23 research outputs found

    A fast and scalable binary similarity method for open source libraries

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    Abstract. Usage of third party open source software has become more and more popular in the past years, due to the need for faster development cycles and the availability of good quality libraries. Those libraries are integrated as dependencies and often in the form of binary artifacts. This is especially common in embedded software applications. Dependencies, however, can proliferate and also add new attack surfaces to an application due to vulnerabilities in the library code. Hence, the need for binary similarity analysis methods to detect libraries compiled into applications. Binary similarity detection methods are related to text similarity methods and build upon the research in that area. In this research we focus on fuzzy matching methods, that have been used widely and successfully in text similarity analysis. In particular, we propose using locality sensitive hashing schemes in combination with normalised binary code features. The normalization allows us to apply the similarity comparison across binaries produced by different compilers using different optimization flags and being build for various machine architectures. To improve the matching precision, we use weighted code features. Machine learning is used to optimize the feature weights to create clusters of semantically similar code blocks extracted from different binaries. The machine learning is performed in an offline process to increase scalability and performance of the matching system. Using above methods we build a database of binary similarity code signatures for open source libraries. The database is utilized to match by similarity any code blocks from an application to known libraries in the database. One of the goals of our system is to facilitate a fast and scalable similarity matching process. This allows integrating the system into continuous software development, testing and integration pipelines. The evaluation shows that our results are comparable to other systems proposed in related research in terms of precision while maintaining the performance required in continuous integration systems.Nopea ja skaalautuva käännettyjen ohjelmistojen samankaltaisuuden tunnistusmenetelmä avoimen lähdekoodin kirjastoille. Tiivistelmä. Kolmansien osapuolten kehittämien ohjelmistojen käyttö on yleistynyt valtavasti viime vuosien aikana nopeutuvan ohjelmistokehityksen ja laadukkaiden ohjelmistokirjastojen tarjonnan kasvun myötä. Nämä kirjastot ovat yleensä lisätty kehitettävään ohjelmistoon riippuvuuksina ja usein jopa käännettyinä binääreinä. Tämä on yleistä varsinkin sulatetuissa ohjelmistoissa. Riippuvuudet saattavat kuitenkin luoda uusia hyökkäysvektoreita kirjastoista löytyvien haavoittuvuuksien johdosta. Nämä kolmansien osapuolten kirjastoista löytyvät haavoittuvuudet synnyttävät tarpeen tunnistaa käännetyistä binääriohjelmistoista löytyvät avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistokirjastot. Binäärien samankaltaisuuden tunnistusmenetelmät usein pohjautuvat tekstin samankaltaisuuden tunnistusmenetelmiin ja hyödyntävät tämän tieteellisiä saavutuksia. Tässä tutkimuksessa keskitytään sumeisiin tunnistusmenetelmiin, joita on käytetty laajasti tekstin samankaltaisuuden tunnistamisessa. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään sijainnille sensitiivisiä tiivistemenetelmiä ja normalisoituja binäärien ominaisuuksia. Ominaisuuksien normalisoinnin avulla binäärien samankaltaisuutta voidaan vertailla ohjelmiston kääntämisessä käytetystä kääntäjästä, optimisaatiotasoista ja prosessoriarkkitehtuurista huolimatta. Menetelmän tarkkuutta parannetaan painotettujen binääriominaisuuksien avulla. Koneoppimista hyödyntämällä binääriomisaisuuksien painotus optimoidaan siten, että samankaltaisista binääreistä puretut ohjelmistoblokit luovat samankaltaisien ohjelmistojen joukkoja. Koneoppiminen suoritetaan erillisessä prosessissa, mikä parantaa järjestelmän suorituskykyä. Näiden menetelmien avulla luodaan tietokanta avoimen lähdekoodin kirjastojen tunnisteista. Tietokannan avulla minkä tahansa ohjelmiston samankaltaiset binääriblokit voidaan yhdistää tunnettuihin avoimen lähdekoodin kirjastoihin. Menetelmän tavoitteena on tarjota nopea ja skaalautuva samankaltaisuuden tunnistus. Näiden ominaisuuksien johdosta järjestelmä voidaan liittää osaksi ohjelmistokehitys-, integraatioprosesseja ja ohjelmistotestausta. Vertailu muihin kirjallisuudessa esiteltyihin menetelmiin osoittaa, että esitellyn menetlmän tulokset on vertailtavissa muihin kirjallisuudessa esiteltyihin menetelmiin tarkkuuden osalta. Menetelmä myös ylläpitää suorituskyvyn, jota vaaditaan jatkuvan integraation järjestelmissä

    Mustererkennungsbasierte Verteidgung gegen gezielte Angriffe

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    The speed at which everything and everyone is being connected considerably outstrips the rate at which effective security mechanisms are introduced to protect them. This has created an opportunity for resourceful threat actors which have specialized in conducting low-volume persistent attacks through sophisticated techniques that are tailored to specific valuable targets. Consequently, traditional approaches are rendered ineffective against targeted attacks, creating an acute need for innovative defense mechanisms. This thesis aims at supporting the security practitioner in bridging this gap by introducing a holistic strategy against targeted attacks that addresses key challenges encountered during the phases of detection, analysis and response. The structure of this thesis is therefore aligned to these three phases, with each one of its central chapters taking on a particular problem and proposing a solution built on a strong foundation on pattern recognition and machine learning. In particular, we propose a detection approach that, in the absence of additional authentication mechanisms, allows to identify spear-phishing emails without relying on their content. Next, we introduce an analysis approach for malware triage based on the structural characterization of malicious code. Finally, we introduce MANTIS, an open-source platform for authoring, sharing and collecting threat intelligence, whose data model is based on an innovative unified representation for threat intelligence standards based on attributed graphs. As a whole, these ideas open new avenues for research on defense mechanisms and represent an attempt to counteract the imbalance between resourceful actors and society at large.In unserer heutigen Welt sind alle und alles miteinander vernetzt. Dies bietet mächtigen Angreifern die Möglichkeit, komplexe Verfahren zu entwickeln, die auf spezifische Ziele angepasst sind. Traditionelle Ansätze zur Bekämpfung solcher Angriffe werden damit ineffektiv, was die Entwicklung innovativer Methoden unabdingbar macht. Die vorliegende Dissertation verfolgt das Ziel, den Sicherheitsanalysten durch eine umfassende Strategie gegen gezielte Angriffe zu unterstützen. Diese Strategie beschäftigt sich mit den hauptsächlichen Herausforderungen in den drei Phasen der Erkennung und Analyse von sowie der Reaktion auf gezielte Angriffe. Der Aufbau dieser Arbeit orientiert sich daher an den genannten drei Phasen. In jedem Kapitel wird ein Problem aufgegriffen und eine entsprechende Lösung vorgeschlagen, die stark auf maschinellem Lernen und Mustererkennung basiert. Insbesondere schlagen wir einen Ansatz vor, der eine Identifizierung von Spear-Phishing-Emails ermöglicht, ohne ihren Inhalt zu betrachten. Anschliessend stellen wir einen Analyseansatz für Malware Triage vor, der auf der strukturierten Darstellung von Code basiert. Zum Schluss stellen wir MANTIS vor, eine Open-Source-Plattform für Authoring, Verteilung und Sammlung von Threat Intelligence, deren Datenmodell auf einer innovativen konsolidierten Graphen-Darstellung für Threat Intelligence Stardards basiert. Wir evaluieren unsere Ansätze in verschiedenen Experimenten, die ihren potentiellen Nutzen in echten Szenarien beweisen. Insgesamt bereiten diese Ideen neue Wege für die Forschung zu Abwehrmechanismen und erstreben, das Ungleichgewicht zwischen mächtigen Angreifern und der Gesellschaft zu minimieren

    Profiling and Evolution of Intellectual Property

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    In recent years, with the rapid growth of Internet data, the number and types of scientific and technological resources are also rapidly expanding. However, the increase in the number and category of information data will also increase the cost of information acquisition. For technology-based enterprises or users, in addition to general papers, patents, etc., policies related to technology or the development of their industries should also belong to a type of scientific and technological resources. The cost and difficulty of acquiring users. Extracting valuable science and technology policy resources from a huge amount of data with mixed contents and providing accurate and fast retrieval will help to break down information barriers and reduce the cost of information acquisition, which has profound social significance and social utility. This article focuses on the difficulties and problems in the field of science and technology policy, and introduces related technologies and developments.Comment: 11 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2203.1259

    Symmetry-Adapted Machine Learning for Information Security

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    Symmetry-adapted machine learning has shown encouraging ability to mitigate the security risks in information and communication technology (ICT) systems. It is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that relies on the principles of processing future events by learning past events or historical data. The autonomous nature of symmetry-adapted machine learning supports effective data processing and analysis for security detection in ICT systems without the interference of human authorities. Many industries are developing machine-learning-adapted solutions to support security for smart hardware, distributed computing, and the cloud. In our Special Issue book, we focus on the deployment of symmetry-adapted machine learning for information security in various application areas. This security approach can support effective methods to handle the dynamic nature of security attacks by extraction and analysis of data to identify hidden patterns of data. The main topics of this Issue include malware classification, an intrusion detection system, image watermarking, color image watermarking, battlefield target aggregation behavior recognition model, IP camera, Internet of Things (IoT) security, service function chain, indoor positioning system, and crypto-analysis

    Probabilistic Simhash Matching

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    Finding near-duplicate documents is an interesting problem but the existing methods are not suitable for large scale datasets and memory constrained systems. In this work, we developed approaches that tackle the problem of finding near-duplicates while improving query performance and using less memory. We then carried out an evaluation of our method on a dataset of 70M web documents, and showed that our method works really well. The results indicated that our method could achieve a reduction in space by a factor of 5 while improving the query time by a factor of 4 with a recall of 0.95 for finding all near-duplicates when the dataset is in memory. With the same recall and same reduction in space, we could achieve an improvement in query-time by a factor of 4.5 while finding first the near-duplicate for an in memory dataset. When the dataset was stored on a disk, we could achieve an improvement in performance by 7 times for finding all near-duplicates and by 14 times when finding the first near-duplicate

    Persian Text Classification Enhancement by Latent Semantic Space

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    Heterogeneous data in all groups are growing on the web nowadays. Because of the variety of data types in the web search results, it is common to classify the results in order to find the preferred data. Many machine learning methods are used to classify textual data. The main challenges in data classification are the cost of classifier and performance of classification. A traditional model in IR and text data representation is the vector space model. In this representation cost of computations are dependent upon the dimension of the vector. Another problem is to select effective features and prune unwanted terms. Latent semantic indexing is used to transform VSM to orthogonal semantic space with term relation consideration. Experimental results showed that LSI semantic space can achieve better performance in computation time and classification accuracy. This result showed that semantic topic space has less noise so the accuracy will increase. Less vector dimension also reduces the computational complexity

    Exhaustive study on Detection of phishing practices and tactics

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    Due to the rapid development in the technologies related to the Internet, users have changed their preferences from conventional shop based shopping to online shopping, from office work to work from home and from personal meetings to web meetings. Along with the rapidly increasing number of users, Internet has also attracted many attackers, such as fraudsters, hackers, spammers and phishers, looking for their victims on the huge cyber space. Phishing is one of the basic cybercrimes, which uses anonymous structure of Internet and social engineering approach, to deceive users with the use of malicious phishing links to gather their private information and credentials. Identifying whether a web link used by the attacker is a legitimate or phishing link is a very challenging problem because of the semantics-based structure of the attack, used by attackers to trick users in to entering their personal information. There are a diverse range of algorithms with different methodologies that can be used to prevent these attacks. The efficiency of such systems may be influenced by a lack of proper choice of classifiers along with the types of feature sets. The purpose of this analysis is to understand the forms of phishing threats and the existing approaches used to deter them

    Malgazer: An Automated Malware Classifier With Running Window Entropy and Machine Learning

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    This dissertation explores functional malware classification using running window entropy and machine learning classifiers. This topic was under researched in the prior literature, but the implications are important for malware defense. This dissertation will present six new design science artifacts. The first artifact was a generalized machine learning based malware classifier model. This model was used to categorize and explain the gaps in the prior literature. This artifact was also used to compare the prior literature to the classifiers created in this dissertation, herein referred to as “Malgazer” classifiers. Running window entropy data was required, but the algorithm was too slow to compute at scale. This dissertation presents an optimized version of the algorithm that requires less than 2% of the time of the original algorithm. Next, the classifications for the malware samples were required, but there was no one unified and consistent source for this information. One of the design science artifacts was the method to determine the classifications from publicly available resources. Once the running window entropy data was computed and the functional classifications were collected, the machine learning algorithms were trained at scale so that one individual could complete over 200 computationally intensive experiments for this dissertation. The method to scale the computations was an instantiation design science artifact. The trained classifiers were another design science artifact. Lastly, a web application was developed so that the classifiers could be utilized by those without a programming background. This was the last design science artifact created by this research. Once the classifiers were developed, they were compared to prior literature theoretically and empirically. A malware classification method from prior literature was chosen (referred to herein as “GIST”) for an empirical comparison to the Malgazer classifiers. The best Malgazer classifier produced an accuracy of approximately 95%, which was around 0.76% more accurate than the GIST method on the same data sets. Then, the Malgazer classifier was compared to the prior literature theoretically, based upon the empirical analysis with GIST, and Malgazer performed at least as well as the prior literature. While the data, methods, and source code are open sourced from this research, most prior literature did not provide enough information or data to replicate and verify each method. This prevented a full and true comparison to prior literature, but it did not prevent recommending the Malgazer classifier for some use cases

    ReLoop2: Building Self-Adaptive Recommendation Models via Responsive Error Compensation Loop

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    Industrial recommender systems face the challenge of operating in non-stationary environments, where data distribution shifts arise from evolving user behaviors over time. To tackle this challenge, a common approach is to periodically re-train or incrementally update deployed deep models with newly observed data, resulting in a continual training process. However, the conventional learning paradigm of neural networks relies on iterative gradient-based updates with a small learning rate, making it slow for large recommendation models to adapt. In this paper, we introduce ReLoop2, a self-correcting learning loop that facilitates fast model adaptation in online recommender systems through responsive error compensation. Inspired by the slow-fast complementary learning system observed in human brains, we propose an error memory module that directly stores error samples from incoming data streams. These stored samples are subsequently leveraged to compensate for model prediction errors during testing, particularly under distribution shifts. The error memory module is designed with fast access capabilities and undergoes continual refreshing with newly observed data samples during the model serving phase to support fast model adaptation. We evaluate the effectiveness of ReLoop2 on three open benchmark datasets as well as a real-world production dataset. The results demonstrate the potential of ReLoop2 in enhancing the responsiveness and adaptiveness of recommender systems operating in non-stationary environments.Comment: Accepted by KDD 2023. See the project page at https://xpai.github.io/ReLoo