13 research outputs found

    Tecnologia da informação e gestão do conhecimento: estratégia de competitividade nas organizações/ Information technology and knowledge management: competitiveness strategy in organizations

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    O uso da Gestao do conhecimento (GC) e da Tecnologia da Informação (TI) como estratégia de competitividade pode contribuir na criação, transferência e uso do conhecimento nas organizações. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho objetivou conhecer o panorama dos estudos cientificos sobre GC e a TI na base de dados Scopus. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados foram: pesquisa descritiva, bibliográfica e abordagem qualitativa. A busca sistematica foi realizada na base de dados Scopus, no período de 2010 a 2018. Como resultado, a TI foi considerada como a grande habilitadora da GC, com influência direta no manejo do conhecimento, contribuindo para a sobrevivência das organizações em ambientes altamente competitivos, sendo necessário escolher a estratégia correta para utilizar as duas áreas conjuntamente, não havendo no momento uma solução genérica para as organizações

    A comprehensive model integrating UTAUT and ECM with espoused cultural values for investigating users' continuance intention of using mobile payment

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    Zhao, Y., & Bacao, F. (2020). A comprehensive model integrating UTAUT and ECM with espoused cultural values for investigating users' continuance intention of using mobile payment. In Proceedings of the 2020 3rd International Conference on Big Data Technologies, ICBDT 2020 (pp. 155-161). (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series). Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3422713.3422754Mobile payment (M-payment), as an emerging financial transaction method has been widely adopted in various contexts. In order to investigate the significance factors and espoused cultural moderators impacting users' M-payment continuance usage intention in China, this study proposes a comprehensive model integrating Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Expectancy Confirmation Model (ECM) with trust variable espoused by Hofstede's cultural value to investigate factors affecting users' continuance intention of using M-payment. In addition, based on the proposed model, researchers can more accurately explain user' behavior not only corresponding technological perceptions, but also mental expectations and espoused cultural values for various technology continuance acceptance under different cultural background.publishersversionpublishe

    Adoption of knowledge management systems (KMS) in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

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    Knowledge Management System(KMS) has become progressively vital for teaching and learning, and also potentially become one of the most significant applications in Information Technology (IT). This study used a quantitative approach, seeking a causative explanation of the decision behaviour of individuals toward the acceptance of KMS in teaching and learning. Data was collected through a questionnaire from students and lecturers of Faculty of Education, Faculty of Science Faculty of Bioscience and Medical Engineering and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in UTM. The study framework was based on the second version of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM2) using eight factors from the framework, the factors are subjective norm, image, job relevant, output quality, result demonstrability, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and intention to use. The data were analysed using Structural Equation Modelling, in order to determine the factors that influence the adoption of KMS by lecturers and students in teaching and learning. Results shows that output quality is significantly determined by perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, which are significantly determined by intention to use, perceived usefulness and subjective norm. But subjective norm is not significantly determined by perceived usefulness, result demonstrability, job relevant and image

    An investigation of the effects of cultural differences on physicians' perceptions of information technology acceptance as they relate to knowledge management systems

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of national cultural differences on physicians’ perceptions of knowledge management systems acceptance. Data is collected from 106 physicians in the United States and 255 physicians in Taiwan who agreed to participate in the investigation, and a t-test is used to compare the path coefficients for each moderator. Cultural differences were found to impact knowledge management system acceptance. The results reveal that individualism/collectivism, power distance, and high-context/low-context cultural characteristics account for the significant differences between the U.S. and Taiwan in this regard. Theoretical issues related to technology acceptance which lay beyond the scope of this investigation and other issues related to cultural differences may have had an impact on the research findings. This study can assist in the management of healthcare organizations by adding to the knowledge regarding the acceptance and development of management systems. The findings provide insight into the cultural differences which influence physicians’ perceptions about knowledge management systems acceptance, and have implications for improving the knowledge relating to management systems acceptance in healthcare organizations

    Exploring user behaviours on mobile technologies combined with payment functions during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Information TechnologiesWith the extensive spread of smart mobile devices, mobile technologies and services have revolutionised and pervaded significantly in most aspects of human life, such as social communication, commerce, entertainment, etc. Various industries have integrated services and products with mobile financial transaction technologies, facilitating the payment services combined with various mobile applications. The wide adoption of mobile transactions has increased the efficiency of transaction processes, met the expectations of customers and the requirements of enterprises, and supported the social-economic development in different scenarios, especially under the pandemic situation. Understanding mobile device users’ perceptions and behaviours on mobile technologies combining payment functions under the COVID-19 pandemic situation has reinforced the need to embark on a deeper investigation of customer behaviours during the pandemic. For these reasons, this study contributes to the advancement of knowledge and implementation methods for a better understanding of the determinants of customers’ behavioural intentions of using mobile technologies combined with payment functions in a total of seven separate studies. The investigation begins with a systematic literature review on mobile payment studies presented in chapter two. This research is augmented by investigating users’ continuance usage intention of mobile payments under the COVID-19 pandemic in chapter three. The fourth chapter analyses the determinants of continuance usage intention of food delivery apps during the pandemic. Chapters five and six present two theoretical development studies about the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and UTAUT2, respectively. The seventh chapter investigates customers’ psychological shopping processes via live-streaming shopping apps during the pandemic lockdown period. In epistemological terms, this study involved conjoint positivist and interpretivist research in behavioural information systems research. A qualitative research method was applied in chapters two, five and six, and a quantitative research method was implemented in the third, fourth and seventh chapters. The main theoretical foundations applied and validated in three empirical studies were UTAUT and UTAUT2. Specifically, chapter three integrates UTAUT with Mental Accounting Theory, the fourth chapter combines UTAUT with the Expectancy Confirmation Model, and chapter seven integrates UTAUT2 with the Stimulus-Organism-Response framework and Flow theory. This study found that performance expectancy, social influence, and trust significantly affect users’ behavioural intentions in all three empirical studies. Customers’ mental cognitions, such as perceived benefits, satisfaction, flow and perceived value, positively formulate users’ behavioural intention in the three studies, respectively. Hedonic motivation and flow significantly influence users' behavioural intention when mobile technologies contain payment and entertainment features. Moreover, this study contributes several theoretical and practical implications. This study facilitates the advancement of knowledge of mobile technologies adoption through three verified theoretical frameworks and two proposed developed theoretical models and appropriate measurement methods. Meanwhile, this study supports relevant stakeholders in mobile technologies, enterprises, policymakers, service providers, and marketing departments with valuable findings and discussions for comprehensively understanding the determinants of customers’ behaviours on mobile technologies combined payment function

    Information Security Risk Management (ISRM) Model for Saudi Arabian Organisations

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    This research aimed to investigate the factors influencing information security risk management (ISRM) and develop an ISRM model for large Saudi Arabian organisations. The study employed an exploratory research method following a top-down design approach. The research was conducted in two sequential phases: an interview and a focus group discussion. The research identified 14 factors grouped into the people, process, and technology that influence ISRM in large Saudi Arabian organisations. The proposed model can successfully guide large Saudi Arabian organisations to implement ISRM standards more effectively

    Vernacular Accounting Dalam Praktik Akuntansi di PT. Ontorejo

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi penerapan akuntansi vernacular [VA] berdasarkan penalaran praktis pengguna. Penelitian ini menggunakan etnometodologi untuk mengungkap praktik-praktik VA di Badan Usaha Milik Negara Indonesia. Informan adalah satu operator lapangan, sembilan supervisor, empat manajer lini, enam manajer senior, dan dua kepala divisi yang telah bekerja selama delapan hingga lima belas tahun. Memo, selembar kertas yang beredar dalam siklus produksi perusahaan, adalah jenis VA yang diamati dalam penelitian ini. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa kesepakatan antara penerbit dan penerima adalah titik awal untuk aplikasi VA di perusahaan. Sebelum menulis memo, pihak yang berkepentingan telah membuat kesepakatan untuk melanggar aturan formal perusahaan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi mereka yang relevan. Detail memo ini dapat mempercepat pengiriman informasi dan mengatasi berbagai masalah produksi. Bahkan, kertas berfungsi sebagai alat untuk mewujudkan kehendak para pihak untuk mendapatkan kepentingan pribadi mereka atau mengabdikan diri mereka kepada negara. Studi ini memiliki dua implikasi teoritis. Pertama, manusia dilahirkan bebas untuk memilih menerima atau menolak aturan tertentu. Hal ini berbeda dengan asumsi Teori Neo-klasik bahwa manusia mematuhi aturan perusahaan. Keberadaan VA membuktikan bahwa manusia memiliki kapasitas penuh untuk menerima atau menolak aturan, bukan sebaliknya. Kedua, Rich-Media Theory (MRT) telah menetapkan tingkat media komunikasi berdasarkan kegunaannya. Menurut MRT, memo berurusan dengan kegiatan rutin yang sederhana. Namun, penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa pengguna juga menggunakan memo untuk memecahkan masalah rumit produksi

    The role of culture in mobile application adoption amongst diabetes patients in previously disadvantaged communities in the Western Cape

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    Magister Commercii - MComIntroduction: Diabetes mellitus is a global health problem with a high mortality rate. Self-management is an essential part of diabetes management and it includes self-care behaviour tasks such as healthy eating, being active and taking prescribed medication. In the current digital age, the use of technology for self- management of the disease is an important consideration. As a first step towards this, individuals have to first accept and use the technology. However, the literature indicates low levels of technology use amongst diabetic patients in environments with low socio- economic indicators and amongst minority groups. Previous studies suggest that there are many factors that influence technology acceptance such as economic, social and cultural factors. Mobile health (m-health) received recognition in healthcare literature in recent years and are known for delivering effective and efficient interventions to patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes. An investigation into m-health acceptance for diabetes management is vital as it impacts the achievement of development goals, including the United Nations’ SDG 3. This research posits that the culture of patients is a possible reason for the low acceptance and use of technology. Research based on the proliferation of culture as a determinant for diabetes self-management at an individual level is limited, especially in the South African context. The main research question pursued in the study reported in this thesis is How does culture influence m-health acceptance of diabetic patients in disadvantaged communities? Research design and methodology: Using an interpretivist paradigm, a case study research design provided the basis to collect data from 20 diabetes patients in Mitchells Plain and Strandfontein. The theoretical model that was used as a lens for investigation comprised a juxtaposition of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and Unified- Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2). The analysis of the qualitative data was undertaken with Atlas Ti, using a thematic content analysis process. Results: Eight themes emerged from the data and key results of the study indicate that opinions towards medical practitioners, which reflects power distance has a positive impact on users and non-users. Diabetic patients comply with the opinions of their doctors as they fear disagreeing with them. As such, this may result in having a positive influence on a participant’s ability to adopt and use mobile applications. Caregiver influence, which reflects femininity, has a negative influence on users as a result of diabetic patients being responsible for taking care of their family and others are both home carers and providers for their families. This indicates that patients are more concerned with the quality of their life and family than with the adoption mobile applications. Future work: It is recommended that research should be conducted in other areas in the Western Cape, specifically in the Cape flats to see whether the same sorts of results will be achieved in different communities. This could help policymakers and application developers tailor mobile applications for this target population

    An investigation of antecedents of knowledge management among hospitality employees, with the focus on human factors, related to leaders and subordinates.

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    This study examines how leaders and managers can influence knowledge management (KM) among front line hospitality employees. For this purpose, this study investigates knowledge oriented leadership (KOL), supervisory orientations, and Leader Member Exchange (LMX), as antecedents of KM. This thesis also examines the mediating effect of employee work attitudes, i.e. affective commitment, creative self-efficacy, and employee work engagement in the relationship of KM with KOL and LMX. It also discusses employee goal orientations including learning orientation, and performance orientation as mediator in the relationship of KM practices with supervisory orientations. This study also explores the right combination of leadership behaviours with different personality traits of employees i.e. which leadership behaviour works best with which personality trait in order to predict KM among employees. Furthermore, this thesis emphasises on the importance of KM in the hospitality sector by discussing service quality, service quality efficacy, and employee innovative work behaviour (IWB) as service outcomes of KM among employees. Furthermore this study explores the factors influencing the use of information system (IS) to create knowledge, through qualitative research methods. The qualitative findings can help the leaders and managers to take the actions accordingly in order to encourage employees to create knowledge. To identify the types of knowledge workers in the hospitality industry, cluster analysis is also conducted, to divide the employees into the clusters of low potential knowledge workers, loyal learners, moderate knowledge workers, personality driven knowledge workers, and high potential knowledge workers. Qualitative findings of the study are based on semi structured interviews of hospitality employees. For the quantitative study, this study collects primary data from 330 front line hospitality employees. To test the impact of leadership and managerial styles on KM, and to test the service outcomes of KM, this study uses SPSS, Smartpls, and AMOS graphics to apply structural equation modelling. For the cluster analysis, hierarchical clustering is employed using the wards method and Euclidian distance measure, which is followed by K-Mean clustering. Expectation maximization (EM) technique is applied to replace the missing values. Furthermore, the role of the demographics in determining the cluster membership is also examined. This research found that there is positive association of KOL with KM, creative self-efficacy, affective commitment, and employee work engagement. Furthermore, these work attitudes partially mediate the relationship of KOL and KM practices among employees. This study also found the positive and direct effect of supervisory end result and capability orientation on employee learning orientation. However, results do not support the negative influence of supervisory activity orientation on employee learning goal orientation. Supervisory end result orientation does not affect employee performance orientation significantly, however supervisory activity orientation is positively associated, and supervisory capability orientation is negatively associated with employee performance orientation. Results also found the positive association between employee learning goal orientation and KM practices, but no association is found between employee performance orientation and KM practices. Finally, supervisory end result orientation and capability orientation are found to have positive indirect effects on KM practices, but the indirect negative association of activity orientation and KM practices is not supported by the results. Results also indicate that LMX significantly and positively affects knowledge management, directly, and also indirectly through employee affective commitment, work engagement, and creative self-efficacy. Then this study examines the effect of KM on service outcomes, and reveals a positive direct effect of KM on employee and service quality efficacy. Furthermore, KM indirectly and positively affects service quality through employee and service quality efficacy. Results also support the direct positive effect of Service quality efficacy, and employee on service quality. Through qualitative data analysis this study explores different reasons why employees use IS to analyse multiple information in order to create new knowledge. Furthermore, qualitative methodology is also used to confirm the quantitative findings with a different approach. Qualitative results categorize the factors into three major categories: organizational, job related, and employee personal factors. Results of cluster analysis reveal that employee attitudes, personality traits, and goal orientation plays a crucial role to differentiate the knowledge workers. Furthermore, demographic factors including gender, education, and work experience are crucial in determining the cluster membership. Comparison of clusters through Mann-Whitney test indicates that cluster of high potential knowledge workers is most suitable for knowledge work, and loyal learners are the least suitable. Kruskal-Wallis test shows that cluster membership plays a significant role in influencing KM among employees. This thesis contributes to the existing knowledge by improving and extending the construct of KOL, and also by examining the role of KOL in predicting KM, for the first time in the hospitality sector. It investigates the creative self-efficacy, and work engagement as predictor of KM among hospitality employees. It also examines employee affective creative self-efficacy, commitment, and employee work engagement as mediators in the association of KOL and KM, for the first time. Hospitality researchers mainly discuss knowledge sharing, which is only one element of KM , other practices like documenting, and applying need further research. This study considers the whole construct of KM which is the combination of knowledge acquiring, transfering, documenting, and applying the knowledge. Eexamination of indirect association of supervisory orientations with KM, through the mediation of goal orientation is one of the main achievement and contribution of this research thesis. Another contribution of this study is the ranking of the given set of leadership behaviours according to personality trait of employees, which provides a framework of leadership behaviour in accordance with employee personality trait to positively influence KM. it also contributes by establishing the connection between four different concepts in a single model i.e. KM, employee IWB, employee service quality efficacy, and service quality. Existing hospitality literature does not investigate the indirect effect of KM on service quality through IWB, and service quality efficacy. This study fills this gap. In the broader perspective it is the first study to discuss the use of IS for knowledge creation, especially in the hospitality sector. By exploring the factors influencing the IS use, this study also propose enhancements in the existing technology acceptance model (TAM) which incorporates very few factors. This study goes a step further than the technology acceptance, as it discusses the use of IS specifically to create knowledge. Furthermore this study categorise the factors influencing the IS use for knowledge creation as organizational factors, personal factors, and job related factors. Clustering of hospitality employees as low potential knowledge workers, loyal learners, moderate knowledge workers, personality driven knowledge workers, and high potential knowledge workers is also a major contribution, which can be used by hospitality managers for number of purposes