13 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of TCP, UDP and DCCP for video traffics over 4G network

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    Fourth Generation (4G) system has been used more widely than the older generations 3G and 2G. Among the reasons are that the 4G’s transfer rate is higher and it supports all multimedia functions. Besides, its’ supports for wide geographical locus makes wireless technology gets more advanced. The essential goal of 4G is to enable voice-based communication being implemented endlessly. To achieve the goal, this study tries to answer the following research questions: (1), are the old protocols suit with this new technology; (2), which one has the best performance and, (3) which one has the greatest effect on throughput, delay, packet delivery ratio and packet loss. The aforementioned questions are crucial in the performance evaluation of the most famous protocols (particularly User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), and Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP)) within the 4G environment. Through the Network Simulator-3 (NS-3), the performance of transporting MPEG-4 video stream including throughput, delay, packet loss, and packet delivery ratio are analyzed at the base station through UDP, TCP, and DCCP protocols over 4G’s Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology. The results show that DCCP has better throughput, and lesser delay, but at the same time it has more packet loss than UDP and TCP. Based on the results, DCCP is recommended as a transport protocol for real time vide

    Performance evaluation of TCP, UDP and DCCP traffic over 4G network

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    Fourth Generation (4G) mobile systems has been used more widely than the older generations 3G and 2G. Among the reasons are that the 4G’s transfer rate is higher and it supports all multimedia functions.Besides, its’ supports for wide geographical locus makes wireless technology gets more advanced.The essential goal of 4G is to enable voice-based communication being implemented endlessly.This study tries to evaluate if the old protocols suit with this new technology.And which one has the best performance and which one has the greatest effect on throughput, delay and packet loss.The aforementioned questions are crucial in the performance evaluation of the most famous protocols (particularly User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP)) within the 4G environment.Through the Network Simulation-3 (NS3), the performance of transporting video stream including throughput, delay, packet loss and packet delivery ratio are analyzed at the base station through UDP, TCP and DCCP protocols over 4G’s Long Term Evaluation (LTE) technology.The results show that DCCP has better throughput and lesser delay, but at the same time it has more packet loss than UDP and TCP. Based on the results, DCCP is recommended as a transport protocol for real time video

    Recording, storage, and simultaneous access to video streaming over UDP protocol. The MRecIPTV system in the Universitat Pompeu Fabra

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    Media researchers frequently need to record and store a huge amount of media content. Until recently, the Department of Communication at the Pompeu Fabra University  in Barcelona handled this problem in an old-fashioned analog and manual way. After migration to iptv, the department designed the MRecIPTV  software to record, store and access digital media content. This solution has transformed the way researchers work, simplifying data collection and analysis. Moreover, MRecIPTV has allowed the creation of a documentary heritage for future research

    QoS performance analysis of bit rate video streaming in next generation networks using TCP, UDP and a TCP+UDP hybrid

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    The growth in users streaming videos on the Internet has led to increased demand for improved video quality and reception. In next generation networks (NGNs), such as 3G and 4G LTE, quality of service (QoS) implementation is one of the ways in which good video quality and good video reception can be achieved. QoS mainly involves following an industry-wide set of standard metrics and mechanisms to achieve high-quality network performance in respect of video streaming. Adopting routing and communication protocols is one way QoS is implemented in NGNs. This article describes QoS of bit rate video streaming, and QoS performance analysis of video streaming, in relation to the main network transport protocols, namely transmission control protocol (TCP) and user datagram protocol (UDP). A simulation test bed was set up using OPNET modeller 14.5. In this setup, a network topology was created and duplicated three times, in order to configure two simulation scenarios (each using the distinct protocols), and a third simulation scenario using both protocols in hybrid form. The findings in the simulations indicated that, when a network is configured with both TCP and UDP protocols in video streaming, there is a positive change in the degree of performance in terms of the QoS of videostreaming applications, unlike when the protocols are used independently.CA2016www.wits.ac.za/linkcentre/aji

    Utilizing Cross-Layer Information to Improve Performance in JPEG2000 Decoding

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    We focus on wireless multimedia communication and investigate how cross-layer information can be used to improve performance at the application layer, using JPEG2000 as an example. The cross-layer information is in the form of soft information from the physical layer. The soft information, which is supplied by a soft decision demodulator, yields reliability measures for the received bits and is fed into two soft input iterative JPEG2000 image decoders. When errors are detected with the error detecting mechanisms in JPEG2000, the decoders utilize the soft information to point out likely transmission errors. Hence, the decoders can correct errors and increase the image quality without making time-consuming retransmissions. We believe that the proposed decoding method utilizing soft information is suitable for a general IP-based network and that it keeps the principles of a layered structure of the protocol stack intact. Further, experimental results with images transmitted over a simulated wireless channel show that a simple decoding algorithm that utilizes soft information can give high gains in image quality compared to the standard hard-decision decoding

    Reputation-Based Trust for a Cooperative, Agent-Based Backup Protection Scheme for Power Networks

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    This thesis research explores integrating a reputation-based trust mechanism with an agent-based backup protection system to improve the performance of traditional backup relay methods that are currently in use in power transmission systems. Integrating agent technology into relay protection schemes has been previously proposed to clear faults more rapidly and to add precision by enabling the use of adaptive protection methods. A distributed, cooperative trust system such as that used in peer-to-peer file sharing networks has the potential to add an additional layer of defense in a protection system designed to operate with greater autonomy. This trust component enables agents in the system to make assessments using additional, behavioral-based analysis of cooperating protection agents. Simulation results illustrate the improved decision-making capability achieved by incorporating this cooperative trust method when experiencing abnormal or malicious communications. The integration of this additional trust component provides an added push for implementing the proposed agent-based protection schemes to help mitigate the impact from wide-area disturbances and the cascading blackouts that often follow. As the push for electric grid modernization continues, an agent-based trust system including this type of behavioral-based analysis will also benefit other smart components connecting critical grid control and monitoring information systems