881 research outputs found


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    A working prototype of a mobile robot is designed for the project. The robot has the capabilities to travel in a predetermined path with obstacle collision avoidance systems. The robot composed of five main components which are body structure, controller, mobility and movements, power distribution and sensors. The body of the robot is the platform where all the circuits and battery are positioned at. Controller is the main 'brain' or CPU controls the overall operation of the robot. Power supply on the other hand is used to distribute power and thus making to every circuit and parts of the robot to work. As a mobile robot, the mobility and movements are very important aspects in order to ensure the robot manages to travel in every path determined earlier. Sensors included in this project namely ultrasonic sensor as well as infrared sensor are used to make the robot 'feel' and 'see' the environment. All these components are fabricated partly and being integrated or combined to produce a one whole working prototype. Hardware and software simulation are two methods used in completing the project

    Sensor Coordination for Behavior of Search Robot Using Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)

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    We developed a robot for searching victims for survivors of natural disasters. Almost all robots need to navigate a state in the environment to help people around them, therefore the robot should have performance a mapping system. Thus improve the performance of robots in knowing the obstacles, the position and the direction toward the robot with the task of each sensor is to detect obstacles or objects that exist in the use of ultrasonic sensors to avoid bumping into obstacles, to detect the position and determine the distance of the robot using a rotary sensor encoder and to determine the direction toward, direction and elevation angle of the robot using IMU sensor. Whole of the sensor is set by the microcontroller STM32F407VGT6 that sent data from each sensor to a PC using XBee Pro. Therefore, robot create a mapping with OpenGL on the PC. Mapping system plays an important role for fast and accurate to the destination. We conclude, in the robot SLAM method depends on the precision of the data in the sensor US2 (Right), US4 (Left) and the rotary encoder. The test results of the output data at the right ultrasonic sensor produces error US2 16.9%, 14.6% US4 left ultrasonic and rotary encoder sensor error to 19.45%


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    The traveling wave ultrasonic motor is considered for use in haptic devices where a certain input-output relation is desired between the applied force and the resulting motion. Historically, DC motors have been the standard choice for this purpose. Owing to its unique characteristics, the ultrasonic motors have been considered an attractive alternative. However, there are some limitations when using the ultrasonic motor for force-feedback applications. In particular, direct torque control is difficult, and the motor can only supply torque in the direction of motion. To accommodate these limitations we developed an indirect control approach. The experimental results demonstrate that the model reference control method was able to approximate a second order spring-damper system

    Penghasilan dan penilaian buku panduan prosedur pematerian komponen elektronik

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    Projek "Penghasilan dan Penilaian Buku Panduan Prosedur Pematerian Komponen Elektronik" ini adalah projek yang bertujuan untuk melihat penerimaan pelajar terhadap penghasilan buku panduan ini. Kajian juga dijalankan untuk melihat kepentingan buku panduan dalam membantu proses pembelajaran di makmal. Seramai 60 orang pelajar Tahun 2, Semester 2 Diploma Teknologi Kejuruteraan Elektrik, KUiTTHO telah dijadikan sampel kajian. Borang soal selidik dijadikan sebagai instrumen kajian seterusnya dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Package For Sosial Science 11.0 for Windows (SPSS). Dapatan menunjukkan penggunaan buku panduan penting dalam proses pembelajaran di makmal. Buku Panduan Penggunaan Prosedur Pematerian Komponen Elektronik yang telah dihasilkan, jelas membuktikan bahawa aspek isi kandungan, rekabentuk persembahan dan kebolehgunaannya mempengaruhi penerimaan pelajar terhadapnya. Buku panduan yang diperkenalkan ini dapat membantu memudahkan proses pembelajaran para pelajar di makmal

    Medical robots for MRI guided diagnosis and therapy

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) provides the capability of imaging tissue with fine resolution and superior soft tissue contrast, when compared with conventional ultrasound and CT imaging, which makes it an important tool for clinicians to perform more accurate diagnosis and image guided therapy. Medical robotic devices combining the high resolution anatomical images with real-time navigation, are ideal for precise and repeatable interventions. Despite these advantages, the MR environment imposes constraints on mechatronic devices operating within it. This thesis presents a study on the design and development of robotic systems for particular MR interventions, in which the issue of testing the MR compatibility of mechatronic components, actuation control, kinematics and workspace analysis, and mechanical and electrical design of the robot have been investigated. Two types of robotic systems have therefore been developed and evaluated along the above aspects. (i) A device for MR guided transrectal prostate biopsy: The system was designed from components which are proven to be MR compatible, actuated by pneumatic motors and ultrasonic motors, and tracked by optical position sensors and ducial markers. Clinical trials have been performed with the device on three patients, and the results reported have demonstrated its capability to perform needle positioning under MR guidance, with a procedure time of around 40mins and with no compromised image quality, which achieved our system speci cations. (ii) Limb positioning devices to facilitate the magic angle effect for diagnosis of tendinous injuries: Two systems were designed particularly for lower and upper limb positioning, which are actuated and tracked by the similar methods as the first device. A group of volunteers were recruited to conduct tests to verify the functionality of the systems. The results demonstrate the clear enhancement of the image quality with an increase in signal intensity up to 24 times in the tendon tissue caused by the magic angle effect, showing the feasibility of the proposed devices to be applied in clinical diagnosis

    Strategija upravljanja pozicijom ultrazvučnog motora s putujućim valom

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    Since a conventional controller is continuous one, control period is normally set for a long time. When applying that controller for a travelling-wave ultrasonic motor whose parameters and performance are time-varying as a result of increasing temperature and operating condition, it is consequently resulted in degradation of the control performance. In this paper, a digital control algorithm is proposed for position control of the motors to shorten the long control period to maintain the stability of the motor performance. The proposed controller is digitally implemented by a SH7125 microcomputer utilizing a high-performance embedded workshop. The state quantities such as acceleration, speed and position, which are necessary for digital implementation, are provided by a rotary encoder. However, the optical encoder causes quantization errors in the speed information. To overcome the problem, a digital Variable Structure System (VSS) observer is also included to estimate the state quantities. The control input will be calculated after comparing the measured values and the estimated values given by the VSS observer. In short, a small, low cost and fast responsive digital controller is designed, based on a digital VSS observer, by using the SH7125 microcomputer. Effectiveness and reliability of the proposed digital controller are experimentally verified.Strategija upravljanja pozicijom ultrazvučnog motora s putujućim valom Sažetak: S obzirom da je standardni regulator najčešće kontinuirani, period upravljanja obično je postavljen na duži period. Koristeći takav regulator pri upravljanju ultrazvučnim motorom s putujućim valom, čiji su parametri i svojstva vremenski promjenjivi zbog povećanja temperature i promjena uvjeta rada, rezultat su smanjena upravljačka svojstva. U ovome radu predložen je digitalni upravljački algoritam za upravljanje pozicijom motora u svrhu smanjenja dugačkog perioda upravljanja za održavanje stabilnosti svojstava motora. Regulator je implementiran koristeći SH7125 mikroračunalo uz HEW (engl. high-performance embedded workshop) okruženje. Iznosi veličina kao što su akceleracija, brzina i pozicija, nužnih za digitalnu implementaciju, dobiveni su iz rotirajućeg enkodera. Međutim, optički enkoder dovodi do greške kvantizacije kod proračuna brzine. U svrhu smanjenja tog problema, u proces proračuna iznosa varijabli uključen je VSS (engl. Variable Structure System) estimator. Upravljački ulaz računa se nakon usporedbe mjerenih i estimiranih vrijednosti dobivenih korištenjem VSS-a. Dizajniran je digitalni regulator malih dimenzija, jeftine cijene i brzog odziva, temeljen na digitalnom VSS estimatoru koristeći SH7125 mikroračunalo. Eksperimentalno je provjerena efikasnost i pouzdanost digitalnog regulatora

    Design and evaluation of an MRI-compatible linear motion stage.

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    PURPOSE: To develop and evaluate a tool for accurate, reproducible, and programmable motion control of imaging phantoms for use in motion sensitive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appli cations. METHODS: In this paper, the authors introduce a compact linear motion stage that is made of nonmagnetic material and is actuated with an ultrasonic motor. The stage can be positioned at arbitrary positions and orientations inside the scanner bore to move, push, or pull arbitrary phantoms. Using optical trackers, measuring microscopes, and navigators, the accuracy of the stage in motion control was evaluated. Also, the effect of the stage on image signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), artifacts, and B0 field homogeneity was evaluated. RESULTS: The error of the stage in reaching fixed positions was 0.025 ± 0.021 mm. In execution of dynamic motion profiles, the worst-case normalized root mean squared error was below 7% (for frequencies below 0.33 Hz). Experiments demonstrated that the stage did not introduce artifacts nor did it degrade the image SNR. The effect of the stage on the B0 field was less than 2 ppm. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the experiments indicate that the proposed system is MRI-compatible and can create reliable and reproducible motion that may be used for validation and assessment of motion related MRI applications


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    A working prototype of a mobile robot is designed for the project. The robot has the capabilities to travel in a predetermined path with obstacle collision avoidance systems. The robot composed of five main components which are body structure, controller, mobility and movements, power distribution and sensors. The body of the robot is the platform where all the circuits and battery are positioned at. Controller is the main 'brain' or CPU controls the overall operation of the robot. Power supply on the other hand is used to distribute power and thus making to every circuit and parts of the robot to work. As a mobile robot, the mobility and movements are very important aspects in order to ensure the robot manages to travel in every path determined earlier. Sensors included in this project namely ultrasonic sensor as well as infrared sensor are used to make the robot 'feel' and 'see' the environment. All these components are fabricated partly and being integrated or combined to produce a one whole working prototype. Hardware and software simulation are two methods used in completing the project

    Position Control of 1-DOF High-Precision Rotary Table using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Controller

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    Research of position control of 1-DOF high-precision rotary table using adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) controller has been done. In the closed-loop system without a controller, the response was oscillating and pounding caused by inertial torque. It because a rotary table receives a considerable load. Based on this, the ANFIS controller is needed to eliminate oscillations and compensate for the inertia. The result shows that there was no oscillation or overshoot with the steady-state error value of 2.27% for the reference angle of 45°, valued at 0.10% reference angle of 180°, and valued at 0% reference angle of 360°. The result proves that ANFIS controllers can eliminate oscillations with and compensate for inertia