1,648 research outputs found

    From Information to Choice: A Critical Inquiry Into Visualization Tools for Decision Making

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    In the face of complex decisions, people often engage in a three-stage process that spans from (1) exploring and analyzing pertinent information (intelligence); (2) generating and exploring alternative options (design); and ultimately culminating in (3) selecting the optimal decision by evaluating discerning criteria (choice). We can fairly assume that all good visualizations aid in the intelligence stage by enabling data exploration and analysis. Yet, to what degree and how do visualization systems currently support the other decision making stages, namely design and choice? To explore this question, we conducted a comprehensive review of decision-focused visualization tools by examining publications in major visualization journals and conferences, including VIS, EuroVis, and CHI, spanning all available years. We employed a deductive coding method and in-depth analysis to assess if and how visualization tools support design and choice. Specifically, we examined each visualization tool by (i) its degree of visibility for displaying decision alternatives, criteria, and preferences, and (ii) its degree of flexibility for offering means to manipulate the decision alternatives, criteria, and preferences with interactions such as adding, modifying, changing mapping, and filtering. Our review highlights the opportunities and challenges and reveals a surprising scarcity of tools that support all stages, and while most tools excel in offering visibility for decision criteria and alternatives, the degree of flexibility to manipulate these elements is often limited, and the lack of tools that accommodate decision preferences and their elicitation is notable. Future research could explore enhancing flexibility levels and variety, exploring novel visualization paradigms, increasing algorithmic support, and ensuring that this automation is user-controlled via the enhanced flexibility levels

    A United States Air Force Site Selection Methodology in a Contested Agile Combat Employment Environment

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    The United States Air Forceā€™s (USAF) Agile Combat Employment (ACE) strategy relies on host country access and underlying local infrastructure to facilitate airpower. However, numerous factors, including peer-to-peer threats, complex geopolitics, and intricate supply chain management, often complicate site access and thwart site selection decisions. When shaping the battlespace for future conflict, strategists and planners face the difficult task of identifying optimal locations to conduct adaptive basing operations given these complicating factors. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) can help strategists appropriately account for competing objectives and maintain a competitive advantage with theater adversaries. This thesis presents an MCDA model that evaluates ACE site selection alternatives within the Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) Area of Responsibility (AOR) using a geographic information system (GIS) enabled analytic hierarchy process (AHP) methodology and open-source data pertinent to the theater. The model analyzed 576 airports in 26 countries and compared alternative locations based on runway length, the Fragile States Index (FSI), the population center of the Peopleā€™s Republic of China, construction equipment dealers, and natural water resources. The results demonstrate the frameworkā€™s efficacy and utility in identifying existing airports best suited for the deployment of USAF combat and support assets. The methodology is expected to provide invaluable support to Combatant Commanders as they optimize ACE infrastructure, preserve resources, and minimize risk to United States Armed Forces

    Visualization and analysis of gene expression in bio-molecular networks

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    Cognitive Activity Support Tools: Design of the Visual Interface

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    This dissertation is broadly concerned with interactive computational tools that support the performance of complex cognitive activities, examples of which are analytical reasoning, decision making, problem solving, sense making, forecasting, and learning. Examples of tools that support such activities are visualization-based tools in the areas of: education, information visualization, personal information management, statistics, and health informatics. Such tools enable access to information and data and, through interaction, enable a human-information discourse. In a more specific sense, this dissertation is concerned with the design of the visual interface of these tools. This dissertation presents a large and comprehensive theoretical framework to support research and design. Issues treated herein include interaction design and patterns of interaction for cognitive and epistemic support; analysis of the essential properties of interactive visual representations and their influences on cognitive and perceptual processes; an analysis of the structural components of interaction and how different operational forms of interaction components affect the performance of cognitive activities; an examination of how the information-processing load should be distributed between humans and tools during the performance of complex cognitive activities; and a categorization of common visualizations according to their structure and function, and a discussion of the cognitive utility of each category. This dissertation also includes a chapter that describes the design of a cognitive activity support tool, as guided by the theoretical contributions that comprise the rest of the dissertation. Those that may find this dissertation useful include researchers and practitioners in the areas of data and information visualization, visual analytics, medical and health informatics, data science, journalism, educational technology, and digital games

    On learning and visualizing lexicographic preference trees

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    Preferences are very important in research fields such as decision making, recommendersystemsandmarketing. The focus of this thesis is on preferences over combinatorial domains, which are domains of objects configured with categorical attributes. For example, the domain of cars includes car objects that are constructed withvaluesforattributes, such as ā€˜makeā€™, ā€˜yearā€™, ā€˜modelā€™, ā€˜colorā€™, ā€˜body typeā€™ and ā€˜transmissionā€™.Different values can instantiate an attribute. For instance, values for attribute ā€˜makeā€™canbeHonda, Toyota, Tesla or BMW, and attribute ā€˜transmissionā€™ can haveautomaticormanual. To this end,thisthesis studiesproblemsonpreference visualization and learning for lexicographic preference trees, graphical preference models that often are compact over complex domains of objects built of categorical attributes. Visualizing preferences is essential to provide users with insights into the process of decision making, while learning preferences from data is practically important, as it is ineffective to elicit preference models directly from users. The results obtained from this thesis are two parts: 1) for preference visualization, aweb- basedsystem is created that visualizes various types of lexicographic preference tree models learned by a greedy learning algorithm; 2) for preference learning, a genetic algorithm is designed and implemented, called GA, that learns a restricted type of lexicographic preference tree, called unconditional importance and unconditional preference tree, or UIUP trees for short. Experiments show that GA achieves higher accuracy compared to the greedy algorithm at the cost of more computational time. Moreover, a Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) was devised and implemented that computes an optimal UIUP tree model in the sense that it satisfies as many examples as possible in the dataset. This novel exact algorithm (DPA), was used to evaluate the quality of models computed by GA, and it was found to reduce the factorial time complexity of the brute force algorithm to exponential. The major contribution to the field of machine learning and data mining in this thesis would be the novel learning algorithm (DPA) which is an exact algorithm. DPA learns and finds the best UIUP tree model in the huge search space which classifies accurately the most number of examples in the training dataset; such model is referred to as the optimal model in this thesis. Finally, using datasets produced from randomly generated UIUP trees, this thesis presents experimental results on the performances (e.g., accuracy and computational time) of GA compared to the existent greedy algorithm and DPA

    visone - Software for the Analysis and Visualization of Social Networks

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    We present the software tool visone which combines graph-theoretic methods for the analysis of social networks with tailored means of visualization. Our main contribution is the design of novel graph-layout algorithms which accurately reflect computed analyses results in well-arranged drawings of the networks under consideration. Besides this, we give a detailed description of the design of the software tool and the provided analysis methods

    PAVED: Pareto Front Visualization for Engineering Design

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    Design problems in engineering typically involve a large solution space and several potentially conflicting criteria. Selecting a compromise solution is often supported by optimization algorithms that compute hundreds of Paretoā€optimal solutions, thus informing a decision by the engineer. However, the complexity of evaluating and comparing alternatives increases with the number of criteria that need to be considered at the same time. We present a design study on Pareto front visualization to support engineers in applying their expertise and subjective preferences for selection of the mostā€preferred solution. We provide a characterization of data and tasks from the parametric design of electric motors. The requirements identified were the basis for our development of PAVED, an interactive parallel coordinates visualization for exploration of multiā€criteria alternatives. We reflect on our userā€centered design process that included iterative refinement with real data in close collaboration with a domain expert as well as a summative evaluation in the field. The results suggest a high usability of our visualization as part of a realā€world engineering design workflow. Our lessons learned can serve as guidance to future visualization developers targeting multiā€criteria optimization problems in engineering design or alternative domains

    From Information to Choice: A Critical Inquiry Into Visualization Tools for Decision Making

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    In the face of complex decisions, people often engage in a three-stage process that spans from (1) exploring and analyzing pertinent information (intelligence); (2) generating and exploring alternative options (design); and ultimately culminating in (3) selecting the optimal decision by evaluating discerning criteria (choice). We can fairly assume that all good visualizations aid in the 'intelligence' stage by enabling data exploration and analysis. Yet, to what degree and how do visualization systems currently support the other decision making stages, namely 'design' and 'choice'? To further explore this question, we conducted a comprehensive review of decision-focused visualization tools by examining publications in major visualization journals and conferences, including VIS, EuroVis, and CHI, spanning all available years. We employed a deductive coding method and in-depth analysis to assess whether and how visualization tools support design and choice. Specifically, we examined each visualization tool by (i) its degree of visibility for displaying decision alternatives, criteria, and preferences, and (ii) its degree of flexibility for offering means to manipulate the decision alternatives, criteria, and preferences with interactions such as adding, modifying, changing mapping, and filtering. Our review highlights the opportunities and challenges that decision-focused visualization tools face in realizing their full potential to support all stages of the decision making process. It reveals a surprising scarcity of tools that support all stages, and while most tools excel in offering visibility for decision criteria and alternatives, the degree of flexibility to manipulate these elements is often limited, and the lack of tools that accommodate decision preferences and their elicitation is notable. Based on our findings, to better support the choice stage, future research could explore enhancing flexibility levels and variety, exploring novel visualization paradigms, increasing algorithmic support, and ensuring that this automation is user-controlled via the enhanced flexibility I evels. Our curated list of the 88 surveyed visualization tools is available in the OSF link (https://osf.io/nrasz/?view_only=b92a90a34ae241449b5f2cd33383bfcb)
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