122 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Information Sources on Food Safety by using Fuzzy Pair-wise Comparison

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    The main objective of this study is to measure consumer preferences for information sources on food safety along with the factors influencing the degree of consumer preferences in Turkey. The data were obtained from a survey of 385 consumers selected randomly in Izmir, Turkey. This study involves two-stage methodology. In the first stage, fuzzy pair-wise comparison was applied to calculate a measure of preferences. Five information sources on food safety, television programmes, doctors/experts, newspapers/journal articles, radio programmes and neighbors/friends were given to the consumers. The consumers were asked to make pair-wise comparisons among the information sources. The information source hierarchies of consumers were established and ranked from most to least importance. The results show that the most important information sources of consumers are “doctors/experts” and “television programmes”. The consumer preferences from the first stage were regressed upon the consumer specific variables by using seemingly unrelated regression in the second stage. The preferences for information sources are mainly influenced by education and level of income.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,


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    One of the best techniques of feature efficiency estimation is based on the application of composition of the binary relations, i.e. direct shadows of fuzzy sets. Furthermore, the analysis of the binary relations yields a significant increase in the efficiency of the method operation, and also a detailed understanding of the processes occurring during the process of composition under various conditions.Since the composition of the binary relations is exploited to estimate the efficiency of attributes by means of direct shadows of fuzzy sets, a question appears: what volume of the information regarding the efficiency of attributes can supplementary shadows of fuzzy sets bear ? The use of supplementary shadows along with the analysis of direct shadows of fuzzy sets will presumably give a more complete representation about the efficiency of features of classes.The experiments performed on solving tasks by means of the composition of direct and supplementary shadows have shown that imder certain conditions supplementary shadows can give some auxiliary estimation of the attributes efficiency. It was then decided to continue some of experiments to reveal the valid behavior of supplementary shadows under various statements of the task and various samples, and also provided that the quantity of classes and the degree of their participation in space were changed.In this paper, an example is considered where three classes participate on a three-dimensional space of attributes. The convolution of composition realization results, degrees of reduction, is also proposed to estimate the attributes available

    Avaliação econômica de sistemas extensivos de cria no Pantanal utilizando a teoria dos conjuntos Fuzzy ? processo de validação.

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    A sustentabilidade dos biomas é alicerçada no tripé ambiental, social e econômico. Para a manutenção do equilíbrio destes três aspectos no Pantanal é importante estabelecer política diferenciada, que auxilie aos produtores a manterem o Pantanal produtivo e conservado. A definição de indicadores de sustentabilidade de sistema de produção pecuário exige a utilização de metodologia de síntese, que permita avaliar as variáveis econômicas e sociais e suas interações. The sustainability of biomes is based on the environmental, social and economic tripod. To maintain the balance of these three aspects in the Pantanal is important to establish differentiated policy, which would help farmers to maintain the Pantanal productive and saved. The definition of sustainability indicators of livestock production system requires the use of synthetic methodology, which can assess the economic and social variables and their interactions

    Validação de indicadores econômicos de sistemas pecuários no Pantanal utilizando teoria fuzzy.

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    RESUMO: A utilização de indicadores de sustentabilidade é uma estratégia eficiente para avaliar e formular políticas de desenvolvimento. O acompanhamento de sistemas de produção reais de pecuária de corte do Pantanal foi a base para definição das variáveis (custo\receita bruta, lucro\receita bruta e preço do bezerro), que expressaram o desempenho econômico da atividade. Foram criadas 67 regras para a realização das inferências utilizando lógica Fuzzy para síntese das variáveis econômicas. A validação das regras foi realizada por meio de rotina de análise em lotes. Foram construídos cenários submetidos a crítica e a avaliação de produtores até a convergência dos resultados da análise, com a experiência dos produtores.SBIAgro 2011

    The moving object reflected under Matlab test-bench (Simulation model through buit-in functions)

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    Digital image processing is an area that finds many applications in three-dimensional graphics. One of the subjects considered in image processing is detection of moving objects. In this paper, we have analyzed the performance of an algorithm that detects a moving object. The performance relates to the speed of moving object during a pre-determined time interval. The methodology supports Matlab integrated with built-in functions. Specifically, as input of the simulation model is a video material containing moving objects. The model reads a video file presenting moving objects; after the model is executed in Matlab, the output emits moving objects associated to selections moving accordingly with moving objects. The performance analysis consists on tracking the people/objects from the colored markers as accurately as possible. This simulation serve for further research that lead to the generation of a practical product of detecting movable objects

    The use of fuzzy logic and expert systems for rating and pricing firms: a new perspective on valuation.

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    This paper presents an expert system aimed at evaluating firms and business units. It makes use of fuzzy logic and integrates financial, strategic, managerial aspects, processing both quantitative and qualitative information. Twenty-nine value drivers are explicitly taken into account and combined together via “if-then” rules to produce an output. The output is a real number in the interval [0,1], representing the value-creation power of the firm. The system may be used for rating, ranking and pricing firms as well as for assessing the impact of managers’ decisions on value creation and as a tool of corporate governance.Firm valuation, fuzzy logic, expert system, acquisition, rating, pricing

    Proposing a new approach to applying pervasive computing in agriculture environments

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    The resource management in agriculture environments is very important. Using smart controls will be one of the most eminent ways of managing. These resources such as water and plant nutrition. In this paper researcher are going to present a special program in which provide necessary resources for growing plant by using data sensors based on environment conditions. Firstly, it is gained a few data from soil, climate and plant conditions by using sensors and made context by processing all the data. In next stage the presented approach will do its own calculations on the basis of conditions. It can be said that researchers are used fuzzy logic for calculations because of complex data. Then researchers by using actuators can make decision for environment. In this paper, because of injecting nutrition on the basis of its conditions in to soil and plant necessary, plants can frequently use suitable quanta of nutrition and 2026;, won2019;t be on stress danger

    Using the Concept of Fuzzy Random Events in the Assessment and Analysis of Ecological Risks

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    In many cases, the assessment and analysis of ecological risks is a complicated task, which is first of all related to obtaining reliable initial information. As a rule, ecological risks are due to unrepeated unique situations; from this it follows that sufficient statistical data on whose basis reliable evaluation of specific risks is made, are not available. On the other hand, unfavourable impacts on the external environment can affect the components of an ecosystem differently. The complexity of correlations among the components of an ecosystem significantly complicates an analysis of possible impacts on the components of a specific system.When statistical data are missing or insufficient, experts who perform the required assessment on the basis of their knowledge and experience but often also using their intuition, are the only source of initial data. Here, however, the problem of reliability of expert evaluations arises. If other sources of information are missing, we have to accept subjective evaluations of experts as a basis, without an opportunity to evaluate the degree of their confidence.In this kind of situation, it seems to be validated to introduce the extent of uncertainty into the evaluations of parameters of ecological risks. This can be accomplished by using fuzzy initial evaluations. This paper focuses on the concept of fuzzy random events and shows favourable chances of using that concept in the assessment and analysis of ecological risks.