12 research outputs found

    Самоцитирование и его влияние на оценку научной деятельности: обзор литературы. Часть II

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    This review summarizes papers which analyze the impact of self-citation on research evaluation. We introduce a generalized definition of self-citation and its variants: author, institutional, country, journal, discipline, and publisher selfcitation. Formulae of the basic self-citation measures are given, namely self-citing and self-cited rates. World literature on author, institutional, country, and journal self-citation is studied in more detail. Current views on the role and impact of self-citation are compiled and analyzed. It is found that there is a general consensus on some points: a) excessive self-citation and its total absence are both seen as pathological; b) self-citation has low impact on large research entities but may be critical for the analysis of individual researchers; c) share of self-citations is generally higher for entities with poor bibliometric performance, while top scientists, institutions, journals receive the majority of their citations from outside. This review also considers how bibliometric tools and databases respond to the challenge of possible manipulation by self-citations and how some bibliometric indicators are adjusted by them. The first part of the review presented here deals with the fundamental terms and definitions, and the most discussed and studied type of the self-citation, author self-citation.This second and final part of the review considers institutional, country and journal self-citation. It also examines new bibliometric indicators which adjust for self-citation.Представлен обзор литературы, посвящённой влиянию самоцитирования и возникающим от этого возможным искажениям при библиометрическом анализе. Вводится обобщённое определение самоцитирования и его частных вариантов: авторского, институционального, странового, журнального, дисциплинарного, издательского. Приведены формулы основных метрик самоцитирования – коэффициентов самоцитирования и самоцитируемости. Подробно рассмотрена мировая литература по авторскому, институциональному, страновому и журнальному самоцитированию. Обобщены текущие взгляды на роль и влияние самоцитирования при оценке научной деятельности. При аналитическом рассмотрении статей, посвящённых самоцитированию, выясняется, что у исследователей существует консенсус по ряду позиций, например: а) патологией является как гипертрофированное самоцитирование, так и его отсутствие; б) самоцитирование мало влияет на оценку крупных научных единиц, но может быть критическим при анализе отдельных учёных; в) влияние самоцитирования наиболее выражено у научных единиц со слабыми библиометрическими показателями, в то время как топовые учёные, организации, журналы и др. получают наибольшее число ссылок извне. Рассмотрено реагирование самих библиометрических инструментов и баз данных с целью корректировки индикаторов в случае манипулирования самоцитированием.Вторая, заключительная часть обзора посвящена институциональному, страновому и журнальному самоцитированию, а также введению новых библиометрических индикаторов, так или иначе учитывающих наличие самоцитирования

    International co-authorships and the role of the European Union as a funder: an Eastern European perspective

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    The paper investigates internationally co-authored publications between countries between 1995 and 2015. The paper tests if the European Union funding agency (as defined by InCites Web of Knowledge) has favoured Eastern European countries (East-E) comparing all publications against EU funded ones. This research question tentatively exposes the advantages in publishing under European Union schemes by the type of affiliation to the European Union itself. To do so, it identifies three sub-regions a priori: members of the European Union (East-EU); being an affiliated country to EU research schemes (East-AC); or neither (East-Ext). This is tested at three levels: number of publications (articles co-authored with at least one East-E presence); centrality of a given country in the global network of collaborations; and influence of research (average of categorical normalised citations index –CNCI). The findings show that the EU as a funder does play a positive role, although national differences within these three types of affiliation are more relevant than those between the three sub-regions. Findings suggest further research directed at understanding national policies concerning research, and how the European Union might consider its contribution in the wider European Research Area. These findings also suggest further research concerning the future of Eastern Europe, especially in a possible scenario of “two-speeds integration” of the European Union and the European Research Area

    Exploring a prototype framework of web-based and peer-reviewed “European Educational Research Quality Indicators” (EERQI)

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    Digitization, the Internet, and information or webometric interdisciplinary approaches are affecting the fields of Scientometrics and Library and Information Science (LIS). These new approaches can be used to improve citation-only procedures to estimate the quality and impact of research. A European pilot to explore this potential was called “European Educational Research Quality Indicators” (EERQI, FP7 # 217549). An interdisciplinary consortium was involved from 2008-2011. Different types of indicators were developed to score 171 educational research documents. Extrinsic bibliometric and citation indicators were collected from the Internet for each document; intrinsic indicators reflecting content-based quality were developed and relevant data gathered by peer review. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and structural modeling were used to explore statistical relationships among latent factors or concepts and their indicators. Three intrinsic and two extrinsic latent factors were found to be relevant. Moreover, the more a document was related to a reviewer’s own area of research, the higher the score the reviewer gave concerning 1) significance, originality, and consistency, and 2) methodological adequacy. The conclusions are that a prototype EERQI framework has been constructed: intrinsic quality indicators add specific information to extrinsic quality or impact indicators, and vice versa. Also, a problem of “objective” impact scores is that they are based on “subjective” or biased peer-review scores. Peer-review, which is foundational to having a work cited, seems biased and this bias should be controlled or improved by more refined estimates of quality and impact of research. Some suggestions are given and limitations of the pilot are discussed. As the EERQI development approach, instruments, and tools are new, they should be developed further

    Joining the European Union as an advantage in science performativity. A quasi-experimental study

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    The paper investigates the issue of increasing international co-authored publications, comparing countries that accessed the Europe-an Union (EU) in 2004 (EU04) against other Central-Eastern European Countries (othEast-ERA), adopting a scientometrical approach. This comparison is interesting to check whether to be part of the EU is dif-ferent from being part of the European Research Area (ERA) – being both entities aimed at fostering more international collaborations. The hypothesis is that EU might convey more opportunities for the sake of international publications, although ERA assures access to European funding schemes anyway. Analysing the census of internationally co-authored publications from 1995 to 2015, difference-in-differences regressions show that Countries that joined EU in 2004 performed better than other Central-Eastern ones. Implications for the public policies in science are discussed

    How is the digital medium shaping research genres? Some cross-disciplinary trends

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    There is little dispute that technologies are impacting academic communication today, rendering new forms of accessing information and disseminating knowledge. To explore this impact, in the first part of the paper I review a selection of scholarly literature that addresses ways in which digital technologies are shifting the scholars’ information access behavior and introducing new forms of research dissemination. I also discuss how these new forms of communication are modeling new ecologies of genre systems and genre sets. In the second part of the paper I conduct genre analysis with a sample corpus of texts from different disciplines to illustrate how the emergence of new multimedia genres and the use of multimodality, hypertextuality and interdiscursivity features in genres within electronic environments appear to be pointing at generic evolution and innovation. In light of the findings, I propose some areas in which genre research can engage in interdisciplinary conversation (with ethnography, academic/digital literacies studies, situated genre analysis and reception studies). Regarding EAP instruction, I suggest a pedagogy that provides corpus-based linguistic and rhetorical input on the new genre formats, opportunities for noticing, hands-on practice and critical awareness of aspects of genre innovation and change

    A tudomány tömegesedésének hatásai a felsőoktatás működésére

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    Jelen tanulmányban arra a kérdésre keressük a választ, hogy a tudomány expanziója milyen következményekkel jár a felsőoktatás működésére. Ennek megfelelően a tanulmány első, bevezető szakasza bemutatja, hogy milyen mennyiségi és minőségi változásokon ment keresztül a tudomány, valamint, hogy ez mennyiben változtatta meg a tudományos szféra belső szerveződését. Ezt követően az expanzió két hatását tárgyaljuk bővebben. Egyfelől bemutatjuk a kutatás funkcióinak differenciálódását és feszültségeit. Ebben a fogalmi keretben a kutatás hat különböző társadalmi szerepét különböztethetjük meg. Az ezek között kialakuló potenciális feszültségek egyik legjobb példája, hogy hogyan kerül egymással szembe az a kutatásfelfogás, amely ezt a tevékenységet mint az egyetemi, akadémiai szakma közös jellemzőjét fogja fel, valamint az, amely a teljesítmény mérésére és a kutatók rangsorolására helyezi a hangsúlyt. Ehhez a feszültségforráshoz kapcsolódik az expanzió másik fontos hatása, a „publish or perish” kultúra elterjedése és intézményesülése. A tanulmány lezáró részében a kutatás jövőjével kapcsolatos trendeket mutatunk be

    The discovery of cumulative knowledge: Strategies for designing and communicating qualitative research.

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    Purpose: this paper provides guidance for designing and generating cumulative knowledge based on qualitative research. Design/methodology/approach: the paper draws on the philosophy of science and specific examples of qualitative studies in accounting that have claimed a cumulative contribution to knowledge to develop a taxonomy of theoretically-justified approaches to generating cumulative knowledge from qualitative research. Findings: the paper argues for a definition of cumulative knowledge that is inclusive of anti-realist research, i.e. knowledge is cumulative if it increases the extent and density of intertextual linkages in a field. It identifies the possibility of cumulative qualitative research based on extensions to the scope of our knowledge and the depth of our knowledge. Extensions to the scope of our knowledge may include expanding the time periods, context, and/or theoretical perspective used to explore a phenomenon. Extensions to the depth of our knowledge may include new empirical knowledge, methodological pluralism, theory elaboration or analytic generalization. Individual studies can demonstrate their contribution to cumulative knowledge by locating their research within a typology/taxonomy that makes explicit the relationship of current research to past, and potential, research. Research limitations/implications: the taxonomy may be useful to qualitative researchers designing and reporting research that will have impact on the literature. Social implications: the increased use of research impact as an evaluation metric has the potential to handicap the development of qualitative research which has been characterized as generating non-cumulative knowledge. The taxonomy and the strategies for establishing cumulative impact may provide a means for this approach to research to establish its importance as a contribution to knowledge. Originality/value: The concept of cumulative knowledge has not been systematically applied to research based on qualitative methods in accounting

    A kelet-közép-európai országok publikációs kibocsátásai és nemzetközi együttműködései: trendek és változások 1997 és 2016 között = Publication output and collaboration of Central and Eastern European countries 1997–2016

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    A kelet-közép-európai országok politikai-társadalmi-gazdasági változásai az 1990-es évek elején lehetővé tették az európai és a globális gazdasági térbe való integrálódást. Az időszak fordulatot hozott a régió országainak tudományos életében is, hiszen a tudomány felszabadult a korábbi politikai és ideológiai kontroll alól. A régió országai viszonylag gyorsan és intenzíven alakítottak ki tudományos együttműködéseket a világ vezető tudományos hatalmaival, alapvetően az Egyesült Államokkal és Németországgal. Az elmúlt két évtizedben tapasztalható gazdasági fejlődésnek, a megváltozott együttműködési mintának és egyes tudománypolitikai okoknak köszönhetően a régió publikációs kibocsátása folyamatosan emelkedik, a publikációk rangosabb folyóiratokban jelennek meg, továbbá ingadozásokkal, de emelkedik a régió országainak idézettségi hatása is. A tudománymetriai indikátorok alakulására döntő hatást gyakorol, hogy a társszerzők mely országokból származnak. Megfigyelhető, hogy a legnagyobb kibocsátással és a legmagasabb idézettségi hatással rendelkező kelet-közép-európai országok társszerzős közleményeiben az Egyesült Államok és/vagy Németország megjelenése messze meghaladja a régiós átlagot. A nemzetközi tudományos együttműködés relatív erősségének a vizsgálata ellenben azt tükrözi, hogy az utóbbi 20 évben az intraregionális tudományos kapcsolatok váltak meghatározóvá, bár domináns külső szereplők hídszerepe nélkül a kapcsolatok nem feltétlenül lennének számottevők. A nemzetközi kollaboráció relatív erősségének vizsgálata arra is rámutat, hogy a posztkommunista országok intenzívebbé vált tudományos együttműködésének az Európai Unióhoz történt csatlakozás újabb lendületet adott, továbbá a kezdeti, tudományos rendszereket is érintő elkülönülési törekvéseket a tudományos kapcsolatok élénkülése követi (pl. Csehország és Szlovákia, a balti vagy a délszláv államok között)

    Journals Published in Turkey and Indexed in the Web of Science: An Evaluation

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    Bir ülkenin bilimsel ve teknolojik gelişmişlik düzeyinin önemli göstergelerinden birisi o ülkede üretilen bilimsel yayınların sayısı ve kalitesidir. Uluslararası atıf dizinlerinde listelenen bu tür yayınlar bilimsel ve insani gelişme ile ekonomik kalkınma hızının artmasında bir çeşit kaldıraç işlevi görmektedir. Bu yayınlara yapılan atıflar aynı zamanda o ülkenin genelde bilime katkısını göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de yayımlanan ve Web of Science atıf veri tabanlarında dizinlenen dergilerin bazı bibliyometrik özellikleri (dergilerin etki faktörleri, makale etki puanları, çeyreklik, yüzdelik ve h dizini değerleri) incelenmektedir. Dergilerin 2006 ile 2015 yılları arasındaki gelişimi ve Thomson Reuters’ın bölgesel genişleme politikasının dergiler üzerindeki etkisi etki faktörüne (ve buna dayanan diğer ölçümlere) göre karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bulgular bu dönemde dergilerin etki faktörü değerlerinin, nispeten yükselmekle birlikte, arzu edilen düzeyde artmadığını göstermektedir. Bu dergilerde yayımlanan makalelerin etkisi dünya ortalamasının oldukça altındadır. Bulgular Thomson Reuters’ın bölgesel genişleme politikasıyla ilişkilendirilerek tartışılmakta ve Türkiye’de halen yürürlükte olan akademik yükseltme ve araştırma değerlendirme politikaları bağlamında yorumlanmaktadır.One of the important indicators of the level of scientific and technological development of a country is the number and quality of publications produced therein. Such publications listed in international citation indexes tend to function as a leverage to streamline the scientific, human and economic development. Citations to these publications show the contribution of that country to the science in general, too. This paper investigates some of the bibliometric characteristics (impact factors, article influence scores, quartile and percentile values, and h indices) of journals that are published in Turkey and indexed in the Web of Science citation databases. Based on journal impact factors (and the other measures based thereon), a comparative review of the progress between 2006 and 2015 and the impact of Thomson Reuters’ regional expansion policy on journals has been carried out. Findings show that the impact factors of journals, although relatively improved, have not increased as much as is desired during this period. The impact of papers published in these journals is well below that of the world average of all journals in their respective subjects. Findings are discussed in relation to Thomson Reuters’ regional expansion policy and their implications are interpreted in the context of academic promotion and research assessment policies currently in effect in Turkey

    Eventful gender: an ethnographic exploration of gender knowledge production at international academic conferences

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    The concept of gender is both celebrated and maligned in academic discourse; gender is credited with opening up or closing down debates, including or excluding concepts and the groups they designate. But how does gender come to mean what it means? This thesis is a deconstructive study of gender, which explores the conceptual negotiations that establish ‘what counts’ as gender. I argue that conceptual work on gender is bound up in political contestations which affect how social identities and processes entailed in thinking about gender are expressed and understood. The study is located in the embodied ‘context’ of international academic knowledge production, where conceptual negotiations cannot rely on familiar understandings of gender. Three national women’s studies association conferences were researched, in the United Kingdom, United States and India. The study used an ethnographic approach which included pre- and post-conference interviews with c.10 participants per conference, and a group meeting; materials collected from the conferences; autoethnographic research on the conferences and my doctoral trajectory. The thesis moves through a cumulative theorisation, which involves four stages of deconstructive analysis derived from Derrida’s oeuvre. The first stage establishes gender as ‘critical concept’; I analyse participants’ conceptual negotiations around what gender is and does. The second stage entails ‘surrounding’ the concept of gender; I use autoethnographic research to explore participants’ and conference delegates’ performative ‘surrounding’ of gender with intersectionality. Thirdly, ‘marking out’ focuses on conference conventions, which are understood in the study as bearing their own performative and citational qualities for the conceptualisation of gender. Finally, in seeking the ‘chink/crevice’ in the concept of gender, I ask if something unexpected can ‘happen’ to gender: an event. The study as a whole theorises ‘eventful gender’ as conceptual work that is inextricable from embodied, situated and mobile analyses of academic practice and knowledge construction and production