2,150 research outputs found

    Synthetic biology and microdevices : a powerful combination

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    Recent developments demonstrate that the combination of microbiology with micro-and nanoelectronics is a successful approach to develop new miniaturized sensing devices and other technologies. In the last decade, there has been a shift from the optimization of the abiotic components, for example, the chip, to the improvement of the processing capabilities of cells through genetic engineering. The synthetic biology approach will not only give rise to systems with new functionalities, but will also improve the robustness and speed of their response towards applied signals. To this end, the development of new genetic circuits has to be guided by computational design methods that enable to tune and optimize the circuit response. As the successful design of genetic circuits is highly dependent on the quality and reliability of its composing elements, intense characterization of standard biological parts will be crucial for an efficient rational design process in the development of new genetic circuits. Microengineered devices can thereby offer a new analytical approach for the study of complex biological parts and systems. By summarizing the recent techniques in creating new synthetic circuits and in integrating biology with microdevices, this review aims at emphasizing the power of combining synthetic biology with microfluidics and microelectronics

    Index to NASA Tech Briefs, January - June 1966

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    Index to NASA technological innovations for January-June 196

    Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics: a Compilation

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    A compilation is presented for the dissemination of information on technological developments which have potential utility outside the aerospace and nuclear communities. Studies include theories and mechanical considerations in the transfer of heat and the thermodynamic properties of matter and the causes and effects of certain interactions

    Microfluidic platforms for cell cultures and investigations

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    This review covers several aspects of microfluidic devices used for culturing and monitoring of both adherent and non-adherent cells, including a multitude of applications. A comparison of available platforms with high throughput analysis, automation capability, interface to sensors and integration, is reported. Aspects, such as operational versatility of the devices, are scrutinized in terms of their analytical efficacy. It is found that due to multi-functionality capability of modern microfluidics, there is big amount of experimental data obtainable from a single device, allowing complex experimental control and efficient data correlation, particularly important when biomedical studies are considered. Hence several examples on cell culture and monitoring are given in this review, including details on design of microfluidic devices with their distinctive technological peculiarities

    A survey of particle contamination in electronic devices

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    The experiences are given of a number of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Space and Missile System Organization (SAMSO) contractors with particle contamination, and the methods used for its prevention and detection, evaluates the bases for the different schemes, assesses their effectiveness, and identifies the problems associated with each. It recommends specific short-range tests or approaches appropriate to individual part-type categories and recommends that specific tasks be initiated to refine techniques and to resolve technical and application facets of promising solutions

    Inkjet printing of flexible organic electrodes for tissue engineering applications

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais, Florianópolis, 2012A tecnologia de impressão por jato de tinta vem demonstrando ser capaz de imprimir todos os materiais necessários para a fabricação de circuitos integrados, apresentando baixos custos de fabricação quando comparada às técnicas convencionais utilizadas com silício. Com o advento da eletrônica orgânica, uma ampla gama de materiais tornou-se disponível e a fabricação de dispositivos com propriedades únicas com a interface biológica é agora possível. Um exemplo importante é a utilização de eletrodos metálicos revestidos com polímeros condutores implantados no sistema nervoso central, proporcionando estimulação elétrica aos neurônios. Este trabalho relata a fabricação de dispositivos orgânicos biocompatíveis por meio da tecnologia de impressão por jato de tinta, utilizando-se uma nova combinação de materiais. Os dispositivos foram fabricados sobre um substrato de Parileno C (PaC), um polímero flexível e biocompatível. As linhas condutoras foram impressas utilizando-se uma tinta de nanopartículas de prata, enquanto os sítios ativos foram impressos usando-se uma tinta de poli (3,4-etilenodioxitiofeno)/poliestireno sulfonado (PEDOT: PSS). Para isolar o dispositivo final foi utilizada uma tinta de poliimida para imprimir uma espessa película sobre o dispositivo, deixando pequenas janelas abertas sobre os sítios ativos de PEDOT:PSS. Caracterização elétrica do dispositivo final e avaliação de sua interface com a biologia (testes de cultura de células) foram realizadas. Os resultados mostram que um dispositivo biocompatível e de baixo custo pode ser produzido por escrita direta sem quaisquer técnicas de pre-patterning ou de auto-alinhamento, utilizando-se tintas orgânicas. Abstract : Inkjet printing has been demonstrated to be able to print all materials required for integrated circuits at low costs when compared to conventional silicon processing. With the advent of organic electronics, a wide range of materials became available and the fabrication of devices with unique properties for interfacing with biology is now possible. One important example is the use of conducting polymer coatings on metal electrodes that are implanted in the central nervous system, which provides electrical stimulation of neurons. This work reports on the fabrication of biocompatible organic devices by means of inkjet printing with a novel combination of materials. The devices were fabricated on Parylene C (PaC), a biocompatible, flexible polymer substrate. The contact tracks were printed using a silver nanoparticle ink, while the active sites were inkjet printed using a poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) solution. To insulate the final device, a polyimide ink was used to print a thick film, leaving small opened windows upon the active sites. Electrical characterization of the final device and evaluation of its interface with biology (cells culture assays) were performed. The results show that inexpensive and biocompatible devices can be produced by direct writing without any pre-patterning or self-alignment techniques using organic inks

    Ultrafast humidity sensor based on liquid phase exfoliated graphene

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    Humidity sensing is important to a variety of technologies and industries, ranging from environmental and industrial monitoring to medical applications. Although humidity sensors abound, few available solutions are thin, transparent, compatible with large-area sensor production and flexible, and almost none are fast enough to perform human respiration monitoring through breath detection or real-time finger proximity monitoring via skin humidity sensing. This work describes chemiresistive graphene-based humidity sensors produced in few steps with facile liquid phase exfoliation (LPE) followed by Langmuir-Blodgett assembly that enables active areas of practically any size. The graphene sensors provide a unique mix of performance parameters, exhibiting resistance changes up to 10% with varying humidity, linear performance over relative humidity (RH) levels between 8% and 95%, weak response to other constituents of air, flexibility, transparency of nearly 80%, and response times of 30 ms. The fast response to humidity is shown to be useful for respiration monitoring and real-time finger proximity detection, with potential applications in flexible touchless interactive panels.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Growth and Characterizations of Silicon nitride thin films on Silicon substrates

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    Silicon nitride thin films were prepared on Silicon p-type substrates using chemical vapor deposition method. Three Silicon nitride samples were taken. One was not annealed while the rest two were annealed at different temperatures. The films are of 250 nm. Two Si3N4 samples were annealed at 800 oC and 1000 oC in a furnace in the presence of N2. The samples morphological characterizations are done using XRD and SEM. And electrical characterizations are done using C-V. XRD and SEM confirmed its amorphous nature. Electrical properties were found out by capacitance-voltage measurement (C-V)

    Space benefits: The secondary application of aerospace technology in other sectors of the economy

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    Benefit cases of aerospace technology utilization are presented for manufacturing, transportation, utilities, and health. General, organization, geographic, and field center indexes are included

    Microelectronic device data handbook. Volume 1 - Text

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    Microelectronic device data handbook /text