33 research outputs found

    A novel hybrid engineering methodology to enhance collaboration during the design and development of meta product services

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    Since the Product-Service System (PSS) is accompanied by a paradigm shift towards the sustainability of the production process, it demands an advanced level of collaboration throughout the design and development process. This poses new challenges to enhance collaboration among cross-sectional, multi-disciplinary design teams in order to incorporate a variety of interdisciplinary services in a complex service-oriented system. Therefore, a new collaboration methodology is needed to reduce barriers to collaboration in a cross- organizational structure domain. This research work aims at highlighting the collaboration challenges that Meta-Product design teams face and also proposes a novel methodology to enhance collaboration among multi-disciplinary teams. The proposed methodology is a hybrid engineering model designed by integrating an Information Delivery Manual approach with a traditional software development process along with three interlinked collaboration services

    Realizing availability-oriented business models in the capital goods industry

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    The validation results of a concept for the development of availability-oriented business models are addressed. The developed concept contains five steps by means of primarily design thinking methods. For the validation, the developed concept is applied at Lenze, a German innovative manufacturer of drive and automation solutions for materials handling, handling technology, packaging industry, robotics and automotive industry. Therefore, a use case is defined, business models, extended value networks, persona analyses and customer journey are elaborated. The results show the applicability of the concept for the development of availability-oriented business models for the capital goods industry. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Antara Desain Dan Product-Service Systems: Suatu Tinjauan Literatur

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    Persaingan bisnis global yang semakin ketat telah menyebabkan terjadinya pergeseran paradigma bisnis dari product-oriented menjadi penyediaan solusi yang memuaskan kebutuhan konsumen. Hal ini telah mendorong kemunculan konsep Product-Service Systems (PSS). Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas hubungan antara konsep desain dan PSS berdasarkan literatur yang tersedia. Berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan terhadap berbagai literatur tersebut dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa PSS merupakan konsep yang diyakini sebagai jalan menuju sustainability melalui integrasi antara produk dan jasa dalam penyediaan solusi yang memenuhi kebutuhan spesifik konsumen. Proses desain PSS perlu memperhatikan kebutuhan konsumen dan stakeholder yang terkait melalui penggunaan metode dan pendekatan yang mampu mengintegrasikan pengembangan produk dan jasa dalam perspektif waktu yang sama.Evaluasi untuk mendukung keberhasilan implementasi PSS dapat dilakukan berdasarkan aspek sustainability, life cycle cost maupun berdasarkan perspektif konsumen dan penyedia.Keywords: Product-Service Systems, sustainability, desain, evaluasi, perbaika

    Business Model of Jamu as Indonesian Traditional Herbal Medicine in New Economy

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    . Many firms in New Economy tend to depend more on intangible resources (i.e. knowledge and information) than tangible resources as in Old Economy. This shifting has made many firms favour the information technology for their daily business conducts today. The fast spreading of information leads to the fiercer competition than before. The great recognition of intangible assets somewhat calls for the notion of a new business model. Some enterprises and researchers expect this effort may generate more value for today's competition through combining all assets in proper judgments. Jamu, Indonesian traditional herbal medicine, also cannot avoid the impact of New Economy competition. Jamu enterprises need to preserve the traditional value in the midst of the modern lifestyle. Then, the urgency to maintain Jamu competitive advantage is felt necessary. To provide the new business model of Jamu that is deemed as appropriate in New Economy's competition is the aim of this study. Through analysing various literature, the authors heavily consider Product Service System (PSS), specifically the product-oriented type to construct a new business model for Jamu

    Business Model of Jamu as Indonesian Traditional Herbal Medicine in New Economy

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    Abstract. Many firms in New Economy tend to depend more on intangible resources (i.e. knowledge and information) than tangible resources as in Old Economy. This shifting has made many firms favour the information technology for their daily business conducts today. The fast spreading of information leads to the fiercer competition than before. The great recognition of intangible assets somewhat calls for the notion of a new business model. Some enterprises and researchers expect this effort may generate more value for today’s competition through combining all assets in proper judgments. Jamu, Indonesian traditional herbal medicine, also cannot avoid the impact of New Economy competition. Jamu enterprises need to preserve the traditional value in the midst of the modern lifestyle. Then, the urgency to maintain Jamu competitive advantage is felt necessary. To provide the new business model of Jamu that is deemed as appropriate in New Economy’s competition is the aim of this study. Through analysing various literature, the authors heavily consider Product Service System (PSS), specifically the product-oriented type to construct a new business model for Jamu.Keyword: Jamu, new economy, PSS, product-oriented, business mode

    Technical-business design methodology for PSS

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    Concurrent Design (CD) is a systematic approach to integrated product design that emphasizes the response to customer expectations and the combination of creativity and engineering. Such a concept represents also the basis of Product- Service System (PSS), which represents a valid way for companies to add value to their products, create new value propositions, and easily improve their solution portfolio. Indeed, the fulfilling of the customer needs is fundamental for creating successful industrial PSSs (IPSSs), which aim at combining products and services into a marketable solution. However, the integration of technical and business aspects is crucial to succeed. In this context, this paper proposes an integrated methodology for PSS addressing both technical and business aspects; it adopts a QFD-based approach to structure PSS information along the different process stages, considering four main domains: customer, functional, assets and network. It allows technical feasibility to be carried out and business framework to be defined at the same time to have a robust design concept and a reliable business model from the early design stages. The method is based on the direct involvement of the customer voice according to the CD paradigm. The proposed method also allows to define earlier the network of stakeholders and to dynamically reconfigure the network itself along the process, promoting the creation of the lean enterprise

    Customer requirements for the continuous improvement of product-service system: a conceptual approach

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    Identifying customer requirements is a strategic element for consolidating product-service systems (PSSs) in the market. However, literature on empirical studies has devoted relatively little attention to this topic. The purpose of the present work is to identify PSS customer requirements by analyzing empirical studies. Toward this goal, we present here a structured systematic literature review. This study systematically reviews 269 articles published until 2015 in the PSS field. About 10% of the publications reviewed describe empirical studies that identify PSS-customer requirements. After analyzing the content of these articles, we identify 37 requirements clustered around three criteria: (i) type of PSS, (ii) type of business transaction, and (iii) customer requirements that relate to product, service, or general aspects of PSS. The empirical studies investigated in this literature review focused on the business-to-business context. This study support PSS provider meet customer requirements. Then, they will be more successful in offering the PSS