307 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of an Asymptotic Preserving Scheme and Unified Gas-kinetic Scheme in Continuum Flow Limit

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    Asymptotic preserving (AP) schemes are targeting to simulate both continuum and rarefied flows. Many AP schemes have been developed and are capable of capturing the Euler limit in the continuum regime. However, to get accurate Navier-Stokes solutions is still challenging for many AP schemes. In order to distinguish the numerical effects of different AP schemes on the simulation results in the continuum flow limit, an implicit-explicit (IMEX) AP scheme and the unified gas kinetic scheme (UGKS) based on Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook (BGk) kinetic equation will be applied in the flow simulation in both transition and continuum flow regimes. As a benchmark test case, the lid-driven cavity flow is used for the comparison of these two AP schemes. The numerical results show that the UGKS captures the viscous solution accurately. The velocity profiles are very close to the classical benchmark solutions. However, the IMEX AP scheme seems have difficulty to get these solutions. Based on the analysis and the numerical experiments, it is realized that the dissipation of AP schemes in continuum limit is closely related to the numerical treatment of collision and transport of the kinetic equation. Numerically it becomes necessary to couple the convection and collision terms in both flux evaluation at a cell interface and the collision source term treatment inside each control volume

    A Nonlinear Multigrid Steady-State Solver for Microflow

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    We develop a nonlinear multigrid method to solve the steady state of microflow, which is modeled by the high order moment system derived recently for the steady-state Boltzmann equation with ES-BGK collision term. The solver adopts a symmetric Gauss-Seidel iterative scheme nested by a local Newton iteration on grid cell level as its smoother. Numerical examples show that the solver is insensitive to the parameters in the implementation thus is quite robust. It is demonstrated that expected efficiency improvement is achieved by the proposed method in comparison with the direct time-stepping scheme

    A Multiscale Kinetic-Fluid Solver with Dynamic Localization of Kinetic Effects

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    This paper collects the efforts done in our previous works [P. Degond, S. Jin, L. Mieussens, A Smooth Transition Between Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Equations, J. Comp. Phys., 209 (2005) 665--694.],[P.Degond, G. Dimarco, L. Mieussens, A Moving Interface Method for Dynamic Kinetic-fluid Coupling, J. Comp. Phys., Vol. 227, pp. 1176-1208, (2007).],[P. Degond, J.G. Liu, L. Mieussens, Macroscopic Fluid Model with Localized Kinetic Upscaling Effects, SIAM Multi. Model. Sim. 5(3), 940--979 (2006)] to build a robust multiscale kinetic-fluid solver. Our scope is to efficiently solve fluid dynamic problems which present non equilibrium localized regions that can move, merge, appear or disappear in time. The main ingredients of the present work are the followings ones: a fluid model is solved in the whole domain together with a localized kinetic upscaling term that corrects the fluid model wherever it is necessary; this multiscale description of the flow is obtained by using a micro-macro decomposition of the distribution function [P. Degond, J.G. Liu, L. Mieussens, Macroscopic Fluid Model with Localized Kinetic Upscaling Effects, SIAM Multi. Model. Sim. 5(3), 940--979 (2006)]; the dynamic transition between fluid and kinetic descriptions is obtained by using a time and space dependent transition function; to efficiently define the breakdown conditions of fluid models we propose a new criterion based on the distribution function itself. Several numerical examples are presented to validate the method and measure its computational efficiency.Comment: 34 page

    Multi-scale semi-Lagrangian lattice Boltzmann method

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    We present a multi-scale lattice Boltzmann scheme, which adaptively refines particles' velocity space. Different velocity sets, i.e., higher- and lower-order lattices, are consistently and efficiently coupled, allowing us to use the higher-order lattice only when and where needed. This includes regions of either high Mach number or high Knudsen number. The coupling procedure of different lattices consists of either projection of the moments of the higher-order lattice onto the lower-order lattice or lifting of the lower-order lattice to the higher-order velocity space. Both lifting and projection are local operations, which enable a flexible adaptive velocity set. The proposed scheme can be formulated both in a static and an optimal, co-moving reference frame, in the spirit of the recently introduced Particles on Demand method. The multi-scale scheme is first validated through a convected athermal vortex and also studied in a jet flow setup. The performance of the proposed scheme is further investigated through the shock structure problem and a high Knudsen Couette flow, typical examples of highly non-equilibrium flows in which the order of the velocity set plays a decisive role. The results demonstrate that the proposed multi-scale scheme can operate accurately, with flexibility in terms of the underlying models and with reduced computational requirements
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