268 research outputs found

    Investigation of the effect of feeding period in honey bee algorithm

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    In the study, it was investigated the ejaculation ability and semen quality of drones, according to feeding with pollen in different periods. In the first step of the study, 16 %, 32 %, 47 %, 63 %, 79 %, and 100 % feeding periods were applied to the drones, for investigating the effect on ejaculation ability, and the semen quality of drones was investigated. While investigating these feeding period effects “0-1”, bonded, and unbounded knapsack optimization problems were used. After the most effective feeding period was determined, this period was applied to the traveling salesman and liquid storage tank problems in the second step of the study. In the analysis of the traveling salesman problem, it was determined the shortest way between two cities. Analysis of the liquid storage tank problem, it was determined the minimum connector areas. As a result, the analysis results showed that the performance of the artificial bee colony algorithm is very good while solving too complex engineering optimization problems


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    This paper projects Enhanced Seeker Optimization (ESO) algorithm for solving optimal reactive power problem. Seeker optimization algorithm (SOA) models the deeds of human search population based on their memory, experience, uncertainty reasoning and communication with each other. In Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm the colony consists of three groups of bees: employed bees, onlookers and scouts. All bees that are presently exploiting a food source are known as employed bees. The number of the employed bees is equal to the number of food sources and an employed bee is allocated to one of the sources. In this paper hybridization of the seeker optimization algorithm with artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm has been done to solve the optimal reactive power problem. Enhanced Seeker Optimization (ESO) algorithm combines two different solution exploration equations of the ABC algorithm and solution exploration equation of the SOA in order to progress the performance of SOA and ABC algorithms. At certain period’s seeker’s location are modified by search principles obtained from the ABC algorithm, also it adjust the inter-subpopulation learning phase by using the binomial crossover operator. In order to evaluate the efficiency of proposed Enhanced Seeker Optimization (ESO) algorithm it has been tested in standard IEEE 57,118 bus systems and compared to other specified algorithms. Simulation results clearly indicate the best performance of the proposed Enhanced Seeker Optimization (ESO) algorithm in reducing the real power loss and voltage profiles are within the limits

    Hybrid Sine Cosine Algorithm for Solving Engineering Optimization Problems

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    Engineering design optimization problems are difficult to solve because the objective function is often complex, with a mix of continuous and discrete design variables and various design constraints. Our research presents a novel hybrid algorithm that integrates the benefits of the sine cosine algorithm (SCA) and artificial bee colony (ABC) to address engineering design optimization problems. The SCA is a recently developed metaheuristic algorithm with many advantages, such as good search ability and reasonable execution time, but it may suffer from premature convergence. The enhanced SCA search equation is proposed to avoid this drawback and reach a preferable balance between exploitation and exploration abilities. In the proposed hybrid method, named HSCA, the SCA with improved search strategy and the ABC algorithm with two distinct search equations are run alternately during working on the same population. The ABC with multiple search equations can provide proper diversity in the population so that both algorithms complement each other to create beneficial cooperation from their merger. Certain feasibility rules are incorporated in the HSCA to steer the search towards feasible areas of the search space. The HSCA is applied to fifteen demanding engineering design problems to investigate its performance. The presented experimental results indicate that the developed method performs better than the basic SCA and ABC. The HSCA accomplishes pretty competitive results compared to other recent state-of-the-art methods


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    Pada penyelesaian square jigsaw puzzle, pencarian solusi untuk setiap potongan puzzle menjadi permasalahan utama. Dalam penyelesaiannya, informasi yang tersedia pada setiap potongan hanya berupa nilai red green blue (RGB). Dengan menggunakan nilai RGB, didapatkan nilai perbedaan antar potongan (fitness) yang menjadi dasar untuk menyelesaikan square jigsaw puzzle. Algoritma yang dapat diterapkan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut adalah algoritma Upgraded Artificial Bee Colony (UABC) yang belum pernah menyelesaikan permasalahan citra. Pengujian dilakukan dengan mengukur ketepatan hasil penyelesaian aplikasi, mengetahui pengaruh parameter size population (SP), maximum cycle number (MCN), modification rate for employeed (MRE), dan modification rate for onlooker (MRO) pada hasil ketepatan yang diperoleh. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan algoritma UABC mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan square jigsaw puzzle dengan nilai ketepatan yang baik serta dengan meningkatkan parameter SP, MCN, MRE, dan MRO maka hasil ketepatan yang diperoleh juga semakin baik

    A Hybrid Firefly and Multi-Strategy Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm

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    Many hard optimization problems have been efficiently solved by two notable swarm intelligence algorithms, artificial bee colony (ABC) and firefly algorithm (FA). In this paper, a collaborative hybrid algorithm based on firefly and multi-strategy artificial bee colony, abbreviated as FA-MABC, is proposed for solving single-objective optimization problems. In the proposed algorithm, FA investigates the search space globally to locate favorable regions of convergence. A novel multi-strategy ABC is employed to perform local search. The proposed algorithm incorporates a diversity measure to help in the switch criteria. The FA-MABC is tested on 40 benchmark functions with diverse complexities. Comparative results with the basic FA, ABC and other recent state-of-the-art metaheuristic algorithms demonstrate the competitive performance of the FA-MABC

    Effects of a proper feature selection on prediction and optimization of drilling rate using intelligent techniques

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    One of the important factors during drilling times is the rate of penetration (ROP), which is controlled based on different variables. Factors affecting different drillings are of paramount importance. In the current research, an attempt was made to better recognize drilling parameters and optimize them based on an optimization algorithm. For this purpose, 618 data sets, including RPM, flushing media, and compressive strength parameters, were measured and collected. After an initial investigation, the compressive strength feature of samples, which is an important parameter from the rocks, was used as a proper criterion for classification. Then using intelligent systems, three different levels of the rock strength and all data were modeled. The results showed that systems which were classified based on compressive strength showed a better performance for ROP assessment due to the proximity of features. Therefore, these three levels were used for classification. A new artificial bee colony algorithm was used to solve this problem. Optimizations were applied to the selected models under different optimization conditions, and optimal states were determined. As determining drilling machine parameters is important, these parameters were determined based on optimal conditions. The obtained results showed that this intelligent system can well improve drilling conditions and increase the ROP value for three strength levels of the rocks. This modeling system can be used in different drilling operations

    A Survey on Natural Inspired Computing (NIC): Algorithms and Challenges

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    Nature employs interactive images to incorporate end users2019; awareness and implication aptitude form inspirations into statistical/algorithmic information investigation procedures. Nature-inspired Computing (NIC) is an energetic research exploration field that has appliances in various areas, like as optimization, computational intelligence, evolutionary computation, multi-objective optimization, data mining, resource management, robotics, transportation and vehicle routing. The promising playing field of NIC focal point on managing substantial, assorted and self-motivated dimensions of information all the way through the incorporation of individual opinion by means of inspiration as well as communication methods in the study practices. In addition, it is the permutation of correlated study parts together with Bio-inspired computing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning that revolves efficient diagnostics interested in a competent pasture of study. This article intend at given that a summary of Nature-inspired Computing, its capacity and concepts and particulars the most significant scientific study algorithms in the field

    Predicting usage for a marketable e-learning portal

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    To date, existing e-learning portals focuses on providing various learning materials via online.Such an approach may provide huge benefit to the learners; nevertheless, less value can be obtained by the developers or owners.The knowledge transfer programme provides an insight on how existing e-learning portal can be upgraded.The academia has introduced the industry to a computational modelling that is built upon the behaviour of nature community (i.e bees)The utilization of Artificial Bee Colony algorithm in predicting learners' usage of an e-learning portal provides an indicator to the developers on the portals effectiveness.Such information is then useful in producing a marketable and valuable e-learning porta
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