214 research outputs found

    Normalizers of Primitive Permutation Groups

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    Let GG be a transitive normal subgroup of a permutation group AA of finite degree nn. The factor group A/GA/G can be considered as a certain Galois group and one would like to bound its size. One of the results of the paper is that ∣A/G∣<n|A/G| < n if GG is primitive unless n=34n = 3^{4}, 545^4, 383^8, 585^8, or 3163^{16}. This bound is sharp when nn is prime. In fact, when GG is primitive, ∣Out(G)∣<n|\mathrm{Out}(G)| < n unless GG is a member of a given infinite sequence of primitive groups and nn is different from the previously listed integers. Many other results of this flavor are established not only for permutation groups but also for linear groups and Galois groups.Comment: 44 pages, grant numbers updated, referee's comments include

    Computations for Coxeter arrangements and Solomon's descent algebra II: Groups of rank five and six

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    In recent papers we have refined a conjecture of Lehrer and Solomon expressing the character of a finite Coxeter group WW acting on the ppth graded component of its Orlik-Solomon algebra as a sum of characters induced from linear characters of centralizers of elements of WW. Our refined conjecture relates the character above to a component of a decomposition of the regular character of WW related to Solomon's descent algebra of WW. The refined conjecture has been proved for symmetric and dihedral groups, as well as finite Coxeter groups of rank three and four. In this paper, the second in a series of three dealing with groups of rank up to eight (and in particular, all exceptional Coxeter groups), we prove the conjecture for finite Coxeter groups of rank five and six, further developing the algorithmic tools described in the previous article. The techniques developed and implemented in this paper provide previously unknown decompositions of the regular and Orlik-Solomon characters of the groups considered.Comment: Final Version. 17 page

    Algebraic curves with many automorphisms

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    Let XX be a (projective, geometrically irreducible, nonsingular) algebraic curve of genus g≥2g \ge 2 defined over an algebraically closed field KK of odd characteristic pp. Let Aut(X)Aut(X) be the group of all automorphisms of XX which fix KK element-wise. It is known that if ∣Aut(X)∣≥8g3|Aut(X)|\geq 8g^3 then the pp-rank (equivalently, the Hasse-Witt invariant) of XX is zero. This raises the problem of determining the (minimum-value) function f(g)f(g) such that whenever ∣Aut(X)∣≥f(g)|Aut(X)|\geq f(g) then XX has zero pp-rank. For {\em{even}} gg we prove that f(g)≤900g2f(g)\leq 900 g^2. The {\em{odd}} genus case appears to be much more difficult although, for any genus g≥2g\geq 2, if Aut(X)Aut(X) has a solvable subgroup GG such that ∣G∣>252g2|G|>252 g^2 then XX has zero pp-rank and GG fixes a point of XX. Our proofs use the Hurwitz genus formula and the Deuring Shafarevich formula together with a few deep results from finite group theory characterizing finite simple groups whose Sylow 22-subgroups have a cyclic subgroup of index 22. We also point out some connections with the Abhyankar conjecture and the Katz-Gabber covers

    Products of conjugacy classes and fixed point spaces

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    We prove several results on products of conjugacy classes in finite simple groups. The first result is that there always exists a uniform generating triple. This result and other ideas are used to solve a 1966 conjecture of Peter Neumann about the existence of elements in an irreducible linear group with small fixed space. We also show that there always exist two conjugacy classes in a finite non-abelian simple group whose product contains every nontrivial element of the group. We use this to show that every element in a non-abelian finite simple group can be written as a product of two rth powers for any prime power r (in particular, a product of two squares).Comment: 44 page

    Using the Maple Computer Algebra System as a Tool for Studying Group Theory

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    The purpose of this study was to show that computers can be powerful tools for studying group theory. Specifically the author examined ways that the computer algebra system Maple can be used to assist in the study of group theory. The study consists of four main parts. After a brief introduction in chapter one, chapter two discusses simple procedures written by the author to study small finite groups. These procedures rely on the fact that for small finite groups, the elements can all be stored on a computer and tested for various properties. All of the procedures are contained in the appendix, and each is described in chapter two. The Maple software comes with a built in set of group theory procedures. The procedures work with two types of groups, permutation groups and finitely presented groups. The author discusses all of the procedures dealing with permutation groups in chapter three and the procedures for finitely presented groups in chapter four. The main theoretical tool for permutation groups is a stabilizer chain, and the main tool for finitely presented groups is the Todd-Coxeter algorithm. Both of these methods and their implementations in Maple are discussed in detail. The study is concluded by examining some applications of group theory. The author discusses check digit schemes, RSA encryption, and permutation factoring. The ability to factor a permutation in terms of a set of generators can be used to solve several puzzles such as the Rubik\u27s cube
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