9 research outputs found

    Ontology – based context resolution in internet of things enabled diagnostics

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    Internet of things (IoT)-generated data from industrial systems are often collected in non-actionable form, thus not directly aiding maintenance actions. Context information management is often seen as an enabler for interoperability and context-based service adaptation, acting as a mechanism for linking data with knowledge to adaptive data and services. Ontology-based approaches for semantic maintenance have been proposed in the past as a data and service mediation mechanism and are adopted here as the starting point employed to develop a context resolution service for industrial diagnostics. The underlying ontology of the context resolution mechanism is relevant to failure analysis of mechanical components. The terminology and relationship between concepts are structured on the basis of relevant standards with a reliability-oriented knowledge grounding. A reasoning mechanism is employed to deliver context resolution and the derived context can add a metadata layer on data or events generated by automated and human-driven means. The approach is applied on a gearbox test rig appropriate for emulating complex misalignment cases met in many manufacturing and aerospace application

    Hybrid Hierarchical Architecture for Integration and Interoperability of a One-Stop E-Government Portal

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    The main function of a one-stop e-government portal is to provide single access point to various e-government services for its users. It needs an effective architecture for integration and interoperability between a one-stop e-government portal and related e-government services. However, due to heterogeneous e-government service platforms and bad e-government service organization, a one-stop e-government portal may fail to provide its main function effectively. This study proposes an architectural approach to improve integration and interoperability among one-stop e-government portal, e-government applications, and e-government services using a service component architecture. The evaluation shows that the proposed approach could be successfully implemented in a prototype of a one-stop e-government portal

    Eine Literaturanalyse zur Integration von Business Rules und Business Process Management

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    Business Rules (BR) und Business Process Management (BPM) sind eng miteinander verzahnt. Dennoch gibt es nur vergleichsweise wenige Forschungsbeiträge, die sich mit dem Grad der Integration beider Domänen befassen. Auf der Basis des Six-Core-Elements-BPM-Framework wird die Integration von Business Rules mit dem BPM anhand einer State-of-the-Art-Analyse der Literatur untersucht und evaluiert. Die Analyse deckt aktuelle und zukünftig mögliche Entwicklungen auf und stellt im Besonderen einen starken Fokus auf die Erforschung methodischer Ansätze fest. Während das Design und die Implementierung von BR und Geschäftsprozessen im Mittelpunkt stehen, werden organisationale Faktoren wie People und Culture kaum betrachtet. Auch kann ein strategischer Bezug der Integration beider Domänen kaum festgestellt werden

    Towards effectiveness of integration and interoperability of one-stop e-government portal

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    An effective one-stop e-government portal requires a system with good integration and interoperability. However, most e-government portals lack in integration and interoperability. This work aims to find an effective approach for e-government integration and interoperability for one-stop e-government portal. This paper presents a hybrid e-government architecture based on architectural principles, enterprise operational interoperability architecture and service component architecture (SCA). The experiment shows the proposed architecture is able to satisfy interoperation in terms of potentiality, compatibility, and performance tests for integration and interoperability e-government applications and services. The architecture is suitable for the development of one-stop e-government portal

    Diseño de una estructura secuencial que permita identificar la pertenencia de la implementación de una herramienta tecnológica en las empresas Job Full Service S.A.S. de Cali y la empresa Unión Estratégica Suma S.A.S. de Pereira

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    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo principal realizar un análisis administrativo para determinar la pertinencia de la implementación de una herramienta tecnológica que permita dinamizar la toma de decisiones financieras en las empresas JOB FULL SERVICES SAS y UNIÓN ESTRATÉGICA SUMA SAS; para lo cual, en primera instancia se realizó una búsqueda detallada sobre el tema de investigación en revistas científicas y académicas, con el fin de reconocer conceptos y desarrollar procesos -- En segunda instancia se realizó un análisis externo e interno de los procesos administrativos financieros de las empresas y su contexto regional; por medio de un análisis de fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas de las dos empresas objeto de estudio -- Por último, se crea un diseño de una estructura secuencial que permita identificar la pertinencia de la implementación de una herramienta tecnológica en empresas de los sectores transporte terrestre de pasajeros y servicios de consultoría tributaria -- Como metodología se adopta un enfoque de estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y correlacional; debido a que se hace necesario reconocer la necesidad de una aplicación móvil para lograr tomar decisiones financieras; basados en los estados financieros y administrativos -- La Investigación es no experimental debido a que maneja la variable independiente en su estado natural, es decir, no se varían los factores que inciden en el por qué financiero, ni de revisión de datos financieros de las empresas -- Es de corte transversal porque se realiza en un solo momento debido a que se indaga simultáneamente la presencia de la exposición y la ocurrencia del evento desde distintos puntos de vista, en un periodo determinado, se considera también correlacionar por que se estudian dos variables, las cuales son técnicas y administrativas para la implementación de una APP dirigida a dos empresas una en la ciudad de Pereira y otra en la ciudad de Cali -- Los resultados arrojan que las bases de datos presentan bastante información de estrategias empresariales, pero no se obtiene mucha información sobre implementación de APP a empresas; por otro lado, las dos empresas poseen una estructura organizativa, administrativa, gran número de clientes y potencial para crecimiento -- Como elemento a considerar, teniendo en cuenta la implementación de una APP, se tiene la necesidad de adquirir una página web, la cual no se posee en la actualidad y esto genera una desventaja para las dos empresas, entorpeciendo la implementación de una APP -- El desarrollo que se presenta es producto del análisis de ambas empresas, las cuales cuentan con estructuras organizativas claramente definidas -- Como conclusión se identifica que la tecnología se convierte en un factor determinante para que las empresas sean efectivas, eficientes y eficaces; para esto las dos empresas objeto de estudio pueden implementar la APP y tener la página web para lograr posicionarlas -- La página web sirve para robustecer el aplicativo y además hacerlo más funcional, logrando que la gerencia tenga la opción de tener información financiera precisa y contar con un correcto control de sus datos a través de consultas, tanto en la web como en el aplicativoThe main objective of this research was to carry out an administrative analysis to determine the relevance of the implementation of a technological tool that allows to make financial decisions in the companies JOB FULL SERVICES SAS and UNIÓN ESTRATÉGICA SUMA SAS; for which, in the first instance a detailed search was carried out on the subject of research in scientific and academic journals in order to recognize concepts and develop processes -- In the second instance, an external and internal analysis of the financial administrative processes of the companies and their regional context was carried out; through an analysis of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats of the two companies under study -- Finally, a sequential structure design is created to identify the relevance of the implementation of a technological tool in companies in the sectors of land passenger transport and tax consulting services -- As Methodology, a quantitative, descriptive and correlative study approach is adopted; because it is necessary to recognize the need for a mobile application to make financial decisions; based on financial and administrative statements -- Research is non-experimental because it handles the independent variable in its natural state, that is, the factors that affect the financial reason are not varied, nor are the financial data of the companies reviewed -- It is cross-sectional because it is carried out in a single moment because the presence of the exposure is investigated simultaneously and the occurrence of the event from different points of view, in a determined period, it is also considered to correlate because two variables are studied which they are technical and administrative for the implementation of an APP aimed at two companies, one in the city of Pereira and the other in the city of Cali -- The results show that the databases present a lot of information about business strategies but not much information is obtained about the implementation of PPPs to companies; On the other hand, the two companies have an organizational, administrative structure, a large number of clients and potential for growth -- As an element to consider taking into account the implementation of a PPP, there is a need to acquire a web page which does not have and this becomes a disadvantage for the two companies, and this would hinder the implementation of a PPP -- The development that is presented is obtained from the two companies which have organizational structures -- As a conclusion the technology becomes a relevant factor for the companies to be efficient and effective; for this, the companies under study can implement the APP and have the website to position them -- The website strengthens the application and also make it more functional, in this way the managers will have the option of having financial information and having a correct control of their data through consult both on the web and the applicatio

    A systematic methodology to analyse the performance and design configurations of business interoperability in cooperative industrial networks

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    This thesis proposes a methodology for modelling business interoperability in a context of cooperative industrial networks. The purpose is to develop a methodology that enables the design of cooperative industrial network platforms that are able to deliver business interoperability and the analysis of its impact on the performance of these platforms. To achieve the proposed objective, two modelling tools have been employed: the Axiomatic Design Theory for the design of interoperable platforms; and Agent-Based Simulation for the analysis of the impact of business interoperability. The sequence of the application of the two modelling tools depends on the scenario under analysis, i.e. whether the cooperative industrial network platform exists or not. If the cooperative industrial network platform does not exist, the methodology suggests first the application of the Axiomatic Design Theory to design different configurations of interoperable cooperative industrial network platforms, and then the use of Agent-Based Simulation to analyse or predict the business interoperability and operational performance of the designed configurations. Otherwise, one should start by analysing the performance of the existing platform and based on the achieved results, decide whether it is necessary to redesign it or not. If the redesign is needed, simulation is once again used to predict the performance of the redesigned platform. To explain how those two modelling tools can be applied in practice, a theoretical modelling framework, a theoretical Axiomatic Design model and a theoretical Agent-Based Simulation model are proposed. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed methodology and/or to validate the proposed theoretical models, a case study regarding a Portuguese Reverse Logistics cooperative network (Valorpneu network) and a case study regarding a Portuguese construction project (Dam Baixo Sabor network) are presented. The findings of the application of the proposed methodology to these two case studies suggest that indeed the Axiomatic Design Theory can effectively contribute in the design of interoperable cooperative industrial network platforms and that Agent-Based Simulation provides an effective set of tools for analysing the impact of business interoperability on the performance of those platforms. However, these conclusions cannot be generalised as only two case studies have been carried out. In terms of relevance to theory, this is the first time that the network effect is addressed in the analysis of the impact of business interoperability on the performance of networked companies and also the first time that a holistic approach is proposed to design interoperable cooperative industrial network platforms. Regarding the practical implications, the proposed methodology is intended to provide industrial managers a management tool that can guide them easily, and in practical and systematic way, in the design of configurations of interoperable cooperative industrial network platforms and/or in the analysis of the impact of business interoperability on the performance of their companies and the networks where their companies operate

    An Ontology-Aided Computer-Based Approach for Business Model Innovation Ideation

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    Business model innovation (BMI) is a key leverage for the successful long-term performance of a business. Still, there are almost no computer-based tools to support the BMI process. Most available tools focus on the initiation phase of the BMI process: to map out the current business model. Unfortunately, the later steps, such as the ideation phase, are currently not supported by computer-based tools. However, computer-based tools can assist managers in the decision- making process of elaborating new BMI ideas. This research addresses the research question on how a computer-based tool can suggest BMI cases based on a business’s business model, enterprise architecture, business innovation case characteristics, or criteria for which they are looking for in a potential BMI. A particular focus is on the combination of BMI with information technology. The research has shown that although a computer-based and ontology-aided approach for facilitating BMI would be beneficial for managers, additional research is required. A more detailed conceptualization of a business model than the current status quo can contribute to achieving such a computer-based tool for BMI recommendation. This thesis follows a design science research strategy. As part of the awareness phase, a literature review was conducted as well as three BMI cases were collected for further analysis of their characteristics. Since this research aimed to develop an ontology-aided approach for supporting the BMI ideation, a BMI ontology and a matching method had to be developed. The BMI ontology is built modularly, and therefore, it contains the individual ontologies for a business model, business capability, business innovation case, and enterprise architecture and their interconnections. Additionally, a construction industry-specific ontology was developed and added to the BMI ontology to showcase the possibility for extensions for industry-specific criteria since the developed BMI ontology is an unspecific industry ontology and thus, applicable for every business. Further, the ontology was implemented into a computer-based tool with case- based-reasoning ability to evaluate the possibility of matching BMI cases with a business model, enterprise architecture, or business innovation case criteria. Additionally, to have the functionality of filtering BMI cases, a matching method between BMI cases and filtering criteria was developed and evaluated by leveraging the collected BMI cases during the awareness phase. Through a computer-based tool, browsing, matching, and comparing BMI possibilities become an efficient and straightforward task

    Ontology-based augmented reality content-related techniques and their impact in knowledge capture and re-use within maintenance diagnosis

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    This PhD thesis aims to study ontology-based AR content-related methods and their impact in knowledge transfer, capture and re-use for cost-effective human knowledge integration in digital diagnostic systems. Industry 4.0 has revealed the importance of maintainers’ knowledge capture and re-use in diagnostics systems for providing satisfactory solutions in cases where those systems cannot (e.g. nofault-found). Augmented Reality (AR) utilises content-related techniques to transfer knowledge to maintainers for improving efficiency and effectiveness of diagnosis tasks. Academic literature has shown that AR can also be utilised for knowledge capture and re-use, but this has only been demonstrated in simple, step-by-step repair operations. In diagnosis research, ontology-based methods are applied to capture and re-use knowledge from unstructured and heterogenous sources like humans. Nevertheless, these methods have not made use of AR potential to contextualise knowledge and so, improve efficiency and effectiveness of knowledge capture and re-use diagnosis operations...[cont.]Manufacturin