25 research outputs found

    Evolvable hardware platform for fault-tolerant reconfigurable sensor electronics

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    Open-ended evolution to discover analogue circuits for beyond conventional applications

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10710-012-9163-8. Copyright @ Springer 2012.Analogue circuits synthesised by means of open-ended evolutionary algorithms often have unconventional designs. However, these circuits are typically highly compact, and the general nature of the evolutionary search methodology allows such designs to be used in many applications. Previous work on the evolutionary design of analogue circuits has focused on circuits that lie well within analogue application domain. In contrast, our paper considers the evolution of analogue circuits that are usually synthesised in digital logic. We have developed four computational circuits, two voltage distributor circuits and a time interval metre circuit. The approach, despite its simplicity, succeeds over the design tasks owing to the employment of substructure reuse and incremental evolution. Our findings expand the range of applications that are considered suitable for evolutionary electronics

    Evolvable circuit with transistor-level reconfigurability

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    An evolvable circuit includes a plurality of reconfigurable switches, a plurality of transistors within a region of the circuit, the plurality of transistors having terminals, the plurality of transistors being coupled between a power source terminal and a power sink terminal so as to be capable of admitting power between the power source terminal and the power sink terminal, the plurality of transistors being coupled so that every transistor terminal to transistor terminal coupling within the region of the circuit comprises a reconfigurable switch

    Automatic design of analogue circuits

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    Evolvable Hardware (EHW) is a promising area in electronics today. Evolutionary Algorithms (EA), together with a circuit simulation tool or real hardware, automatically designs a circuit for a given problem. The circuits evolved may have unconventional designs and be less dependent on the personal knowledge of a designer. Nowadays, EA are represented by Genetic Algorithms (GA), Genetic Programming (GP) and Evolutionary Strategy (ES). While GA is definitely the most popular tool, GP has rapidly developed in recent years and is notable by its outstanding results. However, to date the use of ES for analogue circuit synthesis has been limited to a few applications. This work is devoted to exploring the potential of ES to create novel analogue designs. The narrative of the thesis starts with a framework of an ES-based system generating simple circuits, such as low pass filters. Then it continues with a step-by-step progression to increasingly sophisticated designs that require additional strength from the system. Finally, it describes the modernization of the system using novel techniques that enable the synthesis of complex multi-pin circuits that are newly evolved. It has been discovered that ES has strong power to synthesize analogue circuits. The circuits evolved in the first part of the thesis exceed similar results made previously using other techniques in a component economy, in the better functioning of the evolved circuits and in the computing power spent to reach the results. The target circuits for evolution in the second half are chosen by the author to challenge the capability of the developed system. By functioning, they do not belong to the conventional analogue domain but to applications that are usually adopted by digital circuits. To solve the design tasks, the system has been gradually developed to support the ability of evolving increasingly complex circuits. As a final result, a state-of-the-art ES-based system has been developed that possesses a novel mutation paradigm, with an ability to create, store and reuse substructures, to adapt the mutation, selection parameters and population size, utilize automatic incremental evolution and use the power of parallel computing. It has been discovered that with the ability to synthesis the most up-to-date multi-pin complex analogue circuits that have ever been automatically synthesized before, the system is capable of synthesizing circuits that are problematic for conventional design with application domains that lay beyond the conventional application domain for analogue circuits.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Evolutionary Technique for Automated Synthesis of Electronic Rircuits

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    A method of evolving a circuit uses a heterogenous mix of models of both high and low levels of resolution

    Dynamically reconfigurable bio-inspired hardware

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    During the last several years, reconfigurable computing devices have experienced an impressive development in their resource availability, speed, and configurability. Currently, commercial FPGAs offer the possibility of self-reconfiguring by partially modifying their configuration bitstream, providing high architectural flexibility, while guaranteeing high performance. These configurability features have received special interest from computer architects: one can find several reconfigurable coprocessor architectures for cryptographic algorithms, image processing, automotive applications, and different general purpose functions. On the other hand we have bio-inspired hardware, a large research field taking inspiration from living beings in order to design hardware systems, which includes diverse topics: evolvable hardware, neural hardware, cellular automata, and fuzzy hardware, among others. Living beings are well known for their high adaptability to environmental changes, featuring very flexible adaptations at several levels. Bio-inspired hardware systems require such flexibility to be provided by the hardware platform on which the system is implemented. In general, bio-inspired hardware has been implemented on both custom and commercial hardware platforms. These custom platforms are specifically designed for supporting bio-inspired hardware systems, typically featuring special cellular architectures and enhanced reconfigurability capabilities; an example is their partial and dynamic reconfigurability. These aspects are very well appreciated for providing the performance and the high architectural flexibility required by bio-inspired systems. However, the availability and the very high costs of such custom devices make them only accessible to a very few research groups. Even though some commercial FPGAs provide enhanced reconfigurability features such as partial and dynamic reconfiguration, their utilization is still in its early stages and they are not well supported by FPGA vendors, thus making their use difficult to include in existing bio-inspired systems. In this thesis, I present a set of architectures, techniques, and methodologies for benefiting from the configurability advantages of current commercial FPGAs in the design of bio-inspired hardware systems. Among the presented architectures there are neural networks, spiking neuron models, fuzzy systems, cellular automata and random boolean networks. For these architectures, I propose several adaptation techniques for parametric and topological adaptation, such as hebbian learning, evolutionary and co-evolutionary algorithms, and particle swarm optimization. Finally, as case study I consider the implementation of bio-inspired hardware systems in two platforms: YaMoR (Yet another Modular Robot) and ROPES (Reconfigurable Object for Pervasive Systems); the development of both platforms having been co-supervised in the framework of this thesis

    Evolutionary design of digital VLSI hardware

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