903 research outputs found

    Self-organized learning in multi-layer networks

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    We present a framework for the self-organized formation of high level learning by a statistical preprocessing of features. The paper focuses first on the formation of the features in the context of layers of feature processing units as a kind of resource-restricted associative multiresolution learning We clame that such an architecture must reach maturity by basic statistical proportions, optimizing the information processing capabilities of each layer. The final symbolic output is learned by pure association of features of different levels and kind of sensorial input. Finally, we also show that common error-correction learning for motor skills can be accomplished also by non-specific associative learning. Keywords: feedforward network layers, maximal information gain, restricted Hebbian learning, cellular neural nets, evolutionary associative learnin

    GenERRate: generating errors for use in grammatical error detection

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    This paper explores the issue of automatically generated ungrammatical data and its use in error detection, with a focus on the task of classifying a sentence as grammatical or ungrammatical. We present an error generation tool called GenERRate and show how GenERRate can be used to improve the performance of a classifier on learner data. We describe initial attempts to replicate Cambridge Learner Corpus errors using GenERRate

    Automated Detection of Usage Errors in non-native English Writing

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    In an investigation of the use of a novelty detection algorithm for identifying inappropriate word combinations in a raw English corpus, we employ an unsupervised detection algorithm based on the one- class support vector machines (OC-SVMs) and extract sentences containing word sequences whose frequency of appearance is significantly low in native English writing. Combined with n-gram language models and document categorization techniques, the OC-SVM classifier assigns given sentences into two different groups; the sentences containing errors and those without errors. Accuracies are 79.30 % with bigram model, 86.63 % with trigram model, and 34.34 % with four-gram model

    A resource-light approach to morpho-syntactic tagging

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    Methods for Amharic part-of-speech tagging

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    The paper describes a set of experiments involving the application of three state-of- the-art part-of-speech taggers to Ethiopian Amharic, using three different tagsets. The taggers showed worse performance than previously reported results for Eng- lish, in particular having problems with unknown words. The best results were obtained using a Maximum Entropy ap- proach, while HMM-based and SVM- based taggers got comparable results

    An Emergent Approach to Text Analysis Based on a Connectionist Model and the Web

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    In this paper, we present a method to provide proactive assistance in text checking, based on usage relationships between words structuralized on the Web. For a given sentence, the method builds a connectionist structure of relationships between word n-grams. Such structure is then parameterized by means of an unsupervised and language agnostic optimization process. Finally, the method provides a representation of the sentence that allows emerging the least prominent usage-based relational patterns, helping to easily find badly-written and unpopular text. The study includes the problem statement and its characterization in the literature, as well as the proposed solving approach and some experimental use

    Judging grammaticality: experiments in sentence classification

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    A classifier which is capable of distinguishing a syntactically well formed sentence from a syntactically ill formed one has the potential to be useful in an L2 language-learning context. In this article, we describe a classifier which classifies English sentences as either well formed or ill formed using information gleaned from three different natural language processing techniques. We describe the issues involved in acquiring data to train such a classifier and present experimental results for this classifier on a variety of ill formed sentences. We demonstrate that (a) the combination of information from a variety of linguistic sources is helpful, (b) the trade-off between accuracy on well formed sentences and accuracy on ill formed sentences can be fine tuned by training multiple classifiers in a voting scheme, and (c) the performance of the classifier is varied, with better performance on transcribed spoken sentences produced by less advanced language learners