1,336 research outputs found

    Malware Detection Module using Machine Learning Algorithms to Assist in Centralized Security in Enterprise Networks

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    Malicious software is abundant in a world of innumerable computer users, who are constantly faced with these threats from various sources like the internet, local networks and portable drives. Malware is potentially low to high risk and can cause systems to function incorrectly, steal data and even crash. Malware may be executable or system library files in the form of viruses, worms, Trojans, all aimed at breaching the security of the system and compromising user privacy. Typically, anti-virus software is based on a signature definition system which keeps updating from the internet and thus keeping track of known viruses. While this may be sufficient for home-users, a security risk from a new virus could threaten an entire enterprise network. This paper proposes a new and more sophisticated antivirus engine that can not only scan files, but also build knowledge and detect files as potential viruses. This is done by extracting system API calls made by various normal and harmful executable, and using machine learning algorithms to classify and hence, rank files on a scale of security risk. While such a system is processor heavy, it is very effective when used centrally to protect an enterprise network which maybe more prone to such threats.Comment: 6 page

    Machine Learning Aided Static Malware Analysis: A Survey and Tutorial

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    Malware analysis and detection techniques have been evolving during the last decade as a reflection to development of different malware techniques to evade network-based and host-based security protections. The fast growth in variety and number of malware species made it very difficult for forensics investigators to provide an on time response. Therefore, Machine Learning (ML) aided malware analysis became a necessity to automate different aspects of static and dynamic malware investigation. We believe that machine learning aided static analysis can be used as a methodological approach in technical Cyber Threats Intelligence (CTI) rather than resource-consuming dynamic malware analysis that has been thoroughly studied before. In this paper, we address this research gap by conducting an in-depth survey of different machine learning methods for classification of static characteristics of 32-bit malicious Portable Executable (PE32) Windows files and develop taxonomy for better understanding of these techniques. Afterwards, we offer a tutorial on how different machine learning techniques can be utilized in extraction and analysis of a variety of static characteristic of PE binaries and evaluate accuracy and practical generalization of these techniques. Finally, the results of experimental study of all the method using common data was given to demonstrate the accuracy and complexity. This paper may serve as a stepping stone for future researchers in cross-disciplinary field of machine learning aided malware forensics.Comment: 37 Page

    Malware Detection using Machine Learning and Deep Learning

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    Research shows that over the last decade, malware has been growing exponentially, causing substantial financial losses to various organizations. Different anti-malware companies have been proposing solutions to defend attacks from these malware. The velocity, volume, and the complexity of malware are posing new challenges to the anti-malware community. Current state-of-the-art research shows that recently, researchers and anti-virus organizations started applying machine learning and deep learning methods for malware analysis and detection. We have used opcode frequency as a feature vector and applied unsupervised learning in addition to supervised learning for malware classification. The focus of this tutorial is to present our work on detecting malware with 1) various machine learning algorithms and 2) deep learning models. Our results show that the Random Forest outperforms Deep Neural Network with opcode frequency as a feature. Also in feature reduction, Deep Auto-Encoders are overkill for the dataset, and elementary function like Variance Threshold perform better than others. In addition to the proposed methodologies, we will also discuss the additional issues and the unique challenges in the domain, open research problems, limitations, and future directions.Comment: 11 Pages and 3 Figure

    Survey of Machine Learning Techniques for Malware Analysis

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    Coping with malware is getting more and more challenging, given their relentless growth in complexity and volume. One of the most common approaches in literature is using machine learning techniques, to automatically learn models and patterns behind such complexity, and to develop technologies for keeping pace with the speed of development of novel malware. This survey aims at providing an overview on the way machine learning has been used so far in the context of malware analysis. We systematize surveyed papers according to their objectives (i.e., the expected output, what the analysis aims to), what information about malware they specifically use (i.e., the features), and what machine learning techniques they employ (i.e., what algorithm is used to process the input and produce the output). We also outline a number of problems concerning the datasets used in considered works, and finally introduce the novel concept of malware analysis economics, regarding the study of existing tradeoffs among key metrics, such as analysis accuracy and economical costs

    Artificial intelligence in the cyber domain: Offense and defense

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    Artificial intelligence techniques have grown rapidly in recent years, and their applications in practice can be seen in many fields, ranging from facial recognition to image analysis. In the cybersecurity domain, AI-based techniques can provide better cyber defense tools and help adversaries improve methods of attack. However, malicious actors are aware of the new prospects too and will probably attempt to use them for nefarious purposes. This survey paper aims at providing an overview of how artificial intelligence can be used in the context of cybersecurity in both offense and defense.Web of Science123art. no. 41

    Enhancing cloud security through the integration of deep learning and data mining techniques: A comprehensive review

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    Cloud computing is crucial in all areas of data storage and online service delivery. It adds various benefits to the conventional storage and sharing system, such as simple access, on-demand storage, scalability, and cost savings. The employment of its rapidly expanding technologies may give several benefits in protecting the Internet of Things (IoT) and physical cyber systems (CPS) from various cyber threats, with IoT and CPS providing facilities for people in their everyday lives. Because malware (malware) is on the rise and there is no well-known strategy for malware detection, leveraging the cloud environment to identify malware might be a viable way forward. To avoid detection, a new kind of malware employs complex jamming and packing methods. Because of this, it is very hard to identify sophisticated malware using typical detection methods. The article presents a detailed assessment of cloud-based malware detection technologies, as well as insight into understanding the cloud's use in protecting the Internet of Things and critical infrastructure from intrusions. This study examines the benefits and drawbacks of cloud environments in malware detection, as well as presents a methodology for detecting cloud-based malware using deep learning and data extraction and highlights new research on the issues of propagating existing malware. Finally, similarities and variations across detection approaches will be exposed, as well as detection technique flaws. The findings of this work may be utilized to highlight the current issue being tackled in malware research in the future

    Intelligent Malware Detection Using File-to-file Relations and Enhancing its Security against Adversarial Attacks

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    With computing devices and the Internet being indispensable in people\u27s everyday life, malware has posed serious threats to their security, making its detection of utmost concern. To protect legitimate users from the evolving malware attacks, machine learning-based systems have been successfully deployed and offer unparalleled flexibility in automatic malware detection. In most of these systems, resting on the analysis of different content-based features either statically or dynamically extracted from the file samples, various kinds of classifiers are constructed to detect malware. However, besides content-based features, file-to-file relations, such as file co-existence, can provide valuable information in malware detection and make evasion harder. To better understand the properties of file-to-file relations, we construct the file co-existence graph. Resting on the constructed graph, we investigate the semantic relatedness among files, and leverage graph inference, active learning and graph representation learning for malware detection. Comprehensive experimental results on the real sample collections from Comodo Cloud Security Center demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed learning paradigms. As machine learning-based detection systems become more widely deployed, the incentive for defeating them increases. Therefore, we go further insight into the arms race between adversarial malware attack and defense, and aim to enhance the security of machine learning-based malware detection systems. In particular, we first explore the adversarial attacks under different scenarios (i.e., different levels of knowledge the attackers might have about the targeted learning system), and define a general attack strategy to thoroughly assess the adversarial behaviors. Then, considering different skills and capabilities of the attackers, we propose the corresponding secure-learning paradigms to counter the adversarial attacks and enhance the security of the learning systems while not compromising the detection accuracy. We conduct a series of comprehensive experimental studies based on the real sample collections from Comodo Cloud Security Center and the promising results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed secure-learning models, which can be readily applied to other detection tasks