9 research outputs found

    A Ghost Fluid Approach for Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Method in Dealing with Heat Flux Boundary Condition in Thermal Problems with Complex Geometries

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    In this paper, the ghost fluid thermal lattice Boltzmann method is improved to properly impose the heat flux boundary condition on complex geometries [Khazaeli, R., S. Mortazavi and M. Ashrafizaadeh (2013). Application of a ghost fluid approach for a thermal lattice Boltzmann method, J. Comput. Phys. 250, 126– 140]. A double-population thermal lattice Boltzmann method is used to handle both the flow and temperature fields on a Cartesian grid and the boundary conditions are imposed using a ghost fluid method. The method is based on the decomposition of the unknown distribution functions into their equilibrium and non-equilibrium parts at every ghost point. The equilibrium parts are determined by performing an extrapolation of major quantities from the image points to the associated ghost points. The bounce-back scheme is then used to determine the non- equilibrium parts. The method benefits from some features such as easy implementation and second order accuracy. The method is applied to simulate natural convection within annuluses with different shapes and boundary conditions,. The obtained results are generally in a good agreement with those predicted by other numerical efforts

    Large eddy simulation of the gust index over a realistic urban area

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    In the process of completing this work, I received contributions from a number of academicians and organizations. To them, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Prof. Dr. Manabu Kanda and Dr. Atsushi Inagaki for initiating this research topic and for their encouragement and guidance. Also without the support from Prof. Dr. Takayuki Aoki and Dr. Naoyuki Onodera in performing the large eddy simulation (LES) with lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), this work would not have been the same as presented. I would also like to thank the PALM group and Prof. Dr. Siegfried Raasch at the Universität Hannover for their assistance while testing the parallelized large eddy simulation model (PALM). This research could not be accomplished without the support from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI Grant Numbers 25249066 and 26420492 and the support received from the Joint Usage/Research Center for Interdisciplinary Large-scale Information Infrastructures and High performance Computing Infrastructure in Japan. I am also indebted to the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) for granting me sponsorships (SLAI) and to the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) for approving my study leave. The Tokyo Tech’s librarians also deserved special thanks for their assistance in supplying me with some relevant materials and data. I extend my sincere appreciation to all Kanda Lab’s members especially to Dr. Alvin Christopher Galang Varquez and Miss Ayako Yagi, not to forget, Mrs. Yuko Okamoto for their supports and assistance since the beginning of this work. I am grateful to many Malaysian and international colleagues for their comments at different stages of this work. Finally, my gratitude is due to my parents and family members for their sacrifices, concerns and undying love


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    This technical report discusses the application of the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) and Cellular Automata (CA) simulation in fluid flow and particle deposition. The current work focuses on incompressible flow simulation passing cylinders, in which we incorporate the LBM D2Q9 and CA techniques to simulate the fluid flow and particle loading respectively. For the LBM part, the theories of boundary conditions are studied and verified using the Poiseuille flow test. For the CA part, several models regarding simulation of particles are explained. And a new Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) algorithm is introduced to simulate particle motion in the Boolean model. The numerical results are compared with a previous probability velocity model by Masselot [Masselot 2000], which shows a satisfactory result

    A Unified and Preserved Dirichlet Boundary Treatment for the Cell-Centered Finite Volume Discrete Boltzmann Method

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    A new boundary treatment is proposed for the finite volume discrete Boltzmann method (FVDBM) that can be used for accurate simulations of curved boundaries and complicated flow conditions. First, a brief review of different boundary treatments for the general Boltzmann simulations is made in order to primarily explain what type of boundary treatment will be developed in this paper for the cell-centered FVDBM. After that, the new boundary treatment along with the cell-centered FVDBM model is developed in detail. Next, the proposed boundary treatment is applied to a series of numerical tests with a detailed discussion of its qualitative and quantitative properties. From the results, it can be concluded that the new boundary treatment is at least first-order accurate for a variety of Dirichlet boundary conditions (BCs). It can handle both the velocity and density Dirichlet BCs in a unified way and further realize some BCs that the conventional lattice Boltzmann model fails to simulate. In addition, such a boundary treatment can incorporate different lattice models without changing its framework, and it can preserve the Dirichlet BCs up to machine accuracy in different situations

    Lattice Boltzmann methods for multiphase flow and phase-change heat transfer

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    Over the past few decades, tremendous progress has been made in the development of particle-based discrete simulation methods versus the conventional continuum-based methods. In particular, the lattice Boltzmann (LB) method has evolved from a theoretical novelty to a ubiquitous, versatile and powerful computational methodology for both fundamental research and engineering applications. It is a kinetic-based mesoscopic approach that bridges the microscales and macroscales, which offers distinctive advantages in simulation fidelity and computational efficiency. Applications of the LB method are now found in a wide range of disciplines including physics, chemistry, materials, biomedicine and various branches of engineering. The present work provides a comprehensive review of the LB method for thermofluids and energy applications, focusing on multiphase flows, thermal flows and thermal multiphase flows with phase change. The review first covers the theoretical framework of the LB method, revealing certain inconsistencies and defects as well as common features of multiphase and thermal LB models. Recent developments in improving the thermodynamic and hydrodynamic consistency, reducing spurious currents, enhancing the numerical stability, etc., are highlighted. These efforts have put the LB method on a firmer theoretical foundation with enhanced LB models that can achieve larger liquid-gas density ratio, higher Reynolds number and flexible surface tension. Examples of applications are provided in fuel cells and batteries, droplet collision, boiling heat transfer and evaporation, and energy storage. Finally, further developments and future prospect of the LB method are outlined for thermofluids and energy applications

    Numerical investigation of the structure effects on water transportation in PEMFC gas diffusion layers using X-ray tomography based Lattice Boltzmann method

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    The excessive presence of liquid water in a gas diffusion layer (GDL) hinders the access of reactant gases to the active sites of the catalyst layer leading to decreased performance of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). Therefore, GDLs are usually treated with a hydrophobic agent to render their fibres more hydrophobic in order to facilitate gas transport and water removal. Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate water transport in PEMFCs in recent years; however, the behaviour of liquid water in a GDL at a pore-level is poorly understood. Macroscopic models fail to incorporate the influence of the structural morphology of GDLs on liquid water transport behaviour. Experimental methods are not conducive towards a good understanding at a microscopic level because of the diminutive size of the GDLs porous structure. Alternatively, the Lattice Boltzmann (LB) method has gathered interest as it is found to be particularly useful in fluid flow simulations in porous media due to its capability to incorporate the complex boundaries of actual GDL structures. To date, most studies on fluid transport in GDLs integrated artificial structures generated by stochastic simulation techniques to the LB models. The stochastic-based model, however, does not represent closely the microscopic features of the actual GDL as manufactured. In addition, comparison of liquid water transport behaviour in different GDL structures using the LB method is rare since only a single GDL material has been utilised in most of those studies. This thesis aims to develop our understanding of liquid water transport behaviour in GDLs with morphologically different structures under varying wettability conditions based on the LB method and the X-ray computed tomography (XCT) technique. GDLs with paper and felt structures were reconstructed into 3D digital volumetric models via the XCT process. The digital models were then incorporated into a LB solver to model water saturation distribution through the GDL domains. The GDL wettability was also altered so that the effect on liquid water behaviour in the GDL could be examined. This project is divided into three main sections. In the sensitivity analysis, the effect of image resolution on gas permeability through the X-ray reconstructed GDL was carried out using a single-phase LB model. It was found that the resolution variation could significantly affect the resulting gas permeability in both principal and off-principal directions, as well as computational time. An optimum resolution, however, exists at 2.72 µm/pixel, which consumed 400 times less computational time with less than 8% difference in the resulting permeability compared to the base resolution. This study also served as a guideline for selecting a resolution for generating the XCT images of the GDLs which were utilised in the following studies. In the structure analysis, the structures of the paper and felt GDLs were generated using the XCT and the key properties of each GDL, including thickness, porosity, permeability and tortuosity, were characterised. The thickness and the through-plane porosity distributions of each GDL were examined based on the tomography images. The resulting local through-plane porosity distributions were then used to calculate through-plane permeability and tortuosity distributions using an analytical model available in the literature. This study revealed the heterogeneity of the GDLs and how the heterogeneous nature of the GDL structures affects others properties of the GDLs. In this study, the absolute through-plane permeability and tortuosity of the X-ray-reconstructed GDL samples were also characterised using the single-phase LB model. The results from the two models were then compared and validated against data in the literature. In the water transport analysis, the two-phase LB model was employed to examine the effects of GDL structures on the behaviour of liquid water in the GDLs, including invasion patterns, saturation distribution and breakthrough behaviour under varying GDL wettability conditions. It was found that wettability was responsible for invasion patterns and water saturation levels whilst the GDL structure was mostly responsible for breakthrough occurrence and saturation distribution. It was observed that water travelled with stable displacement saturating all pores in hydrophilic GDLs, while it travelled with capillary fingering causing decreased saturation in hydrophobic GDLs, about 50% in the highly hydrophobic cases. The GDL structure was found to play a key role in breakthrough behaviour in the hydrophilic GDL as it was seen that the through-plane fibres in the felt structure and the through-plane binders in the paper structure encouraged water removal from the GDL in the thickness direction. Conversely, the GDL structure was found to have negligible influence on breakthrough in the hydrophobic GDL. Each GDL structure, however, contributed to a distinct difference in water distribution in the GDL with hydrophobic wettability. The work presented in this thesis contributes to the understanding of liquid water transport behaviour in the GDLs under the combined effects of the GDL structures and wettability conditions, which is essential for the development of effective PEMFC water management and the design of future GDL materials

    Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer in Micro/Nano Systems

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    The miniaturization of components in mechanical and electronic equipment has been the driving force for the fast development of micro/nanosystems. Heat and mass transfer are crucial processes in such systems, and they have attracted great interest in recent years. Tremendous effort, in terms of theoretical analyses, experimental measurements, numerical simulation, and practical applications, has been devoted to improve our understanding of complex heat and mass transfer processes and behaviors in such micro/nanosystems. This Special Issue is dedicated to showcasing recent advances in heat and mass transfer in micro- and nanosystems, with particular focus on the development of new models and theories, the employment of new experimental techniques, the adoption of new computational methods, and the design of novel micro/nanodevices. Thirteen articles have been published after peer-review evaluations, and these articles cover a wide spectrum of active research in the frontiers of micro/nanosystems

    Non-Linear Lattice

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    The development of mathematical techniques, combined with new possibilities of computational simulation, have greatly broadened the study of non-linear lattices, a theme among the most refined and interdisciplinary-oriented in the field of mathematical physics. This Special Issue mainly focuses on state-of-the-art advancements concerning the many facets of non-linear lattices, from the theoretical ones to more applied ones. The non-linear and discrete systems play a key role in all ranges of physical experience, from macrophenomena to condensed matter, up to some models of space discrete space-time