18,134 research outputs found

    Improved shape-signature and matching methods for model-based robotic vision

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    Researchers describe new techniques for curve matching and model-based object recognition, which are based on the notion of shape-signature. The signature which researchers use is an approximation of pointwise curvature. Described here is curve matching algorithm which generalizes a previous algorithm which was developed using this signature, allowing improvement and generalization of a previous model-based object recognition scheme. The results and the experiments described relate to 2-D images. However, natural extensions to the 3-D case exist and are being developed

    The Effects of Different Footprint Sizes and Cloud Algorithms on the Top-Of-Atmosphere Radiative Flux Calculation from the Clouds and Earths Radiant Energy System (CERES) Instrument on Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (NPP)

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    Only one Clouds and Earths Radiant Energy System (CERES) instrument is onboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) and it has been placed in cross-track mode since launch; it is thus not possible to construct a set of angular distribution models (ADMs) specific for CERES on NPP. Edition 4 Aqua ADMs are used for flux inversions for NPP CERES measurements. However, the footprint size of NPP CERES is greater than that of Aqua CERES, as the altitude of the NPP orbit is higher than that of the Aqua orbit. Furthermore, cloud retrievals from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), which are the imagers sharing the spacecraft with NPP CERES and Aqua CERES, are also different. To quantify the flux uncertainties due to the footprint size difference between Aqua CERES and NPP CERES, and due to both the footprint size difference and cloud property difference, a simulation is designed using the MODIS pixel-level data, which are convolved with the Aqua CERES and NPP CERES point spread functions (PSFs) into their respective footprints. The simulation is designed to isolate the effects of footprint size and cloud property differences on flux uncertainty from calibration and orbital differences between NPP CERES and Aqua CERES. The footprint size difference between Aqua CERES and NPP CERES introduces instantaneous flux uncertainties in monthly gridded NPP CERES measurements of less than 4.0 W/sq. m for SW (shortwave) and less than 1.0 W/sq. m for both daytime and nighttime LW (longwave). The global monthly mean instantaneous SW flux from simulated NPP CERES has a low bias of 0.4 W/sq. m when compared to simulated Aqua CERES, and the root-mean-square (RMS) error is 2.2 W/sq. m between them; the biases of daytime and night- time LW flux are close to zero with RMS errors of 0.8 and 0.2 W/sq. m. These uncertainties are within the uncertainties of CERES ADMs. When both footprint size and cloud property (cloud fraction and optical depth) differences are considered, the uncertainties of monthly gridded NPP CERES SW flux can be up to 20 W/sq. m in the Arctic regions where cloud optical depth retrievals from VIIRS differ significantly from MODIS. The global monthly mean instantaneous SW flux from simulated NPP CERES has a high bias of 1.1 W/sq. m and the RMS error increases to 5.2 W/sq. m. LW flux shows less sensitivity to cloud property differences than SW flux, with uncertainties of about 2 W/sq. m in the monthly gridded LW flux, and the RMS errors of global monthly mean daytime and nighttime fluxes increase only slightly. These results highlight the importance of consistent cloud retrieval algorithms to maintain the accuracy and stability of the CERES climate data record

    Ribosome signatures aid bacterial translation initiation site identification

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    Background: While methods for annotation of genes are increasingly reliable, the exact identification of translation initiation sites remains a challenging problem. Since the N-termini of proteins often contain regulatory and targeting information, developing a robust method for start site identification is crucial. Ribosome profiling reads show distinct patterns of read length distributions around translation initiation sites. These patterns are typically lost in standard ribosome profiling analysis pipelines, when reads from footprints are adjusted to determine the specific codon being translated. Results: Utilising these signatures in combination with nucleotide sequence information, we build a model capable of predicting translation initiation sites and demonstrate its high accuracy using N-terminal proteomics. Applying this to prokaryotic translatomes, we re-annotate translation initiation sites and provide evidence of N-terminal truncations and extensions of previously annotated coding sequences. These re-annotations are supported by the presence of structural and sequence-based features next to N-terminal peptide evidence. Finally, our model identifies 61 novel genes previously undiscovered in the Salmonella enterica genome. Conclusions: Signatures within ribosome profiling read length distributions can be used in combination with nucleotide sequence information to provide accurate genome-wide identification of translation initiation sites

    Spatio-textual indexing for geographical search on the web

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    Many web documents refer to specific geographic localities and many people include geographic context in queries to web search engines. Standard web search engines treat the geographical terms in the same way as other terms. This can result in failure to find relevant documents that refer to the place of interest using alternative related names, such as those of included or nearby places. This can be overcome by associating text indexing with spatial indexing methods that exploit geo-tagging procedures to categorise documents with respect to geographic space. We describe three methods for spatio-textual indexing based on multiple spatially indexed text indexes, attaching spatial indexes to the document occurrences of a text index, and merging text index access results with results of access to a spatial index of documents. These schemes are compared experimentally with a conventional text index search engine, using a collection of geo-tagged web documents, and are shown to be able to compete in speed and storage performance with pure text indexing

    Low-Profile Fully-Printed Multifrequency Monopoles Loaded with Complementary Metamaterial Transmission Line

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    The design of a new class of multifrequency monopoles by loading a set of resonant-type complementary metamaterial transmission lines (CMTL) is firstly presented. Two types of CMTL elements are comprehensively explored: the former is the epsilon negative (ENG) one by loading complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs) with different configurations on the signal strip, whereas the latter is the double negative (DNG) one by incorporating the CSRRs and capacitive gaps. In both cases, the CMTLs are considered with different number of unit cells. By cautiously controlling the geometrical parameters of element structure, five antenna prototypes coving different communication standards (GSM, UMTS, DMB and WiMAX) are designed, fabricated and measured. Numerical and experimental results illustrate that the zeroth-order resonance frequencies of the ENG and DNG monopoles are in desirable consistency. Moreover, of all operating frequencies the antennas exhibit fairly good impedance matching performances better than -10dB and quasi-omnidirectional radiation patterns

    Lifting GIS Maps into Strong Geometric Context for Scene Understanding

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    Contextual information can have a substantial impact on the performance of visual tasks such as semantic segmentation, object detection, and geometric estimation. Data stored in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) offers a rich source of contextual information that has been largely untapped by computer vision. We propose to leverage such information for scene understanding by combining GIS resources with large sets of unorganized photographs using Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques. We present a pipeline to quickly generate strong 3D geometric priors from 2D GIS data using SfM models aligned with minimal user input. Given an image resectioned against this model, we generate robust predictions of depth, surface normals, and semantic labels. We show that the precision of the predicted geometry is substantially more accurate other single-image depth estimation methods. We then demonstrate the utility of these contextual constraints for re-scoring pedestrian detections, and use these GIS contextual features alongside object detection score maps to improve a CRF-based semantic segmentation framework, boosting accuracy over baseline models

    From buildings to cities: techniques for the multi-scale analysis of urban form and function

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    The built environment is a significant factor in many urban processes, yet direct measures of built form are seldom used in geographical studies. Representation and analysis of urban form and function could provide new insights and improve the evidence base for research. So far progress has been slow due to limited data availability, computational demands, and a lack of methods to integrate built environment data with aggregate geographical analysis. Spatial data and computational improvements are overcoming some of these problems, but there remains a need for techniques to process and aggregate urban form data. Here we develop a Built Environment Model of urban function and dwelling type classifications for Greater London, based on detailed topographic and address-based data (sourced from Ordnance Survey MasterMap). The multi-scale approach allows the Built Environment Model to be viewed at fine-scales for local planning contexts, and at city-wide scales for aggregate geographical analysis, allowing an improved understanding of urban processes. This flexibility is illustrated in the two examples, that of urban function and residential type analysis, where both local-scale urban clustering and city-wide trends in density and agglomeration are shown. While we demonstrate the multi-scale Built Environment Model to be a viable approach, a number of accuracy issues are identified, including the limitations of 2D data, inaccuracies in commercial function data and problems with temporal attribution. These limitations currently restrict the more advanced applications of the Built Environment Model
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