11,357 research outputs found

    Large Vector Auto Regressions

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    One popular approach for nonstructural economic and financial forecasting is to include a large number of economic and financial variables, which has been shown to lead to significant improvements for forecasting, for example, by the dynamic factor models. A challenging issue is to determine which variables and (their) lags are relevant, especially when there is a mixture of serial correlation (temporal dynamics), high dimensional (spatial) dependence structure and moderate sample size (relative to dimensionality and lags). To this end, an \textit{integrated} solution that addresses these three challenges simultaneously is appealing. We study the large vector auto regressions here with three types of estimates. We treat each variable's own lags different from other variables' lags, distinguish various lags over time, and is able to select the variables and lags simultaneously. We first show the consequences of using Lasso type estimate directly for time series without considering the temporal dependence. In contrast, our proposed method can still produce an estimate as efficient as an \textit{oracle} under such scenarios. The tuning parameters are chosen via a data driven "rolling scheme" method to optimize the forecasting performance. A macroeconomic and financial forecasting problem is considered to illustrate its superiority over existing estimators

    An investigation into machine learning approaches for forecasting spatio-temporal demand in ride-hailing service

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    In this paper, we present machine learning approaches for characterizing and forecasting the short-term demand for on-demand ride-hailing services. We propose the spatio-temporal estimation of the demand that is a function of variable effects related to traffic, pricing and weather conditions. With respect to the methodology, a single decision tree, bootstrap-aggregated (bagged) decision trees, random forest, boosted decision trees, and artificial neural network for regression have been adapted and systematically compared using various statistics, e.g. R-square, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and slope. To better assess the quality of the models, they have been tested on a real case study using the data of DiDi Chuxing, the main on-demand ride hailing service provider in China. In the current study, 199,584 time-slots describing the spatio-temporal ride-hailing demand has been extracted with an aggregated-time interval of 10 mins. All the methods are trained and validated on the basis of two independent samples from this dataset. The results revealed that boosted decision trees provide the best prediction accuracy (RMSE=16.41), while avoiding the risk of over-fitting, followed by artificial neural network (20.09), random forest (23.50), bagged decision trees (24.29) and single decision tree (33.55).Comment: Currently under review for journal publicatio

    Autoregressive time series prediction by means of fuzzy inference systems using nonparametric residual variance estimation

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    We propose an automatic methodology framework for short- and long-term prediction of time series by means of fuzzy inference systems. In this methodology, fuzzy techniques and statistical techniques for nonparametric residual variance estimation are combined in order to build autoregressive predictive models implemented as fuzzy inference systems. Nonparametric residual variance estimation plays a key role in driving the identification and learning procedures. Concrete criteria and procedures within the proposed methodology framework are applied to a number of time series prediction problems. The learn from examples method introduced by Wang and Mendel (W&M) is used for identification. The Levenberg–Marquardt (L–M) optimization method is then applied for tuning. The W&M method produces compact and potentially accurate inference systems when applied after a proper variable selection stage. The L–M method yields the best compromise between accuracy and interpretability of results, among a set of alternatives. Delta test based residual variance estimations are used in order to select the best subset of inputs to the fuzzy inference systems as well as the number of linguistic labels for the inputs. Experiments on a diverse set of time series prediction benchmarks are compared against least-squares support vector machines (LS-SVM), optimally pruned extreme learning machine (OP-ELM), and k-NN based autoregressors. The advantages of the proposed methodology are shown in terms of linguistic interpretability, generalization capability and computational cost. Furthermore, fuzzy models are shown to be consistently more accurate for prediction in the case of time series coming from real-world applications.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2008-04920Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-03674, IAC07-I-0205:33080, IAC08-II-3347:5626

    Large Vector Auto Regressions

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    One popular approach for nonstructural economic and financial forecasting is to include a large number of economic and financial variables, which has been shown to lead to significant improvements for forecasting, for example, by the dynamic factor models. A challenging issue is to determine which variables and (their) lags are relevant, especially when there is a mixture of serial correlation (temporal dynamics), high dimensional (spatial) dependence structure and moderate sample size (relative to dimensionality and lags). To this end, an integrated solution that addresses these three challenges simultaneously is appealing. We study the large vector auto regressions here with three types of estimates. We treat each variable's own lags different from other variables' lags, distinguish various lags over time, and is able to select the variables and lags simultaneously. We first show the consequences of using Lasso type estimate directly for time series without considering the temporal dependence. In contrast, our proposed method can still produce an estimate as efficient as an oracle under such scenarios. The tuning parameters are chosen via a data driven "rolling scheme" method to optimize the forecasting performance. A macroeconomic and financial forecasting problem is considered to illustrate its superiority over existing estimators.Time Series, Vector Auto Regression, Regularization, Lasso, Group Lasso, Oracle estimator

    Essays on economic forecasting using machine learning

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    This thesis studies the additional value introduced by different machine learning methods to economic forecasting. Flexible machine learning methods can discover various complex relationships in data and are well-suited for analysing so called big data and potential problems therein. Several new extensions to existing machine learning methods are proposed from the viewpoint of economic forecasting. In Chapter 2, the main objective is to predict U.S. economic recession periods with a high-dimensional dataset. A cost-sensitive extension to the gradient boosting machine learning algorithm is proposed, which takes into account the scarcity of recession periods. The results show how the cost-sensitive extension outperforms the traditional gradient boosting model and leads to more accurate recession forecasts. Chapter 3 considers a variety of different machine learning methods when predicting daily returns of the S&P 500 stock market index. A new multinomial approach is suggested, which allows us to focus on predicting the large absolute returns instead of the noisy variation around zero return. In terms of both the statistical and economic evaluation criteria gradient boosting turns out to be the best-performing machine learning method. In Chapter 4, the asset allocation decisions between risky and risk-free assets are determined using a flexible utility maximization based approach. Instead of the merely considered two-step approach where portfolio weights are based on the excess return predictions obtained with statistical predictive regressions, here the optimal weights are found directly by incorporating a custom objective function to the gradient boosting algorithm. The empirical results using monthly U.S. market returns show that the utility-based approach leads to substantial and quantitatively meaningful economic value over the past approaches.Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan millaista lisäarvoa koneoppimismenetelmät voivat tuoda taloudellisiin ennustesovelluksiin. Joustavat koneoppimismenetelmät kykenevät mallintamaan monimutkaisia funktiomuotoja ja soveltuvat hyvin big datan eli suurten aineistojen analysointiin. Väitöskirjassa laajennetaan koneoppimismenetelmiä erityisesti taloudellisten ennustesovellusten lähtökohdista katsoen. Luvussa 2 ennustetaan Yhdysvaltojen talouden taantumajaksoja käyttäen hyvin suurta selittäjäjoukkoa. Gradient boosting -koneoppimismenetelmää laajennetaan huomioimaan aineiston merkittävä tunnuspiirre eli se, että taantumajaksoja esiintyy melko harvoin talouden ollessa suurimman osan ajasta noususuhdanteessa. Tulokset osoittavat, että laajennettu gradient boosting -menetelmä kykenee ennustamaan tulevia taantumakuukausia huomattavasti perinteisiä menetelmiä tarkemmin. Luvussa 3 hyödynnetään useampaa erilaista koneoppimismenetelmää S&P 500 -osakemarkkinaindeksin päivätuottojen ennustamisessa. Aiemmista lähestymistavoista poiketen tässä tutkimuksessa kategorisoidaan tuotot kolmeen eri luokkaan pyrkimyksenä keskittyä informatiivisempien suurten positiivisten ja negatiivisten tuottojen ennustamiseen. Tulosten perusteella gradient boosting osoittautuu parhaaksi menetelmäksi niin tilastollisten kuin taloudellistenkin ennustekriteerien mukaan. Luvussa 4 tarkastellaan, kuinka perinteisen tuottoennusteisiin nojautuvan kaksivaiheisen lähestymistavan sijaan allokaatiopäätös riskisen ja riskittömän sijoituskohteen välillä voidaan muodostaa suoraan sijoittajan kokeman hyödyn pohjalta. Hyödyn maksimoinnissa käytetään gradient boosting -menetelmää ja sen mahdollistamaa itsemäärättyä tavoitefunktiota. Yhdysvaltojen aineistoon perustuvat empiiriset tulokset osoittavat kuinka sijoittajan hyötyyn pohjautuva salkkuallokaatio johtaa perinteistä kaksivaiheista lähestymistapaa tuottavampiin allokaatiopäätöksiin

    Small area estimation of the homeless in Los Angeles: An application of cost-sensitive stochastic gradient boosting

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    In many metropolitan areas efforts are made to count the homeless to ensure proper provision of social services. Some areas are very large, which makes spatial sampling a viable alternative to an enumeration of the entire terrain. Counts are observed in sampled regions but must be imputed in unvisited areas. Along with the imputation process, the costs of underestimating and overestimating may be different. For example, if precise estimation in areas with large homeless c ounts is critical, then underestimation should be penalized more than overestimation in the loss function. We analyze data from the 2004--2005 Los Angeles County homeless study using an augmentation of L1L_1 stochastic gradient boosting that can weight overestimates and underestimates asymmetrically. We discuss our choice to utilize stochastic gradient boosting over other function estimation procedures. In-sample fitted and out-of-sample imputed values, as well as relationships between the response and predictors, are analyzed for various cost functions. Practical usage and policy implications of these results are discussed briefly.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS328 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Forecasting Using Targeted Diffusion Indexes

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    The simplicity of the standard diffusion index model of Stock and Watson has certainly contributed to its success among practitioners resulting in a growing body of literature on factor-augmented forecasts. However, as pointed out by Bai and Ng, the ranked factors considered in the forecasting equation depend neither on the variable to be forecasted nor on the forecasting horizon. We propose a refinement of the standard approach that retains the computational simplicity while coping with this limitation. Our approach consists of generating a weighted average of all the principal components, the weights depending both on the eigenvalues of the sample correlation matrix and on the covariance between the estimated factor and the targeted variable at the relevant horizon. This "targeted diffusion index" approach is applied to US data and the results show that it outperforms considerably the standard approach in forecasting several major macroeconomic series. Moreover, the improvement is more significant in the final part of the forecasting evaluation period.