5 research outputs found

    Optimization and scalability of tiled code generation

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    PIPS is a source-to-source compiler developed by CRI ParisTech performing loop tiling to enforce locality and parallelism.In this work we designed a new PIPS phase performing an invariant code optimization and parallel directive selection on the generated tiled code.We obtained scalable tiled code and minimized the parallel directive overhead.The current PIPS generated code outperforms the previous one and achieves comparable results to other state-of-art code optimizers in terms of speed-up.ope

    Recipes for calibration and validation of agent-based models in cancer biomedicine

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    Computational models and simulations are not just appealing because of their intrinsic characteristics across spatiotemporal scales, scalability, and predictive power, but also because the set of problems in cancer biomedicine that can be addressed computationally exceeds the set of those amenable to analytical solutions. Agent-based models and simulations are especially interesting candidates among computational modelling strategies in cancer research due to their capabilities to replicate realistic local and global interaction dynamics at a convenient and relevant scale. Yet, the absence of methods to validate the consistency of the results across scales can hinder adoption by turning fine-tuned models into black boxes. This review compiles relevant literature to explore strategies to leverage high-fidelity simulations of multi-scale, or multi-level, cancer models with a focus on validation approached as simulation calibration. We argue that simulation calibration goes beyond parameter optimization by embedding informative priors to generate plausible parameter configurations across multiple dimensions

    An optimization approach for agent-based computational models of biological development

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    Current research in the field of computational biology often involves simulations on high-performance computer clusters. It is crucial that the code of such simulations is efficient and correctly reflects the model specifications. In this paper, we present an optimization strategy for agent-based simulations of biological dynamics using Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors, demonstrated by a prize-winning entry of the “Intel Modern Code Developer Challenge” competition. These optimizations allow simulating various biological mechanisms, in particular the simulation of millions of cells, their proliferation, movements and interactions in 3D space. Overall, our results demonstrate a powerful approach to implement and conduct very detailed and large-scale computational simulations for biological research. We also highlight the main difficulties faced when developing such optimizations, in particular the assessment of the simulation accuracy, the dependencies between different optimization techniques and counter-intuitive effects in the speed of the optimized solution. The overall speedup of 595 ×\times  shows a good parallel scalability

    Data for: An optimization approach for the computational modeling of biological development

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    Aditional material for the manuscript "An optimization approach for agent-based computational models of biological development