2,151 research outputs found

    Regularized Surface and Point Landmarks Based Efficient Non-Rigid Medical Image Registration

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    Medical image registration is one of the fundamental tasks in medical image processing. It has various applications in field of image guided surgery (IGS) and computer assisted diagnosis (CAD). A set of non-linear methods have been already developed for inter-subject and intra-subject 3D medical image registration. However, efficient registration in terms of accuracy and speed is one of the most demanded of today surgical navigation (SN) systems. This paper is a result of a series of experiments which utilizes Fast Radial Basis Function (RBF) technique to register one or more medical images non-rigidly. Initially, a set of curves are extracted using a combined watershed and active contours algorithm and then tiled and converted to a regular surface using a global parameterization algorithm. It is shown that the registration accuracy improves when higher number of salient features (i.e. anatomical point landmarks and surfaces) are used and it also has no impact on the speed of the algorithm. The results show that the target registration error is less than 2 mm and has sub-second performance on intra-subject registration of MR image real datasets. It is observed that the Fast RBF algorithm is relatively insensitive to the increasing number of point landmarks used as compared with the competing feature based algorithms

    Medical imaging analysis with artificial neural networks

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    Given that neural networks have been widely reported in the research community of medical imaging, we provide a focused literature survey on recent neural network developments in computer-aided diagnosis, medical image segmentation and edge detection towards visual content analysis, and medical image registration for its pre-processing and post-processing, with the aims of increasing awareness of how neural networks can be applied to these areas and to provide a foundation for further research and practical development. Representative techniques and algorithms are explained in detail to provide inspiring examples illustrating: (i) how a known neural network with fixed structure and training procedure could be applied to resolve a medical imaging problem; (ii) how medical images could be analysed, processed, and characterised by neural networks; and (iii) how neural networks could be expanded further to resolve problems relevant to medical imaging. In the concluding section, a highlight of comparisons among many neural network applications is included to provide a global view on computational intelligence with neural networks in medical imaging

    Inferring Geodesic Cerebrovascular Graphs: Image Processing, Topological Alignment and Biomarkers Extraction

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    A vectorial representation of the vascular network that embodies quantitative features - location, direction, scale, and bifurcations - has many potential neuro-vascular applications. Patient-specific models support computer-assisted surgical procedures in neurovascular interventions, while analyses on multiple subjects are essential for group-level studies on which clinical prediction and therapeutic inference ultimately depend. This first motivated the development of a variety of methods to segment the cerebrovascular system. Nonetheless, a number of limitations, ranging from data-driven inhomogeneities, the anatomical intra- and inter-subject variability, the lack of exhaustive ground-truth, the need for operator-dependent processing pipelines, and the highly non-linear vascular domain, still make the automatic inference of the cerebrovascular topology an open problem. In this thesis, brain vessels’ topology is inferred by focusing on their connectedness. With a novel framework, the brain vasculature is recovered from 3D angiographies by solving a connectivity-optimised anisotropic level-set over a voxel-wise tensor field representing the orientation of the underlying vasculature. Assuming vessels joining by minimal paths, a connectivity paradigm is formulated to automatically determine the vascular topology as an over-connected geodesic graph. Ultimately, deep-brain vascular structures are extracted with geodesic minimum spanning trees. The inferred topologies are then aligned with similar ones for labelling and propagating information over a non-linear vectorial domain, where the branching pattern of a set of vessels transcends a subject-specific quantized grid. Using a multi-source embedding of a vascular graph, the pairwise registration of topologies is performed with the state-of-the-art graph matching techniques employed in computer vision. Functional biomarkers are determined over the neurovascular graphs with two complementary approaches. Efficient approximations of blood flow and pressure drop account for autoregulation and compensation mechanisms in the whole network in presence of perturbations, using lumped-parameters analog-equivalents from clinical angiographies. Also, a localised NURBS-based parametrisation of bifurcations is introduced to model fluid-solid interactions by means of hemodynamic simulations using an isogeometric analysis framework, where both geometry and solution profile at the interface share the same homogeneous domain. Experimental results on synthetic and clinical angiographies validated the proposed formulations. Perspectives and future works are discussed for the group-wise alignment of cerebrovascular topologies over a population, towards defining cerebrovascular atlases, and for further topological optimisation strategies and risk prediction models for therapeutic inference. Most of the algorithms presented in this work are available as part of the open-source package VTrails

    Efficient dense non-rigid registration using the free-form deformation framework

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    Medical image registration consists of finding spatial correspondences between two images or more. It is a powerful tool which is commonly used in various medical image processing tasks. Even though medical image registration has been an active topic of research for the last two decades, significant challenges in the field remain to be solved. This thesis addresses some of these challenges through extensions to the Free-Form Deformation (FFD) registration framework, which is one of the most widely used and well-established non-rigid registration algorithm. Medical image registration is a computationally expensive task because of the high degrees of freedom of the non-rigid transformations. In this work, the FFD algorithm has been re-factored to enable fast processing, while maintaining the accuracy of the results. In addition, parallel computing paradigms have been employed to provide near real-time image registration capabilities. Further modifications have been performed to improve the registration robustness to artifacts such as tissues non-uniformity. The plausibility of the generated deformation field has been improved through the use of bio-mechanical models based regularization. Additionally, diffeomorphic extensions to the algorithm were also developed. The work presented in this thesis has been extensively validated using brain magnetic resonance imaging of patients diagnosed with dementia or patients undergoing brain resection. It has also been applied to lung X-ray computed tomography and imaging of small animals. Alongside with this thesis an open-source package, NiftyReg, has been developed to release the presented work to the medical imaging community

    Generalised coherent point drift for group-wise multi-dimensional analysis of diffusion brain MRI data

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    A probabilistic framework for registering generalised point sets comprising multiple voxel-wise data features such as positions, orientations and scalar-valued quantities, is proposed. It is employed for the analysis of magnetic resonance diffusion tensor image (DTI)-derived quantities, such as fractional anisotropy (FA) and fibre orientation, across multiple subjects. A hybrid Student’s t-Watson-Gaussian mixture model-based non-rigid registration framework is formulated for the joint registration and clustering of voxel-wise DTI-derived data, acquired from multiple subjects. The proposed approach jointly estimates the non-rigid transformations necessary to register an unbiased mean template (represented as a 7-dimensional hybrid point set comprising spatial positions, fibre orientations and FA values) to white matter regions of interest (ROIs), and approximates the joint distribution of voxel spatial positions, their associated principal diffusion axes, and FA. Specific white matter ROIs, namely, the corpus callosum and cingulum, are analysed across healthy control (HC) subjects (K = 20 samples) and patients diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) (K = 20 samples) or Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (K = 20 samples) using the proposed framework, facilitating inter-group comparisons of FA and fibre orientations. Group-wise analyses of the latter is not afforded by conventional approaches such as tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) and voxel-based morphometry (VBM)

    Characterising population variability in brain structure through models of whole-brain structural connectivity

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    Models of whole-brain connectivity are valuable for understanding neurological function. This thesis seeks to develop an optimal framework for extracting models of whole-brain connectivity from clinically acquired diffusion data. We propose new approaches for studying these models. The aim is to develop techniques which can take models of brain connectivity and use them to identify biomarkers or phenotypes of disease. The models of connectivity are extracted using a standard probabilistic tractography algorithm, modified to assess the structural integrity of tracts, through estimates of white matter anisotropy. Connections are traced between 77 regions of interest, automatically extracted by label propagation from multiple brain atlases followed by classifier fusion. The estimates of tissue integrity for each tract are input as indices in 77x77 ”connectivity” matrices, extracted for large populations of clinical data. These are compared in subsequent studies. To date, most whole-brain connectivity studies have characterised population differences using graph theory techniques. However these can be limited in their ability to pinpoint the locations of differences in the underlying neural anatomy. Therefore, this thesis proposes new techniques. These include a spectral clustering approach for comparing population differences in the clustering properties of weighted brain networks. In addition, machine learning approaches are suggested for the first time. These are particularly advantageous as they allow classification of subjects and extraction of features which best represent the differences between groups. One limitation of the proposed approach is that errors propagate from segmentation and registration steps prior to tractography. This can cumulate in the assignment of false positive connections, where the contribution of these factors may vary across populations, causing the appearance of population differences where there are none. The final contribution of this thesis is therefore to develop a common co-ordinate space approach. This combines probabilistic models of voxel-wise diffusion for each subject into a single probabilistic model of diffusion for the population. This allows tractography to be performed only once, ensuring that there is one model of connectivity. Cross-subject differences can then be identified by mapping individual subjects’ anisotropy data to this model. The approach is used to compare populations separated by age and gender

    An image segmentation and registration approach to cardiac function analysis using MRI

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are one of the major causes of death in the world. In recent years, significant progress has been made in the care and treatment of patients with such diseases. A crucial factor for this progress has been the development of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging which makes it possible to diagnose and assess the cardiovascular function of the patient. The ability to obtain high-resolution, cine volume images easily and safely has made it the preferred method for diagnosis of CVDs. MRI is also unique in its ability to introduce noninvasive markers directly into the tissue being imaged(MR tagging) during the image acquisition process. With the development of advanced MR imaging acquisition technologies, 3D MR imaging is more and more clinically feasible. This recent development has allowed new potentially 3D image analysis technologies to be deployed. However, quantitative analysis of cardiovascular system from the images remains a challenging topic. The work presented in this thesis describes the development of segmentation and motion analysis techniques for the study of the cardiac anatomy and function in cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) images. The first main contribution of the thesis is the development of a fully automatic cardiac segmentation technique that integrates and combines a series of state-of-the-art techniques. The proposed segmentation technique is capable of generating an accurate 3D segmentation from multiple image sequences. The proposed segmentation technique is robust even in the presence of pathological changes, large anatomical shape variations and locally varying contrast in the images. Another main contribution of this thesis is the development of motion tracking techniques that can integrate motion information from different sources. For example, the radial motion of the myocardium can be tracked easily in untagged MR imaging since the epi- and endocardial surfaces are clearly visible. On the other hand, tagged MR imaging allows easy tracking of both longitudinal and circumferential motion. We propose a novel technique based on non-rigid image registration for the myocardial motion estimation using both untagged and 3D tagged MR images. The novel aspect of our technique is its simultaneous use of complementary information from both untagged and 3D tagged MR imaging. The similarity measure is spatially weighted to maximise the utility of information from both images. The thesis also proposes a sparse representation for free-form deformations (FFDs) using the principles of compressed sensing. The sparse free-form deformation (SFFD) model can capture fine local details such as motion discontinuities without sacrificing robustness. We demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed framework to accurately estimate smooth as well as discontinuous deformations in 2D and 3D CMR image sequences. Compared to the standard FFD approach, a significant increase in registration accuracy can be observed in datasets with discontinuous motion patterns. Both the segmentation and motion tracking techniques presented in this thesis have been applied to clinical studies. We focus on two important clinical applications that can be addressed by the techniques proposed in this thesis. The first clinical application aims at measuring longitudinal changes in cardiac morphology and function during the cardiac remodelling process. The second clinical application aims at selecting patients that positively respond to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). The final chapter of this thesis summarises the main conclusions that can be drawn from the work presented here and also discusses possible avenues for future research