249 research outputs found


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    The role of the teacher in education is very important, that is, it can improbve the quality of education. One that plays an important role is that the textbooks used should be chosen by the teacher which can provide optimal result and are adapted to the character of the students. This research offers strong guidance on the importance of effective teaching materials for students. This study uses a literature review method with a qualitative approach and the methodology used is a descriptive analysis study. The purpose of this study itself was to analyze teaching materials from the book History of Islamic Culture at class VII MTs level chapters 4 and 5 published by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia 2013 curriculum 2020, related to the clarity of material content and suitability of material to Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor and Psychological Development aspects of students. Because, it is found that the diversity of sources and perspectives still needs to be explored more broadly, so that students can gain a more comprehensive understanding

    Indeks Keterbacaan Buku Aqidah Akhlak Kelas XI di Madrasah Aliyah Kabupaten Bantul YOGYAKARTA

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    The term readability index is essentially related to understandability in reading and its core is in the quality of the reader\u27s reading capacity, not the quality of the text. In this research index is connected to the term text readability, which is readability that is linked to text only i.e. a book and then linked to index. This research aims to describe the index of book readability, that is the level of cohesiveness between the core material and the entire book on Faith-Virtue of Grade XI Islamic Senior High School (MA) of the 2013 curriculum for Exact Science, Social Science, and Language interest classes which were organized by sub-chapters. The main point of this research is answering the question: what is the readability index/level of the book being analyzed, that is the level of appropriateness or cohesiveness of the core material with the entire content of the text book on Faith-Virtue for Grade XI MA from the 2013 curriculum for Exact Science, Social Science, and Language interest classes as organized by sub-chapters? And what are the response of the teachers regarding the substantive content of the book?Research results show that, firstly, the readability index of the Faith-Virtue Lesson is at 25%. The readability level of the analyzed book shows a level of appropriateness or cohesiveness between the core material with the entire content of the textbook on Faith-Virtue for Grade XI MA from the 2013 curriculum for Exact Science, Social Science, and Language interest classes. The value of readability index had a percentage of 82.3 (very high), with an average index acquired at 81.36, which shows that the readability index according to the readers at the Islamic Senior High School was very high. Secondly, regarding the quality of response according to the teachers, when comparing the K-13 (2013 curriculum) with the KTSP (Education Unit Level Curriculum), they thought that it was better when they were using the KTSP. The reason being the K-13 textbook seemed to be lacking in substantive depth. Hence an assembly for teachers of similar subject matter (MGMP) was held to compose a student work sheet (LKS) for this subject with the strongest reason, according to the teachers, being it is more practical and in-depth. Thirdly, there are discrepancies between the standard competence (KD) and the core material, there are inconsistencies of chapters – subchapters wherein the table of contents, technique in scientific writing, and book composition were not undertaken thoroughly and carefully. There were many notes acquired from the teachers\u27 reading results regarding corrections to complete the book

    Efektivitas Pembelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam dengan Menggunakan Multimedia Autoplay di Kelas XI Madrasah Aliyah Kota Samarinda

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    The history of Islamic culture is one of the subjects that emphasizes more on historical stories. Multimedia autoplay is one of the media that helps SKI learning more interesting and innovative, not just to present conventional learning. This is in accordance with the development of the industrial revolution era 4.0. The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of learning outcomes of the history of Islamic culture by using multimedia autoplay in class XI Madrasah Aliyah Samarinda City. This type of research used in this research is quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest control group design. The population in this research were all Madrasah Aliyah, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan Province and the samples used in this research were two classes from three schools namely MAN 2 Samarinda, MA Terpadu Al Uswah, and MA Al Mujahidin with the purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques used are tests and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the t test with the prerequisites for normality tests using Kolmogorov Smirnov and homogeneity tests using Levene's. Judging from the average learning outcomes, the results of this research are that using Multimedia Autoplay is greater than the conventional method. Thus the used of Multimedia Autoplay is effective against learning outcomes of the history of Islamic culture in Madrasah Aliyah, Samarinda City


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    This study aims to provide an overview of the results of the analysis of the suitability of the illustrations. In the analysis results of the illustrations listed at the beginning of the chapter, namely the beginning of chapters II-XIV are not appropriate, the discrepancy is because the illustrations listed do not match the chapter title, the scope of this study is SKI textbooks for grade 9 MTs students published by the Ministry of Religion. This study is important because illustrations that fit 11 standard dance perspectives can add to the attractiveness of a reader. This research is a library research using library analysis, which is done through collecting data, compiling or classifying it, and then interpreting the data, results from this study the SKI textbook for 9th grade MTs students published by the Ministry of Religion still needs improvement. According to the analysis, the illustrations at the beginning of the chapter (chapters II-XIV) with the chapter titles are not appropriate. The illustrations listed do not match the material to be conveyed, so there is a need for revisions to the 9th grade SKI textbook illustrations and the need for additional illustrations


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    The learning process at the Madrasah Aliyah level which is based on the 2013 Curriculum is carried out using teaching material books provided by the government. One of them is the Student's Book of Islamic History and Culture for Class X Students of Madrasah Aliyah. Unfortunately, in discussing the history of accusations of nepotism against Caliph Uthman bin Affan there are still articles that need further explanation. However, the fact is that this discussion point is often ignored, causing misperceptions among students, even after graduation. This study uses historical research methodologies and library research studies. This study is also part of the study of the history of the Islamic world to complement and dig deeper into the accusations of nepotism leveled against Caliph Uthman bin Affan in the class X MA SKI book which is the background to the emergence of misperceptions among students. Several student books compiled by the Ministry of Religion became the main reference to be later clarified with various other sources such as works by Khalid Muhammad Khalid and other works. Based on the results of the study, Uthman bin Affan did not commit nepotism without certain considerations so that the act of nepotism that he did was considered something that was permissible in Islam. Starting from here, the role of the government, schools and students themselves is very important to prevent the emergence of misunderstandings based on strategies related to textbooksProses pembelajaran di tingkat Madrasah Aliyah yang berlandaskan Kurikulum 2013 dilakukan dengan menggunakan buku bahan ajar yang diberikan oleh pemerintah. Salah satunya adalah Buku Siswa Mata Pelajaran Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam untuk Siswa Kelas X Madrasah Aliyah. Sayangnya, dalam pembahasan sejarah tuduhan nepotisme terhadap Khalifah Utsman bin Affan masih terdapat tulisan yang butuh penjelasan lebih lanjut. Namun, faktanya poin pembahasan ini masih seringkali diabaikan sehingga menimbulkan mispersepsi bagi peserta didik, bahkan hingga lulus. Kajian  ini  menggunakan metodologi penelitian sejarah serta kajian library  research. Kajian ini juga merupakan bagian dari kajian sejarah dunia Islam untuk melengkapi serta mengulik lebih dalam  mengenai tuduhan nepotisme yang dilayangkan kepada Khalifah Utsman bin Affan dalam buku SKI kelas X MA yang melatarbelakangi munculnya mispersepsi di kalangan siswa. Beberapa buku siswa yang disusun oleh Kemenag menjadi acuan utama untuk kemudian diklarifikasi dengan berbagai  sumber  lainnya  seperti  karya  dari  Khalid Muhammad Khalid dan karya-karya  lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil kajian, Utsman bin Affan tidak melakukan nepotisme tanpa pertimbangan tertentu sehingga tindak nepotisme yang dilakukannya dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang diperbolehkan oleh Islam. Mulai dari sini peran dari pihak pemerintah, sekolah dan murin sendiri sangat penting untuk mencegah munculnya kesalahpahaman berdasarkan strategi terkait buku bahan ajar

    Indeks Keterbacaan Buku Aqidah Akhlak Kelas XI Di Madrasah Aliyah Kabupaten Bantul Yogyakarta

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    The term readability index is essentially related to understandability in reading and its core is in the quality of the reader’s reading capacity, not the quality of the text. In this research index is connected to the term text readability, which is readability that is linked to text only i.e. a book and then linked to index. This research aims to describe the index of book readability, that is the level of cohesiveness between the core material and the entire book on Faith-Virtue of Grade XI Islamic Senior High School (MA) of the 2013 curriculum for Exact Science, Social Science, and Language interest classes which were organized by sub-chapters. The main point of this research is answering the question: what is the readability index/level of the book being analyzed, that is the level of appropriateness or cohesiveness of the core material with the entire content of the text book on Faith-Virtue for Grade XI MA from the 2013 curriculum for Exact Science, Social Science, and Language interest classes as organized by sub-chapters? And what are the response of the teachers regarding the substantive content of the book?Research results show that, firstly, the readability index of the Faith-Virtue Lesson is at 25%. The readability level of the analyzed book shows a level of appropriateness or cohesiveness between the core material with the entire content of the textbook on Faith-Virtue for Grade XI MA from the 2013 curriculum for Exact Science, Social Science, and Language interest classes. The value of readability index had a percentage of 82.3 (very high), with an average index acquired at 81.36, which shows that the readability index according to the readers at the Islamic Senior High School was very high. Secondly, regarding the quality of response according to the teachers, when comparing the K-13 (2013 curriculum) with the KTSP (Education Unit Level Curriculum), they thought that it was better when they were using the KTSP. The reason being the K-13 textbook seemed to be lacking in substantive depth. Hence an assembly for teachers of similar subject matter (MGMP) was held to compose a student work sheet (LKS) for this subject with the strongest reason, according to the teachers, being it is more practical and in-depth. Thirdly, there are discrepancies between the standard competence (KD) and the core material, there are inconsistencies of chapters – subchapters wherein the table of contents, technique in scientific writing, and book composition were not undertaken thoroughly and carefully. There were many notes acquired from the teachers’ reading results regarding corrections to complete the book


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketersediaan bahan pustaka berdasarkan jumlah dan jenisnya di MTs dan MA Nurul Ummah Kotagede, perencanaan yang dilakukan dalam pengadaan buku, serta megenai faktor penghambat dan pendukung dalam pengadaan buku dan pengelolaan buku. Subjek penelitian ini adalah pustakawan dan guru di MTs dan MA Nurul Ummah. Tempat penelitian di perpustakaan MTs dan MA Nurul Ummah beralamatkan di Jl. Raden Ronggo KGII/982 Prenggan Kotagede Yogyakarta. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Adapun metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menjelaskan bahwa bahan pustaka yang tersedia di MTs Nurul Ummah terdiri dari dua jenis. Pertama bahan pustaka berbentuk buku terdiri atas referensi, Fiksi, dan Non fiksi. Kedua bahan pustaka yang non buku terdiri atas kartografi, Rekaman video, Visual, Terbitan harian. Ketersediaan bahan pustaka di MA Nurul Ummah juga terdiri atas 2 jenis. Pertama bahan pustaka berbentuk buku yaitu referensi, fiksi, non fiksi, hasil penelitian. Kedua bahan pustaka jenis non buku antara lain kartografi ,visual. terbitan harian, terbitan berkala. Adapun perencanaan yang dilakukan di kedua sekolah tersebut yakni melalui rapat perencanaan program kerja menjelang tahun ajaran baru, yang didalamnya juga membahas mengenai anggaran dan pengadaan buku yang dibutuhkan. Pengadaan dilakukan dengan skala prioritas dan menyesuaikan anggaran yang ada. Faktor penghambat dalam pengadaan di kedua sekolah tersebut yakni; 1) dana yang minim sehingga pembelian terbatas pada buku yang mendesak, 2) buku sering terlambat datang. Faktor pendukung pengadaan buku di kedua sekolah tersebut 1) adanya anggaran untuk pembelian buku yang mendukung keberlangsungan pengadaan buku. faktor pendukung dalam pengelolaan buku di kedua sekolah tersebut 1) adanya tenaga yang melakukan pengelolaan buku, 2) buku yang tersedia belum terlalu banyak. Faktor penghambatnya yakni; 1) masih ada siswa yang kurang bertanggungjawab dalam menggunakan buku yang menyebabkan buku rusak dan hilang, 2) di MA Nurul Ummah tenaga pustakawan bukan berasal dari lulusan Ilmu Perpustakaan, 3) sistem pengelolaan awal yang kurang baik sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk memperbaikinya. Strategi dalam pengadaan dilakukan dengan pembelian menggunakan dana anggaran, bantuan dari Kemenag, pemberian dari instansi maupun perorangan
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