13,981 research outputs found

    The predictive functional control and the management of constraints in GUANAY II autonomous underwater vehicle actuators

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    Autonomous underwater vehicle control has been a topic of research in the last decades. The challenges addressed vary depending on each research group's interests. In this paper, we focus on the predictive functional control (PFC), which is a control strategy that is easy to understand, install, tune, and optimize. PFC is being developed and applied in industrial applications, such as distillation, reactors, and furnaces. This paper presents the rst application of the PFC in autonomous underwater vehicles, as well as the simulation results of PFC, fuzzy, and gain scheduling controllers. Through simulations and navigation tests at sea, which successfully validate the performance of PFC strategy in motion control of autonomous underwater vehicles, PFC performance is compared with other control techniques such as fuzzy and gain scheduling control. The experimental tests presented here offer effective results concerning control objectives in high and intermediate levels of control. In high-level point, stabilization and path following scenarios are proven. In the intermediate levels, the results show that position and speed behaviors are improved using the PFC controller, which offers the smoothest behavior. The simulation depicting predictive functional control was the most effective regarding constraints management and control rate change in the Guanay II underwater vehicle actuator. The industry has not embraced the development of control theories for industrial systems because of the high investment in experts required to implement each technique successfully. However, this paper on the functional predictive control strategy evidences its easy implementation in several applications, making it a viable option for the industry given the short time needed to learn, implement, and operate, decreasing impact on the business and increasing immediacy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Multidisciplinary design of a micro-USV for re-entry operations

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    Unmanned Space Vehicles (USV) are seen as a test-bed for enabling technologies and as a carrier to deliver and return experiments to and from low-Earth orbit. USV's are a potentially interesting solution also for the exploration of other planets or as long-range recognisance vehicles. As test bed, USV's are seen as a stepping stone for the development of future generation re-usable launchers but also as way to test key technologies for re-entry operations. Examples of recent developments are the PRORA-USV, designed by the Italian Aerospace Research Center (CIRA) in collaboration with Gavazzi Space, or the Boeing X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV), that is foreseen as an alternative to the space shuttle to deliver experiments into Earth orbit. Among the technologies to be demonstrated with the X-37 are improved thermal protection systems, avionics, the autonomous guidance system, and an advanced airfram

    Evolutionary design of a full-envelope full-authority flight control system for an unstable high-performance aircraft

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    The use of an evolutionary algorithm in the framework of H1 control theory is being considered as a means for synthesizing controller gains that minimize a weighted combination of the infinite norm of the sensitivity function (for disturbance attenuation requirements) and complementary sensitivity function (for robust stability requirements) at the same time. The case study deals with a complete full-authority longitudinal control system for an unstable high-performance jet aircraft featuring (i) a stability and control augmentation system and (ii) autopilot functions (speed and altitude hold). Constraints on closed-loop response are enforced, that representing typical requirements on airplane handling qualities, that makes the control law synthesis process more demanding. Gain scheduling is required, in order to obtain satisfactory performance over the whole flight envelope, so that the synthesis is performed at different reference trim conditions, for several values of the dynamic pressure, used as the scheduling parameter. Nonetheless, the dynamic behaviour of the aircraft may exhibit significant variations when flying at different altitudes, even for the same value of the dynamic pressure, so that a trade-off is required between different feasible controllers synthesized at different altitudes for a given equivalent airspeed. A multiobjective search is thus considered for the determination of the best suited solution to be introduced in the scheduling of the control law. The obtained results are then tested on a longitudinal non-linear model of the aircraft

    Receding Horizon Trajectory Optimization with Terminal Impact Specifications

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    The trajectory optimization problem subject to terminal impact time and angle specifications can be reformulated as a nonlinear programming problem using the Gauss pseudospectral method. The cost function of the trajectory optimization problem is modified to reduce the terminal control energy. A receding horizon optimization strategy is implemented to reject the errors caused by the motion of a surface target. Several simulations were performed to validate the proposed method via the C programming language. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and that the real-time requirement can be easily achieved if the C programming language is used to realize it

    Performance Characterization, Development, and Application of Artificial Potential Function Guidance Methods

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    The primary objective was to examine artificial potential function (APF) guidance performance when applied to systems with limited control authority in a dynamic environment and develop a hybrid guidance to improve algorithm convergence and computational cost. Performance with respect to both computation time and cost was improved by hybridizing the APF approach with receding horizon planning. Results showed that for the hybrid algorithm, computation time was improved from the optimal control solution while improving the convergence and cost from the APF solution. While the hybrid method greatly improved performance for a saturated system in dynamic environment, this was limited to a fully actuated system. When applied with indirect control, performance was improved, but did not converge. Based on this initial data, the hybrid approach shows promise in regard to implementation within a real-time guidance scheme, however, there is still work to be done before it will be fully effective. The secondary objective was to determine what classes of problems are well-suited to APFs or APFhybrids. The data suggests that APFs and the hybrid algorithm proposed are best applied to fully actuated systems. Additionally, if external dynamics or substantial saturation exist, APF guidance performs better when supplemented with an alternative method

    Robust multi-fidelity design of a micro re-entry unmanned space vehicle

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    This article addresses the preliminary robust design of a small-scale re-entry unmanned space vehicle by means of a hybrid optimization technique. The approach, developed in this article, closely couples an evolutionary multi-objective algorithm with a direct transcription method for optimal control problems. The evolutionary part handles the shape parameters of the vehicle and the uncertain objective functions, while the direct transcription method generates an optimal control profile for the re-entry trajectory. Uncertainties on the aerodynamic forces and characteristics of the thermal protection material are incorporated into the vehicle model, and a Monte-Carlo sampling procedure is used to compute relevant statistical characteristics of the maximum heat flux and internal temperature. Then, the hybrid algorithm searches for geometries that minimize the mean value of the maximum heat flux, the mean value of the maximum internal temperature, and the weighted sum of their variance: the evolutionary part handles the shape parameters of the vehicle and the uncertain functions, while the direct transcription method generates the optimal control profile for the re-entry trajectory of each individual of the population. During the optimization process, artificial neural networks are utilized to approximate the aerodynamic forces required by the optimal control solver. The artificial neural networks are trained and updated by means of a multi-fidelity approach: initially a low-fidelity analytical model, fitted on a waverider type of vehicle, is used to train the neural networks, and through the evolution a mix of analytical and computational fluid dynamic, high-fidelity computations are used to update it. The data obtained by the high-fidelity model progressively become the main source of updates for the neural networks till, near the end of the optimization process, the influence of the data obtained by the analytical model is practically nullified. On the basis of preliminary results, the adopted technique is able to predict achievable performance of the small spacecraft and the requirements in terms of thermal protection materials

    Intelligent Autonomous Decision-Making and Cooperative Control Technology of High-Speed Vehicle Swarms

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    This book is a reprint of the Special Issue “Intelligent Autonomous Decision-Making and Cooperative Control Technology of High-Speed Vehicle Swarms”,which was published in Applied Sciences

    Optimal control problems solved via swarm intelligence

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    Questa tesi descrive come risolvere problemi di controllo ottimo tramite swarm in telligence. Grande enfasi viene posta circa la formulazione del problema di controllo ottimo, in particolare riguardo a punti fondamentali come l’identificazione delle incognite, la trascrizione numerica e la scelta del risolutore per la programmazione non lineare. L’algoritmo Particle Swarm Optimization viene preso in considerazione e la maggior parte dei problemi proposti sono risolti utilizzando una formulazione differential flatness. Quando viene usato l’approccio di dinamica inversa, il problema di ottimo relativo ai parametri di trascrizione è risolto assumendo che le traiettorie da identificare siano approssimate con curve B-splines. La tecnica Inverse-dynamics Particle Swarm Optimization, che viene impiegata nella maggior parte delle applicazioni numeriche di questa tesi, è una combinazione del Particle Swarm e della formulazione differential flatness. La tesi investiga anche altre opportunità di risolvere problemi di controllo ottimo tramite swarm intelligence, per esempio usando un approccio di dinamica diretta e imponendo a priori le condizioni necessarie di ottimalitá alla legge di controllo. Per tutti i problemi proposti, i risultati sono analizzati e confrontati con altri lavori in letteratura. Questa tesi mostra quindi the algoritmi metaeuristici possono essere usati per risolvere problemi di controllo ottimo, ma soluzioni ottime o quasi-ottime possono essere ottenute al variare della formulazione del problema.This thesis deals with solving optimal control problems via swarm intelligence. Great emphasis is given to the formulation of the optimal control problem regarding fundamental issues such as unknowns identification, numerical transcription and choice of the nonlinear programming solver. The Particle Swarm Optimization is taken into account, and most of the proposed problems are solved using a differential flatness formulation. When the inverse-dynamics approach is used, the transcribed parameter optimization problem is solved assuming that the unknown trajectories are approximated with B-spline curves. The Inverse-dynamics Particle Swarm Optimization technique, which is employed in the majority of the numerical applications in this work, is a combination of Particle Swarm and differential flatness formulation. This thesis also investigates other opportunities to solve optimal control problems with swarm intelligence, for instance using a direct dynamics approach and imposing a-priori the necessary optimality conditions to the control policy. For all the proposed problems, results are analyzed and compared with other works in the literature. This thesis shows that metaheuristic algorithms can be used to solve optimal control problems, but near-optimal or optimal solutions can be attained depending on the problem formulation

    Automatic Control and Routing of Marine Vessels

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    Due to the intensive development of the global economy, many problems are constantly emerging connected to the safety of ships’ motion in the context of increasing marine traffic. These problems seem to be especially significant for the further development of marine transportation services, with the need to considerably increase their efficiency and reliability. One of the most commonly used approaches to ensuring safety and efficiency is the wide implementation of various automated systems for guidance and control, including such popular systems as marine autopilots, dynamic positioning systems, speed control systems, automatic routing installations, etc. This Special Issue focuses on various problems related to the analysis, design, modelling, and operation of the aforementioned systems. It covers such actual problems as tracking control, path following control, ship weather routing, course keeping control, control of autonomous underwater vehicles, ship collision avoidance. These problems are investigated using methods such as neural networks, sliding mode control, genetic algorithms, L2-gain approach, optimal damping concept, fuzzy logic and others. This Special Issue is intended to present and discuss significant contemporary problems in the areas of automatic control and the routing of marine vessels

    Hybrid multi-objective trajectory optimization of low-thrust space mission design

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe overall goal of this dissertation is to develop multi-objective optimization algorithms for computing low-thrust trajectories. The thesis is motivated by the increasing number of space projects that will benefit from low-thrust propulsion technologies to gain unprecedented scientific, economic and social return. The low-cost design of such missions and the inclusion of concurrent engineering practices during the preliminary design phase demand advanced tools to rapidly explore different solutions and to benchmark them with respect to multiple conicting criteria. However, the determination of optimal low-thrust transfers is a challenging task and remains an active research field that seeks performance improvements. This work contributes to increase the efficiency of searching wide design spaces, reduce the amount of necessary human involvement, and enhance the capabilities to include complex operational constraints. To that end, the general low-thrust trajectory optimization problem is stated as a multi-objective Hybrid Optimal Control Problem. This formulation allows to simultaneously optimize discrete decisionmaking processes, discrete dynamics, and the continuous low-thrust steering law. Within this framework, a sequential two-step solution approach is devised for two different scenarios. The first problem considers the optimization of low-thrust multi-gravity assist trajectories. The proposed solution procedure starts by assuming a planar shape-based model for the interplanetary trajectory. A multi-objective heuristic algorithm combined with a gradient-based solver optimize the parameters de_ning the shape of the trajectory, the number and sequence of the gravity assists, the departure and arrival dates, and the launch excess velocity. In the second step, candidate solutions are deemed as initial guesses to solve the Nonlinear Programming Problem resulting from applying a direct collocation transcription scheme. In this step, the sequence of planetary gravity assists is known and provided by the heuristic search, dynamics is three-dimensional, and the steering law is not predefined. Operational constraints to comply with launch asymptote declination limits and fixed reorientation times during the transfer apply. The presented approach is tested on a rendezvous mission to Ceres, on a yby mission to Jupiter, and on a rendezvous mission to Pluto. Pareto-optimal solutions in terms of time of ight and propellant mass consumed (or alternatively delivered mass) are obtained. Results outperform those found in the literature in terms of optimality while showing the effectiveness of the proposed methodology to generate quick performance estimates. The second problem considers the simultaneous optimization of fully electric, fully chemical and combined chemical-electric orbit raising transfers between Earth's orbits is considered. In the first step of the solution approach, the control law of the electric engine is parameterized by a Lyapunov function. A multi-objective heuristic algorithm selects the optimal propulsion system, the transfer type, the low-thrust control history, as well as the number, orientation, and magnitude of the chemical firings. Earth's shadow, oblateness and Van-Allen radiation effects are included. In the second step, candidate solutions are deemed as initial guesses to solve the Nonlinear Programming Problem resulting from applying a direct collocation scheme. Operational constraints to avoid the GEO ring in combination to slew rate limits and slot phasing constraints are included. The proposed approach is applied to two transfer scenarios to GEO orbit. Pareto-optimal solutions trading of propellant mass, time of ight and solar-cell degradation are obtained. It is identified that the application of operational restrictions causes minor penalties in the objective function. Additionally, the analysis highlights the benefits that combined chemical-electric platforms may provide for future GEO satellites.El objetivo principal de esta trabajo es desarrollar algoritmos de optimización multi-objetivo para la obtención de trayectorias espaciales con motores de bajo empuje. La tesis está motivada por el creciente número de misiones que se van a beneficiar del uso de estas tecnologías para conseguir beneficios científicos, económicos y sociales sin precedentes. El diseño de bajo coste de dichas misiones ligado a los principios de ingeniería concurrente requieren herramientas computacionales avanzadas que exploren rápidamente distintas soluciones y las comparen entre sí respecto a varios criterios. Sin embargo, esta tarea permanece como un campo de investigación activo que busca continuamente mejoras de rendimiento durante el proceso. Este trabajo contribuye a aumentar la eficiencia cuando espacio de diseño es amplio, a reducir la participación humana requerida y a mejorar las capacidades para incluir restricciones operacionales complejas. Para este fin, el problema general de optimización de trayectorias de bajo empuje se presenta como un problema híbrido de control óptimo. Esta formulación permite optimizar al mismo tiempo procesos de toma de decisiones, dinámica discreta y la ley de control del motor. Dentro de este marco, se idea un algoritmo secuencial de dos pasos para dos escenarios diferentes. El primer problema considera la optimización de trayectorias de bajo empuje con múltiples y-bys. El proceso de solución propuesto comienza asumiendo un modelo plano y shape-based para la trayectoria interplanetaria. Un algoritmo de optimización heurístico y multi-objetivo combinado con un resolvedor basado en gradiente optimizan los parámetros de la espiral que definen la forma de la trayectoria, el número y la secuencia de las maniobras gravitacionales, las fechas de salida y llegada, y la velocidad de lanzamiento. En el segundo paso, las soluciones candidatas se usan como estimación inicial para resolver el problema de optimización no lineal que resulta de aplicar un método de transcripción directa. En este paso, las secuencia de y-bys es conocida y determinada por el paso anterior, la dinámica es tridimensional, y la ley de control no está prefinida. Además, se pueden aplicar restricciones operacionales relacionadas con las declinación de la asíntota de salida e imponer tiempos de reorientación fijos. Este enfoque es probado en misiones a Ceres, a Júpiter y a Plutón. Se obtienen soluciones óptimas de Pareto en función del tiempo de vuelo y la masa de combustible consumida (o la masa entregada). Los resultados obtenidos mejoran los disponibles en la literatura en términos de optimalidad, a la vez que reflejan la efectividad de la metodología a propuesta para generar estimaciones rápidas. El segundo problema considera la optimización simultanea de transferencias entre órbitas terrestres que usan propulsión eléctrica, química o una combinación de ambas. En el primer paso del método de solución, la ley de control del motor eléctrico se parametriza por una función de Lyapunov. Un algoritmo de optimización heurístico y multi-objetivo selecciona el sistema propulsivo óptimo, el tipo de transferencia, la ley de control del motor de bajo empuje, así como el número, la orientación y la magnitud de los impulsos químicos. Se incluyen los efectos de la sombra y de la no esfericidad de la Tierra, además de la radiación de Van-Allen. En el segundo paso, las soluciones candidatas se usan como estimación inicial para resolver el problema de optimización no lineal que resulta de aplicar un método de transcripción directa. El método de solución propuesto se aplica a dos transferencias a GEO diferentes. Se obtienen soluciones óptimas de Pareto con respecto a la masa de combustible, el tiempo de vuelo y la degradación de las células solares. Se identifican que la aplicación de las restricciones operacionales penaliza mínimamente la función objetivo. Además, los análisis presentados destacan los beneficios que la propulsión química y eléctrica combinada proporcionarían a los satélites en GEO.Programa de Doctorado en Mecánica de Fluidos por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; la Universidad de Jaén; la Universidad de Zaragoza; la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia; la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y la Universidad Rovira i Virgili.Presidente: Rafael Vázquez Valenzuela.- Secretario: Claudio Bombardelli.- Vocal: Bruce A. Conwa