6,382 research outputs found

    Characterization of groups using composite kernels and multi-source fMRI analysis data: application to schizophrenia

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    Pattern classification of brain imaging data can enable the automatic detection of differences in cognitive processes of specific groups of interest. Furthermore, it can also give neuroanatomical information related to the regions of the brain that are most relevant to detect these differences by means of feature selection procedures, which are also well-suited to deal with the high dimensionality of brain imaging data. This work proposes the application of recursive feature elimination using a machine learning algorithm based on composite kernels to the classification of healthy controls and patients with schizophrenia. This framework, which evaluates nonlinear relationships between voxels, analyzes whole-brain fMRI data from an auditory task experiment that is segmented into anatomical regions and recursively eliminates the uninformative ones based on their relevance estimates, thus yielding the set of most discriminative brain areas for group classification. The collected data was processed using two analysis methods: the general linear model (GLM) and independent component analysis (ICA). GLM spatial maps as well as ICA temporal lobe and default mode component maps were then input to the classifier. A mean classification accuracy of up to 95% estimated with a leave-two-out cross-validation procedure was achieved by doing multi-source data classification. In addition, it is shown that the classification accuracy rate obtained by using multi-source data surpasses that reached by using single-source data, hence showing that this algorithm takes advantage of the complimentary nature of GLM and ICAPublicad

    Multimodal imaging of human brain activity: rational, biophysical aspects and modes of integration

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    Until relatively recently the vast majority of imaging and electrophysiological studies of human brain activity have relied on single-modality measurements usually correlated with readily observable or experimentally modified behavioural or brain state patterns. Multi-modal imaging is the concept of bringing together observations or measurements from different instruments. We discuss the aims of multi-modal imaging and the ways in which it can be accomplished using representative applications. Given the importance of haemodynamic and electrophysiological signals in current multi-modal imaging applications, we also review some of the basic physiology relevant to understanding their relationship

    New Approaches for Data-mining and Classification of Mental Disorder in Brain Imaging Data

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    Brain imaging data are incredibly complex and new information is being learned as approaches to mine these data are developed. In addition to studying the healthy brain, new approaches for using this information to provide information about complex mental illness such as schizophrenia are needed. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) are two well-known neuroimaging approaches that provide complementary information, both of which provide a huge amount of data that are not easily modelled. Currently, diagnosis of mental disorders is based on a patients self-reported experiences and observed behavior over the longitudinal course of the illness. There is great interest in identifying biologically based marker of illness, rather than relying on symptoms, which are a very indirect manifestation of the illness. The hope is that biological markers will lead to earlier diagnosis and improved treatment as well as reduced costs. Understanding mental disorders is a challenging task due to the complexity of brain structure and function, overlapping features between disorders, small numbers of data sets for training, heterogeneity within disorders, and a very large amount of high dimensional data. This doctoral work proposes machine learning and data mining based algorithms to detect abnormal functional network connectivity patterns of patients with schizophrenia and distinguish them from healthy controls using 1) independent components obtained from task related fMRI data, 2) functional network correlations based on resting-state and a hierarchy of tasks, and 3) functional network correlations in both fMRI and MEG data. The abnormal activation patterns of the functional network correlation of patients are characterized by using a statistical analysis and then used as an input to classification algorithms. The framework presented in this doctoral study is able to achieve good characterization of schizophrenia and provides an initial step towards designing an objective biological marker-based diagnostic test for schizophrenia. The methods we develop can also help us to more fully leverage available imaging technology in order to better understand the mystery of the human brain, the most complex organ in the human body

    Any-way and Sparse Analyses for Multimodal Fusion and Imaging Genomics

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    This dissertation aims to develop new algorithms that leverage sparsity and mutual information across data modalities built upon the independent component analysis (ICA) framework to improve the performance of current ICA-based multimodal fusion approaches. These algorithms are further applied to both simulated data and real neuroimaging and genomic data to examine their performance. The identified neuroimaging and genomic patterns can help better delineate the pathology of mental disorders or brain development. To alleviate the signal-background separation difficulties in infomax-decomposed sources for genomic data, we propose a sparse infomax by enhancing a robust sparsity measure, the Hoyer index. Hoyer index is scale-invariant and well suited for ICA frameworks since the scale of decomposed sources is arbitrary. Simulation results demonstrate that sparse infomax increases the component detection accuracy for situations where the source signal-to-background (SBR) ratio is low, particularly for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data. The proposed sparse infomax is further extended into two data modalities as a sparse parallel ICA for applications to imaging genomics in order to investigate the associations between brain imaging and genomics. Simulation results show that sparse parallel ICA outperforms parallel ICA with improved accuracy for structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI)-SNP association detection and component spatial map recovery, as well as with enhanced sparsity for sMRI and SNP components under noisy cases. Applying the proposed sparse parallel ICA to fuse the whole-brain sMRI and whole-genome SNP data of 24985 participants in the UK biobank, we identify three stable and replicable sMRI-SNP pairs. The identified sMRI components highlight frontal, parietal, and temporal regions and associate with multiple cognitive measures (with different association strengths in different age groups for the temporal component). Top SNPs in the identified SNP factor are enriched in inflammatory disease and inflammatory response pathways, which also regulate gene expression, isoform percentage, transcription expression, or methylation level in the frontal region, and the regulation effects are significantly enriched. Applying the proposed sparse parallel ICA to imaging genomics in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), we identify and replicate one SNP component related to gray matter volume (GMV) alterations in superior and middle frontal gyri underlying working memory deficit in adults and adolescents with ADHD. The association is more significant in ADHD families than controls and stronger in adults and older adolescents than younger ones. The identified SNP component highlights SNPs in long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in chromosome 5 and in several protein-coding genes that are involved in ADHD, such as MEF2C, CADM2, and CADPS2. Top SNPs are enriched in human brain neuron cells and regulate gene expression, isoform percentage, transcription expression, or methylation level in the frontal region. Moreover, to increase the flexibility and robustness in mining multimodal data, we propose aNy-way ICA, which optimizes the entire correlation structure of linked components across any number of modalities via the Gaussian independent vector analysis and simultaneously optimizes independence via separate (parallel) ICAs. Simulation results demonstrate that aNy-way ICA recover sources and loadings, as well as the true covariance patterns with improved accuracy compared to existing multimodal fusion approaches, especially under noisy conditions. Applying the proposed aNy-way ICA to integrate structural MRI, fractal n-back, and emotion identification task functional MRIs collected in the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort (PNC), we identify and replicate one linked GMV-threat-2-back component, and the threat and 2-back components are related to intelligence quotient (IQ) score in both discovery and replication samples. Lastly, we extend the proposed aNy-way ICA with a reference constraint to enable prior-guided multimodal fusion. Simulation results show that aNy-way ICA with reference recovers the designed linkages between reference and modalities, cross-modality correlations, as well as loading and component matrices with improved accuracy compared to multi-site canonical correlation analysis with reference (MCCAR)+joint ICA under noisy conditions. Applying aNy-way ICA with reference to supervise structural MRI, fractal n-back, and emotion identification task functional MRIs fusion in PNC with IQ as the reference, we identify and replicate one IQ-related GMV-threat-2-back component, and this component is significantly correlated across modalities in both discovery and replication samples.Ph.D

    Latent Factor Analysis of High-Dimensional Brain Imaging Data

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    Recent advances in neuroimaging study, especially functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), has become an important tool in understanding the human brain. Human cognitive functions can be mapped with the brain functional organization through the high-resolution fMRI scans. However, the high-dimensional data with the increasing number of scanning tasks and subjects pose a challenge to existing methods that wasn’t optimized for high-dimensional imaging data. In this thesis, I develop advanced data-driven methods to help utilize more available sources of information in order to reveal more robust brain-behavior relationship. In the first chapter, I provide an overview of the current related research in fMRI and my contributions to the field. In the second chapter, I propose two extensions to the connectome-based predictive modeling (CPM) method that is able to combine multiple connectomes when building predictive models. The two extensions are both able to generate higher prediction accuracy than using the single connectome or the average of multiple connectomes, suggesting the advantage of incorporating multiple sources of information in predictive modeling. In the third chapter, I improve CPM from the target behavioral measure’s perspective. I propose another two extensions for CPM that are able to combine multiple available behavioral measures into a composite measure for CPM to predict. The derived composite measures are shown to be predicted more accurately than any other single behavioral measure, suggesting a more robust brainbehavior relationship. In the fourth chapter, I propose a nonlinear dimensionality reduction framework to embed fMRI data from multiple tasks into a low-dimensional space. This framework helps reveal the common brain state in the multiple available tasks while also help discover the differences among these tasks. The results also provide valuable insights into the various prediction performance based on connectomes from different tasks. In the fifth chapter, I propose an another hyerbolic geometry-based brain graph edge embedding framework. The framework is based on Poincar´e embedding and is able to more accurately represent edges in the brain graph in a low-dimensional space than traditional Euclidean geometry-based embedding. Utilizing the embedding, we are able to cluster edges of the brain graph into disjoint clusters. The edge clusters can then be used to define overlapping brain networks and the derived metrics like network overlapping number can be used to investigate functional flexibility of each brain region. Overall, these work provide rich data-driven methods that help understand the brain-behavioral relationship through predictive modeling and low-dimensional data representation

    A reversal coarse-grained analysis with application to an altered functional circuit in depression

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    Introduction: When studying brain function using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data containing tens of thousands of voxels, a coarse-grained approach – dividing the whole brain into regions of interest – is applied frequently to investigate the organization of the functional network on a relatively coarse scale. However, a coarse-grained scheme may average out the fine details over small spatial scales, thus rendering it difficult to identify the exact locations of functional abnormalities. Methods: A novel and general approach to reverse the coarse-grained approach by locating the exact sources of the functional abnormalities is proposed. Results: Thirty-nine patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and 37 matched healthy controls are studied. A circuit comprising the left superior frontal gyrus (SFGdor), right insula (INS), and right putamen (PUT) exhibit the greatest changes between the patients with MDD and controls. A reversal coarse-grained analysis is applied to this circuit to determine the exact location of functional abnormalities. Conclusions: The voxel-wise time series extracted from the reversal coarse-grained analysis (source) had several advantages over the original coarse-grained approach: (1) presence of a larger and detectable amplitude of fluctuations, which indicates that neuronal activities in the source are more synchronized; (2) identification of more significant differences between patients and controls in terms of the functional connectivity associated with the sources; and (3) marked improvement in performing discrimination tasks. A software package for pattern classification between controls and patients is available in Supporting Information