10,474 research outputs found

    Model predictive control techniques for hybrid systems

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    This paper describes the main issues encountered when applying model predictive control to hybrid processes. Hybrid model predictive control (HMPC) is a research field non-fully developed with many open challenges. The paper describes some of the techniques proposed by the research community to overcome the main problems encountered. Issues related to the stability and the solution of the optimization problem are also discussed. The paper ends by describing the results of a benchmark exercise in which several HMPC schemes were applied to a solar air conditioning plant.Ministerio de Eduación y Ciencia DPI2007-66718-C04-01Ministerio de Eduación y Ciencia DPI2008-0581

    Approximate dynamic programming based solutions for fixed-final-time optimal control and optimal switching

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    Optimal solutions with neural networks (NN) based on an approximate dynamic programming (ADP) framework for new classes of engineering and non-engineering problems and associated difficulties and challenges are investigated in this dissertation. In the enclosed eight papers, the ADP framework is utilized for solving fixed-final-time problems (also called terminal control problems) and problems with switching nature. An ADP based algorithm is proposed in Paper 1 for solving fixed-final-time problems with soft terminal constraint, in which, a single neural network with a single set of weights is utilized. Paper 2 investigates fixed-final-time problems with hard terminal constraints. The optimality analysis of the ADP based algorithm for fixed-final-time problems is the subject of Paper 3, in which, it is shown that the proposed algorithm leads to the global optimal solution providing certain conditions hold. Afterwards, the developments in Papers 1 to 3 are used to tackle a more challenging class of problems, namely, optimal control of switching systems. This class of problems is divided into problems with fixed mode sequence (Papers 4 and 5) and problems with free mode sequence (Papers 6 and 7). Each of these two classes is further divided into problems with autonomous subsystems (Papers 4 and 6) and problems with controlled subsystems (Papers 5 and 7). Different ADP-based algorithms are developed and proofs of convergence of the proposed iterative algorithms are presented. Moreover, an extension to the developments is provided for online learning of the optimal switching solution for problems with modeling uncertainty in Paper 8. Each of the theoretical developments is numerically analyzed using different real-world or benchmark problems --Abstract, page v

    Finite-horizon optimal control of linear and a class of nonlinear systems

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    Traditionally, optimal control of dynamical systems with known system dynamics is obtained in a backward-in-time and offline manner either by using Riccati or Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation. In contrast, in this dissertation, finite-horizon optimal regulation has been investigated for both linear and nonlinear systems in a forward-in-time manner when system dynamics are uncertain. Value and policy iterations are not used while the value function (or Q-function for linear systems) and control input are updated once a sampling interval consistent with standard adaptive control. First, the optimal adaptive control of linear discrete-time systems with unknown system dynamics is presented in Paper I by using Q-learning and Bellman equation while satisfying the terminal constraint. A novel update law that uses history information of the cost to go is derived. Paper II considers the design of the linear quadratic regulator in the presence of state and input quantization. Quantization errors are eliminated via a dynamic quantizer design and the parameter update law is redesigned from Paper I. Furthermore, an optimal adaptive state feedback controller is developed in Paper III for the general nonlinear discrete-time systems in affine form without the knowledge of system dynamics. In Paper IV, a NN-based observer is proposed to reconstruct the state vector and identify the dynamics so that the control scheme from Paper III is extended to output feedback. Finally, the optimal regulation of quantized nonlinear systems with input constraint is considered in Paper V by introducing a non-quadratic cost functional. Closed-loop stability is demonstrated for all the controller designs developed in this dissertation by using Lyapunov analysis while all the proposed schemes function in an online and forward-in-time manner so that they are practically viable --Abstract, page iv