736 research outputs found

    Design and analysis of a beacon-less routing protocol for large volume content dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks

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    Largevolumecontentdisseminationispursuedbythegrowingnumberofhighquality applications for Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks(VANETs), e.g., the live road surveillance service and the video-based overtaking assistant service. For the highly dynamical vehicular network topology, beacon-less routing protocols have been proven to be efficient in achieving a balance between the system performance and the control overhead. However, to the authors’ best knowledge, the routing design for large volume content has not been well considered in the previous work, which will introduce new challenges, e.g., the enhanced connectivity requirement for a radio link. In this paper, a link Lifetime-aware Beacon-less Routing Protocol (LBRP) is designed for large volume content delivery in VANETs. Each vehicle makes the forwarding decision based on the message header information and its current state, including the speed and position information. A semi-Markov process analytical model is proposed to evaluate the expected delay in constructing one routing path for LBRP. Simulations show that the proposed LBRP scheme outperforms the traditional dissemination protocols in providing a low end-to-end delay. The analytical model is shown to exhibit a good match on the delay estimation with Monte Carlo simulations, as well

    Achieving reliable and enhanced communication in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs)

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyWith the envisioned age of Internet of Things (IoTs), different aspects of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) will be linked so as to advance road transportation safety, ease congestion of road traffic, lessen air pollution, improve passenger transportation comfort and significantly reduce road accidents. In vehicular networks, regular exchange of current position, direction, speed, etc., enable mobile vehicle to foresee an imminent vehicle accident and notify the driver early enough in order to take appropriate action(s) or the vehicle on its own may take adequate preventive measures to avert the looming accident. Actualizing this concept requires use of shared media access protocol that is capable of guaranteeing reliable and timely broadcast of safety messages. This dissertation investigates the use of Network Coding (NC) techniques to enrich the content of each transmission and ensure improved high reliability of the broadcasted safety messages with less number of retransmissions. A Code Aided Retransmission-based Error Recovery (CARER) protocol is proposed. In order to avoid broadcast storm problem, a rebroadcasting vehicle selection metric η, is developed, which is used to select a vehicle that will rebroadcast the received encoded message. Although the proposed CARER protocol demonstrates an impressive performance, the level of incurred overhead is fairly high due to the use of complex rebroadcasting vehicle selection metric. To resolve this issue, a Random Network Coding (RNC) and vehicle clustering based vehicular communication scheme with low algorithmic complexity, named Reliable and Enhanced Cooperative Cross-layer MAC (RECMAC) scheme, is proposed. The use of this clustering technique enables RECMAC to subdivide the vehicular network into small manageable, coordinated clusters which further improve transmission reliability and minimise negative impact of network overhead. Similarly, a Cluster Head (CH) selection metric ℱ(\u1d457) is designed, which is used to determine and select the most suitably qualified candidate to become the CH of a particular cluster. Finally, in order to investigate the impact of available radio spectral resource, an in-depth study of the required amount of spectrum sufficient to support high transmission reliability and minimum latency requirements of critical road safety messages in vehicular networks was carried out. The performance of the proposed schemes was clearly shown with detailed theoretical analysis and was further validated with simulation experiments

    Performance improvement in mobile ad-hoc networks.

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    The objective of this research is to enhance the network performance under realistic mobile ad-hoc networks environments without modification of the standard. Overview of this research is summarized as follows: First, a packet-fragmentation technique to improve network throughput under the worst channel conditions is proposed. While the conventional packet-fragmentation technique research focuses only on random-bit errors, the proposed technique employs both random bit errors and hidden-node collisions. The analytical models based on Markov-chain model shows that the optimal fragmentation technique can effectively reduce the number of retransmissions caused by both collisions from hidden nodes and corrupted packets by random bit errors, and eventually improving throughput in noisy VANETs channels. As a second contribution, a dynamic service-channel allocation (DSCA) scheme is proposed to maximize the network throughput by dynamically assigning different service channels to the users. The theoretical analysis in this thesis will consider wireless access in the vehicular environment (WAVE) protocol, which is the main characteristic of the vehicular ad-hoc networks standard (the IEEE 802.11p). To summarize, the main contribution of this research is that two schemes will improve the network throughput significantly without modification of the standard. Therefore, there is no implementation issue to deploy the proposed schemes in real devices.PhDCommittee Chair: Copeland, John; Committee Co-Chair: Chang, Yusun; Committee Member: Ammar, Mostafa; Committee Member: Beyah, Raheem; Committee Member: Owen, Henry; Committee Member: Taylor, Davi

    Efficient medium access control protocol for vehicular ad-hoc networks

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    Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) have enjoyed a tremendous growth in the last decade and the advancement in communication technologies has played a big role behind the success of ITS. Inter-vehicle communication (IVC) is a critical requirement for ITS and due to the nature of communication, vehicular ad-hoc network technology (VANET) is the most suitable communication technology for inter-vehicle communications. In Practice, however, VANET poses some extreme challenges including dropping out of connections as the moving vehicle moves out of the coverage range, joining of new nodes moving at high speeds, dynamic change in topology and connectivity, time variability of signal strength, throughput and time delay. One of the most challenging issues facing vehicular networks lies in the design of efficient resource management schemes, due to the mobile nature of nodes, delay constraints for safety applications and interference. The main application of VANET in ITS lies in the exchange of safety messages between nodes. Moreover, as the wireless access in vehicular environment (WAVE) moves closer to reality, management of these networks is of increasing concern for ITS designers and other stakeholder groups. As such, management of resources plays a significant role in VANET and ITS. For resource management in VANET, a medium access control protocol is used, which makes sure that limited resources are distributed efficiently. In this thesis, an efficient Multichannel Cognitive MAC (MCM) is developed, which assesses the quality of channel prior to transmission. MCM employs dynamic channel allocation and negotiation algorithms to achieve a significant improvement in channel utilisation, system reliability, and delay constraints while simultaneously addressing Quality of Service. Moreover, modified access priority parameters and safety message acknowledgments will be used to improve the reliability of safety messages. The proposed protocols are implemented using network simulation tools. Extensive experiments demonstrated a faster and more efficient reception of safety messages compared to existing VANET technologies. Finally, improvements in delay and packet delivery ratios are presented

    SDDV: scalable data dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks

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    An important challenge in the domain of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET) is the scalability of data dissemination. Under dense traffic conditions, the large number of communicating vehicles can easily result in a congested wireless channel. In that situation, delays and packet losses increase to a level where the VANET cannot be applied for road safety applications anymore. This paper introduces scalable data dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks (SDDV), a holistic solution to this problem. It is composed of several techniques spread across the different layers of the protocol stack. Simulation results are presented that illustrate the severity of the scalability problem when applying common state-of-the-art techniques and parameters. Starting from such a baseline solution, optimization techniques are gradually added to SDDV until the scalability problem is entirely solved. Besides the performance evaluation based on simulations, the paper ends with an evaluation of the final SDDV configuration on real hardware. Experiments including 110 nodes are performed on the iMinds w-iLab.t wireless lab. The results of these experiments confirm the results obtained in the corresponding simulations

    Recent Developments on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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    This book presents collective works published in the recent Special Issue (SI) entitled "Recent Developments on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks”. These works expose the readership to the latest solutions and techniques for MANETs and VANETs. They cover interesting topics such as power-aware optimization solutions for MANETs, data dissemination in VANETs, adaptive multi-hop broadcast schemes for VANETs, multi-metric routing protocols for VANETs, and incentive mechanisms to encourage the distribution of information in VANETs. The book demonstrates pioneering work in these fields, investigates novel solutions and methods, and discusses future trends in these field

    Evaluating the Impact of Transmission Range on the Performance of VANET

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    Recently, interest in the field of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) has grown among research community to improve traffic safety and efficiency on the roads. Despite the many advantages, the transmission range in vehicular network remains one of the major challenges due to the unique characteristics of VANETs such as various communication environments, highly dynamic topology, high node mobility and traffic density. The network would suffer from a broadcast-storm in high vehicular density when a fixed transmission range in VANET is used, while in sparse vehicular density the network could be disconnected frequently. In this paper, we evaluated the impact of different transmission ranges and number of flows formed between vehicles in a highway scenario using AODV as routing protocol. In order to validate the simulation of VANET, traffic and network simulators (SUMO & NS-2) have been used. The performance was evaluated in terms of packet delivery ratio and end-to-end delay. The simulation results have shown that better performance was achieved in term of higher PDR and lower end-to-end delay for less than 500 meters transmission range. On the contrary, the PDR started to decrease and end-to-end delay increased when the transmission range exceeded 500 meters. The performance degraded as the number of flows increased