueness, especially for sufficient and in-depth comprehension of the phenomenon. PKT Logistics Group Sdn Bhd (PKT) was chosen for this study due to its exceptional characteristic of declaring itself as ‘Facebook compulsory’ company in business after Facebook. Data were obtained from interviews, direct observations, and a questionnaire survey of the company’s top management, selected employees, and customers.The proposed model has successfully connected the company’s leader, employees, and customers with each other for attaining the ‘Ba’ in new knowledge creation spirally using Facebook as an effective platform. This has resulted in the achievement of a service-oriented value co-creation process.This research has contributed to create a new model of the value co-creation process involving all the stakeholders via a ‘Facebook community’, which could be useful for other service providers.This study differentiates itself from the restricted application of Facebook in business by focusing on Facebook as compulsory in a corporate culture. The new value co-creation process model thru a ‘Facebook community’ is original and might be first of this type study

    Value Co-creation by Compulsory Facebook-Community in Corporate Culture: A Case Study Malaysian Logistic Company

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    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the value co-creation process using Facebook as compulsory by a company. A new value co-creation model was developed showing how Facebook could be successfully executed as a platform for the value co-creation process with the aim of providing the best possible service to the recipients. This research employed an explanatory case study due to its uniqueness, especially for sufficient and in-depth comprehension of the phenomenon. PKT Logistics Group Sdn Bhd (PKT) was chosen for this study due to its exceptional characteristic of declaring itself as ‘Facebook compulsory’ company in business after Facebook. Data were obtained from interviews, direct observations, and a questionnaire survey of the company’s top management, selected employees, and customers.The proposed model has successfully connected the company’s leader, employees, and customers with each other for attaining the ‘Ba’ in new knowledge creation spirally using Facebook as an effective platform. This has resulted in the achievement of a service-oriented value co-creation process.This research has contributed to create a new model of the value co-creation process involving all the stakeholders via a ‘Facebook community’, which could be useful for other service providers.This study differentiates itself from the restricted application of Facebook in business by focusing on Facebook as compulsory in a corporate culture. The new value co-creation process model thru a ‘Facebook community’ is original and might be first of this type study


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    This study examines from service design perspectives to what extent designers understand the term “Servitization” and who is responsible for value definition. The study also dives into looking the impact and role of customers’ involvement in value definition and values co-creation. Further in the prevalent influence of current social media to what extent has social media impact and influence customers’ involvement for idea generation (Idealization process) in design process. Qualitative research method is applied to compare three case study organizations in service and manufacturing industries for proper persecutions. Results of study indicate that lack of understanding of servitization mainly by service and products designers limits service innovation and leads to customers’ hostility. And design with the market rather for the market can only be achieved without limiting customer involvement. So, in order to reduce customers’ hostility and design with the market, social media creates a platform to reduce information alteration, cycle time, and increase customers’ involvement in design process by co-creating and transferring values definition from customers to designers. However, it also poses some threat if organizations cannot exercise active control. Finally, the study also establishes the difference between design and service design that when organization get proper understanding of, will improve design process significantly.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Collaboration Impact on Social Well-being for Business Sustainability: A Case Study of a Malaysian Water Treatment SME Company

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    This study demonstrated how collaboration advances the manufacturing-based industry to transform its business structure as a social service-oriented and well-being solution, thereby being able to sustain its business vis-à-vis market competition. Thus, this paper presents an approach for industry analysis from the corporate collaboration rationality perspective. The study was performed in the Malaysian water management service industry and examined the operations of a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) water treatment company as a case example. Data were gathered by conducting an explorative questionnaire survey with the SME water service provider in Kedah, Malaysia. Potential scenarios were identified for establishing viable future directions of SMEs, which include the needs of mutual corporate collaboration for service encapsulation, and ecosystem oriented approach for social welfare value creation. This research can help overcome the managerial challenges of a company, thus enable it to succeed in the commercial market by ensuring service-oriented social well-being solutions

    Analysis and Design Methodology for Recognizing Opportunities and Difficulties for Product-based Services

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    Analysis and Design Methodology for Recognizing Opportunities and Difficulties for Product-based Services

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    製造業におけるサービス設計手法を提案した。過去の事例分析に基づき、機会と困難を可視化し、共有する点が特徴である。 : Recently manufacturing companies have been moving into product-based service businesses in addition to providing the products themselves. However it is not easy for engineers in manufacturing companies to create new service businesses because their skills mental models design processes and organization are optimized for product design and not for service design. In order to design product-based services more effectively and efficiently systematic design methodologies suitable for the service businesses are necessary. Based on the case analysis of more than 40 Japan-US product-based services this paper introduces a product-based service design methodology called DFACESI. DFACE-SI consists of five steps from service concept generation to service business plan description. Characteristic features of DFACE-SI include visualization tools to facilitate stakeholders' recognition of new opportunities and difficulties of the target product-based service. Opportunities and difficulties are recognized using the customer contact expansion model and the failure mode checklist respectively which are extracted from the service case analysis. We apply DFACE-SI to a pilot project and illustrate its effectiveness


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    近年,製造業では,単に製品を販売するのではなく,製品とサービスを高度に統合して提供することにより,これまで以上の高い価値を創出する製品サービスシステム(PSS: Product-Service System)が注目を集めている.PSSの実現においては,製品やサービスを対価と交換することで生まれる「交換価値」よりも,受給者が製品やサービス,あるいはそのアウトプットを使用するコンテキストの中で知覚する「文脈価値」を高めることが重視される.ここで,コンテキストは静的ではなく,動的に変化することから,その影響を受けて受給者が知覚する価値もまた変化する.PSSの好事例には,このようなコンテキストの変化に対応し,適切な価値を創出できるようにPSSの構造を変化させてきた事例が見受けられる.一方で,このような事例におけるPSSの構造変化は,必ずしも計画的に実行されたものではなく,高い価値を持続的に実現できるか否かは「偶然」や「経験と勘」に過度に依存している.このことは,PSSの構造変化を事前に設計するための体系的なアプローチが存在しないことに起因する.高い価値を持続的かつ計画的に実現するためには,長期的視座のもとPSSの構造変化を設計するための方法論が求められる.本研究は,上記課題を解決し「長期的な視座のもと高い価値を持続的に実現するPSSの構造変化を設計するための方法論を構築する」ことを目的とするものである.これを達成するために,本論文では,以下の3点について,具体的な提案を行う.(1)コンテキストを中心としてPSSの構造変化に関わる概念や概念問の関係を形式化するモデル (2)PSSの構造変化を設計対象として表現・可視化するための設計対象モデリング手法 (3)高い価値を持続的に実現するためのPSSの構造変化を設計するプロセス 本論文では,以上により構築した方法論を用いた設計の実行例を2つ示す.そして,その結果や過程を評価し,本方法論の有効性や課題を明らかにする.首都大学東京, 2016-03-25, 博士(工学)首都大学東

    Service-oriented design of microfludic devices

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    Microfluidics is a relatively new and, with an estimation of the market for these devices exceeding $3 billion in 2014, it is considered a profitable domain. Constant development of new technologies and growing demand for more versatile products cause increasing complexity in this area. To address this, the current trends for the domain include automation, standardisation and customisation. At the same time, the society is moving from product types offering to services. Due to the customisation trend this transition appears beneficial for microfluidics. Taking advantage of these opportunities, an investigation of microfluidic design has been undertaken to address the issues at their origins. The literature review showed a lack of a general design methodology applicable for all microfluidic devices, identified existing approaches as technology driven and the domain as unique in terms of design. Also, it highlighted a number of automation and standardisation attempts in the area. In addition, microfluidics shows limited customer and service-orientation. Meanwhile, an investigation of complexity and its implications in microfluidics narrowed the study to sub-section interactions, which allowed standardisation and automation without compromising customisation. In response to these gaps, an aim of the research is to develop a guideline for service- oriented design of microfluidic devices that can deal with sub-section interactions. This research reviews: existing methodologies for design in micro-scale, their applicability to the domain, microfluidic practitioners’ approach to design, state of service-thinking and services in the area and how sub-section interactions are dealt with for these devices. The developed guideline and design enablers present a proposal for a general process for the design of microfluidics. The solution attempts to tackle the issue of sub- section interactions and brings the domain one step towards an ‘experience economy’ by incorporating service-considerations into the design process. The usefulness of this contribution has been confirmed by a variety of methods and numerous sources including experts in the field.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo