852 research outputs found

    From FPGA to ASIC: A RISC-V processor experience

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    This work document a correct design flow using these tools in the Lagarto RISC- V Processor and the RTL design considerations that must be taken into account, to move from a design for FPGA to design for ASIC

    JTAG-optimisation for CANoe

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    This master thesis investigates the possibilities to perform software validation tests on ECUs with customer-identical software. Instead of using a ”test specific” software which sends ”test specific” information on the CAN-bus this data is to be extracted from the target CPU by a JTAG debugger and integrated in the testing software CANoe. The benefit of this method is that it eliminates the problems that may be encountered during building of the ”test specific” software and that may affect other parts of the software. The work has been done at BorgWarner in Landskrona at the TTT-SW (software test) department

    Digital signal processor fundamentals and system design

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    Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) have been used in accelerator systems for more than fifteen years and have largely contributed to the evolution towards digital technology of many accelerator systems, such as machine protection, diagnostics and control of beams, power supply and motors. This paper aims at familiarising the reader with DSP fundamentals, namely DSP characteristics and processing development. Several DSP examples are given, in particular on Texas Instruments DSPs, as they are used in the DSP laboratory companion of the lectures this paper is based upon. The typical system design flow is described; common difficulties, problems and choices faced by DSP developers are outlined; and hints are given on the best solution

    ZigBee/ZigBee PRO security assessment based on compromised cryptographic keys

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    Sensor networks have many applications in monitoring and controlling of environmental properties such as sound, acceleration, vibration and temperature. Due to limited resources in computation capability, memory and energy, they are vulnerable to many kinds of attacks. The ZigBee specification based on the 802.15.4 standard, defines a set of layers specifically suited to sensor networks. These layers support secure messaging using symmetric cryptographic. This paper presents two different ways for grabbing the cryptographic key in ZigBee: remote attack and physical attack. It also surveys and categorizes some additional attacks which can be performed on ZigBee networks: eavesdropping, spoofing, replay and DoS attacks at different layers. From this analysis, it is shown that some vulnerabilities still in the existing security schema in ZigBee technology.Les xarxes de sensors tenen moltes aplicacions en el control i la monitorització de les propietats del medi ambient, com ara el so, l¿acceleració, la vibració i la temperatura. A causa dels limitats recursos en la capacitat de càlcul, la memòria i l'energia són vulnerables a molts tipus d'atacs. L'especificació ZigBee basada en l'estàndard 802.15.4, defineix un conjunt de capes, adaptada específicament per a xarxes de sensors. Aquestes capes suporten missatgeria segura mitjançant criptografia simètrica. Aquest article presenta dues formes diferents per agafar la clau de xifrat en ZigBee: atac a distància i atacs físics. També les enquesta i classifica alguns atacs addicionals que es poden realitzar en les xarxes ZigBee: espionatge, falsificació, reproducció i atacs DoS en les diferents capes. A partir d'aquesta anàlisi, es demostren algunes vulnerabilitats existents en l'esquema de seguretat en tecnologia ZigBee.Las redes de sensores tienen muchas aplicaciones en el control y la monitorización de las propiedades del medio ambiente, como el sonido, la aceleración, la vibración y la temperatura. Debido a los limitados recursos en la capacidad de cálculo, la memoria y la energía son vulnerables a muchos tipos de ataques. La especificación ZigBee basada en el estándar 802.15.4, define un conjunto de capas, adaptada específicamente para redes de sensores. Estas capas soportan mensajería segura mediante criptografía simétrica. Este artículo presenta dos formas diferentes para coger la clave de cifrado en ZigBee: ataque a distancia y ataques físicos. También las encuesta y clasifica algunos ataques adicionales que se pueden realizar en las redes ZigBee: espionaje, falsificación, reproducción y ataques DoS en las diferentes capas. A partir de este análisis, se demuestran algunas vulnerabilidades existentes en el esquema de seguridad en tecnología ZigBee

    EKKO: an open-source RISC-V soft-core microcontroller

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores (especialização em Sistemas Embebidos e Computadores)Com o surgimento da Internet das Coisas (IoT em inglês) nos últimos anos, o número de “coisas” conectadas está a crescer a um ritmo bastante rápido. Estes dispositivos tornaram-se rapidamente parte do nosso dia a dia e já podem ser encontrados nos mais diversos domínios de aplicação, tais como, telecomunicações, saúde, agricultura, e automação industrial. Devido a este crescimento exponencial, a demanda por sistemas embebidos é cada vez maior, trazendo assim diversos desafios no seu desenvolvimento. De todos os desafios, o time-to-market e os custos de desenvolvimento são de inegável importância, logo, a escolha de uma plataforma de desenvolvimento adequada é essencial no desenho destes sistemas. Devido a este novo paradigma, o grupo de investigação da Universidade do Minho onde esta dissertação se insere tem desenvolvido aplicações neste domínio. No entanto, as atuais plataformas de desenvolvimento utilizadas são complexas, têm custos associados e são de código fechado. Por estas razões, o grupo de investigação tem interesse em ter a sua própria plataforma de desenvolvimento. De modo a solucionar os problemas enumerados acima, esta dissertação tem como objetivo desenvolver uma plataforma de desenvolvimento tanto para hardware como para software. A plataforma deve ser simples de utilizar e open-source, reduzindo assim os custos e a tornando a gestão de licenças mais simples. Para além disto, o facto de o sistema ser de código aberto faz também com que este possa ser facilmente estendido e customizado de acordo com os requisitos da aplicação. Neste sentido, esta dissertação apresenta um soft-core microcontroller, o qual contem um processador RISC-V, uma RAM, uma unidade de depuração, um temporizador, um periférico I2C e um barra mento AXI. Em adição, este contem também um kit de desenvolvimento de software (SDK em inglês), o qual inclui um depurador, a opção de utilizar o sistema operativo Azure RTOS ThreadX, e outras ferramentas importantes, tornando o ciclo de desenvolvimento mais fácil, rápido e seguro.With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) in most recent years, the number of connected “things” is increasing quickly. These devices rapidly became part of our daily lives and can be found in the most different applications domains, such as telecommunications, health care, agriculture and industrial automation. With this exponential growth, the demand for embedded devices is increasing, bringing several challenges to the development of these systems. From these challenges, the time-to-market and development costs are undeniable extremely important. Thus, choosing a suitable development platform is essential when designing an embedded system. Due to this new paradigm, the University of Minho research group where this dissertation fits has been developing applications in this domain. However, the current development platforms are complex, have associated costs and are closed-source. For these reasons, the research group has interesting in having its development platform. To solve these problems, this dissertation aims to build a development platform for both hardware and software. The platform must be simple and open-source, reducing development costs and simplifying license management. Besides, due to its open nature, it will also be easier to extend and modify the system according to the application’s needs. In this context, this dissertation presents EKKO, an open-source soft-core microcontroller that contains a RISC-V core, an on-chip RAM, a debug unit, a timer and an I2C peripheral, and an AXI bus. In addition, it also contains a Software Development Kit (SDK), which includes a debugger, the option to use Azure RTOS ThreadX, and other crucial tools, turning the development cycle more accessible, faster and safer

    Design of a nurse calling system with real time indoor location capabilities

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    The main driver of this project has been to design a prove of concept of a device that allows live voice communication between patients and medical staff and the capability to locate in real time patients in an enclosed environment. The author of this project had an initial constraint it was supplied by the project director supplied for this project a DWM1001-DEV Module Development Board which provides accurate positioning thanks to its wireless Real Time Location System. After a study of the problem, a selection of components, both hardware and software were selected. The sound system is composed of a I2S Microphone SPH0645 for real time audio capturing, an I2S Amplifier Breakout board MAX98357A and a generic 8ohms speaker. The patient interface component is a button used to trigger communication. For the development of the software the Espressif IoT Development Framework was used, it provides APIs for the user to program the ESP32. The ESP-IDF was installed on VSCode IDE. For debugging the system, we used a J-Link PRO with the Eclipse IDE. The ESP32 communicates with a python-based server using a Wi-Fi network, the communication is based on the UDP protocol. The result is a prototype that showcase that a final product based on this system is feasible, it presents great autonomy and excellent real time communication features. Further lines of work are described, and the presented system is flexible enough to integrate them

    Modernizing the Microcontroller Laboratory with Low-Cost and Open-Source Tools

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    OTTER Debugger

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    This project is a debugger and programmer for the OTTER CPU, the implementation of the RISC-V ISA used by Cal Poly to teach computer architecture and assembly language in CPE 233/333 and usually implemented on the Basys3 FPGA development board. With this tool, students can quickly program their OTTER with a new/revised RISC-V program binary without resynthesizing the entire FPGA design. They can then use the debugger from a PC to pause/continue/single-step execution and set breakpoints, while inspecting and modifying register and memory contents. This enables real-time debugging of OTTER projects involving custom hardware such as a keyboard and VGA monitor, previously unavailable to students. Future work will integrate this debugger with GDB to enable powerful debugging within a graphical IDE