20 research outputs found

    An Overview of Topological and Fuzzy Topological Hypergroupoids

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    On a hypergroup, one can define a topology such that the hyperoperation is pseudocontinuous or continuous.This concepts can be extend to the fuzzy case and a connection between the classical and the fuzzy (pseudo)continuous hyperoperations can be given.This paper, that is his an overview of results received by S. Hoskova-Mayerova with coauthors  I. Cristea , M. Tahere and  B. Davaz, gives examples of topological hypergroupoids and show that there is no relation (in general) between pseudotopological and strongly pseudotopological hypergroupoids. In particular, it shows a topological hypergroupoid that does not depend on the pseudocontinuity nor on strongly pseudocontinuity of the hyperoperation

    Augmented Homotopical Algebraic Geometry

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    We develop the framework for augmented homotopical algebraic geometry. This is an extension of homotopical algebraic geometry, which itself is a homotopification of classical algebraic geometry. To do so, we define the notion of augmentation categories, which are a special class of generalised Reedy categories. For an augmentation category, we prove the existence of a closed Quillen model structure on the presheaf category which is compatible with the Kan-Quillen model structure on simplicial sets. Moreover, we use the concept of augmented hypercovers to define a local model structure on the category of augmented presheaves. We prove that crossed simplicial groups, and the planar rooted tree category are examples of augmentation categories. Finally, we introduce a method for generating new examples from old via a categorical pushout construction.Comment: 36 pages, comments welcom

    An introduction to derived (algebraic) geometry

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    These are notes from an introductory lecture course on derived geometry, given by the second author, mostly aimed at an audience with backgrounds in geometry and homological algebra. The focus is on derived algebraic geometry, mainly in characteristic 00, but we also see the tweaks which extend most of the content to analytic and differential settings. The main motivating applications given are in moduli theory, with practically applicable representability theorems.Comment: 93pp; v2 minor changes; v3 minor additions, mostly reference

    Presenting higher stacks as simplicial schemes

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    We show that an n-geometric stack may be regarded as a special kind of simplicial scheme, namely a Duskin n-hypergroupoid in affine schemes, where surjectivity is defined in terms of covering maps, yielding Artin n-stacks, Deligne-Mumford n-stacks and n-schemes as the notion of covering varies. This formulation adapts to all HAG contexts, so in particular works for derived n-stacks (replacing rings with simplicial rings). We exploit this to describe quasi-coherent sheaves and complexes on these stacks, and to draw comparisons with Kontsevich's dg-schemes. As an application, we show how the cotangent complex controls infinitesimal deformations of higher and derived stacks.Comment: 55 pages; v3 content rearranged with many corrections; final version, to appear in Adv. Math; v4 corrections in section 7.

    Presenting higher stacks as simplicial schemes

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    We show that an n-geometric stack may be regarded as a special kind of simplicial scheme, namely a Duskin n-hypergroupoid in affine schemes, where surjectivity is defined in terms of covering maps, yielding Artin n-stacks, Deligne-Mumford n-stacks and n-schemes as the notion of covering varies. This formulation adapts to all HAG contexts, so in particular works for derived n-stacks (replacing rings with simplicial rings). We exploit this to describe quasi-coherent sheaves and complexes on these stacks, and to draw comparisons with Kontsevich's dg-schemes. As an application, we show how the cotangent complex controls infinitesimal deformations of higher and derived stacks.Comment: 55 pages; v3 content rearranged with many corrections; final version, to appear in Adv. Math; v4 corrections in section 7.

    Ground states of groupoid C*-algebras, phase transitions and arithmetic subalgebras for Hecke algebras

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    We consider the Hecke pair consisting of the group PK+P^+_K of affine transformations of a number field KK that preserve the orientation in every real embedding and the subgroup PO+P^+_O consisting of transformations with algebraic integer coefficients. The associated Hecke algebra C(PK+,PO+)C^*(P^+_K,P^+_O) has a natural time evolution σ\sigma, and we describe the corresponding phase transition for KMSβ_\beta-states and for ground states. From work of Yalkinoglu and Neshveyev it is known that a Bost-Connes type system associated to KK has an essentially unique arithmetic subalgebra. When we import this subalgebra through the isomorphism of C(PK+,PO+)C^*(P^+_K,P^+_O) to a corner in the Bost-Connes system established by Laca, Neshveyev and Trifkovic, we obtain an arithmetic subalgebra of C(PK+,PO+)C^*(P^+_K,P^+_O) on which ground states exhibit the `fabulous' property with respect to an action of the Galois group Gal(Kab/H+(K))Gal(K^{ab}/H_+(K)), where H+(K)H_+(K) is the narrow Hilbert class field. In order to characterize the ground states of the CC^*-dynamical system (C(PK+,PO+),σ)(C^*(P^+_K,P^+_O),\sigma), we obtain first a characterization of the ground states of a groupoid CC^*-algebra, refining earlier work of Renault. This is independent from number theoretic considerations, and may be of interest by itself in other situations.Comment: 21 pages; v2: minor changes and correction

    Extended graph of the fuzzy topographic topological mapping model

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    Fuzzy topological topographic mapping (TTTM) is a mathematical model which consists of a set of homeomorphic topological spaces designed to solve the neuro magnetic inverse problem. A sequence of FTTM, TTTMn, is an extension of FTTM that is arranged in a symmetrical form. The special characteristic of TTTM, namely the homeomorphisms between its components, allows the generation of new TTTM. The generated FTTMs can be represented as pseudo graphs. A graph of pseudo degree zero is a special type of graph where each of the FTTM components differs from the one adjacent to it. Previous researchers have investigated and conjectured the number of generated FTTM pseudo degree zero with respect to n number of components and k number of versions. In this paper, the conjecture is proven analytically for the first time using a newly developed grid-based method. Some definitions and properties of the novel grid‐based method are introduced and developed along the way. The developed definitions and properties of the method are then assem-bled to prove the conjecture. The grid‐based technique is simple yet offers some visualization fea-tures of the conjecture

    Derived moduli of complexes and derived Grassmannians

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    In the first part of this paper we construct a model structure for the category of filtered cochain complexes of modules over some commutative ring RR and explain how the classical Rees construction relates this to the usual projective model structure over cochain complexes. The second part of the paper is devoted to the study of derived moduli of sheaves: we give a new proof of the representability of the derived stack of perfect complexes over a proper scheme and then use the new model structure for filtered complexes to tackle moduli of filtered derived modules. As an application, we construct derived versions of Grassmannians and flag varieties.Comment: 54 pages, Section 2.4 significantly extended, minor corrections to the rest of the pape