47 research outputs found

    Theta synchronization over occipito‐temporal cortices during visual perception of body parts

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    Categorical clustering in the visual system is thought to have evolved as a function of intrinsic (intra-areal) and extrinsic (interareal) connectivity and experience. In the visual system, the extrastriate body area (EBA), an occipito-temporal region, responds to full body and body part images under the organizational principle of their functional/semantic meaning. Although frequency-specific modulations of neural activity associated with perceptive and cognitive functions are increasingly attracting the interest of neurophysiologists and cognitive neuroscientists, perceiving single body parts with different functional meaning and full body images induces time-frequency modulations over occipito-temporal electrodes are yet to be described. Here, we studied this issue by measuring EEG in participants who passively observed fingers, hands, arms and faceless full body images with four control plant stimuli, each bearing hierarchical analogy with the body stimuli. We confirmed that occipito-temporal electrodes (compatible with the location of EBA) show a larger event-related potential (ERP, N190) for body-related images. Furthermore, we identified a body part-specific (i.e. selective for hands and arms) theta event-related synchronization increase under the same electrodes. This frequency modulation associated with the perception of body effectors over occipito-temporal cortices is in line with recent findings of categorical organization of neural responses to human effectors in the visual system

    Lateralized occipito-temporal N1 responses to images of salient distorted finger postures

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    For humans as social beings, other people’s hands are highly visually conspicuous. Exceptionally striking are hands in other than natural configuration which have been found to elicit distinct brain activation. Here we studied response strength and lateralization of this activation using event-related potentials (ERPs), in particular, occipitotemporal N1 responses as correlates of activation in extrastriate body area. Participants viewed computer-generated images of hands, half of them showing distorted fingers, the other half showing natural fingers. As control stimuli of similar geometric complexity, images of chairs were shown, half of them with distorted legs, half with standard legs. The contrast of interest was between distorted and natural/standard stimuli. For hands, stronger N1 responses were observed for distorted (vs natural) stimuli from 170 ms post stimulus. Such stronger N1 responses were found for distorted hands and absent for distorted chairs, therefore likely unrelated to visuospatial processing of the unusual distorted shapes. Rather, N1 modulation over both hemispheres - but robustly right-lateralized - could reflect distorted hands as emotionally laden stimuli. The results are in line with privileged visual processing of hands as highly salient body parts, with distortions engaging neural resources that are especially activated for biological stimuli in social perception

    N1 responses to images of hands in occipito-temporal event-related potentials

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    Hands, much like faces, convey social information, instructions and intentions to an observer. While the neural processes of face perception have been widely studied, it was only recently that fMRI identified occipito-temporal areas sensitive to static images of hands as body parts. To complement these studies with fine-grained timing information, we measured event-related EEG potentials (ERPs) from 33 subjects who were presented with static images of hands versus faces, whole bodies, and inanimate objects as controls. Already at N1 latency, ~ 170 ms, hand-related ERP patterns were manifest in two results: (1) significant differences in amplitudes for images of hands versus bodies in occipito-temporal N1 responses; (2) left lateralization of responses to images of hands, and also of the difference waveforms (hands minus bodies), quantifying hand-related responses. In line with fMRI studies of hand-sensitive areas distinct from extrastriate body area (EBA), the current findings provide electrophysiological evidence for hand-sensitive brain activation, occurring at a similarly early latency as N1 responses to faces

    An Event-Related Potential Study of Social Information Processing in Adolescents

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    Increased social awareness is a hallmark of adolescence. The primary aim of this eventrelated potential study was to investigate whether adolescents, in comparison to adults, would show relatively enhanced early neural processing of complex pictures containing socially-relevant information. A secondary aim was to investigate whether there are also gender and age differences in the ways adolescents and adults process social and nonsocial information. We recorded EEGs from 12–17 year-olds and 25–37 year-olds (N = 59) while they viewed pleasant pictures from the International Affective Picture System. We found age-related amplitude differences in the N1 and the LPP, and gender-related differences in the N2 region for socially-relevant stimuli. Social pictures (featuring mostly young children and adults) elicited larger N1s than nonsocial stimuli in adolescents, but not adults, whereas larger LPPs to social stimuli were seen in adults, but not adolescents. Furthermore, in general, males (regardless of age) showed larger N2s to nonsocial than to social images, but females did not. Our results imply that compared to adults, adolescents show relatively greater initial orientation toward social than toward nonsocial stimuli

    The influence of action observation on action execution : dissociating the contribution of action on perception, perception on action, and resolving conflict

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    For more than 15 years, motor interference paradigms have been used to investigate the influence of action observation on action execution. Most research on so-called automatic imitation has focused on variables that play a modulating role or investigated potential confounding factors. Interestingly, furthermore, a number of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have tried to shed light on the functional mechanisms and neural correlates involved in imitation inhibition. However, these fMRI studies, presumably due to poor temporal resolution, have primarily focused on high-level processes and have neglected the potential role of low-level motor and perceptual processes. In the current EEG study, we therefore aimed to disentangle the influence of low-level perceptual and motoric mechanisms from high-level cognitive mechanisms. We focused on potential congruency differences in the visual N190 - a component related to the processing of biological motion, the Readiness Potential - a component related to motor preparation, and the high-level P3 component. Interestingly, we detected congruency effects in each of these components, suggesting that the interference effect in an automatic imitation paradigm is not only related to high-level processes such as self-other distinction but also to more low-level influences of perception on action and action on perception. Moreover, we documented relationships of the neural effects with (autistic) behavior

    Disentangling neural sources of the motor interference effect in high functioning autism : an EEG-study

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    The role of imitation in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is controversial. Researchers have argued that deficient control of self-and other-related motor representations (self-other distinction) might explain imitation difficulties. In a recent EEG study, we showed that control of imitation relies on high-level as well as on low-level cognitive processes. Here, we aimed to further our insights into control of imitation deficits in ASD. We focused on congruency effects in the P3 (high-level), the N190 and the readiness potential (RP; low-level). We predicted smaller congruency effects within the P3 in the ASD group. However, we found differences in the RP and not in the P3-component. Thus, high-level self-other distinction centred on motor actions may be preserved in ASD, while impairments are reflected during motor preparation

    Developmental changes in point-light walker processing during childhood: A two-year follow-up ERP study

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    AbstractEvent-related potentials were measured in twenty-four children aged 6–15 years, at one-year intervals for two years, to investigate developmental changes in each subject's neural response to a point-light walker (PLW) and a scrambled PLW (sPLW) stimulus. One positive peak (P1) and two negative peaks (N1 and N2) were observed in both occipitotemporal regions at approximately 130, 200, and 300–400 ms. The amplitude and latency of the P1 component measured by the occipital electrode decreased during development over the first one-year period. Negative amplitudes of both N1 and N2, induced by the PLW stimulus, were significantly larger than those induced by the sPLW stimulus. Moreover, for the P1–N1 amplitude, the values for the eight-year-old children were significantly larger than those for the twelve-year-old children. N1 and N2 latency at certain electrodes decreased with age, but no consistent changes were observed. These results suggest that enhanced electrophysiological responses to PLW can be observed in all age groups, and that the early components were changed even over the course of a single year at the age of twelve

    Neural correlates and perceived attractiveness of male and female shoulder-to-hip ratio in men and women: an EEG study

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    While there are studies regarding the neural correlates of human facial attractiveness, there are few investigations considering neural responses for body form attractiveness. The most prominent physical feature defining men's attractiveness is their physical fitness and upper body strength. Shoulder-to-hip ratio (SHR), a sexually dimorphic trait in humans, is an indicator of men's attractiveness for both men and women. The current study is the first to report on the neurophysiological responses to male and female body forms varying in SHR in healthy heterosexual men and women observers. Electroencephalographic (EEG) signals were acquired while participants completed an oddball task as well as a subsequent attractiveness judgement task. Behavioral results showed larger SHRs were considered more attractive than smaller SHRs, regardless of stimuli and participants' sex. The electrophysiological results for both the oddball task and the explicit judgement of attractiveness showed that brain activity related to male SHR body stimuli differed depending on the specific ratios, both at early and late processing stages. For female avatars, SHR did not modulate neural activity. Collectively the data implicate posterior brain regions in the perception of body forms that differ in attractiveness vis-a-vis variation of SHR, and frontal brain regions when such perceptions are rated explicitly.- This study was conducted at Psychology Research Centre (UID/PSI/01662/2013), University of Minho, and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education through national funds and co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007653). JA receives funding from FCT Portugal through grants PTDC/MHC-PCN/4589/2012 and IF/01298/2014 and DP is supported by grant SFRH/BPD/120111/2016