10 research outputs found

    Metodologiczne aspekty stosowania techniki eye trackingowej w badaniach edukacyjnych

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    Educational studies focus on multidimensional learning and teaching processes and require the use of complex research methods for that reason. The development of new technologies and the increasing availability of equipment that previously was used in medical and biological science, enable extending a set of traditional social and humanities sciences research methods. These new technologies allow for the verification of the information obtained as a result of carrying out the diagnostic survey for example. One of these is eye tracking, a technique of tracking of eye movements that allows to infer about cognitive processes related to learning. This paper discusses the issue of application of the eye tracking technology in educational research. The article presents, inter alia, the most important research procedure assumptions, the qualitative and quantitative analysis methods of the eye movements measurement data, and the advantages and limitations of this technique.Badania edukacyjne, koncentrujące się między innymi na wielowymiarowych procesach uczenia się i nauczania, wymagają stosowania złożonych metod badawczych.Rozwój nowych technologii oraz zwiększająca się dostępność aparatury wykorzystywanej dotychczas w naukach medycznych czy biologicznych, umożliwia wzbogacenie zestawu tradycyjnych w naukach społecznych i humanistycznych technik badawczych o takie, które pozwalają na weryfikację informacji pozyskiwanych na przykład w wyniku przeprowadzania sondażu diagnostycznego. Jedną z nich jest eye tracking, czyli technika śledzenia ruchów oczu i wnioskowania na tej podstawie o procesach poznawczych powiązanych z uczeniem się.W artykule omówiono problematykę wykorzystywania okulografii w badaniach edukacyjnych - przedstawiono między innymi najważniejsze założenia postępowania badawczego, sposoby analizy jakościowej i ilościowej danych pomiarowych oraz zalety i ograniczenia stosowania tej techniki

    How Do Elementary Teachers Study and Learn from a Multimedia Model of Reading Development? An Exploratory Eye-Tracking Study

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    This exploratory study used eye-tracking methodology to examine how elementary teachers study a multimedia model of reading development. Seven experienced teachers and 11 pre-service teachers participated. Visual attention, prior knowledge, and post-task scores were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods. Significant differences between the two groups were found with respect to fixations, scan paths, and pre- and post-task scores. Where experienced teachers focus their attention and the paths of their visual behaviour can inform the design of material that supports novice teachers’ understanding of how children learn to read. Keywords: teacher learning, multimedia learning, eye-tracking methodology, reading development, reading instructionCette étude exploratoire a utilisé une méthodologie de suivi du regard pour examiner comment les enseignants du primaire étudient un modèle multimédia de développement de la lecture. Sept enseignants expérimentés et 11 enseignants débutants ont participé. L’attention visuelle, les connaissances préalables et les résultats postérieurs à la tâche ont été analysés à l’aide de méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives. Des différences significatives entre les deux groupes ont été constatées en ce qui concerne les fixations, les chemins d’analyse et les résultats avant et après la tâche. Là où des enseignants expérimentés concentrent leur attention ou leur regarde peuvent influencer le développement des matériaux pour aider les enseignants débutants à mieux comprendre comment les enfants apprennent à lire. Mots-clés : apprentissage de l’enseignant, modèle multimedia, attention visuelle, développement de la lecture, instruction de la lectur

    An Investigation Of The Relationship Between Visual Effects And Object Identification Using Eye-tracking

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    The visual content represented on information displays used in training environments prescribe display attributes as brightness, color, contrast, and motion blur, but considerations regarding cognitive processes corresponding to these visual features require further attention in order to optimize the display for training applications. This dissertation describes an empirical study with which information display features, specifically color and motion blur reduction, were investigated to assess their impact in a training scenario involving visual search and threat detection. Presented in this document is a review of the theory and literature describing display technology, its applications to training, and how eye-tracking systems can be used to objectively measure cognitive activity. The experiment required participants to complete a threat identification task, while altering the displays settings beforehand, to assess the utility of the display capabilities. The data obtained led to the conclusion that motion blur had a stronger impact on perceptual load than the addition of color. The increased perceptual load resulted in approximately 8- 10% longer fixation durations for all display conditions and a similar decrease in the number of saccades, but only when motion blur reduction was used. No differences were found in terms of threat location or threat identification accuracy, so it was concluded that the effects of perceptual load were independent of germane cognitive load

    Multimedia Journalism and Narrative Flow

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    Eye(s) see what you do: The Role of Social Mechanisms in the Effectiveness of Eye Movement Modeling Examples as an Instructional Tool for Multimedia Learning

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    Learning with multimedia material (e.g. text and pictures) often leads to better learning outcomes than learning with text alone. However, it is challenging for learners to apply effective information processing strategies to benefit from multimedia materials for their learning success. Not all learners are capable of doing this without instructional support. Eye Movement Modeling Examples (EMME) support learners in internalising and applying effective multimedia processing strategies such as selection, organisation and integration. EMME consist of videos with recorded eye movements of an (expert) model illustrating the dynamic change of the eye movements of the model during the processing of the task material. Previous studies have shown a positive effect of EMME on the use of multimedia processing strategies as well as on learning outcomes. So far, however, the question of possible mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of EMME for multimedia learning has remained open. The present work therefore used two different approaches in three experiments to investigate the question of whether social mechanisms and factors play a role in the effectiveness of EMME. The first approach examined whether social mechanisms contribute to the efficacy of EMME beyond the effects of perceptual and (meta-) cognitive mechanisms. However, the results were not conclusive on this question. In a second approach, it was investigated whether social factors such as ( alleged) model-observer similarity and social comparison orientation can influence the effectiveness of EMME. Although the results for this approach provided first empirical evidence that social factors can influence the effectiveness of EMME, the overall picture was rather inconsistent. On the basis of the results of the three experiments it is therefore not possible to draw final conclusions about the role of social mechanisms and factors for the effectiveness of EMME. In summary, EMME can be an effective instructional support for multimedia learning. In addition, however, it was found that there are factors that can moderate the effectiveness of EMME.Lernen mit multimedialem Material (z. B. Text und Bild) führt häufig zu besseren Lernergebnissen als das Lernen mit Text allein. Es stellt Lernende jedoch vor die Herausforderung, geeignete Informationsverarbeitungsstrategien anzuwenden, um von multimedialen Materialien für ihren Lernerfolg zu profitieren. Hierzu sind nicht alle Lernenden ohne instruktionale Unterstützung in der Lage. Eye Movement Modeling Examples (EMME) unterstützen Lernende durch die Modellierung erfolgreicher multimedialer Verarbeitungsstrategien wie Selektion, Organisation und Integration dabei, diese zu internalisieren und anzuwenden. EMME bestehen aus Videos mit aufgezeichneten Blickbewegungen eines (Experten-) Modells, die die dynamische Veränderung des Blickverhaltens des Modells bei der Verarbeitung des Aufgabematerials zeigen. Bisherige Studien zeigen weitestgehend einen positiven Effekt von EMME sowohl auf die Nutzung multimedialer Verarbeitungsstrategien als auch auf die Lernergebnisse. Bislang blieb jedoch die Frage nach möglichen Mechanismen, die der Wirksamkeit von EMME für multimediales Lernen zugrunde liegen, offen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersuchte daher mithilfe von zwei verschiedenen Ansätzen in drei Experimenten die Frage, ob soziale Mechanismen und Faktoren eine Rolle für die Wirksamkeit von EMME spielen. In einem ersten Ansatz wurde untersucht, ob soziale Mechanismen über die Wirkung von perzeptuellen und (meta-) kognitiven Mechanismen hinaus zur Wirksamkeit von EMME beitragen. Die Ergebnisse waren in Hinblick auf diese Frage jedoch nicht eindeutig. In einem zweiten Ansatz wurde untersucht, ob soziale Faktoren wie (vermeintliche) Modell-Beobachterähnlichkeit und soziale Vergleichsorientierung die Wirksamkeit von EMME beeinflussen können. Auch wenn die Ergebnisse für diesen Ansatz erste empirische Hinweise lieferten, dass soziale Faktoren die Effektivität von EMME beeinflussen können, zeigte sich insgesamt ein eher inkonsistentes Bild. Auf Basis der Ergebnisse der drei Experimente ist es daher nicht möglich, endgültige Schlussfolgerungen über die Rolle sozialer Mechanismen und Faktoren für die Wirksamkeit von EMME zu ziehen. Zusammenfassend zeigte sich, dass EMME eine wirksame instruktionale Unterstützung für multimediales Lernen sein können. Darüber hinaus zeigte sich jedoch auch, dass es Faktoren gibt, die die Effektivität von EMME moderieren können

    Compréhension et stratégies d’exploration des documents pédagogiques illustrés

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    It is easier today to offer in one informative document many sources of information presented in different formats. Presenting various media can bring benefits in terms of learning performance, but dealing effectively with these different sources of information is complex. Therefore, offering documents guiding the learner when he is reading may be necessary to promote the construction of a qualitative mental model. Empirical studies that are conducted during this thesis endeavour to determine which formats are most effective while gradually increasing guidance within the document. Thus, four items are tested: the position of the picture relative to the text, the effect of the instructions, the text segmentation and the introduction of a guidance through a figure-ground contrast. Moreover, in order to bring new elements of reflection about how people explore an informative document and the impact of these strategies on performance, the eye movements of the learners were recorded. The results showed that changes in the format of information have an impact on the strategies of consultation of the document, including the increasing eye transitions between texts and illustrations. However, only the segmentation of the text in the form of semantic paragraphs brought benefits in terms of understandingIl est aujourd’hui plus aisé de proposer dans un même document d’apprentissage de nombreuses sources d’information présentées sous des formats différents. Si présenter plusieurs médias peut apporter des bénéfices en termes de performances d’apprentissage, traiter efficacement ces différentes sources d’information est une activité complexe. C’est pourquoi, proposer des documents guidant l’apprenant lors de sa consultation peut s’avérer nécessaire afin de favoriser la construction d’un modèle mental de qualité. Les études empiriques menées au cours de cette thèse se sont attachées à déterminer quels formats étaient les plus efficaces tout en augmentant progressivement le guidage au sein du document. Ainsi, ont été testés : la position de l’illustration par rapport au texte, l’effet de la consigne, la segmentation du texte et l’introduction d’un guidage via un contraste figure/fond. De plus, afin d’apporter de nouveaux éléments de réflexion quant à la manière dont les individus explorent un document d’apprentissage et l’impact de ces stratégies sur les performances, les mouvements oculaires des apprenants ont été enregistrés. Les résultats obtenus ont mis en évidence que les modifications du format de présentation des informations avaient un impact sur les stratégies de consultation du document notamment sur l’augmentation des transitions oculaires effectuées entre les textes et les illustrations. Cependant, seule la segmentation du texte sous forme de paragraphes sémantiques a permis d’obtenir des bénéfices en termes de compréhension

    Utilização colaborativa de representações multimédia no ensino: um estudo de investigação-ação com professores de física e química

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    Este estudo foi realizado no contexto de uma ação de formação subordinada ao tema das representações multimédia e destinada a professores de física e química de uma escola secundária. A ação, dinamizada pelo investigador e com a duração de seis meses, foi realizada na forma de Círculo de Estudos, durante o qual se procurou promover o trabalho colaborativo entre os dez professores participantes, todos eles integrando, tal como o investigador, o grupo de física e química da escola em referência. Como opção metodológica de base foi adotada uma estratégia de investigação-ação, configurando uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa. A coexistência de diversas técnicas de recolha de dados, como entrevistas individuais, observação naturalista, conversas informais e análise documental, permitiu o recurso a procedimentos de triangulação metodológica na condução da análise de conteúdo que deu corpo aos resultados do estudo. A evidência recolhida sugere que o modelo de formação testado parece possuir, embora com naturais condicionantes, os requisitos necessários para promover o desenvolvimento do conhecimento técnico-pedagógico do conteúdo nos professores, estimulando a adoção de práticas colaborativas na utilização didática de representações multimédia; ABSTRACT: This study was performed in the training program framework of multimedia representation and it was intented for teachers of physics and chemistry of a secondary school. The training action, with six months duration, was conducted by the investigator and it was held in the form of Study Circle. During this program the investigator sought to promote collaborative work among the ten participating teachers, all of them, including the researcher, integrating the physics and chemistry group in that school. An action research strategy was adopted as a basic methodological option thus setting a qualitative research. The coexistence of different data collection techniques such as interviews, naturalistic observation, informal conversations and document analysis, allowed the use of methodological triangulation procedures in content analysis, which gave body to the study results. The evidence collected suggests that the tested training model seems to have, although with natural constraints, the necessary requirements to endorse the development of technological pedagogical content knowledge in teachers, stimulating the adoption of collaborative practices in the didactic use of multimedia representations