114 research outputs found

    Evolution of High Throughput Satellite Systems: Vision, Requirements, and Key Technologies

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    High throughput satellites (HTS), with their digital payload technology, are expected to play a key role as enablers of the upcoming 6G networks. HTS are mainly designed to provide higher data rates and capacities. Fueled by technological advancements including beamforming, advanced modulation techniques, reconfigurable phased array technologies, and electronically steerable antennas, HTS have emerged as a fundamental component for future network generation. This paper offers a comprehensive state-of-the-art of HTS systems, with a focus on standardization, patents, channel multiple access techniques, routing, load balancing, and the role of software-defined networking (SDN). In addition, we provide a vision for next-satellite systems that we named as extremely-HTS (EHTS) toward autonomous satellites supported by the main requirements and key technologies expected for these systems. The EHTS system will be designed such that it maximizes spectrum reuse and data rates, and flexibly steers the capacity to satisfy user demand. We introduce a novel architecture for future regenerative payloads while summarizing the challenges imposed by this architecture

    Minimal Energy Routing for Deep Space Satellite Networks

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    The purpose of this research is to find out a packet routing algorithm for link error rate aware satellite networks, achieving minimal network energy utilization. The existing energy aware routing protocols typically select routes that minimize the total transmission power over the satellites of the path, but do not consider the retransmissions that may be needed. A new protocol considering the link error rates in route selections for satellite networks is required. In our approach of data routing, the effective total transmissions and the energy required for these transmissions is considered. The simulator developed in C#.NET was designed and programmed to simulate and analyze the proposed link error rate aware routing protocol performance. Satellite network models for the simulation were developed using BRITE, a topology generator framework. Simulations are performed and the algorithm performance is analyzed in terms of energy load balance and schedule lengths.Computer Science Departmen

    Explicit Load Balancing Technique for NGEO Satellite IP Networks With On-Board Processing Capabilities

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    Dtn and non-dtn routing protocols for inter-cubesat communications: A comprehensive survey

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    CubeSats, which are limited by size and mass, have limited functionality. These miniaturised satellites suffer from a low power budget, short radio range, low transmission speeds, and limited data storage capacity. Regardless of these limitations, CubeSats have been deployed to carry out many research missions, such as gravity mapping and the tracking of forest fires. One method of increasing their functionality and reducing their limitations is to form CubeSat networks, or swarms, where many CubeSats work together to carry out a mission. Nevertheless, the network might have intermittent connectivity and, accordingly, data communication becomes challenging in such a disjointed network where there is no contemporaneous path between source and destination due to satellites’ mobility pattern and given the limitations of range. In this survey, various inter-satellite routing protocols that are Delay Tolerant (DTN) and Non Delay Tolerant (Non-DTN) are considered. DTN routing protocols are considered for the scenarios where the network is disjointed with no contemporaneous path between a source and a destination. We qualitatively compare all of the above routing protocols to highlight the positive and negative points under different network constraints. We conclude that the performance of routing protocols used in aerospace communications is highly dependent on the evolving topology of the network over time. Additionally, the Non-DTN routing protocols will work efficiently if the network is dense enough to establish reliable links between CubeSats. Emphasis is also given to network capacity in terms of how buffer, energy, bandwidth, and contact duration influence the performance of DTN routing protocols, where, for example, flooding-based DTN protocols can provide superior performance in terms of maximizing delivery ratio and minimizing a delivery delay. However, such protocols are not suitable for CubeSat networks, as they harvest the limited resources of these tiny satellites and they are contrasted with forwarding-based DTN routing protocols, which are resource-friendly and produce minimum overheads on the cost of degraded delivery probability. From the literature, we found that quota-based DTN routing protocols can provide the necessary balance between delivery delay and overhead costs in many CubeSat missions

    High-Throughput Air-to-Ground Connectivity for Aircraft

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    Permanent connectivity to the Internet has become the defacto standard in the second decade of the 21st century. However, on-board aircraft connectivity is still limited. While the number of airlines offering in-flight connectivity increases, the current performance is insufficient to satisfy several hundreds of passengers simultaneously. There are several options to connect aircraft to the ground, i.e. direct air-to-ground, satellites and relaying via air-to-air links. However, each single solution is insufficient. The direct air-to-ground coverage is limited to the continent and coastal regions, while the satellite links are limited in the minimum size of the spot beams and air-to-air links need to be combined with a link to the ground. Moreover, even if a direct air-to-ground or satellite link is available, the peak throughput offered on each link is rarely achieved, as the capacity needs to be shared with other aircraft flying in the same coverage area. The main challenge in achieving a high throughput per aircraft lies in the throughput allocation. All aircraft should receive a fair share of the available throughput. More specifically, as an aircraft contains a network itself, a weighted share according to the aircraft size should be provided. To address this problem, an integrated air-to-ground network, which is able to provide a high throughput to aircraft, is proposed here. Therefore, this work introduces a weighted-fair throughput allocation scheme to provide such a desired allocation. While various aspects of aircraft connectivity are studied in literature, this work is the first to address an integrated air-to-ground network to provide high-throughput connectivity to aircraft. This work models the problem of throughput allocation as a mixed integer linear program. Two throughput allocation schemes are proposed, a centralized optimal solution and a distributed heuristic solution. For the optimal solution, two different objectives are introduced, a max-min-based and a threshold-based objective. The optimal solution is utilized as a benchmark for the achievable throughput for small scenarios, while the heuristic solution offers a distributed approach and can process scenarios with a higher number of aircraft. Additionally, an option for weighted-fair throughput allocation is included. Hence, large aircraft obtain a larger share of the throughput than smaller ones. This leads to fair throughput allocation with respect to the size of the aircraft. To analyze the performance of throughput allocation in the air-to-ground network, this work introduces an air-to-ground network model. It models the network realistically, but independent from specific network implementations, such as 5G or WiFi. It is also adaptable to different scenarios. The aircraft network is studied based on captured flight traces. Extensive and representative parameter studies are conducted, including, among others, different link setups, geographic scenarios, aircraft capabilities, link distances and link capacities. The results show that the throughput can be distributed optimally during high-aircraft-density times using the optimal solution and close to optimal using the heuristic solution. The mean throughput during these times in the optimal reference scenario with low Earth orbit satellites is 20 Mbps via direct air-to-ground links and 4 Mbps via satellite links, which corresponds to 10.7% and 1.9% of the maximum link throughput, respectively. Nevertheless, during low-aircraft-density times, which are less challenging, the throughput can reach more than 200 Mbps. Therefore, the challenge is on providing a high throughput during high-aircraft-density times. In the larger central European scenario, using the heuristic scheme, a minimum of 22.9 Mbps, i.e. 3.2% of the maximum capacity, can be provided to all aircraft during high-aircraft-density times. Moreover, the critical parameters to obtain a high throughput are presented. For instance, this work shows that multi-hop air-to-air links are dispensable for aircraft within direct air-to-ground coverage. While the computation time of the optimal solution limits the number of aircraft in the scenario, larger scenarios can be studied using the heuristic scheme. The results using the weighted-fair throughput allocation show that the introduction of weights enables a user-fair throughput allocation instead of an aircraft-fair throughput allocation. As a conclusion, using the air-to-ground model and the two introduced throughput allocation schemes, the achievable weighted-fair throughput per aircraft and the respective link choices can be quantified

    Reducing power consumption in LEO satellite network

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    Current low earth orbit (LEO) satellite network display poor power efficiency, running network devices at full capacity all the time regardless of the traffic matrix and the distribution of the population over the Globe. Most of the research on energy efficiency of LEO satellites has focused on component level or link level. Therefore, this kind of research is not holistic to try to look at the satellite system as a single node. To enhance the energy efficiency. The solution should exploits multipath routing and load balancing. LEO network is overprovisioned, and hence selectively shutting down some satellite nodes and links during off-peaks hours seems like a good way to reduce energy consumption. In this paper, we exploit the fact that due to geographical and climatic conditions, some satellite links are expected to be loaded with data while others remain unused. Our approach is to power down satellite nodes and links during period of low traffic, while guaranteeing the connectivity and QoS. Finding the optimal solution is NP-problem and therefore, we explore in this work two heuristic algorithms. We evaluate our heuristics on a realistic LEO topology and real traffic matrices. Simulation results show that the power saving can be significant

    Distributed Probabilistic Congestion Control in LEO Satellite Networks

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    Satellite communication in Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) constellations is an emerging topic of interest. Due to the high number of LEO satellites in a typical constellation, a centralized algorithm for minimum-delay packet routing would incur significant signaling and computational overhead. We can exploit the deterministic topology of the satellite constellation to calculate the minimum-delay path between any two nodes in the satellite network. But that does not take into account the traffic information at the nodes along this minimum-delay path. We propose a distributed probabilistic congestion control scheme to minimize end-to-end delay. In the proposed scheme, each satellite, while sending a packet to its neighbor, adds a header with a simple metric indicating its own congestion level. The decision to route packets is taken based on the latest traffic information received from the neighbors. We build this algorithm onto the Datagram Routing Algorithm (DRA), which provides the minimum delay path, and the decision for the next hop is taken by the congestion control algorithm. We compare the proposed congestion control mechanism with the existing congestion control used by the DRA via simulations, and show improvements over the same.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, conferenc

    Advanced SDN-Based QoS and Security Solutions for Heterogeneous Networks

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    This thesis tries to study how SDN can be employed in order to support Quality of Service and how the support of this functionality is fundamental for today networks. Considering, not only the present networks, but also the next generation ones, the importance of the SDN paradigm become manifest as the use of satellite networks, which can be useful considering their broadcasting capabilities. For these reasons, this research focuses its attention on satellite - terrestrial networks and in particular on the use of SDN inside this environment. An important fact to be taken into account is that the growing of the information technologies has pave the way for new possible threats. This research study tries to cover also this problem considering how SDN can be employed for the detection of past and future malware inside networks

    Integrating LEO Satellite Constellations into Internet Backbone

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    Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations have been used for ubiquitous and flexible Internet access services. However, a number of problems related to the integration of terrestrial with satellite hosts should be resolved for the effective exploitation of LEO constellations. LEO constellations are different from terrestrial Internet because of its special properties, which result in a lot of problems. A key issue is how to route Internet packets to the LEO constellation. In the thesis (1) the background of LEO constellations was introduced; (2) the obstacles of routing between the satellites and Internet were outlined; (3) The particular problem, which must be solved, is the routing burst stream traffic in LEO satellite constellations. Two novel routing algorithmsCControl Route Transmission (CRT) and CRT with bandwidth allocation (BCRT)Cwere utilized to address the bursts routing problem. CRT is an adaptive protocol which is able to minimize the congestion in the constellations. BCRT is a CRT extension which is allowed to class the traffic (e.g. video) with different QoS requirements and guarantees. Both of CRT and BCRT work in time epochs. Routes are computed on the basis of a directed weighted graph representing the global traffic traveling in the constellations. Both CRT and BCRT were evaluated via simulation and compared with other proposals in the literatures. The results showed that CRT is a simple algorithm, but the strategy produced by CRT could avoid the congestion and enhance the global resource usage in different traffic conditions. Moreover, the explicit reservation and reroute of BCRT greatly improve the performance of CRT. In particular, the dropping rate of BCRT is very low and the average delivery time is comparable with other proposals in the literatures.Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations have been used for ubiquitous and flexible Internet access services. However, a number of problems related to the integration of terrestrial with satellite hosts should be resolved for the effective exploitation of LEO constellations. LEO constellations are different from terrestrial Internet because of its special properties, which result in a lot of problems. A key issue is how to route Internet packets to the LEO constellation. In the thesis (1) the background of LEO constellations was introduced; (2) the obstacles of routing between the satellites and Internet were outlined; (3) The particular problem, which must be solved, is the routing burst stream traffic in LEO satellite constellations. Two novel routing algorithmsCControl Route Transmission (CRT) and CRT with bandwidth allocation (BCRT)Cwere utilized to address the bursts routing problem. CRT is an adaptive protocol which is able to minimize the congestion in the constellations. BCRT is a CRT extension which is allowed to class the traffic (e.g. video) with different QoS requirements and guarantees. Both of CRT and BCRT work in time epochs. Routes are computed on the basis of a directed weighted graph representing the global traffic traveling in the constellations. Both CRT and BCRT were evaluated via simulation and compared with other proposals in the literatures. The results showed that CRT is a simple algorithm, but the strategy produced by CRT could avoid the congestion and enhance the global resource usage in different traffic conditions. Moreover, the explicit reservation and reroute of BCRT greatly improve the performance of CRT. In particular, the dropping rate of BCRT is very low and the average delivery time is comparable with other proposals in the literatures

    A Heterogeneous Communications Network for Smart Grid by Using the Cost Functions

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    Smart Grids (SG) is an intelligent power grid in which the different SG node types with different communication requirements communicates different types of information with Control Stations (CS). Radio Access Technologies (RATs) due to its advantages are considered as the main access method to be used in order to have bidirectional data transferring between different node types and CS. Besides, spectrum is a rare source and its demand is increasing significantly. Elaborating a heterogeneous in order to fulfill different SG node types communication requirements effectively, is a challenging issue. To find a method to define desirability value of different RAT to support certain node types based on fitness degree between RAT communication characteristics and node type communication requirements is an appropriate solution. This method is implemented by using a comprehensive Cost Function (CF) including a communication CF (CCF) in combination with Energy CF (ECF). The Key Point Indicators which are used in the CCF are SG node type communication requirements. The existing trade of between Eb/N0 and spectral efficiency is considered as ECF. Based on the achieved CCF and ECF and their tradeoffs, SG node types are assigned to different RATs. The proposed assigning method is sensitive to the SG node types densities. The numerical results are achieved by using MATLAB simulation. The other different outcomes of the research output such as cognitive radio in SG and collectors effect number on data aggregation are discussed as well