6 research outputs found

    Алгоритм поиска и классификации дефектов топологии печатных плат

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    В статье предлагается алгоритм контроля топологии печатных плат, который основан на декомпозиции изображения печатной платы на элементарные фрагменты и проверке связей между теми элементами, которые являются ключевыми для анализа формы дорожек. Особенностью алгоритма является большое количество типов обнаруживаемых дефектов, классификация которых проводится одновременно с их поиском.У статті пропонується алгоритм контролю топології друкованих плат, що ґрунтується на декомпозиції зображення друкованої плати на елементарні фрагменти й перевірці зв’язків між тими елементами, які є ключовими для аналізу форми доріжок. Особливістю алгоритму є велика кількість типів дефектів, що виявляються, класифікація яких здійснюється одночасно з їх пошуком.A hybrid algorithm for the PCB topology control and classification of defects are proposed. The algorithm is based on the comparing of connection tables of etalon and tested PCBs. Connection table is produced by partitioning the image of tracks into elementary fragments with skeleton transform. A peculiar feature of the algorithm is a large number of types of defects that are detected during inspection (defects of the logical structure, defects of the shape of elements, defects of the relative position) and good paralleling possibility

    Applications and Experiences of Quality Control

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    The rich palette of topics set out in this book provides a sufficiently broad overview of the developments in the field of quality control. By providing detailed information on various aspects of quality control, this book can serve as a basis for starting interdisciplinary cooperation, which has increasingly become an integral part of scientific and applied research

    GSI Scientific Report 2016

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    Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Aesthetics, Possible Worlds of Contemporary Aesthetics Aesthetics Between History, Geography and Media

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    The Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade and the Society for Aesthetics of Architecture and Visual Arts of Serbia (DEAVUS) are proud to be able to organize the 21st ICA Congress on “Possible Worlds of Contemporary Aesthetics: Aesthetics Between History, Geography and Media”. We are proud to announce that we received over 500 submissions from 56 countries, which makes this Congress the greatest gathering of aestheticians in this region in the last 40 years. The ICA 2019 Belgrade aims to map out contemporary aesthetics practices in a vivid dialogue of aestheticians, philosophers, art theorists, architecture theorists, culture theorists, media theorists, artists, media entrepreneurs, architects, cultural activists and researchers in the fields of humanities and social sciences. More precisely, the goal is to map the possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa and Australia. The idea is to show, interpret and map the unity and diverseness in aesthetic thought, expression, research, and philosophies on our shared planet. Our goal is to promote a dialogue concerning aesthetics in those parts of the world that have not been involved with the work of the International Association for Aesthetics to this day. Global dialogue, understanding and cooperation are what we aim to achieve. That said, the 21st ICA is the first Congress to highlight the aesthetic issues of marginalised regions that have not been fully involved in the work of the IAA. This will be accomplished, among others, via thematic round tables discussing contemporary aesthetics in East Africa and South America. Today, aesthetics is recognized as an important philosophical, theoretical and even scientific discipline that aims at interpreting the complexity of phenomena in our contemporary world. People rather talk about possible worlds or possible aesthetic regimes rather than a unique and consistent philosophical, scientific or theoretical discipline