8 research outputs found

    What\u27s So Special About Kruskal\u27s Theorem and the Ordinal \u3cem\u3eT\u3c/em\u3e\u3csub\u3eo\u3c/sub\u3e? A Survey of Some Results in Proof Theory

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    This paper consists primarily of a survey of results of Harvey Friedman about some proof theoretic aspects of various forms of Krusal\u27s tree theorem, and in particular the connection with the ordinal Ƭo. We also include a fairly extensive treatment of normal functions on the countable ordinals, and we give a glimpse of Veblen Hierarchies, some subsystems of second-order logic, slow-growing and fast-growing hierarchies including Girard\u27s result, and Goodstein sequences. The central theme of this paper is a powerful theorem due to Kruskal, the tree theorem , as well as a finite miniaturization of Kruskal\u27s theorem due to Harvey Friedman. These versions of Kruskal\u27s theorem are remarkable from a proof-theoretic point of view because they are not provable in relatively strong logical systems. They are examples of so-called natural independence phenomena , which are considered by more logicians as more natural than the mathematical incompleteness results first discovered by Gödel. Kruskal\u27s tree theorem also plays a fundamental role in computer science, because it is one of the main tools for showing that certain orderings on trees are well founded. These orderings play a crucial role in proving the termination of systems of rewrite rules and the correctness of Knuth-Bandix completion procedures. There is also a close connection between a certain infinite countable ordinal called Ƭoand Kruskal\u27s theorem. Previous definitions of the function involved in this connection are known to be incorrect, in that, the function is not monotonic. We offer a repaired definition of this function, and explore briefly the consequences of its existence

    Gentzenから始まる証明論の50年 : 順序数解析を中心として (証明と計算の理論と応用)

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    おおよそ1930-80年における証明論の主な結果・アイデアを,順序数解析(ordinal analysis)を中心として述べていく.但しこの期間の問題に関わる限り,90年以降の結果も一部盛り込む.尚,記述や記法は後に整理されたかたちで述べるので原論文のままというわけではない.したがって証明論の通史や学史のようなものをこの原稿に期待しないで頂きたい.ここでは紙幅の制限により証明の詳細は省いてある.sequent calculi(とε-calucliも少々)については[A2020a]をご参照願いたい

    Packing and covering in combinatorics

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    An intuitionistic proof of Kruskal's Theorem

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    Contains fulltext : 18887.pdf ( ) (Open Access)Report no: 001754 p

    An intuitionistic proof of Kruskal's theorem

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