9,952 research outputs found

    Calibration of sound source localisation for robots using multiple adaptive filter models of the cerebellum

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the calibration of Sound Source Localisation (SSL) for robots using the adaptive filter model of the cerebellum and how this could be automatically adapted for multiple acoustic environments. The role of the cerebellum has mainly been identified in the context of motor control, and only in recent years has it been recognised that it has a wider role to play in the senses and cognition. The adaptive filter model of the cerebellum has been successfully applied to a number of robotics applications but so far none involving auditory sense. Multiple models frameworks such as MOdular Selection And Identification for Control (MOSAIC) have also been developed in the context of motor control, and this has been the inspiration for adaptation of audio calibration in multiple acoustic environments; again, application of this approach in the area of auditory sense is completely new. The thesis showed that it was possible to calibrate the output of an SSL algorithm using the adaptive filter model of the cerebellum, improving the performance compared to the uncalibrated SSL. Using an adaptation of the MOSAIC framework, and specifically using responsibility estimation, a system was developed that was able to select an appropriate set of cerebellar calibration models and to combine their outputs in proportion to how well each was able to calibrate, to improve the SSL estimate in multiple acoustic contexts, including novel contexts. The thesis also developed a responsibility predictor, also part of the MOSAIC framework, and this improved the robustness of the system to abrupt changes in context which could otherwise have resulted in a large performance error. Responsibility prediction also improved robustness to missing ground truth, which could occur in challenging environments where sensory feedback of ground truth may become impaired, which has not been addressed in the MOSAIC literature, adding to the novelty of the thesis. The utility of the so-called cerebellar chip has been further demonstrated through the development of a responsibility predictor that is based on the adaptive filter model of the cerebellum, rather than the more conventional function fitting neural network used in the literature. Lastly, it was demonstrated that the multiple cerebellar calibration architecture is capable of limited self-organising from a de-novo state, with a predetermined number of models. It was also demonstrated that the responsibility predictor could learn against its model after self-organisation, and to a limited extent, during self-organisation. The thesis addresses an important question of how a robot could improve its ability to listen in multiple, challenging acoustic environments, and recommends future work to develop this ability

    A Comparative Study of Computational Models of Auditory Peripheral System

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    A deep study about the computational models of the auditory peripheral system from three different research groups: Carney, Meddis and Hemmert, is presented here. The aim is to find out which model fits the data best and which properties of the models are relevant for speech recognition. To get a first approximation, different tests with tones have been performed with seven models. Then we have evaluated the results of these models in the presence of speech. Therefore, two models were studied deeply through an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system, in clean and noisy background and for a diversity of sound levels. The post stimulus time histogram help us to see how the models that improved the offset adaptation present the ¿dead time¿. For its part, the synchronization evaluation for tones and modulated signals, have highlighted the better result from the models with offset adaptation. Finally, tuning curves and Q10dB (added to ASR results) on contrary have indicated that the selectivity is not a property needed for speech recognition. Besides the evaluation of the models with ASR have demonstrated the outperforming of models with offset adaptation and the triviality of using cat or human tuning for speech recognition. With this results, we conclude that mostly the model that better fits the data is the one described by Zilany et al. (2009) and the property unquestionable for speech recognition would be a good offset adaptation that offers a better synchronization and a better ASR result. For ASR system it makes no big difference if offset adaptation comes from a shift of the auditory nerve response or from a power law adaptation in the synapse.Vendrell Llopis, N. (2010). A Comparative Study of Computational Models of Auditory Peripheral System. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/20433.Archivo delegad

    State of the art of audio- and video based solutions for AAL

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    Working Group 3. Audio- and Video-based AAL ApplicationsIt is a matter of fact that Europe is facing more and more crucial challenges regarding health and social care due to the demographic change and the current economic context. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has stressed this situation even further, thus highlighting the need for taking action. Active and Assisted Living (AAL) technologies come as a viable approach to help facing these challenges, thanks to the high potential they have in enabling remote care and support. Broadly speaking, AAL can be referred to as the use of innovative and advanced Information and Communication Technologies to create supportive, inclusive and empowering applications and environments that enable older, impaired or frail people to live independently and stay active longer in society. AAL capitalizes on the growing pervasiveness and effectiveness of sensing and computing facilities to supply the persons in need with smart assistance, by responding to their necessities of autonomy, independence, comfort, security and safety. The application scenarios addressed by AAL are complex, due to the inherent heterogeneity of the end-user population, their living arrangements, and their physical conditions or impairment. Despite aiming at diverse goals, AAL systems should share some common characteristics. They are designed to provide support in daily life in an invisible, unobtrusive and user-friendly manner. Moreover, they are conceived to be intelligent, to be able to learn and adapt to the requirements and requests of the assisted people, and to synchronise with their specific needs. Nevertheless, to ensure the uptake of AAL in society, potential users must be willing to use AAL applications and to integrate them in their daily environments and lives. In this respect, video- and audio-based AAL applications have several advantages, in terms of unobtrusiveness and information richness. Indeed, cameras and microphones are far less obtrusive with respect to the hindrance other wearable sensors may cause to one’s activities. In addition, a single camera placed in a room can record most of the activities performed in the room, thus replacing many other non-visual sensors. Currently, video-based applications are effective in recognising and monitoring the activities, the movements, and the overall conditions of the assisted individuals as well as to assess their vital parameters (e.g., heart rate, respiratory rate). Similarly, audio sensors have the potential to become one of the most important modalities for interaction with AAL systems, as they can have a large range of sensing, do not require physical presence at a particular location and are physically intangible. Moreover, relevant information about individuals’ activities and health status can derive from processing audio signals (e.g., speech recordings). Nevertheless, as the other side of the coin, cameras and microphones are often perceived as the most intrusive technologies from the viewpoint of the privacy of the monitored individuals. This is due to the richness of the information these technologies convey and the intimate setting where they may be deployed. Solutions able to ensure privacy preservation by context and by design, as well as to ensure high legal and ethical standards are in high demand. After the review of the current state of play and the discussion in GoodBrother, we may claim that the first solutions in this direction are starting to appear in the literature. A multidisciplinary 4 debate among experts and stakeholders is paving the way towards AAL ensuring ergonomics, usability, acceptance and privacy preservation. The DIANA, PAAL, and VisuAAL projects are examples of this fresh approach. This report provides the reader with a review of the most recent advances in audio- and video-based monitoring technologies for AAL. It has been drafted as a collective effort of WG3 to supply an introduction to AAL, its evolution over time and its main functional and technological underpinnings. In this respect, the report contributes to the field with the outline of a new generation of ethical-aware AAL technologies and a proposal for a novel comprehensive taxonomy of AAL systems and applications. Moreover, the report allows non-technical readers to gather an overview of the main components of an AAL system and how these function and interact with the end-users. The report illustrates the state of the art of the most successful AAL applications and functions based on audio and video data, namely (i) lifelogging and self-monitoring, (ii) remote monitoring of vital signs, (iii) emotional state recognition, (iv) food intake monitoring, activity and behaviour recognition, (v) activity and personal assistance, (vi) gesture recognition, (vii) fall detection and prevention, (viii) mobility assessment and frailty recognition, and (ix) cognitive and motor rehabilitation. For these application scenarios, the report illustrates the state of play in terms of scientific advances, available products and research project. The open challenges are also highlighted. The report ends with an overview of the challenges, the hindrances and the opportunities posed by the uptake in real world settings of AAL technologies. In this respect, the report illustrates the current procedural and technological approaches to cope with acceptability, usability and trust in the AAL technology, by surveying strategies and approaches to co-design, to privacy preservation in video and audio data, to transparency and explainability in data processing, and to data transmission and communication. User acceptance and ethical considerations are also debated. Finally, the potentials coming from the silver economy are overviewed.publishedVersio

    Evaluation of the sparse coding shrinkage noise reduction algorithm for the hearing impaired

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    Although there are numerous single-channel noise reduction strategies to improve speech perception in a noisy environment, most of them can only improve speech quality but not improve speech intelligibility for normal hearing (NH) or hearing impaired (HI) listeners. Exceptions that can improve speech intelligibility currently are only those that require a priori statistics of speech or noise. Most of the noise reduction algorithms in hearing aids are adopted directly from the algorithms for NH listeners without taking into account of the hearing loss factors within HI listeners. HI listeners suffer more in speech intelligibility than NH listeners in the same noisy environment. Further study of monaural noise reduction algorithms for HI listeners is required.The motivation is to adapt a model-based approach in contrast to the conventional Wiener filtering approach. The model-based algorithm called sparse coding shrinkage (SCS) was proposed to extract key speech information from noisy speech. The SCS algorithm was evaluated by comparison with another state-of-the-art Wiener filtering approach through speech intelligibility and quality tests using 9 NH and 9 HI listeners. The SCS algorithm matched the performance of the Wiener filtering algorithm in speech intelligibility and speech quality. Both algorithms showed some intelligibility improvements for HI listeners but not at all for NH listeners. The algorithms improved speech quality for both HI and NH listeners.Additionally, a physiologically-inspired hearing loss simulation (HLS) model was developed to characterize hearing loss factors and simulate hearing loss consequences. A methodology was proposed to evaluate signal processing strategies for HI listeners with the proposed HLS model and NH subjects. The corresponding experiment was performed by asking NH subjects to listen to unprocessed/enhanced speech with the HLS model. Some of the effects of the algorithms seen in HI listeners are reproduced, at least qualitatively, by using the HLS model with NH listeners.Conclusions: The model-based algorithm SCS is promising for improving performance in stationary noise although no clear difference was seen in the performance of SCS and a competitive Wiener filtering algorithm. Fluctuating noise is more difficult to reduce compared to stationary noise. Noise reduction algorithms may perform better at higher input signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) where HI listeners can get benefit but where NH listeners already reach ceiling performance. The proposed HLS model can save time and cost when evaluating noise reduction algorithms for HI listeners

    Using a low-bit rate speech enhancement variable post-filter as a speech recognition system pre-filter to improve robustness to GSM speech

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    Includes bibliographical references.Performance of speech recognition systems degrades when they are used to recognize speech that has been transmitted through GS1 (Global System for Mobile Communications) voice communication channels (GSM speech). This degradation is mainly due to GSM speech coding and GSM channel noise on speech signals transmitted through the network. This poor recognition of GSM channel speech limits the use of speech recognition applications over GSM networks. If speech recognition technology is to be used unlimitedly over GSM networks recognition accuracy of GSM channel speech has to be improved. Different channel normalization techniques have been developed in an attempt to improve recognition accuracy of voice channel modified speech in general (not specifically for GSM channel speech). These techniques can be classified into three broad categories, namely, model modification, signal pre-processing and feature processing techniques. In this work, as a contribution toward improving the robustness of speech recognition systems to GSM speech, the use of a low-bit speech enhancement post-filter as a speech recognition system pre-filter is proposed. This filter is to be used in recognition systems in combination with channel normalization techniques

    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2000

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    This report summarizes the research activities of the Air Force Institute of Technology’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management. It describes research interests and faculty expertise; lists student theses/dissertations; identifies research sponsors and contributions; and outlines the procedures for contacting the school. Included in the report are: faculty publications, conference presentations, consultations, and funded research projects. Research was conducted in the areas of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electro-Optics, Computer Engineering and Computer Science, Systems and Engineering Management, Operational Sciences, and Engineering Physics

    A comparison of features for large population speaker identification

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    Bibliography: leaves 95-104.Speech recognition systems all have one criterion in common; they perform better in a controlled environment using clean speech. Though performance can be excellent, even exceeding human capabilities for clean speech, systems fail when presented with speech data from more realistic environments such as telephone channels. The differences using a recognizer in clean and noisy environments are extreme, and this causes one of the major obstacles in producing commercial recognition systems to be used in normal environments. It is the lack of performance of speaker recognition systems with telephone channels that this work addresses. The human auditory system is a speech recognizer with excellent performance, especially in noisy environments. Since humans perform well at ignoring noise more than any machine, auditory-based methods are the promising approaches since they attempt to model the working of the human auditory system. These methods have been shown to outperform more conventional signal processing schemes for speech recognition, speech coding, word-recognition and phone classification tasks. Since speaker identification has received lot of attention in speech processing because of its waiting real-world applications, it is attractive to evaluate the performance using auditory models as features. Firstly, this study rums at improving the results for speaker identification. The improvements were made through the use of parameterized feature-sets together with the application of cepstral mean removal for channel equalization. The study is further extended to compare an auditory-based model, the Ensemble Interval Histogram, with mel-scale features, which was shown to perform almost error-free in clean speech. The previous studies of Elli to be more robust to noise were conducted on speaker dependent, small population, isolated words and now are extended to speaker independent, larger population, continuous speech. This study investigates whether the Elli representation is more resistant to telephone noise than mel-cepstrum as was shown in the previous studies, when now for the first time, it is applied for speaker identification task using the state-of-the-art Gaussian mixture model system
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