4,486 research outputs found

    Adaptive transfer functions: improved multiresolution visualization of medical models

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00371-016-1253-9Medical datasets are continuously increasing in size. Although larger models may be available for certain research purposes, in the common clinical practice the models are usually of up to 512x512x2000 voxels. These resolutions exceed the capabilities of conventional GPUs, the ones usually found in the medical doctors’ desktop PCs. Commercial solutions typically reduce the data by downsampling the dataset iteratively until it fits the available target specifications. The data loss reduces the visualization quality and this is not commonly compensated with other actions that might alleviate its effects. In this paper, we propose adaptive transfer functions, an algorithm that improves the transfer function in downsampled multiresolution models so that the quality of renderings is highly improved. The technique is simple and lightweight, and it is suitable, not only to visualize huge models that would not fit in a GPU, but also to render not-so-large models in mobile GPUs, which are less capable than their desktop counterparts. Moreover, it can also be used to accelerate rendering frame rates using lower levels of the multiresolution hierarchy while still maintaining high-quality results in a focus and context approach. We also show an evaluation of these results based on perceptual metrics.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Real-time quality visualization of medical models on commodity and mobile devices

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    This thesis concerns the specific field of visualization of medical models using commodity and mobile devices. Mechanisms for medical imaging acquisition such as MRI, CT, and micro-CT scanners are continuously evolving, up to the point of obtaining volume datasets of large resolutions (> 512^3). As these datasets grow in resolution, its treatment and visualization become more and more expensive due to their computational requirements. For this reason, special techniques such as data pre-processing (filtering, construction of multi-resolution structures, etc.) and sophisticated algorithms have to be introduced in different points of the visualization pipeline to achieve the best visual quality without compromising performance times. The problem of managing big datasets comes from the fact that we have limited computational resources. Not long ago, the only physicians that were rendering volumes were radiologists. Nowadays, the outcome of diagnosis is the data itself, and medical doctors need to render them in commodity PCs (even patients may want to render the data, and the DVDs are commonly accompanied with a DICOM viewer software). Furthermore, with the increasing use of technology in daily clinical tasks, small devices such as mobile phones and tablets can fit the needs of medical doctors in some specific areas. Visualizing diagnosis images of patients becomes more challenging when it comes to using these devices instead of desktop computers, as they generally have more restrictive hardware specifications. The goal of this Ph.D. thesis is the real-time, quality visualization of medium to large medical volume datasets (resolutions >= 512^3 voxels) on mobile phones and commodity devices. To address this problem, we use multiresolution techniques that apply downsampling techniques on the full resolution datasets to produce coarser representations which are easier to handle. We have focused our efforts on the application of Volume Visualization in the clinical practice, so we have a particular interest in creating solutions that require short pre-processing times that quickly provide the specialists with the data outcome, maximize the preservation of features and the visual quality of the final images, achieve high frame rates that allow interactive visualizations, and make efficient use of the computational resources. The contributions achieved during this thesis comprise improvements in several stages of the visualization pipeline. The techniques we propose are located in the stages of multi-resolution generation, transfer function design and the GPU ray casting algorithm itself.Esta tesis se centra en la visualización de modelos médicos de volumen en dispositivos móviles y de bajas prestaciones. Los sistemas médicos de captación tales como escáners MRI, CT y micro-CT, están en constante evolución, hasta el punto de obtener modelos de volumen de gran resolución (> 512^3). A medida que estos datos crecen en resolución, su manejo y visualización se vuelve más y más costoso debido a sus requisitos computacionales. Por este motivo, técnicas especiales como el pre-proceso de datos (filtrado, construcción de estructuras multiresolución, etc.) y algoritmos específicos se tienen que introducir en diferentes puntos de la pipeline de visualización para conseguir la mejor calidad visual posible sin comprometer el rendimiento. El problema que supone manejar grandes volumenes de datos es debido a que tenemos recursos computacionales limitados. Hace no mucho, las únicas personas en el ámbito médico que visualizaban datos de volumen eran los radiólogos. Hoy en día, el resultado de la diagnosis son los datos en sí, y los médicos necesitan renderizar estos datos en PCs de características modestas (incluso los pacientes pueden querer visualizar estos datos, pues los DVDs con los resultados suelen venir acompañados de un visor de imágenes DICOM). Además, con el reciente aumento del uso de las tecnologías en la clínica práctica habitual, dispositivos pequeños como teléfonos móviles o tablets son los más convenientes en algunos casos. La visualización de volumen es más difícil en este tipo de dispositivos que en equipos de sobremesa, pues las limitaciones de su hardware son superiores. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es la visualización de calidad en tiempo real de modelos grandes de volumen (resoluciones >= 512^3 voxels) en teléfonos móviles y dispositivos de bajas prestaciones. Para enfrentarnos a este problema, utilizamos técnicas multiresolución que aplican técnicas de reducción de datos a los modelos en resolución original, para así obtener modelos de menor resolución. Hemos centrado nuestros esfuerzos en la aplicación de la visualización de volumen en la práctica clínica, así que tenemos especial interés en diseñar soluciones que requieran cortos tiempos de pre-proceso para que los especialistas tengan rápidamente los resultados a su disposición. También, queremos maximizar la conservación de detalles de interés y la calidad de las imágenes finales, conseguir frame rates altos que faciliten visualizaciones interactivas y que hagan un uso eficiente de los recursos computacionales. Las contribuciones aportadas por esta tesis són mejoras en varias etapas de la pipeline de visualización. Las técnicas que proponemos se situan en las etapas de generación de la estructura multiresolución, el diseño de la función de transferencia y el algoritmo de ray casting en la GPU.Postprint (published version

    Real-time quality visualization of medical models on commodity and mobile devices

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    This thesis concerns the specific field of visualization of medical models using commodity and mobile devices. Mechanisms for medical imaging acquisition such as MRI, CT, and micro-CT scanners are continuously evolving, up to the point of obtaining volume datasets of large resolutions (> 512^3). As these datasets grow in resolution, its treatment and visualization become more and more expensive due to their computational requirements. For this reason, special techniques such as data pre-processing (filtering, construction of multi-resolution structures, etc.) and sophisticated algorithms have to be introduced in different points of the visualization pipeline to achieve the best visual quality without compromising performance times. The problem of managing big datasets comes from the fact that we have limited computational resources. Not long ago, the only physicians that were rendering volumes were radiologists. Nowadays, the outcome of diagnosis is the data itself, and medical doctors need to render them in commodity PCs (even patients may want to render the data, and the DVDs are commonly accompanied with a DICOM viewer software). Furthermore, with the increasing use of technology in daily clinical tasks, small devices such as mobile phones and tablets can fit the needs of medical doctors in some specific areas. Visualizing diagnosis images of patients becomes more challenging when it comes to using these devices instead of desktop computers, as they generally have more restrictive hardware specifications. The goal of this Ph.D. thesis is the real-time, quality visualization of medium to large medical volume datasets (resolutions >= 512^3 voxels) on mobile phones and commodity devices. To address this problem, we use multiresolution techniques that apply downsampling techniques on the full resolution datasets to produce coarser representations which are easier to handle. We have focused our efforts on the application of Volume Visualization in the clinical practice, so we have a particular interest in creating solutions that require short pre-processing times that quickly provide the specialists with the data outcome, maximize the preservation of features and the visual quality of the final images, achieve high frame rates that allow interactive visualizations, and make efficient use of the computational resources. The contributions achieved during this thesis comprise improvements in several stages of the visualization pipeline. The techniques we propose are located in the stages of multi-resolution generation, transfer function design and the GPU ray casting algorithm itself.Esta tesis se centra en la visualización de modelos médicos de volumen en dispositivos móviles y de bajas prestaciones. Los sistemas médicos de captación tales como escáners MRI, CT y micro-CT, están en constante evolución, hasta el punto de obtener modelos de volumen de gran resolución (> 512^3). A medida que estos datos crecen en resolución, su manejo y visualización se vuelve más y más costoso debido a sus requisitos computacionales. Por este motivo, técnicas especiales como el pre-proceso de datos (filtrado, construcción de estructuras multiresolución, etc.) y algoritmos específicos se tienen que introducir en diferentes puntos de la pipeline de visualización para conseguir la mejor calidad visual posible sin comprometer el rendimiento. El problema que supone manejar grandes volumenes de datos es debido a que tenemos recursos computacionales limitados. Hace no mucho, las únicas personas en el ámbito médico que visualizaban datos de volumen eran los radiólogos. Hoy en día, el resultado de la diagnosis son los datos en sí, y los médicos necesitan renderizar estos datos en PCs de características modestas (incluso los pacientes pueden querer visualizar estos datos, pues los DVDs con los resultados suelen venir acompañados de un visor de imágenes DICOM). Además, con el reciente aumento del uso de las tecnologías en la clínica práctica habitual, dispositivos pequeños como teléfonos móviles o tablets son los más convenientes en algunos casos. La visualización de volumen es más difícil en este tipo de dispositivos que en equipos de sobremesa, pues las limitaciones de su hardware son superiores. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es la visualización de calidad en tiempo real de modelos grandes de volumen (resoluciones >= 512^3 voxels) en teléfonos móviles y dispositivos de bajas prestaciones. Para enfrentarnos a este problema, utilizamos técnicas multiresolución que aplican técnicas de reducción de datos a los modelos en resolución original, para así obtener modelos de menor resolución. Hemos centrado nuestros esfuerzos en la aplicación de la visualización de volumen en la práctica clínica, así que tenemos especial interés en diseñar soluciones que requieran cortos tiempos de pre-proceso para que los especialistas tengan rápidamente los resultados a su disposición. También, queremos maximizar la conservación de detalles de interés y la calidad de las imágenes finales, conseguir frame rates altos que faciliten visualizaciones interactivas y que hagan un uso eficiente de los recursos computacionales. Las contribuciones aportadas por esta tesis són mejoras en varias etapas de la pipeline de visualización. Las técnicas que proponemos se situan en las etapas de generación de la estructura multiresolución, el diseño de la función de transferencia y el algoritmo de ray casting en la GPU

    Synergistic Visualization And Quantitative Analysis Of Volumetric Medical Images

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    The medical diagnosis process starts with an interview with the patient, and continues with the physical exam. In practice, the medical professional may require additional screenings to precisely diagnose. Medical imaging is one of the most frequently used non-invasive screening methods to acquire insight of human body. Medical imaging is not only essential for accurate diagnosis, but also it can enable early prevention. Medical data visualization refers to projecting the medical data into a human understandable format at mediums such as 2D or head-mounted displays without causing any interpretation which may lead to clinical intervention. In contrast to the medical visualization, quantification refers to extracting the information in the medical scan to enable the clinicians to make fast and accurate decisions. Despite the extraordinary process both in medical visualization and quantitative radiology, efforts to improve these two complementary fields are often performed independently and synergistic combination is under-studied. Existing image-based software platforms mostly fail to be used in routine clinics due to lack of a unified strategy that guides clinicians both visually and quan- titatively. Hence, there is an urgent need for a bridge connecting the medical visualization and automatic quantification algorithms in the same software platform. In this thesis, we aim to fill this research gap by visualizing medical images interactively from anywhere, and performing a fast, accurate and fully-automatic quantification of the medical imaging data. To end this, we propose several innovative and novel methods. Specifically, we solve the following sub-problems of the ul- timate goal: (1) direct web-based out-of-core volume rendering, (2) robust, accurate, and efficient learning based algorithms to segment highly pathological medical data, (3) automatic landmark- ing for aiding diagnosis and surgical planning and (4) novel artificial intelligence algorithms to determine the sufficient and necessary data to derive large-scale problems

    Brain explorer for connectomic analysis

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    Visualization plays a vital role in the analysis of multimodal neuroimaging data. A major challenge in neuroimaging visualization is how to integrate structural, functional, and connectivity data to form a comprehensive visual context for data exploration, quality control, and hypothesis discovery. We develop a new integrated visualization solution for brain imaging data by combining scientific and information visualization techniques within the context of the same anatomical structure. In this paper, new surface texture techniques are developed to map non-spatial attributes onto both 3D brain surfaces and a planar volume map which is generated by the proposed volume rendering technique, spherical volume rendering. Two types of non-spatial information are represented: (1) time series data from resting-state functional MRI measuring brain activation; (2) network properties derived from structural connectivity data for different groups of subjects, which may help guide the detection of differentiation features. Through visual exploration, this integrated solution can help identify brain regions with highly correlated functional activations as well as their activation patterns. Visual detection of differentiation features can also potentially discover image-based phenotypic biomarkers for brain diseases